《霍比特人3:五军之战》(The Hobbit: The Battle of the FiveArmies)主题曲“最后的道别”(The LastGoodbye)在去年11月底就已发布,当时听过一遍没有什么感觉。直到这周五在电影院看完电影,特意和影院的打扫阿姨一起听了一遍结尾曲,被感动到。从2001年第一部《魔戒》上映,到现在已经过去十四年,导演PeterJackson用这首歌和所有的魔戒迷道出别离。
这首歌由苏格兰演员/音乐人BillyBoyd创作(之一)和演唱,他也是《魔戒》中霍比特人Pippin的扮演者。在所有影迷的心中,他应该是演唱这首歌的最佳人选。为什么呢?早在2003年上映的《魔戒:王者无敌》(TheLord of the Rings: The Return of theKing)中,Pippin为Ondoher国王演唱的那首著名的“Pippin's Song”,也叫“Edge ofNight”(见本文第二个视频),由Billy Boyd作曲和演唱,歌词来自《魔戒》原著中一首名为“A WalkingSong”的诗。这首歌的诞生缘于这部电影的编剧之一Philippa Boyens在一次卡拉OK聚会中,惊艳于BillyBoyd的歌声,就举荐给了PeterJackson。结果,导演把原本的对白改成了歌,在录制的前一、二天才把歌词给到Billy,让他创作一段音乐。电影最终以突出这首歌的方式,剪辑了那段影片,让Ondoher王子法拉墨(Faramir)为填补父亲心目中哥哥的位置,而以卵击石背水一战的英勇画面,成为这部电影最感人的瞬间。
I saw the light fade from the sky我见天光淡去暮色渐起
On the wind I heard a sigh 我听风声起如叹息唏嘘
As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers 当雪羽落掩我故人之躯
I will say this last goodbye 我轻声道出这最后别离
Night is now falling 夜幕降临
So ends thisday长日已去
The road is now calling 归途殷殷
And I must away 唤我启程
Over hill and under trees 翻过丘陵,穿过林荫
Through lands where never light has shone 取道暖暖,日隐之地
By silver streams that run down to the Sea 川流入海,银波粼粼
Under clouds, beneath the stars 头顶云霭星辰
Over snow one winter’s morn 脚踏冬雪新晨
I turned at last to paths that lead home 踌躇举足,迈步返乡
And though where the road then takes me 此径带我通往何处
I cannot tell 我茫然无绪
We came all this way 你我虽一路相随
But now comes the day 但有曲终人散之时
To bid you farewell 就此别过
Many places I have been 千里河山走遍
Many sorrows I have seen 万般伤痛尝遍
But I don’t regret 无憾无悔
Nor will I forget 亦未忘怀
All who took that road with me 谁人与我,共渡患难
Night is now falling 夜幕降临
So ends this day 长日已去
The road is now calling 归途殷殷
And I must away 唤我启程
Over hill and under tree 翻过丘陵,穿过林荫
Through lands where never light has shined 取道暖暖,日隐之地
By silver streams that run down to the Sea 川流入海,银波粼粼
To these memories I will hold 历历回忆永藏心中

With your blessing I will go 众人祝福伴我前行
To turn at last to paths that lead home 毅然回首,归返故园
And though where the road then takes me 此径带我通往何处
I cannot tell 我茫然无绪
We came all this way 你我虽一路相随
But now comes the day 也有曲终人散之时
To bid you farewell 就此别过
I bid you all a very fond farewell.仅向诸君悼别:珍重,再会
根据Amethyst Lin翻译修改
“Pippin's Song”,也叫“Edge of Night
Home is behind 远离家乡
The world ahead 踏上征途
And there are many paths to tread 前路漫漫
Through shadow 冲破阴暗
To the edge of night 到达黑夜边缘
Until the stars are all alight 星光闪烁如昼
Mist and shadow 阴霾雾霭
Cloud and shade 暗沉乌云
All shall fade 都将消散
All shall fade ! 都将消散