制表过程 怎样自学电脑制表

关于J?rg Schauer

1990, at the age of 22, J?rg Schauer becomes an independent watchmaker. His target is to manufacture high-class wrist watches which combine demanding technical solutions with exceptional design.

At the beginning, this target is achieved by constructing timepieces to the ideals of competent customers - the cases are manily made of gold or platinum. But soon he also starts to create watches pleasing his personal taste. Within 5 years more than 400 watches are made; they sell worldwide and make entrance into many collections.

1995 he carries out his plan to establish the brand "J?rg Schauer” in Engelsbrand/Black Forest, and presents the first collection. Trademark is a twelvefold screwed on bezel.

Design, prototype production, movement modification and refinement, case production, coating of the dials with fine lacquer and printing of the typographical versions on those - all this is accomplished by J?rg Schauer and his few, above-average qualified co-workers. (Necessary support is preferably obtained from suppliers of the region.)

This comprehensive range of activities enables J?rg Schauer to maintain the flexibility he achieved over the years - despite the switch to serial manufacture, customers can still have (serial) models which contains old stock movements or limited dials.

Schauers production is limited to 500 handmade watches each year. This makes a Schauer timepiece to something special and we hope that you enjoy the short journey through our webpage and the world of J?rg Schauers philosophy of watchmaking.

1990年,22岁时,J?rg Schauer成为了独立制表人。他的目标是结合特殊的设计要求与技术解决方案,制造出高级腕表。


1995年,他开展在Engelsbrand/黑森林建立“J?rg Schauer”品牌的计划,并推出第一代作品。品牌商标是12个螺钉固定的边框。

设计,原型试制,机芯改造及美化,表壳制造,表盘的喷漆以及印字-都是由J?rg Schauer自己以及他那支人数很少、具有中高水平的合作者完成(宁可从当地的供应商处获得必要的支持)。这种运作的合作模式使J?rg Schauer多年来能够保持他所获得的灵活性-尽管经历系列化生产的更迭,用户仍能获得装有古老库存机芯或限量版表盘的表款。

Schauer产品被限量于每年500支手工表的规模。这使得Schauer表彰显特殊。我们希望您能享受在我们网页的短暂旅程,以及J?rg Schauer制表理念的世界。


Milling the gold hands

Processing the milled gold hands is a time-consuming task..

The lateral surface of the hand,for example, is manually filed (Figure 5), sanded down and then mattfinished (Figure 8). To obtain the round "indicator eye" (Figure 7), a stop-drill is used to mill a fine radius.




Grinding by hand

J?rg Schauer loves surfaces.

This is why he always grinds them himself. Critical points,for example the surface between the lugs, must be arduou-sly ground by hand (Figure 1).Finally, each housing is provided with its final surface quality by using a special mattfinishing sponge (Figure 4).


J?rg Schauer 喜欢表面处理


制表过程 怎样自学电脑制表

Printing watch faces

The prototypes, figures and special serial numbers are printed with the aid of a pad-printing machine by Schauer.

Years of experience are required to achieve a clean print quality. J?rg Schauer has been printing for over 15 years.



要获得清晰的印刷质量必须有数年的经验。J?rg Schauer已经印了15年以上。

Polishing the housings

This is Schauer`s favourite.

His unique polishing method results in a special surface. This is why each "Schauer housing" can be renovated to look like new, even after many years. This is highly appreciated by his customers.




Turning the housings

Gold and platinum housings and prototypes are produced on the company′s own machines.

During his early years, Schauer produced more than 400 unique housings made from gold, platinum and stainless steel. New models are therefore developed "on the machine" and on the arm of the watchmaker". In addition, the watchmaker really enjoys working on these machines, some of which are very old.




Milling / engraving

This is Schauer′s favourite machine.

Here, for example, he is producing the solid gold 18-carat hand for the single-hand gold watch. Rotors are, however, also used to create individual engravings (Figure 4).




Pressing in the glass

Schauer watches only make use of sapphire glass.

Each housing and each base are glazed by Schauer himself or by a member of his team. Of course, all housing base glasses are made from scratch-resistant material (sapphire = corundum = hardness 9). This optimally protects your clockwork while still allowing you to see it "at work".




Grinding the rotors

The hand-made rotors are produced from German Silver and personally ground by Schauer, piece by piece.

The deep lasering is carried out by a regional specialist.




Pressing rotor bearings

The rotor bearings are the heart of the automatic winding device and must be made to fit exactly.

For many years now, Schauer has been producing the rotor for many movements himself.




Blueing the screws

Polishing, several cleaning cycles and careful blueing over a flame.

The result should be a beautiful cornflower blue. Schauer′s watchmakers can do this better than their boss.





All of Schauer′s watchmakers have enjoyed excellent training.

This is your guarantee of reliability and the best possible service, even if it might take some time. Everyone is working to capacity and has been booked out for months in advance.





爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101012/113792.html


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