The husband is French, the wife German, and the servant Italian,but they have English as a commonlanguage.丈夫是法国人,妻子是德国人,仆人是意大利人,但是英语是他们的共同语言。
a common saying (俗话)
a common wish (一个共同的愿望)
commonknowledge / sense常识
Pine trees are common in many parts of theworld.松树在世界上许多地方都很常见。
Hewasn’t a hero but just a common man.他不是英雄而是一般人.
Thissort of weather is quite common.这种天气非常常见.
⒊have …incommon“和……有共同之处;共享”
Hehas nothing in common with his father.他和他父亲无共同之处.
Realfriends should have everything in common.真正的朋友应当分享一切.
⒈ordinary作形容词用,指日常生活中随时碰到的,表示“普通的,平凡的,平常的”。Ordinary 与common基本同义,侧重“平凡的,普通的”,表示“随时可以碰到,不值得惊奇”,其反义词为superior。如:
The book describes the way of life that theordinary people of the Europeancountries.
His parents are ordinary workers.
He is an ordinary looking person.他是一个相貌平常的人。
She is busy with her ordinary day’s work.她正忙于日常的工作。
They live in an ordinary house.他们住在一所普通的房子里。
We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her ordinaryclothes.我们都盛装赴会,而她却依然日常装束。
Her new house is certainly out of the ordinary.她的新居真是不同凡响。
2. 固定短语out of the ordinary 表示“不寻常的,特殊的”
in the ordinaryway表示“就通常情况而言”。如:
Inthe ordinary way he would have come with us, but he’s not feelingwell.在一般情况下他都和我们一起来,只是他现在身体不太好。
注:一件平凡的事 an ordinary/ a common event
一个普通人 an ordinary/ a common person
as a generalrule,generally,
The general opinion is in favor of them. 舆论是支持他们的。
There is a general election in that country every threeyears.
在那个国家每三年就有一次普选 / 大选。
Ihave got the general idea of what he said justnow.
Following the usual method,he heated the metaland found that it expanded. 他采用通常的方法,把金属加热并发现它膨胀了。
It’s a usual thing with him.这对他来说是平常事。
He arrived later than usual.他到的比平时晚。
It is usual for him to sit up late at night. 他对熬夜已习以为常。
Harry seems like a normal boy, but his life ismiserable.哈利似乎是一个正常的孩子,但是生活是悲惨的。
Thenormal temperature of the human body is about 37 degreescentigrade.人体正常的温度大约是摄氏37度。
Weeping is normal response to pain.哭泣是痛苦的正常反应。
TheIndian music follows its own normal pattern ofnotes.印度音乐遵循它自己常规的音乐格调。
⒉anormal school / university 一所师范学校 / 大学
⒊Hertemperature is above / below normal.她的体温高于 / 低于正常标准。
The average temperature this winter is belownormal. 今冬平均气温比正常偏低。
They worked long hours for several weeks before everything returnedto normal.他们长时间工作了几个星期后一切恢复了正常。
Things have returned to normal.事情已恢复常态。
Mr Goodman is a regular customer ofours. 古得曼先生是我们的常客。指被广泛地接受或在普通人中间广为流行的、通俗的、大众化的。Jogging is a popular form of exercise.慢跑是一种十分普及的锻炼方式。
1. My letter, addressed to the wrong number, reached him amonth later________.
A. as expectedB. than normalC. than usualD. as usual
2. Trees of this kind are so ______ that they can be seeneverywhere.
A. commonB. usualC. specialD. normal
3. As you know, whether the person will be electedpresident is a matter of ________ interest.
A. generalB. commonC. ordinaryD. mostly
4. He didn’t go into detail on the subject. He just spoke__________.
A. in particularB. in commonC. in shortD. in general
5. After the earthquake, it took them quite some time tobring the city back to ________.
A. commonB. generalC. usualD.normal
6. People who commit crimes like that aren’t mentally_________.
A. usualB. generalC. normalD. common
1. C。than usual意为“比平常……”。
2. A。common在这里表示“不稀有,到处可见”。
3. A。句意为:那人是否被选为总统是(公众)共同感兴趣的问题。句意暗示着“全体的”的意思。
4. D。句意为:他没有对这个问题进行详谈,只是笼统地讲了一下。In general笼统地;in particular特别,尤其;in common相同,共同;in short总之;简言之。
5. D。normal作名词意为“通常情况、常态”。
6. C。句意为:犯这种罪的人心理不正常。用normal。