Insuranceto be taken out by the Contractor. 承包商承担保险:
Inaccordance with the provisions of contract, the Contractor shall atits expense take out and maintain in effect, or cause to be takenout and maintained in effect, during the performance of theContract, the insurance set forth below in the sums and with thedeductibles and other conditions as specified. The identity of theinsurers and the form of the policies shall be subject to theapproval of EMPLOYER. The costs for insurance to be included in Bidprice
1. Construction and ErectionInsurance施工和安装保险
The following insurance shall be taken outand maintained by the Contractor during the period ofdelivery/installation/ construction/ fieldtesting/commissioning/trial operation at the Site of the Workscovered under the Contract:
(a)Erection All Risks Insurance to cover the entire Works (permanentand/or temporary) from any and all kinds of damages which it isstandard international practice for a contractor to insure undersuch a policy;
(b) "Third-PartyLiability Insurance" to cover injury or death to persons or damagesto property caused by the Works or by the Contractor's vehicles,tools and/or equipment or per Employer personnel;
(c)"Workman's Compensation Insurance". This type of insurance isrequired under Law to be secured by the Contractor for hisemployees. The Contractor shall, therefore, faithfully comply withthe requirements of said law.
(d)Automobile Liability Insurance“机动车责任保险”:
Covering use of all vehicles used by the Contractor or itsSubcontractors (whether or not owned by them) in connection withthe execution of the Works.
TheContractor has the responsibility to ensure the insurances asmentioned above by the way to employ a trusty Insurance Companywhich is acceptable to EMPLOYER. These insurances will be effectiveto Final Acceptance Certificate issued by Owner specified inContract Agreement.
Beforecommencing the soil investigation works at site, the Contractorshall submit the above Insurance Policies together with theofficial receipts evidencing premium payments.
Beneficiary for Erection All Risks shall be the Contractorwithin the Plant fence, and EMPLOYER out of the Plant fence;Beneficiary for Third Party Liability Risk shall beEMPLOYER.
Deductibles limit for Erection All Risks:安装一切险的免赔额限制如下:
USD200,000.00 A.O.A for Loss or Damage due to Acts ofGod
USD200,000.00 A.O.A for Loss or Damage due toCommissioning/Testing and Maintenance caused by Turbine
Deductiblelimit for Third Party Liabilities applicable for property damage:USD5000.00 A.O.A
Deductible limit for Third PartyLiabilities applicable for personal injury: Nil
BeforePAC, the Owner shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/ordamage which is caused by reason of the Owner (including hisemployee and consultant); If the loss and/or damage is caused byany third party, the Contractor shall bear the deductibles for theloss and/or damage which cannot be claimed from the insurer; TheContractor shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/or damagewhich is caused by other reason (excluding ForceMajeure);From PAC to FAC, the Contractor shall bear thedeductibles for the loss and/or damage which is caused by theContractor. EMPLOYER shall bear the deductibles for the loss and/ordamage which is caused by other reasons.
TheContractor确保业主免于任何由于承包商或分包商的现场人员的所有事故、疾病或死亡引起或与事故、疾病或死亡有关的shall indemnify EMPLOYERagainst all actions, suits, claims, demands, cost or expensesarising from or in connection with any accident,illness or death (other thansuch as may be attributable to EMPLOYER, its agents orservEmployerants) to persons employed by the Contractor or hisSubcontractor at Site.
The Contractor shall indemnify EMPLOYERagainst all loss and/or damage arising from its improper design forthe Works.
TheContractor shall initiate and successfully obtain security paymentscovering losses and/or damages arising out of the Contract. Failureto initiate Employer or settle the claim within a reasonable periodof time shall constitute sufficient grounds for EMPLOYER toexercise its rights under the Contract. Should the Contractor failor refuse to maintain its insurance above, EMPLOYER will secure,renew or maintain said insurance, and any and all expenses incurredthereby shall be deducted from any and all sums due or may becomedue to the Contractor. The Performance Bond submitted by theContractor shall also be used where necessary to cover suchexpenses.
2. All Risk Insurance for Transportationof Equipment and Materials.
Without prejudice to the Contractor's obligations andresponse bilities under the Contract, the Contractor shall insurethe equipment and materials to be supplied and delivered with areputable insurance company acceptable to EMPLOYER. The insuranceshall be taken out in the joint names of the Contractor andEMPLOYER for their respective rights and interests, and shall coverall Risks including sea and land transport, and war risk, fromplace of origin to the Site.
Theinsurance coverage shall be one hundred and ten percent (110%) ofthe delivered cost and insurance premiums shall be paid by theContractor. Under such insurance, the indemnity must be payable inUS dollars, freely usable to replace or repair such goods. TheContractor, acting as agent for EMPLOYER, shall initiate properaction and pursue settlement regarding insurance claims wheneverdamages and/or losses are inflicted on the goods. The Contractorshall be authorized to receive the indemnity directly from theinsurance companies unless otherwise directed byEMPLOYER.
EMPLOYERshall be named as co-insured under all insurance policies taken outby the Contractor pursuant to GC 34.1, except forWorkman’s Compensation,and the Contractor's Subcontractors shall be namedas co-insureds under all insurance policies taken out by theContractor pursuant to GC 34.1 except for the Cargo InsuranceDuring Transport, Workman's Compensation, and all insurer's rightsof subrogation against such co-insureds for losses or claimsarising out of the performance of the Contract shall be waivedunder such policies.
业主应为承包商依照第GC34.1部分规定投保的所有保险的共同被保险人,除了工人赔偿险;承包商的分包商应为承包商依照第GC 34.1部分规定投保的所有保险的共同被保险人,除了货物运输险,工人赔偿险;在该些保险单项下,所有承保人应放弃对以上共同被保险人的代位求偿权。
TheContractor shall, as soon as practicable but not later than one (1)month prior to the first scheduled shipment furnish a copy of theInsurance Policy to EMPLOYER.
TheContractor shall be responsible for any loss and/or damage of thegoods shipped without the specified insurance coverage.