关注Lisa An吧。
我的公共主页,叫做文学细读,果真是惭愧。比较少有时间逐字逐句分析文本,但今天Lisa来做个示范,算是抛砖引玉,来分析一下爱伦坡小说的第一句。就从句法syntax,修辞figures of speech中的sound device,措辞diction,和意象imagery这几个方面来分析。
The Fall of the House of Usher
by Edgar Allan Poe
DURING the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horse back, through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher.
句子主干:…I had been passing alone… and found myself within view of …
这是一个圆周句periodic sentence,即主句之后出现,前面对于环境setting的描写先声夺人,作者是为了烘托阴郁死寂的气氛atmosphere。本句子中得介词短语prepositional phrase灵活的作为插入语parenthesis放在句子中央,起到了推迟重要信息“House of Usher”的作用。
Sound device
Edgar Alan Poe不愧为诗人出身,词句读起来韵律感rhythmical十足。
因为他运用了alliteration头韵,比如during/ dull/ dark/ day…
以及hang/heaven/ had/ horseback, 还有 dreary/ drew…
作者还应用了assonance元音重复,比如whole/ low/alone
此外,还可以发现consonance, 辅音重复,比如singularly/ dreary/ country/ melancholy…
在看本句的用词,dull/ dark/ soundless/ oppressively low/ alone/ singularly/ dreary/melancholy…这些形容词和副词的堆砌,全部都给人压抑,孤寂,恐怖,悲伤之感,开篇就把读者成功的带到这个阴森恐怖的厄舍古屋的面前,而且作为标题的“House of Usher”在句尾才出现,更是凸显它地位的重要和特别,吊足了读者的胃口。作者精准的选词为接下来恐怖事件的发生做了成功的铺垫foreshadow。
我们接下来看一看这句中出现的意象。Autumn day/ low clouds/ a lonely traveler/ a single horse/ dreary country/ theapproaching evening/ the melancholyhouse… 深秋傍晚,阴沉的云, 孤独旅人,瘦马,荒凉山村,阴森古宅…这些意象有没有让你联想到那句“古藤,老树,昏鸦,小桥,流水,人家,古道,西风,瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。”只不过在艾伦.坡的故事里,连小桥流水人家这样的温馨画面都没有,只有一个阴森的就宅子,前面有一湾死水,里面还住着一个神经过敏的一家人。
爱伦坡叙事技艺非凡,第一句就如此不俗。 难怪这个《厄舍古屋的倒塌》会成为哥特式小说的经典。好了,这是我对第一句话的分析,大家可以按照这个思路,来自己赏析第一段剩余的部分,感受一下爱伦坡的艺术魅力。
The Fall of the House of Usher

by Edgar Allan Poe
DURING the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horse back, through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length foundmyself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher.I know not how it was—but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. I say insufferable; for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half-pleasurable,because poetic, sentiment, with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible. I lookedupon the scene before me—upon the mere house, and the simple landscape features of the domain—upon the bleak walls—upon the vacant eye-like windows—upon a fewrank sedges—and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees—with an utter depression of soul which I can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after-dream of the reveller upon opium—the bitter lapse intoevery-day life—the hideous dropping off of the veil. There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart—an unredeemed dreariness of thought which no goading of the imagination could torture into aught of the sublime. What was it—I paused to think—what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the House of Usher? It was a mystery all insoluble; nor could I grapple with the shadowy fancies that crowded upon me as I pondered. I was forced to fall back upon the unsatisfactory conclusion, that while, beyond doubt, there are combinations ofvery simple natural objects which have the power of thus affecting us, still the analysis of this power lies among considerations beyond our depth. It was possible, I reflected, that a mere different arrangement of the particulars of the scene, of the details of the picture,would be sufficient to modify, or perhaps to annihilate its capacity for sorrowful impression; and, acting upon this idea, I reined my horse to the precipitous brink of a black and lurid tarn that lay in unruffled lustre by thedwelling, and gazed down—but with a shudder even more thrilling than before—upon the remodelled and inverted images of the gray sedge, and the ghastly tree-stems, and the vacant and eye-like windows.
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Have a nice day!
------'Art is long and Life is fleeting!'