2-------办公室术语常识 (部门名称 职位名称)
3-------日常生活小词典(疾病 旅游景点...)以汉语拼音分类
4-------天气词汇 (二十四节气英文表达法)
9-------中国电影的英文译名 (只做参考,不推荐使用)
12------部属机构属译名 市属机械译名
19-20---中文特色教育词汇 19-20
29------足球场上的常用词 (一)
30------足球场上的常用词 (二)
40------[吃闭门羹]to a locked door
41------(杂项)中国特色词汇用语 翻译
SARS words
(place somebody, be) under quarantine / released from quarantine 被隔离/被解除隔离
China took steps to contain the SARS outbreak in the capital, placing close to 16,000 people under quarantine as further deaths were recorded in Asia. — AFP
SARS-designated hospitals 定点医院
Beijing says that dozens of entire buildings in the capital are under quarantine, including SARS-designated hospitals. — AP
suspected SARS case/ diagnosed SARS case 疑似病例/诊断病例
Health officials in Taiwan announced last Thursday that there is now one new additional suspected SARS case on the island. — REUTERS
incubation/ outbreak period 潜伏期/爆发期
Vietnam is the only affected country with a new case after passing 20 days — twice the SARS incubation period. — AFP
fever clinic 发烧门诊
According to Xinhua, the Beijing government has shut 60 of the 123 fever clinics attached to hospitals and other health care facilities in the past few days. Fever clinics are areas in hospitals and emergency wards where patients with a fever are first diagnosed. — AFP
epidemic surveillance system 疫情监测系统
Premier Wen Jiabao has warned that China's fragile rural health system will not be able to cope with a SARS outbreak. The basic rural medical facilities there are weak, technical capabilities are not adequate (and) the epidemic surveillance system is not sound. — REUTERS
super spreader 超级感染者
Evidence surfaced of super spreaders who were responsible for single-handedly infecting dozens of people, often in many locations and with a stunningftness made possible by air travel. — REUTERS
droplet transmission 飞沫传播
Hong Kong doctors said that face masks were essential protection against SARS, but paper ones should be avoided because they would be vulnerable to droplet transmission of the virus. — AP
panic-buying 恐慌购物
Authorities closed two hospitals and put patients and 2,000 workers under observation for the SARS virus, while across the city Thursday, anxious residents emptied grocery stores of rice, oil and frozen food in a bout of panic-buying.
办公室术语常识 (部门名称)
1.Personnel Department 人事部
2.Human Resource Department 人力资源部
3.Sales Department 营销部
4.Product Development Department 产品开发部
5. Public Relations Department 公关部
6.Marketing Department 市场部
7.Finance Department 财会部
8.Purchasing(Procurement) Department采购部
9.After-sale Service Department 售后服务部
10.Quality Control Department 品管部
1. Chairman of the Board 董事长
2. President (Am E.) 总裁
3. Executive Vice-President 执行副总裁
4. Managing Director 行政董事
5. Executive Manager,General Manager 总经理
6. Deputy General Manager 副总经理
7. Section Manager 部门经理,科长
8. Sales Manager 销售部经理
9. Assistant Manager 助理经理 (副经理)
10. Manager 主任
11. Sales Representative 销售代表
12. Supervisor 总管
13. executive 高中级管理人员
14. clerk 职员
AA制 Dutch treatment; go Dutch
艾滋病(获得性免疫缺损综合征) AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
爱丽舍宫 Elysée Palace
安居工程 Housing Project for low-income families
按成本要素计算的国民经济总值 GNP at factor cost
按揭贷款 mortgage loan
按劳分配 distribution according to one's performance
暗恋 unrequited love; fall in love with someone secretly
暗亏 hidden loss
澳门大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St. Paul
奥姆真理教 Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult
巴黎证券交易所 Paris Bourse
把握大局 grasp the overall situation
白马王子 Prince Charming
白色行情表 white sheet
白色农业 white agriculture (also called "white engineering agriculture"; It refers to microbiological agriculture and biological cell agriculture.)
白手起家 starting from scratch
白条 IOU note, IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来白雪公主 Snow White
摆架子 put on airs
摆谱儿 put on airs; show off; keep up appearances
拜把兄弟 sworn brothers
拜年 pay New Year call
搬迁户 relocated families
半拉子工程 uncompleted project
棒球运动记者 scribe
傍大款 (of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags
包干到户 work contracted to households
包干制 overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind and partly in cash
包工包料 contract for labor and materials
保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy
保持国有股 keep the State-held shares
保健食品 health-care food
保理业务 factoring business
保护性关税 protective tariffs
保税区 the low-tax, tariff-free zone; bonded area
保证重点支出 ensure funding for priority areas
保值储蓄 inflation-proof bank savings
报国计划的实施 implementation of Dedicator's Project
北欧投资银行 Nordic Investment Bank
本本主义 bookishness
《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medica
本垒打 circuit clout, four-master, round trip
本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches
奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life
笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.
蹦极 bungee, bungee jumping
避免“大而全”的重复建设 avoid duplicate (duplicated, overlapping) construction of "small and all inclusive projects"
逼上梁山 be driven to drastic alternatives
比较经济学 comparative economics
比上不足,比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst
闭门羹 given cold-shoulder
边际报酬 marginal return
边缘科学 boundary science
变相涨价 disguised inflation
便携式电脑 portable computer; laptop; notebook computer
标书 bidding documents
表演赛 demonstration match
剥夺冠军 strip the gold medal of somebody
博彩(业)lottery industry
博士生 Ph.D candidate
补缺选举 by-election
补贴与反补贴措施 subsidies and countervailing measures
布达拉宫 Potala Palace
布雷顿森林体系 Bretton Woods system
不败记录 clean record, spotless record
不承诺放弃使用武器 not undertake to renounce the use of force
不打不成交 No discord, no concord.
不到长城非好汉 He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
不分上下的总统选举结果the neck-and-neck presidential election result
《不见不散》 Be there or be square.
不可再生资源 non-renewable resources
不良贷款 non-performing loan
不夜城 sleepless city, ever-bright city
不正之风 bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency
不准打白条 No illegitimate promissory notes (IOUs)
步行天桥 foot bridge
擦边球 edge ball, touch ball
擦网球 net ball
采取高姿态 show magnanimity
采取市场多元化战略 adopt the strategy of a multi-outlet market
“菜篮子”工程 the "shopping basket' project (program)
参政、议政 participate in the management of State affairs
沧海桑田 Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields change into seas--time brings great changes to the world.
What was once the sea has now changed into mulberry fields--the world is changing all the time.
仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket
草根工业 grass root industry (refers to village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and grow like wold grass)
层层转包和违法分保 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting
差额投票 differential voting
差额选举 competitive election
茶道 sado
查房 make/go the rounds of the wards
拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul
拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition
搀水股票 water-down stocks (ordinary stocks that can be bought by persons inside a stock company or a business at a cost lower that their face value)
禅 dhyana
产粮大省 granary province
产量比1997年增加了2倍 the output has increased 3 times (registered a 3-fold increase; increased 200%)compared with 1997
产品结构 product mix
产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开、科学管理 clearly established ownership, well defined power and responsibility, separation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management
产权制度、产权关系 property relations; property order
产销直接挂钩 directly link production with marketing
产业的升级换代 upgrading of industies
产业结构升级 upgrading of an industrial structure
长二捆 LM-2E
长江三角洲 Yangtze River delta
长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe
长线产品 product in excessive supply
厂长经理负责制 the factory director (manager) responsibility system
畅通工程 "Smooth Traffic Project"
畅销产品 marketable products; products with good market ;commodities in short supply ; goods in great demand.
