流言1.Itdoesn't exist
36 CothamHill
BS6 6LA.
I’m writing to you because your veryentertaining video blog“British AA Network one minute fashion byYvonna” (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODQ0NjU4OTE2.html)has been brought to our attention. We thought we should write totry and clear up any misunderstandings!
We’re very sorry for anyconfusionand we understand that it can be difficult to find our brands hereinthe UK. We don’t deal with major supermarkets or departmentstores at the moment. In the meantime, we thought some informationabout our company and brands would be useful for you.
Amphora Aromatics Ltd has beentrading in the UK since 1984. This brand is widely availablethroughout the UK, mostly through smaller independent shops. Wealso sell direct to shops and individual consumers via ourwebsites. A few years ago, due to copyright issues in China, welaunched Amphora Aromatics as AA Skincare inChina.
We would have preferred tohave usedthe Amphora Aromatics brand name in China but unfortunately thatnamehad already been illegally claimed and registered by a copycatcompany in China back in 1990s. So, we had to come up with a newbrand for overseas sales.
Basically, the majority of theproducts available here in the UK under the Amphora Aromatics labelareexactly the sameasthose products available overseas under the AA Skincare label.Thousands, if not millions of jars and bottles of products with theAA Skincare brand have been sold all the world over the last fewyears.
We are now launching the AA Skincarebrand into the UK too so that most of the same products thatareavailable in China will be available here in the UK under thesame brand name. Our two brands will exist side by side. AmphoraAromatics will supply pure essential oils and other Aromatherapyingredients and sundries. AA Skincare will supply lotions, creams,face washes, soaps and other skincare products.
A limited range of AA Skincareproducts is currently available from the Amphora Aromatics website.Some of these products have temporary labels which will be replacedwhen the label is fully launched here in the UK in the comingweeks. Here are a few links to various AA Skincare products alreadyon sale here in the UK:

To find a stockist local to youwhich stocks Amphora Aromatics products please visit this page onour website and enter your postcode. The website will then displaythe stockists nearest to you.
We’d also like to offer you a bigbox of free products from the AA Skincare range so that you can seewith your very own eyes (and so that your many viewers can see forthemselves)that the brand definitely does exist! If you would likethese free sample products then please let me have your address andwe’ll get them courieredacross to you ASAP.
Lastly, we’d like toinvite you tovisit our lovely shop on Cotham Hill in Bristol so that you can seeall of our products on display at once. The address is:
Amphora AromaticsLtd
36 CothamHill
BS6 6LA.
Please don’t hesitate to get intouch via email or phone should you require any further informationor assistance.
Kind regards,
Woody Evans
General Manager, AmphoraAromaticsLTD.
AA Skincare 01179047212ben.orr@amphora-aromatics.com
Join us on Facebook for tips,competitions andmore:https://www.facebook.com/AmphoraAromatics
Twitter: @AmphoraA