
1.There is nodoubt that honesty is one of the best qualities any citizen shouldhave. Whatever we do, we should always hold an honest attitude notonly towards the people who are on the same team with us but alsotowards the work we do. For example, cheating in exams is not anhonest deed because it may lead to the misunderstanding betweenteachers and students, which is not beneficial for the students’moral development as well as academic improvement. Therefore, weshould stick to the idea that anything bad, although it is small,should never be done and always try to remainhonest.
2.It goes without saying that one should loveone’s country and promote a positive image of the country all overthe world. However, some people do not take enough notice of this.For instance, some travelers to other countries do not behave wellenough. They spit, smoke and make loud noises in public places,which causes an unpleasant feeling among the local people. Webelieve that once a person is in a foreign country, he becomes arepresentative of his home country. Whatever he does, he leaves animpression. So by minding our manners, we protect the good image ofour country, and only in this way can our country and people winthe respect from the whole world.