唱高调 mouth high-sounding words
超高速巨型计算机 giant ultra-high-speed computer
超前消费 overconsuming, excessive consumption
彻头彻尾的反动政治势力an out and out reactionary political force
城市规划 city's landscaping plan; urban planning
城市中年雅皮士 muppie (一批中年专业人士,附庸风雅,矫揉造作cutesification,崇尚竟品至上boutiqueification,攀比银行存款bankification等摆阔作风,由middle-aged urban yuppie缩合而成)
城乡信用社 credit corroborative in both urban and rural areas
吃大锅饭 egalitarian practice of "everybody eating from the same big pot"
吃皇粮 receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government
重复建设 building redundant project; duplication of similar projects
抽杀成功 hit through
筹备委员会 preparatory committee
出风头 show off;in the limelight
出口创汇能力 capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports
出口加工区 export processing zones
出口退税制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods; export (tax) rebate
出口退税 refunding export taxes
出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities orginally produced for exports
出家 pravrajana; cloister
传销 multi level marketing
窗口行业 various service trades
创建卫生城市:build a nationally advanced clean city
创汇产品 foreign exchange (hard-currency) earning experts
创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park
吹风会 (advanced) briefing
春蕾计划 Spring Buds Program
春运 (passenger) transport during the Spring Festival
《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals
磁悬浮列车 Maglev train (magnetically levitated train), magnetic suspension train
刺激内需 stimulate domestic demand
辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new
此地无银三百两 A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.
从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy
粗放式管理 extensive management
促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy
促进富余人员合理流动 promote a rational flow of surplus personnel
促进住房商品化 promote the commercialization of housing 存款保证金 guaranty money for deposits
达到或接近国际先进水平 reach or approach advanced international standards
打破地区封锁和行业垄断 break regional blockades and trade monopolies
"达标"活动 "target hitting" activities
打白条 issue IOU
打黑 crack down on speculation and profiteering
打假 crack down on counterfeit goods
打破僵局 break the deadlock
打顺手 find one's touch, get into gear, settle into a groove
大包干 all-round responsibility system; lump-sum appropriations operation
大轰动 blockbuster
大力扣杀 hammer
大路货 staple goods
大满贯 grand slam
大开眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener
大款 tycoon
大排挡 sidewalk snack booth; large stall
大事化小,小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all
大胜 white wash
大腕 top notch
大卫教 Branch Davidian
大型电视系列片,长篇电视连续剧 maxi-series
大学生创业 university students' innovative undertaking
大要案 major and serious criminal cases
大专生 junior college student
大专文凭 associate degree
大藏经 Tripitaka
呆帐与坏帐 stagnant debts and bad debts ;non performing funds
带薪分流 assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits
待岗 await job assignment, post-waiting
待业 job-waiting
代职 function in an acting capacity
单循环制 single round-robin system
当日指数已1120点收盘 the index closed finished ended at 120 on that day
党群关系 Party-masses relationship
党政机关 Party and government organizations
道琼斯工业平均指数飙升至9580点 the Dow Jones industrial index average soared to 9580 points
捣浆糊 give the runaround
盗版VCD pirated VCD
盗打(电话) free call on somebody else's expense through illegal means
盗用公款 embezzlement
单刀赴会 start a solo run
倒票 speculative reselling of tickets
倒爷 profiteer
倒计时 countdown
等外品 off-grade goods, rejects
邓小平外交思想 Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts
低调 low keyed (a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach)
第三产业 third/tertiary industry, service sector, third sequence of enterprises
第四产业 quaternary/information industry
第一/第二/第三产业 the primary/secondary/tertiary industry (the service sector)
第三代移动电话(3G手机) third generation mobile; 3G mobile
第一发球权 first inning
第一发球员 first server
第一双打 first pair
地方保护主义 regional protectionism
地方财政包干制 system whereby local authorities take full responsibility for their finances
地球村 global village
地区差异 regional disparity
地热资源 geothermal resources
地市级城市 prefecture-level city
点子公司 consultancy company
电话号码升位 upgrade telephone number
电话会议 teleconference
电视直销 TV home shopping
电子商务认证 e-business certification
吊球 drop shot
吊销执照 revoke license
钉子户 person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project
定向培训 training for specific posts
“豆腐渣”工程 a jerry-built project
毒枭 drug trafficker
毒品走私 drug trafficking
(state-owned, state) enterprises
独立核算工业企业 independent accounting unit(enterprise)
"渡假外交" holiday-making diplomacy
短期债务 floating debt
断交信 Dear John letter (from woman to man)
对大中型国营企业进行公司制改革 to corporatize large and medium-sized State-owned
对...毫无顾忌 make no bones about ...
对冲基金 hedge fund
对外招商 attract foreign investment
队长袖标(足球) skipper's armband
多党合作制 multi-party co-operation in exercising State power
多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)
夺冠 take the crown
厄尔尼诺 El Nino
恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor
恶性循环 vicious circle
遏制通货膨胀 curb (check, curtail) the inflation
法轮功 Falun Gong Cult
发行股票、债券 issue shares and bonds
发扬优良传统 carry forward the fine traditions
发优惠券以促销 issue discount shopping coupons to promote sales
发展文学艺术、新闻出版、广播影视 develop literature, the arts, the press, publications, radio, film and television; promote literature and art, the press and publishing, radio, film and television
发展新兴产业和高技术产业 develop rising and high-tech industries
发展畜牧业、养殖业、林业 develop animal husbandry (livestock farming), aquaculture and forestry
反对铺张浪费 oppose/combat extravagance and waste
反倾销 anti-dumping
防暴警察 riot police
防止经济过热 prevent an overheated economy (overheating of the economy)
防止国有资产流失 prevent the loss (devaluation) of State assets
防止泡沫经济 avoid a bubble economy too many bubbles in economy)
分流下岗人员争取再就业 redirect laid-off workers for reemployment
扶贫、脱贫 poverty reduction and elimination
妇幼保健 maternity and child care
改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师 the chief architect of China's reform, opening and modernization drive
改进产业结构和产品结构 improve the industrial pattern and product mix
该公司股票已经上市 the stock of the company have been listed (have gone public, have been launched)
赶上或超过国际先进水平 catch up with or even surpass advanced world levels
高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜 hold high the greater banner of Deng xiaoping Theory
各族人民 people of all nationalities (all ethnic groups)
个体户 self-employed households /people
个人所得税 individual income tax
个体工商业者 individual industrialists and businessman
公务员 public servants; civil servants; government functionaries; government employees
股份合作制 the joint stock cooperative system
股份制 the joint stock system
股票热降温了 the stock craze has abated
股市指数 the stock market (exchange) index
股市指数突破1300点大关 the stock index broke the 1300-poit mark
股指暴跌,跌幅7.8%,以14.3元探底 the index slumped 7.8 percent to 14.3 Yuan
鼓励兼并,规范破产 encourage mergers and standardize bankruptcy procedures
规模经济,减轻就业压力 to ease the pressure of employment (the employment pressure)
国防科技 defence-related science and technology
国际大都市 cosmopolis
国家指定考试 government-mandated test
国家主席/总理/副总理/国务委员/部长/省长/厅、局长/县长/处长/科长/乡长/村民委员会主任 president/premier/vice premier/state councilor/minister/governor/bureau director/county magistrate, county head/department head/ section chief/ head of the township/ chairman of the village committee
国家公务员制度 the system of public services
国内生产总值/国民生产总值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product)/ GNP (Gross National Product)
国事访问 a state visit
恒生指数(香港)宽幅震荡 the Heng Sheng index fluctuated violently
获薄利 earn (make) narrow profits
获厚利 earn (make, reap) substantial profits
海市蜃楼,镜花水月, 无稽之谈 a mare’s nest
海湾战争综合症 the complexities of the Gulf War
函授大学 correspondence university
旱地滑雪场 mock skiing park
汉字处理软件 Chinese character processing software
航母 aircraft carrier
豪赌 unrestrained gambling
好事不出门,恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.
