外文标题:Wow, China builds complete 57-story skyscraper in record 19 days文
Wow, China builds complete 57-story skyscraper in record 19 days

以下是讨论:译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/2015031201.htmlCossack25A1(菲律宾)
Did they use some sort of durable prefabricated materials for the building?是否采用了某些耐用的预制材料?Beast(中国)
It safer than any building build in Philippines.比菲律宾的大楼安全Guynextdoor2(印度)
I’m sorry dudes. I ain’t entering that building anytime soon. I will admire it from a distance though.老兄,抱歉。我不会进那栋大楼的。我会离得远远的赞叹之。opruh(菲律宾)
Don’t worry, you’re not even invited to enter.别担心,他们不会邀请你进去的PATHAN786KING(巴基斯坦)
sala 19 main 57 manzla building yaha diwar khari krte 19 din lag jata hain57层高楼19天建成ganesh177
Only in china.只有在中国才可能yusheng
J57 will officially cap on February 16 afternoon, steel structure setting up finished.Height is 204 meters.This is changsha’s 16th building higher than 200 meter大楼将于2月16日下午正是封顶。钢结构已经搭建完成。高度为204米。这是长沙第16栋200米高的摩天楼。
only the chinese can do this.When i first saw this news i though it was fake.
How many shortcuts did it take to build it. I imagine a lot到底偷工减料了多少哦。
There is no doubt China is an advance country.毫无疑问,中国是先进国家。