发布时间:2018年04月10日 20:35:14分享人:爷善解人衣来源:互联网9
就当他们认为自己已经成功越狱的时候,他们又被拖了回来,并被卷入一场最最危险的越狱行动。进入引人入胜的第三季,MICHAEL身陷地狱一般的巴拿马监狱SONA,一个没有规则,没有警卫,没有出口的地方。第一季中MICHEAL成功地将他遭人陷害、被误认为是杀人凶手的哥哥LINCOLN从狐狸河监狱中解救出来;第二季中MICHEAL、LINCOLN以及与他们一同越狱的若干囚犯成为了全国通缉的目标,最终他们不得不逃往巴拿马。虽然LINCOLN最终被证明无罪,但兄弟二人的自由和快乐却是昙花一现,因为不久MICHAEL就受到最初使LINCOLN身陷囹圄的政府阴谋集团“公司”的陷害并被送入SONA监狱。Michael不久就发现他是被人故意送进SONA从事另一场大胆的、看起来几乎是不可能的越狱。这一次,是为了拯救一个隐身在SONA监狱的下水道系统的神秘囚犯WHISTLER的自由。Sona监狱与美国的任何一间监狱都不相同。一场惨不忍睹的暴 乱促使当 局撤出了所有的狱警,留下囚犯们自生自灭。而LECHERO,一个臭名昭著的毒品大享建立起反常的等级制度和伦理标准来统治整个监狱。进入SONA,MICHAEL一面在躲避LECHERO的怀疑和愤怒,一面也要保护自己不受三个敌人的伤害。这三个人是:与“公司”有牵联的变节的FBI特工MAHONE,前狐狸河狱警BELLICK,以及有恋童癖的独手杀人狂TBAG。这使得MICHAEL的新越狱计划变得更加困难和复杂。风水轮流转,这次换成LINCOLN在监狱外面活动以促成这次越狱,同时,他还不得不去营救被绑架的儿子LJ,以及MICHAEL的真爱SARA。在巴拿马,LINCOLN与SUCRE重逢,并与两位漂亮的女人纠缠在一起,一位是很酷的“公司”特工SUSAN,另一位是WHISTLER的无辜女友SOFIA,她对自己即将面临的危险毫无知觉。随着时间的流逝,MICHEAL和LINCOLN必须想方设法与他们深爱的人团聚,干掉“公司”,并且策划前所未有的最激动人心的越狱行。 Justwhen they thought they were out, they are pulled back in – for themost dangerous escape ever. Entering its dramatic and action-packedthird season, PRISON BREAK finds MICHAEL SCOFIELD (WentworthMiller) wrongly incarcerated in Sona, a hellish Panamanian prisonwhere there are no rules, no guards and no escape. Aftersuccessfully breaking his older brother LINCOLN BURROWS (DominicPurcell) out of Fox River Penitentiary for a murder he did notcommit (Season One), Michael, Lincoln and several other convictswere the targets of a nationwide manhunt that eventually led themto tropical Panama (Season Two). Despite Lincoln’s exoneration forhis alleged crimes, the brothers’ freedom and happiness wereshort-lived as Michael was d and sent to Sona Prison by “TheCompany,” the same government conspiracy that originally putLincoln behind bars. Michael soon discovers that he was purposelyplaced in Sona to engineer another daring and seemingly impossibleprison break – this time in order to free WHISTLER (Chris Vance),a mysterious inmate hiding within the prison’s sewer system.Sona(inspired by the actual Carandiru Prison in Brazil) is unlike anyAmerican prison. A murderous riot among the inmates has driven allguards and authorities from the premises, leaving the prison withits own warped hierarchy and code of ethics created and ruled byvicious drug kingpin LECHERO (Robert Wisdom). Once inside Sona,Michael must avert Lechero’s suspicions and wrath while protectinghimself from a trio of enemies: ALEX MAHONE (William Fichtner), therenegade FBI agent who was revealed to be involved with TheCompany; BRAD BELLICK (Wade Williams), the former Fox Riverprison-guard-turned-hapless-bounty-hunter; and the one-handed,homicidal pedophile THEODORE “T-BAG” BAGWELL (Robert Knepper) –making Michael’s plans for escape even more difficult andcomplicated. With the tables turned this time around, Lincoln mustwork outside the prison walls to help pull off the escape, as wellas rescue his kidnapped son, LJ (Marshall Allman), and Michael’strue love, SARA TANCREDI (Sarah Wayne Callies). In Panama, Lincolnis reunited with fellow Fox River escapee FERNANDO SUCRE (AmauryNolasco) and becomes involved with two beautiful women who willprove to be instrumental to the break – SUSAN B. ANTHONY (Jodi LynO’Keefe), a cool and deadly operative for The Company; and SOFIA(Danay Garcia), Whistler’s innocent girlfriend who is unaware ofthe danger she is about to encounter. With the clock ticking,Micheal and Lincoln must figure out a way to reunite with theirloved ones, bring down the Company and engineer the most thrillingprison break yet.
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GOSSIPGIRL第三季,初步确定将于2009年9月14日回归,第三季首集将是两小时特别版,以此来缓解大家的相思之苦第三季6月29日开拍在说第三季(Season Three)之前,首先要说明,几个被新手问来问去的问题:关于主角们的大学去向(o(╯□╰)o这个问题,小