好出风头的运动员 exhibitionist, grandstander
好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster
"好球" "Strike"
和服 Kimono
合理引导消费 guide rational consumption
合议庭 collegiate bench
核销 cancel after verification
黑店 gangster inn
黑客 hacker
黑社会 Mafia-style organizations; gangland
宏观调控 macro-control
红包 (中)red paper containing money as a gift, (贬) bribe, kickback
《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)
红帽子企业 red cap enterprise (refers to the reputation a private enterprise enjoys by becoming attached to a government department and doing business in the name of a state-run or collective-run enterprise)
红细胞生成素 Erythropoietin (EPO)
环太平洋地区 Pacific Rim
后防空虚 leave the defense exposed
后台管理 back-stage management
呼啦圈 hu la hoop
胡子工程 long-drawn-out project (a project which takes so long that young workers become bearded)
虎父无犬子 A wise goose never lays a tame egg.
互动广告 interactive advertisement
户口簿 residence booklet
户口管理制度 domicile system, residence registration system
户主 head of a household
护身法宝 amulet
华表 ornamental column/cloud pillar/stele
华盖 canopy
滑板车 scooter
"坏球" "Ball"
还俗 resume secular life, unfrock
"黄、赌、毒" pornography, gambling and drug abuse and trafficking
黄金时段 prime time
(吃)"皇粮" public grainfunds, goods, etc provided by the government; salary paid by the state
挥棒不中 fan
灰色收入 income from moonlighting
汇丰银行 Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation
婚介所 matrimonial agency
婚外恋 extramarital love
活到老,学到老 One is never too old to learn.
火炬计划 Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)
货币化 monetization
货币回笼 withdrawal of currency from circulation
货到付款 cash on delivery
基础设施工程第一期 the first phase of the infrastructure project
积压产品 overstocked commodities (inventories)
缉毒队 narcotics squad
计划生育 family planning (birth control)
积极培育新的经济增长点 actively cultivate new points of economic growth
技术/劳动/资本/知识密集型产业 technology-intensive/labor-intensive/capital-intensive/knowledge-intensive industries
技术更新/改造 technological updating /renovation
计算机2000年问题 Y2Kproblem
(y for year, k for kilo or thousand)
加强税收政策 tighten tax collection
加强物质文明和精神文明的建设 foster both material progress and cultural and ethical (cultural and ideological) progress
加强优生、优育 improve prenatal and postnatal care
加速科技成果商品化、产业化进程 accelerate the commercialization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements
艰苦创业的精神 the hardworking and enterprising spirit
减轻农民负担 lighten the burden on the peasants (farmers)
建设性战略伙伴关系 a constructive strategic partnership
减员增效 increase efficiency by downsizing staff
解决他们的温饱问题 provide them with adequate food and clothing
解困基金 anti-poverty funds
今年第一季度产量比去年同期增长了12.5% the production increased 12.5% between January and March compared the corresponding period (the same time ) last year
金融机构 financial institutions
精兵之路 fewer but better troops
经济发展全球化的趋势 the globalization trend in economic development
经济法制化 to manage economic affairs according to law;
to put economic operation on a legal basis
经济技术开发区 an economic and technological development zone
经济市场化/私有化 the mercerization/privatization of the economy
经济特区 a special economic zone
经济体制改革 economic restructuring
经济萎缩/起飞/兴旺 an economic depression (slump, recession)/an economic takeoff/an economic boom
经济转轨tch to a market economy
精简各级政府机构 streamline government departments at all levels
精品 competitive products
竞争意识 competitive spirit
九届二次全国人民代表大会 the second session of the 9th National People's Congress
就业前和在职培训 pre-employment and on-the-job (in-service) training
纠正行业不正之风 rectify malpractice in various trades
军嫂 military spouse
科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute the primary productive force.
科教兴国战略 the strategy of revitalizing (invigorating) China through science and education
克隆 clone
扣除通货膨胀因素后的人均实际年收入 the annual per-captia income in real terms (allowing for inflation )
跨国公司 transnational corporation (transactional, multinational corporation ,multinational)
扩大/缩小地区发展差距 widen/narrow the gap/disparity between regions/localities in terms of development
劳务输出 export of labor services
劳务招聘会 a labor fair; a job fair
联防 community/team policing
连续五年丰收 bumper harvests for five consecutive years (for five years in row ;for five years running ;for five years on end ; for the fifth consecutive year)
练摊 to be a vendor (do business)
乱收费、乱集资、乱摊派的现象依然很严重 Arbitrary collection of charges, abuse of fund-raising and unchecked apportionment (arbitrary quotas) are still rampant.
盲流和倒流人员 jobless migrants from rural areas to cities,
influx from the countryside
美圆对日圆全面升值 the system of pegging the currency to the US dollar
名牌产品 famous-brand products ,brand named product
民族问题 the ethnic minority issue
母公司/子公司/分公司/办事处 the parent company /subsidiary/branch/branch/representative office
耐用消费品 consumer durables
内耗 in-fighting
农副业产品 agricultural (farm) and sideline products
农村/城市信用合作社 rural/urban credit cooperatives
牛市/熊市 a bull/bear market
欧元 Euro
派出所 local police station
跑龙套 utility man, play a bit role, general handyman
泡沫经济 bubble economy
配股 allotment of shares
配套政策 supporting policies
培养跨世纪人才 bring up (foster) cross-century (trans-century) specialists
棚户 shacks; family that live in shacks
碰钉子 get snubbed
碰头会 brief meeting ( A brief, small-scale, informal meeting with no fixed agenda, the main purpose of which is to exchange information.)
疲软股票 soft stock
皮包公司 bogus company
啤酒肚 beer belly
票贩子 scalper, ticket tout
票房 box office
骗汇、逃汇、套汇 obtain foreign currency and false pretenses, not turn over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage
拼图 jigsaw
贫富悬殊 polarization of rich and poor
贫铀弹 depleted uranium bomb
平均主义 equalitarianism
平面设计师 graphic designer
评头论足 nit-pick
瓶颈制约 “bottleneck”restrictions
扑网(体) rush-up, rushing
普选制 general election system
妻管严丈夫 hen-pecked husband
取消“大锅饭” give up the practice of "eating from the same big pot"; abolish egalitarianism
取消福利分房 abolish the welfare-oriented distribution (allocation) of public housing
全球变暖 global warming
全面投产开工 go into (enter ) full operation; be full operation; be fully operational
拳头产品 knockout product or competitive product
缺少流动资金 a shortage of circulating funds (floating capital)
裙带经济 crony economy
人才 competent people; trained personnel; experts; specialists
人才市场 the personnel market
人均国民生产总值达到中等发达国家水平 The average per-capita GNP will reach the standard of moderately developed countries.
人民币对美圆汇率稳定 the stability of RMB exchange rate against USD
人民币贬值的压力 the devaluation pressure on RMB
人均住房 per-capita housing
日经指数跌至今年最低点 the Nikkei Index fell to a record low for the year.
融资 financing; fund-raising
三角恋爱 love triangle
三角债 chain debts
三陪服务 escort service
傻瓜相机 Instamatic INSTA(NT)+(AUTO)MATIC
商品房空置的现象 the vacancy problem in commercial housing
商品粮基地 a commodity grain production base
商业银行 commercial banks
上海证券交易所 the Shanghai Securities Exchange
社会生活 social activities
社会治安情况 law-and-order situation
生活物价指数 the cost of living index/the price index
谁控股? Who holds the controlling shares?
实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制 practice the system of director-general responsibility under the leadership of board of the bored of directors.
