中英歌词 LasseLindh-RunToYou天使之眼OST lasse lindh

[中英歌词]LasseLindh-RunToYou【天使之眼OST】 lasse lindh

With you... Everything seems so easy和你在一起 好像什么事情都变得简单了With you... My heartbeat has found its rhythm和你在一起 我的心跳终于找到了节奏With you... I"m so close to finding my home和你在一起 我就如同找到了归属With you... I dont care if I´m a little bit crazy和你在一起 我不在乎是否有点疯狂Cause with you nothing"s wrong 因为只要和你在一起 就不会错的I was broken, I was wasted我曾经沮丧 我曾将消极Then you came like an angel in the rain而你却像天使般在雨中向我走近Love used to slip trough me like waters slips trough hands爱情总是在我身旁流逝 如同手中握不住的水But with you it changed I know, I feel I"m closer to your heart但我知道有你在 一切都会不同 我感觉是那么靠近你的心I am run-run-running to you我正向你奔去And I"ll keep you safe forever我将永远守护你Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share陪你度过那些眼泪和爱意以及分享无数夜晚I am run-run-running to you我正向你奔去And I"ll keep you safe forever我将永远守护你Don"t you know my love, don"t you know two hearts can beat as one? 你是否知道我的爱 是否愿意两颗心一起跳动Love used to slip trough me like water slips trough hands but no more爱情总是在我身旁流逝 如同手中握不住的水 但是不会了No more lonely nights, no more, no more不会再有孤独的夜晚 不会再有了 不会So c"mon, c"mon, hold on, hold on, hold on 所有加油吧 坚持住不放手 不放 不放I am run-run-running to you我正向你奔去And I"ll keep you safe forever我将永远守护你Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share陪你度过那些眼泪和爱意以及分享无数夜晚I am run-run-running to you 我正向你奔去And I"ll keep you safe forever我将永远守护你Don"t you know my love, don"t you know two hearts can...你是否知道我的心 你是否愿意……I am run-run-running to you我正向你奔去And I"ll keep you safe forever我将永远守护你Through the tears, trough the love and all the nights we share陪你度过那些眼泪和爱意以及分享无数夜晚I am run-run-running to you我正向你奔去And I"ll keep you safe forever我正向你奔去Don"t you know two hearts can beat as one?你是否愿意与我心心相印?


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101012/111631.html



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