使经济进一步市场化 make the economy more market-oriented
使大中型企业摆脱困境 extricate (free) the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises from predicament
实体经济 the real economy
售后服务 after sale service
死胡同 blind alley
私人企业 private enterprises (foreign-funded, foreign financed foreign-owned) enterprises
提高军队在高科技条件下的作战能力 improve the army combat capabilities under high-tech conditions
提高综合国力 improve the overall national strength (the overall strength of the country)
投诉 lodge a complaint, register a beef
投诉热线 dial-a-cheat confidential hotline
投资热点 a region attractive to investors, a much-sought piece of land,
popular investment spot
推进国民经济信息化 try to informationize the national economy
推进政府机构改革 restructure government institutions
脱贫致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity
外交豁免权 diplomatic immunity
外商独资企业 wholly (solely ) foreign-owned enterprises
外向型经济/城市 an export-oriented economy/a foreign-oriented city, an international city
外资 overseas investment
外资企业 foreign invested (foreign founded ,foreign financed ,foreign-owned) enterprises .
下海 go into business
小康水平 the living standards of a fairly comfortable life; a relatively comfortable standard of living
消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕 eliminate polarization and ultimately achieve common prosperity
沿着有中国特色的社会主义道路阔步前进 take great strides along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics
摇头丸 dancing outreach
依法收税 levy taxes according the law
一次付清 pay in full
一次消费 one-time-consumption
一次成像照片 a Polaroid picture
一次偿还信贷 non-installment
一次性杯子 sanitary cup
一次性筷子 disposable chopsticks
一次性收入 lump-sum payment
一次用包装 non-returnable container
一次性汇款 lump-sum payment
一次性拖鞋 disposable slippers
一蹶不振的B股市场 a sluggish B-share market
以经济建设为中心 take economic construction as the central task
隐形就业 unregistered employment; veiled re-employment
隐形眼镜 contact lens
有价证券投资 portfolio investment
拥军优属 preferential treatment for families of servicemen and martyrs
拥有至少50%的股份 hold a minimum of 50% percent of the equity
由于资源不足,必须实施可持续发展战略 We must adopt the strategy of sustainable development owing to the limited resources.
与国际接轨 be geared to international standards; be brought in line with international practice (norms)
与美圆的联系汇率 the system of pegging the currency to the U.S. dollar
育龄夫妇 couples of child-bearing age
增加财政收入 increase the state tax revenue (fiscal revenue)
增殖税 the value-added tax (VAT)
掌上明珠 the apple of one's eye
正常贸易关系 Normal Trade Relations
政策银行 policy bank
政企分开 separate administrative functions from enterprises management ;separate administration from management
振兴支柱产业 invigorate pillar industries
振兴中华 the rejuvenation (revitalization) of the Chinese nation
支持强强联合,实现优势互补 support association between strong enterprises so that they can take advantage of each other's strengths
智囊团、思想库 the brain trust (think tank)
执行通货紧缩政策 pursue a deflationary policy (the policy of deflation)
支援灾区(灾民);救灾 provide relief to disaster-stricken areas (people)
制约 check and supervision
中共十五大 the 15th National Congress of the CPC
中外合资100强 the top 100 Sino-foreign (Chinese-foreign) joint ventures
重视老龄化问题 attach importance to the problem of population aging (the aging population)
昼夜服务 round-the-clock service
主体经济 principal sector of the economy; the mainstay of the economy
滞销货 unmarketable (unsalable .poor selling )product
抓大放小 manage large enterprises well while ease control over small ones
总产值创最高历史记录 total output value hit a record high (an all-time high)
综合指数停止下滑,上升28点,达到671点 the composite stopped the declining momentum, gaining 28 points to 671
最终实现人民币的自由兑换 the free convertibility of the RMB will evenly be instituted ;the RMB will finally become a convertible currency
meteorology 气象学
atmosphere 大气
climate 气候
elements 自然力量(风 、雨)
temperature 气温
to be warm, to be hot 天气热
to be cold 天气冷
season 季节
spring 春
summer 夏
autumn 秋 (美作:fall)
winter 冬
frost 霜
hail 冰雹
snow 雪
thunder 雷
wind 风
mist 雾
cloud 云
haze 霾
rain 雨
downpour, shower 暴雨
storm, tempest 暴风雨
lightning 闪电
land wind 陆风
hurricane 飓风
cyclone 旋风
typhoon 台风
whirlwind 龙卷风
gale 季节风
gust of wind 阵风
breeze 微风
fog 浓雾
dew 露水
humidity 潮湿
freeze 冰冻
snowflake 雪花
snowfall 降雪
waterspout 水龙卷
dead calm 风平浪静
Indian summer 小阳春
drought 干旱
立春Spring begins.
雨水The rains.
惊蛰Insects awaken.
春分Vernal Equinox
清明Clear and bright.
谷雨Grain rain.
立夏Summer begins.
小满Grain buds.
芒种Grain in ear.
夏至Summer solstice.
小暑Slight heat.
大暑Great heat.
立秋Autumn begins.
处暑Stopping the heat.
白露White dews.
秋分Autumn Equinox.
寒露Cold dews.
霜降Hoar-frost falls.
立冬Winter begins.
小雪Light snow.
大雪Heavy snow.
冬至Winter Solstice.
小寒Slight cold.
大寒Great cold
1.New Year's Day 元旦(1月1日)
2.Spring Festival;Chinese New Year's Day 春节(农历一月一日)
3.Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历一月十五日)
4.International Working Women's Day 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日)
5.Arbor Day 植树节(3月12日)
6.Postal Day 邮政节(3月20日)
7.World Meteorology Day 世界气象节(3月23日)
8.Ching Ming Festival ;Tomb-sweeping Festival 清明节(4月5日)
9.International Labour Day 国际劳动节(5月1日)
10.Chinese Youth Day 中国青年节(5月4日)
11.Nurses' Festival 护士节(5月12日)
12.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(农历五月初五)
13.International Children's Day 国际儿童节(6月1日)
14.The Party's Brithday 中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日)
15.The Army's Day 建军节(8月1日)
16.Mid-Autumn (Moon)Festival 中秋节(农历八月十五)
17.Teacher's Day 教师节(9月10日)
18.Double-ninth Day 重阳节(农历九月九日)
19.National Day 国庆节(10月1日)
20.New Year's Eve 除夕(农历十二月三十日)
元旦(1月1日)-----NEW YEAR'S DAY
成人节(日本,1月15日)-----ADULTS DAY
元宵节(阴历1月15日)-----LANTERN FESTIVAL
圣帕特里克节(爱尔兰,3月17日)-----ST. PATRICK'S DAY
枫糖节(加拿大,3-4月)-----MAPLE SUGAR FESTIVAL
愚人节(4月1日)-----FOOL'S DAY
宋干节(泰国新年4月13日)-----SONGKRAN FESTIVAL DAY
食品节(新加坡,4月17日)-----FOOD FESTIVAL
男孩节(日本,5月5日)-----BOY'S DAY
母亲节(5月的第二个星期日)-----MOTHER'S DAY
开斋节(4月或5月,回历十月一日)-----LESSER BAIRAM
银行休假日(英国, 5月31日)-----BANK HOLIDAY
父亲节(6月的第三个星期日)-----FATHER'S DAY
端午节(阴历5月5日)-----DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL
仲夏节(北欧6月)-----MID-SUMMER DAY
筷子节(日本,8月4日)-----CHOPSTICS DAY
中秋节(阴历8月15日)-----MOON FESTIVAL
教师节(中国,9月10日)-----TEACHER'S DAY
敬老节(日本,9月15日)-----OLD PEOPLE'S DAY
南瓜节(北美10月31日)-----PUMPKIN DAY
护士节(12月12日)-----NRUSE DAY
圣诞除夕(12月24日)-----CHRISTMAS EVE
圣诞节(12月25日)-----CHRISTMAS DAD
节礼日(12月26日)-----BOXING DAY
新年除夕(12月31日)-----NEW YEAR'S EVE(a bank holiday in many countries)
世界消费者权益日(3月15日)-----WORLD CONSUMER RIGHT DAY
世界水日(3月22日)-----WORLD WATER DAY
世界卫生日(4月7日)-----WORLD HEALTH DAY
世界地球日(4月22日)-----WORLD EARTH DAY
世界住房日(十月第一个星期一)-----WORLD HOUSING DAY
世界无烟日(5月31日)-----WORLD NO-SMOKING DAY
世界人口日(7月11日)-----WORLD POPULATION DAY
世界旅游日(9月27日)-----WORLD TOURISM DAY
世界邮政日(10月9日)-----WORLD POST DAY
世界粮食日(10月16日)-----WORLD GRAIN DAY
世界爱滋病日(12月1日)-----WORLD AIDS DAY
世界残疾日(12月3日)-----WORLD DISABLED DAY
16th National Congress of Communist Party of China (16th NCCPC)
three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)
hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out the important thoughts of "Three Represents"
adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time.
the two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and warding off risks.
forge ahead with the new great project of Party building
three emphases education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct)
socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics
邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory
与时俱进 advance with the times
综合国力 overall national strength
可持续发展 sustainable development
三峡工程Three-Gorges Project
三峡移民Migrants from Three Gorges area
电视会议televised meeting
常务委员Standing Committee member
下岗职工 laid-off workers
再就业 re-employment
再就业下岗人员re-employment of laid-off workers
隐形就业 hidden employment
国有企业改革Reform of state- owned enterprises
医保制度改革Reform of medical insurance system
政府机构改革Reform of government institutions
现代远程教育modern distance education
西电东送the diversion of electricity from the western to the eastern regions
西部大开发the strategy of developing the western region
西部大开发战略 develop-the-west strategy
青藏铁路Qinghai-Tibet Railway
农村电网改造projects to upgrade rural power grids
退耕还林、还草工程Grain for Green Project
增收节支increase revenue and cut government expenditure
中央纪律检查委员会Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
中共中央委员会CPC Central Committee
全国人民代表大会 (简称 全国人大) National People's Congress (NPC)
全国人大代表deputy to the National People's Congress
全国人民代表大会主席团 the NPC Presidium
全国人民代表大会常务委员会 the NPC Standing Committee
the general offices of the NPC Standing Committee
中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会 (简称全国政协)
National Committee
of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
中国政协委员 member of the National Committee of CPPCC
奥赛罗综合症: Othello syndrome
国家烟草专卖局: State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau
国务院办公厅: General Office of the State Council
全面品质管理: TQM (total quality management)
西电东送: West-East electricity transmission project
香榭里舍大街: avenue des champs-elyses
消费者权益日: International Day for Consumers' Rights and Interests
邪教: heathendom
信用紧缩: credit crunch
信用危机: credit crisis
许可证制度: license granting mechanisms
亚文化: subculture
中国民用航空总局: Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)
徇私舞弊: bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud
《Farewell My Concubine》(意思是:再见了,我的小老婆)。 《Farewell My Concubine》可是《霸王别姬》的英文译名啊。
请看下面的这些译名:(以下英文为IMDB的正式译名, “ -- ” 后是其字面含义,括号内为该片原名)
《Be There or Be Square》--在那里或者是平等的(《不见不散》,云山雾罩的还是见了就快点散了吧)
《Seventeen Years》--十七年(故弄玄虚,《回家过年》)
《So Close to Paradise》--天堂如此之近(《扁担,姑娘》,译名比原名有意思,原名让人想起什么《辘轳,女人和狗》之类的东东, “ 解不开的小疙瘩呀 ” )
《Ashes of Time》--时间的灰烬(《东邪西毒》,这个译名意味深长,无论你是东邪还是西毒,武功再高还不是最后都成了时间的灰烬?)
《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》--四海之内皆兄弟:豹子的血(《水浒传》,《水浒传》有个英文译名就是《四海之内皆兄弟》)
《Chinese Odyssey 1: Pandora‘s Box》--中国的奥德赛1:潘多拉宝盒(《大话西游之月光宝盒》,这个绝对是入乡随俗了,不过好象都挨不上边耶,葡萄)
《Chinese Odyssey 2: Cinderella, A》灰姑娘(《大话西游之仙履奇缘》,至尊宝成了孙悟空,灰姑娘穿上了水晶鞋,天才啊!葡萄)
《Funeral of the Famous Star》--明星的葬礼(淡出鸟来,《大腕》)
《Dream Factory》--梦工厂(《甲方乙方》,够NB的)
《Steel Meets Fire》--钢遇上了火(翻译遇上了鬼?《烈火金刚》)
《Third Sister Liu》--第三个姐姐刘(《刘三姐》,典型的不动脑筋)
《Steal Happiness》--偷喜(《没事偷着乐》,直接联想到了 “ 偷欢 ” ,以为是限制级的)
《Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker》--红鞭炮,绿鞭炮(《炮打双灯》,儿童片?)
《Breaking the Silence》--打破沉默(《漂亮妈妈》,译名直接,反观原名倒有卖弄风情之感)
《Emperor‘s Shadow》--帝国的阴影(《秦颂》,是说希特勒的?)
《In the Mood for Love》-- 在爱的情绪中(《花样年华》,恋爱中的译者)
《From Beijing with Love》--从北京带着爱(到香港换不了菜,《国产007》)
《Fatal Decision》--重大选择(可惜FATAL有致命的意思,致命的抉择?《生死抉择》)
《In the Heat of the Sun》--在炎热的太阳下(《阳光灿烂的日子》,原文的 “ 阳光灿烂 ” 可有寓意啊。译文让JEWAYS想起中学语文第几课来着--祥子拉着人力车在街上走)
《Keep Cool》--保持冷静(《有话好好说》,郁讵!)
《Far Far Place》--很远很远的地方(《在那遥远的地方》,想起LONG LONG AGO)
《Sixty Million Dollar Man》--六千万美圆的男人(《百变星君》,谈钱很俗耶)
《Flirting Scholar》--正在调情的学者(别人看《红楼梦》看到诗,你看到了屎?《唐伯虎点秋香》)
《Royal Tramp》--皇家流浪汉(《鹿鼎记》,为什么不译成 “ 皇家马德里 ” ?)
《Flowers of Shanghai》--上海之花(PG18?《海上花》)
《A Better Tomorrow》--明天会更好( “ 玉山白雪飘零,燃烧少年的心...” ,《英雄本色》)
《Color of a Hero 》--英雄的颜色(《英雄本色》的另一译名,是不是李阳的学生译的啊?--GIVE YOU COLORS TO SEE SEE-- 给你点颜色瞧瞧)
《Once Upon a Time in China》--从前在中国(《黄飞鸿》,大而无边)
《Twin Warriors》--孪生勇士(《太极张三丰》,张三丰是双胞胎吗?)
《A Man Called Hero》--一个叫做英雄的男人(《中华英雄》,译者偷懒,照抄影评的第一句)
《Swordsman 3:The East is Red》--剑客3之东方红(《东方不败之风云再起》,东方一红就不败)
《Mr. Nice Guy》--好人先生(《一个好人》,有美国本土片名风格,国内译者可能会译成A GOOD MAN)
《Skinny Tiger and Fatty Dragon》--(《瘦虎肥龙》这位译者一定是后来翻译《卧虎藏龙》的那位吧)
《Saviour of the Soul》--灵魂的救星(啊呸!真不要脸!《九一神雕侠侣》)
书店 books store
粮店 grain store
食品点 food store
煤店 coal store
食品杂货(副食品)店 grocery
酱园 sauce and pickles shop
肉店 meat (butcher\'s) shop
酒店 wine shop
水产店 aquatic products shop
家禽店 fowl shop
豆腐店 beancurd shop
烤肉店 roast meat shop
卤味店 sauced meat shop
饮食店 food and drink shop
小吃店 eating house (snack bar)
饭店 restaurant
冷饮店 cold drinks shop
蔬菜店水果店 green grocery (green grocer\'s)
蔬菜店 vegetables shop
鞋帽店 shoes and hats store
百货公司 department store
百货商场 general merchandise market
服装店 clothing store
成衣店 ready-made clothes shop
呢绒绸布店 wool, silk and cotton fabrics store
药店(美:杂货店) drug store (pharmacy)
儿童用品商店 children\'s goods shop
妇女用品商店 women\'s goods shop
钟表店 watch and clock ship
文具店 stationer\'s (stationery shop)
日用杂货店 daily-use sundry goods shop
炊事用具商店 cooking utensils shop
家用器具商店 household utensils shop
五金商店 metal products shop
家具店 furniture shop
眼镜店 eyeglasses store
玻璃礼品店 glass gifts store
爆竹鞭炮店 fireworks shop
电器商店 electrical appliance shop
油漆店 paint shop
化工油漆染料店 chemicals, paint and dyestuffs shop
地产建材商店 native building materials store
照相馆(摄影室) photographic studio (photographer\'s)
旧货店 second-hand goods store (used goods store)
寄卖商店 commission shop
综合修理店 general repair shop (service)
工艺美术服务社 arts and crafts shop
花店 flower shop
古玩珠宝店 antiques and jewelry shop
香烟店(摊) cigarette shop (stall)
售报亭 newspaper and magazine stand
茶馆 tea house
理发店 barber\'s shop (hairdresser\'s)
洗澡堂 bath house
旅店/旅馆 inn/ hotel
邮局 post office
Accounting Assistant 会计助理
Accounting Clerk 记帐员
Accounting Manager 会计部经理
Accounting Stall 会计部职员
Accounting Supervisor 会计主管
Administration Manager 行政经理
Administration Staff 行政人员
Administrative Assistant 行政助理
Administrative Clerk 行政办事员
Advertising Staff 广告工作人员
Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员
Airlines Staff 航空公司职员
Application Engineer 应用工程师
Assistant Manager 副经理
Bond Analyst 证券分析员
Bond Trader 证券交易员
Business Controller 业务主任
Business Manager 业务经理
Buyer 采购员
Cashier 出纳员
Chemical Engineer 化学工程师
Civil Engineer 土木工程师
Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员
Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书
Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员
Computer Engineer 计算机工程师
Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员
Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理
Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人
Deputy General Manager 副总经理
Economic Research Assistant 经济助究助理
Electrical Engineer 电气工程师
Engineering Technician 工程技术员
English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师
Export Sales Manager 外销部经理
Export Sales Staff 外销部职员
Financial Controller 财务主任
Financial Reporter 财务报告人
F.X. (Foreign Exchange)Clerk 外汇部职员
F.X. Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员
Fund Manager 财务经理
General Auditor 审计长
General Manager/ President 总经理
General Manager Assistant 总经理助理
General Manager’s Secretary 总经理秘书
Hardware Engineer (计算机)硬件工程师
Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员
Import Manager 进口部经理
Insurance Actuary 保险公司理赔员
International Sales Staff 国际销售员
Interpreter 口语翻译
Legal Adviser 法律顾问
Line Supervisor 生产线主管
Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师
Management Consultant 管理顾问
Manager 经理
Manager for Public Relations 公关部经理
Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师
Manufacturing Worker 生产员工
Market Analyst 市场分析员
Market Development Manager 市场开发部经理
Marketing Manager 市场销售部经理
Marketing Staff 市场销售员
Marketing Assistant 销售助理
Marketing Executive 销售主管
Marketing Representative 销售代表
Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部经理
Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师
Mining Engineer 采矿工程师
Music Teacher 音乐教师
Naval Architect 造船工程师
Office Assistant 办公室助理
Office Clerk 职员
Operational Manager 业务经理
Package Designer 包装设计师
Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员
Personnel Clerk 人事部职员
Personnel Manager 人事部经理
Plant/ Factory Manager 厂长
Postal Clerk 邮政人员
Private Secretary 私人秘书
Product Manager 生产部经理
Production Engineer 产品工程师
Professional Staff 专业人员
Programmer 电脑程序设计师
Project Staff (项目)策划人员
Promotional Manager 推售部经理
Proof-reader 校对员
Purchasing Agent 采购(进货)员
Quality Control Engineer 质量管理工程师
Real Estate Staff 房地产职员
Recruitment Co-ordinator 招聘协调人
Regional Manger 地区经理
Research&.Development Engineer 研究开发工程师
Restaurant Manager 饭店经理
Sales and Planning Staff 销售计划员
Sales Assistant 销售助理
Sales Clerk 店员、售货员
Sales Coordinator 销售协调人
Sales Engineer 销售工程师
Sales Executive 销售主管
Sales Manager 销售部经理
Salesperson 销售员
Seller Representative 销售代表
Sales Supervisor 销售监管
School Registrar 学校注册主任
Secretarial Assistant 秘书助理
Secretary 秘书
Securities Custody Clerk 保安人员
Security Officer 安全人员
Senior Accountant 高级会计
Senior Consultant/Adviser 高级顾问
Senior Employee 高级雇员
Senior Secretary 高级秘书
Service Manager 服务部经理
Simultaneous Interpreter 同声传译员
Software Engineer (计算机)软件工程师
Supervisor 监管员
Systems Adviser 系统顾问
Systems Engineer 系统工程师
Systems Operator 系统操作员
Technical Editor 技术编辑
Technical Translator 技术翻译
Technical Worker 技术工人

Telecommunication Executive 电讯(电信)员
Telephonist / Operator 电话接线员、话务员
Tourist Guide 导游
Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管
Trainee Manager 培训部经理
Translation Checker 翻译核对员
Translator 翻译员
Trust Banking Executive 银行高级职员
Typist 打字员
Wordprocessor Operator 文字处理操作员
化学工业部 Ministry of Chemical Industry
办公厅 General Office
计划司 Planning Department
外事司 Foreign Affairs Department
人事司 Personnel Department
化工新材料局 New Chemical Material Department
化工司 Chemical Department
橡胶司 Rubber Department
炼化司 Department of Refining and Chemicals
矿山司 Chemical Mines Bureau
化工规划院 Chemical Planning Institute
设备总公司 Equipment General Corporation
基建局 Capital Construction Department
教育司 Education Department
化肥司 Chemical Fertilizer Department
供销局 Department of Supply and Sales
北京市人大常委会 Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People\'s Congress
中国共产党北京市 Beijing Municipal Committee of
委员会 the CPC
中国人民政治协商 Beijing Municipal
会议北京市委员会 Committee of the CPPCC
北京市人民政府 Beijing Municipal People\'s Government
高级人民法院 High People\'s Court
人民检察院 People\'s Procuratorate
外事办公室 Foreign Affairs Office
侨务办公室 Overseas Chinese Affairs Office
财贸办公室 Office of Finance and Trade
文教办公室 Office of Culture and Education
计划委员会 Planning Committee
经济委员会 Economic Committee
城乡建设委员会 Committee of Municipal and Rural Construction
科学技术委员会 Committee of Science and Technology
城市规划委员会 Committee of Municipal Design
对外经贸委员会 Committee of Economic Trade for Foreign Countries
市政管理委员会 Municipal Administration Committee
民族委员会 Nationalities Committee
体育委员会 Physical Culture and Sports Committee
计划生育委员会 Family Planning Committee
人事局 Personnel Bureau
科技干部管理局 Bureau of Scientific and Technical Personnel
老干部局 Bureau of Retired Veteran Cadres
统计局 Statistical Bureau
物价局 Bureau of Commodity Price
工商行政管理局 Administration Bureau for Industry and Commerce
商品检验局 Bureau for Inspection of Commodities
审计局 Auditing Bureau
财政局 Finance Bureau
税务局 Tax Bureau
劳动局 Labour Bureau
档案局 Archives Bureau
物资管理局 Bureau of Materials
标准计量局 Bureau of Standard Measurement
公用局 Bureau if Public Utilities
广播电视局 Bureau of Radio and Television
教育委员会 Education Committee
文化局 Bureau of Culture
文物事业管理局 Bureau of Cultural Relics
卫生局 Health Bureau
乡镇企业管理局 Bureau if Township Enterprise Management
地质矿产局 Bureau of Geology and mineral Resources
农业局 Agricultural Bureau
林业局 Forestry Bureau
水产局 Bureau of Aquatic Products
气象局 Meteorological Bureau
水资源管理局 Control Bureau of Water Resources
园林局 Bureau of Parks and Woods
环境保护局 Bureau for Environmental Protection
环境卫生管理局 Bureau for Environmental Health
商业委员会 Commerce Committee
粮食局 Food Bureau
房地产管理局 Real Estate Bureau
城市规划管理局 Bureau for Municipal Design
机械设备成套局 Bureau for Complete Plants of Machinery and Equipment
公安局 Public Security Bureau
安全局 Security Bureau
司法局 Justice Bureau
民政局 Bureau of Civil Affairs
劳动工作管理局 Bureau of Reform-througy-Labour Work
旅游局 Travel Bureau/Tourism Administration
铁路局 Railways Bureau
邮政局 Post Bureau
电信局 Telecommunications Bureau
北京民航管理局 Beijing Bureau of Civil Aviation
北京海关 Beijing Customs
外交人员服务局 Service Bureau for Foreign Officials
首都钢铁公司 Capital Iron and Steel Company
燕山石化总公司 Yanshan Petro-Chemical Industry Corporation
2、 People’s Organizations of China
测绘学会------------------------------Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
地震学会------------------------------Seismological Society
国际金融学会--------------------------International Finance Society
国际战略问题学会----------------------Institute for International Strategic Studies
海洋学会------------------------------Society of Oceanography
科普学会------------------------------Popular Science Society
全国少年儿童文化艺术委员会-------------Nat’l Council on Cultural and Art Work for Children
全国少年儿童工作协调委员会-------------Nat’l Children’s Work Coordination Committee
全国史学会---------------------------China Society of History
宋庆龄基金会-------------------------Song Ching Ling Foundation
中国奥林匹克委员会-------------------Chinese Olympic Committee
中国笔会中心------------------------Chinese Pen Centre
中国标准化协会----------------------China Association for Standardization
中国残疾人福利基金会-----------------China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped
中国出版协会------------------------Chinese Publishers Association
中国道教协会------------------------Chinese Taoist Association
中国电视艺术家协会------------------Chinese Television Artists Association
中国电影家协会----------------------China Film Association
中国法律质询中心--------------------Chinese Legal Consultancy Centre
中国法律会--------------------------China Law Society
中国翻译工作者协会------------------Translators Association of China
中国佛教协会------------------------Chinese Buddhists Association
中国福利会--------------------------China Welfare Institute
中国歌剧研究会----------------------Chinese Opera Research Institute
中国共产主义青年团------------------Communist Youth League of China
中国国际法学会----------------------Chinese Society of International Law
中国国际交流协会--------------------Association for Int’l Understanding of China
中国红十字会总会--------------------Red Cross Society of China
中国会计学会------------------------China Accounting Society
中国基督教“三自”爱国运动委员会-----Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee of the Protestant Churches of China
中国基督教协会----------------------China Christian Council
中国计量测试学会--------------------Chinese Society for Measurement
中国金融学会------------------------Chinese Monetary Society
中国考古协会------------------------Archaeological Society of China
中国科学技术史学会------------------Chinese Society of Science and Technology History
中国科学技术协会--------------------China Society and Technology Association
中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会-------Nat’l Commission of The People’s Republic of China for UNESCO
中国联合国协会---------------------United Nations Association of the People’s Republic of China
中国美术家协会---------------------Chinese Artists Association
中国民间文艺家协会-----------------China Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Art
中国企业管理协会-------------------China Enterprise Management Association
中国曲艺家协会---------------------Chinese Ballad Singers Association
中国人民保卫儿童基金会-------------Chinese People’s National Committee for Defence of Children
中国人民对外友好协会---------------Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries
中国少年儿童基金会-----------------Children’s Foundation of China
中国少年先锋队---------------------China Young Pioneers
中国摄影家协会---------------------Chinese Photographers Society
中国书法家协会---------------------Chinese Calligraphers Association
中国天主教爱国会-------------------Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association
中国天主教教务委员会---------------Nat’l Administrative Commission of the Chinese Catholic Church
中国天主教主教团------------------Chinese Catholic Bishops College
中国文学艺术界联合会--------------China Federation of Literary and Art Circles
中国舞蹈家协会--------------------Chinese Dancers Association
中国戏剧家协会--------------------Chinese Dramatists Association
中国伊斯兰教协会------------------Chinese Islamic Association
中国音乐家协会--------------------Chinese Musicians Association
中国杂技艺术家协会----------------Chinese Acrobats Association
中国政法学会----------------------China Society of Political Science and Law
中国作家协会----------------------Chinese Writers Association
中化全国妇女联合会----------------All-China Women’s Federation
中华全国工商联合会----------------All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
中华全国归国华侨联合会------------All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese
中华全国青年联合会----------------All-China Youth Federation
中华全国世界语联合会--------------All-China Esperanto League
中华全国台湾同胞联谊会------------All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots
中华全国体育总会------------------All-China Sports Federation
中华全国新闻工作者协会------------All-China Journalists’ Association
中华全国总工会-------------------All-China Federation of Trade Unions
中华医学会-----------------------Chinese Medical Associaition
半导体器械厂 Semi-Conductor Apparatus Plant
包装材料厂 Packaging Materials Plant
保温瓶厂 Thermos Flask Factory
炼钢厂 Steel Works
被单厂 Bedsheet Factory
变压器厂 Transformer factory
玻璃制品厂 Glassware Factory
茶厂 Tea Processing Factory
柴油机厂 Diesel Engine Plant
车辆制造厂 Railway Car Plant
船舶修造厂 Ship Repair Yard
灯具厂 Lighting Equipment Factory
低压开关厂 Low-Voltagetch Factory
汽车制造厂 Automobile Works
发电厂 Power Plant
电动工具厂 Electric Tool Works
电机厂 Electrical Machinery Plant
电讯器材厂 Telecommunication Apparatus Factory
电子管厂 Electronic Tube Factory
电子设备厂 Electronic Equipment Factory
铸造厂 Foundry Works
纺织机械厂 Textile Machinery Plant
服装厂 Garment Factory
皮革制品厂 Leather Goods Factory
罐头食品厂 Canned Food Plant
光学仪器厂 Optical Instrument Factory
广播器材厂 Broadcasting Equipment Factory
锅炉厂 Boiler Factory
化肥厂 Chemical Fertilizer Plant
化工厂 Chemical Works
化学纤维厂 Chemical Fiber Plant
化妆品厂 Cosmetics Plant
机床厂 Machine Tools Plant
机械修理厂 Machine Repair Plant
建筑机械厂 Construction Machinery Plant
金属工艺制品厂 Metal Handicraft Plant
晶体管厂 Transistor Factory
绝缘材料厂 Insulating Materials Plant
民族乐器厂 Folk Music Instrument Factory
炼油厂 Oil Refinery
粮油加工厂 Grain and Cooking Oil Processing Factory
毛纺织厂 Woolen Mill
木材厂 Timber Mill
家具厂 Furniture Factory
农药厂 Insecticide Factory
啤酒厂 Beer Brewery
汽车修配厂 Motor-Car Repair and Assembly Plant
人造纤维厂 Artificial Fiber Plant
乳品加工厂 Milk Processing Plant
石油化工机械厂 Petro-Chemical Machinery Plant
水泥厂 Cement Plant
塑料厂 Plastics Plant
搪瓷厂 Enamel Plant
陶瓷厂 Pottery and porcelain Factory
通用机械厂 General Machinery Plant
玩具厂 Toy Factory
无线电器材厂 Radio Appliances Factory
五金厂 Hardware Factory
橡胶厂 Rubber Plant
制药厂 Pharmaceutical Factory
羊毛衫厂 Woolen Sweater Mill
针织厂 Knitwear Mill
冶炼厂 Metallurgical Plant
医疗器械厂 Medical Apparatus Factory
仪表厂 Instrument and Meters Factory
饮料厂 Soft Drinks Plant
印染厂 Printing and Dyeing Mill
油漆厂 Paint Factory
有机化工厂 Organic Chemical Plant
造纸机械厂 Paper Making Machinery Plant
造船厂 Shipbuilding Plant
自行车厂 Bicycle Plant
家用电器有限公司 Household Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.
技贸公司 Technology and Trade Co., Ltd.
钢铁公司 Iron and Steel Company
保安服务公司 Security Service Company
针织有限公司 Knitting Company Ltd.
实业集团公司 Industrial Group Corporation
国际租赁公司 International Leasing Company
电子技术开发公司 Electronic Technology Development Co.
毛纺织有限公司 Woolen Textile Co., Ltd.
系统工程有限公司 System Engineering Corporation
计算机集团公司 Computer Group Co.
时装有限公司 Fashion Company Ltd.
广告公司 Advertising Company
科学技术开发公司 Science and Technical Development Company
水产品有限公司 Aquatic Product Company Ltd.
旅游公司 Travel Corporation
服装公司 Garment Company Ltd.
国际广告展览 International Advertising and
有限公司 Exposition Co., Ltd.
电冰箱厂有限公司 Refrigerator Factory Co., Ltd.
电风扇工业公司 Electric Fan Industry Company
电话技术开发 Telephonic Technology Develop
服务公司 ment Service Co.
电力机械制造公司 Electrical Machinery Manu-factureing Company
电信发展公司 Telecommunications Development Co.
电子器材公司 Eelectronic Equipment &Materials Corporation
建筑工程 Construction Project Consulting
咨询公司 Corporation
科学仪器 Scientific Instrument Import and
进出口公司 Export Co.
仪器设备公司 Instrument and Equipment Company
汽车企业集团 Automobile Enterprise Group
技术开发咨询公司 Technical Development and Consultancy Co.
对外服务公司 Foreign Service Company
对外经济发展公司 Foreign Economic Development Company
纺织企业集团 Textile Enterprise Group
对外贸易公司 Foreign Trade Company
贸易有限公司 Trading Company Ltd.
国际投资有限公司 International Investment Company
塑料制品有限公司 Plastic Products Co., Ltd.
工艺美术品公司 Arts and Crafts Corporation
国际经济技术 International Economic & Tech-
合作公司 nological Consulting Corporation
国际经济开发公司 International Economic Development Corporation
国际科技咨询公司 International Scientific and Technological Consulting Corporation
国际贸易展览公司 International Trade Exhibition
国际商业服务公司 International Commercial Service Company
国际信息处理 International Information Processing
有限公司 Co.,Ltd.
国际经济合作公司 International Economic Cooperation Corporation
国际工程集团 International Engineering Group Corporation
制衣实业公司 Garments Industrial Company
化工工程咨询公司 Chemical Engineering Consulting Corporation
计算机技术 Computer Technology Service
服务公司 Corporation
工程承包有限公司 Project Contracting Co., Ltd.
建筑设计合资公司 Building Design Joint Venture Corporation
交通进出口 Communications Import & Export
服务公司 Service Company
饭店集团服务公司 Hotel Group, Ltd.
饮料有限公司 Beverage Company Limited
建筑工程公司 Construction Engineering Co.
陶瓷企业集团 Porcelain Industry Complex
饲料技术开 Feed Technological Development
发集团 Group
能源开发公司 Energy Development Corporation
民办交通信息中心 Non-Governmental Transport Information Center
国货有限公司 China Products Company Ltd.
气象服务公司 Meteorological Service Company
农资公司 Agricultural Materials Company
化纤工业集团公司 Chemical Fiber Industry Group
房产投资有限公司 Realty & Investment Company
房地产开发公司 International Container Co., Ltd.
国际集装箱有限公司 Securities Company
证券公司 Plastics and Leather Industrial
塑料皮革工业公司 Company
讨债公司 Debt Collecting Company
新型建筑材料供应公司 New Building Materials Supply Company
中国人民银行 People\'s Bank of China
中国人民建设银行 People\'s Construction Bank of China
中国工商银行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
中国农业银行 Agricultural Bank of China
中国银行 Bank of China
交通银行 Bank of Communications
中国投资银行 China Investment Bank
中信实业银行 CITIC Industrial Bank
中国光大银行 Everbright Bank of China
厦门国际银行 Xiamen International Bank
发展银行(广东) Guangdong Development Bank
中国国际信托投资公司 China International Trust &
中国人民保险公司 Investment Corporation
中国人民保险公司 People\'s Insurance Company of China
平安保险公司 Ping An Insurance Company
中国人寿保险公司 China Life Insurance Company Ltd.
书店 books store
粮店 grain store
食品点 food store
煤店 coal store
食品杂货(副食品)店 grocery
酱园 sauce and pickles shop
肉店 meat (butcher\'s) shop
酒店 wine shop
水产店 aquatic products shop
家禽店 fowl shop
豆腐店 beancurd shop
烤肉店 roast meat shop
卤味店 sauced meat shop
饮食店 food and drink shop
小吃店 eating house (snack bar)
饭店 restaurant
冷饮店 cold drinks shop
蔬菜店水果店 green grocery (green grocer\'s)
蔬菜店 vegetables shop
鞋帽店 shoes and hats store
百货公司 department store
百货商场 general merchandise market
服装店 clothing store
成衣店 ready-made clothes shop
呢绒绸布店 wool, silk and cotton fabrics store
药店(美:杂货店) drug store (pharmacy)
儿童用品商店 children\'s goods shop
妇女用品商店 women\'s goods shop
钟表店 watch and clock ship
文具店 stationer\'s (stationery shop)
日用杂货店 daily-use sundry goods shop
炊事用具商店 cooking utensils shop
家用器具商店 household utensils shop
五金商店 metal products shop
家具店 furniture shop
眼镜店 eyeglasses store
玻璃礼品店 glass gifts store
爆竹鞭炮店 fireworks shop
电器商店 electrical appliance shop
油漆店 paint shop
化工油漆染料店 chemicals, paint and dyestuffs shop
地产建材商店 native building materials store
照相馆(摄影室) photographic studio (photographer\'s)
旧货店 second-hand goods store (used goods store)
寄卖商店 commission shop
综合修理店 general repair shop (service)
工艺美术服务社 arts and crafts shop
花店 flower shop
古玩珠宝店 antiques and jewelry shop
香烟店(摊) cigarette shop (stall)
售报亭 newspaper and magazine stand
茶馆 tea house
理发店 barber\'s shop (hairdresser\'s)
洗澡堂 bath house
旅店/旅馆 inn/ hotel
邮局 post office
鹧鸪天 Partridge Sky
踏莎行 Treading On Grass
相见欢 Joy At Meeting
点绦唇 Rouged Lips
满江红 The River All Red
模鱼儿 Groping For Fish
最高楼 The Highest Tower
疏影 space Shadows
玉楼春 Spring In Jade Pavilion
昼夜乐 Joy Of Day And Night
西江月 The Moon Over The West River
风入松 Wind Through Pines
双双燕 A Pair Of Sparrows
子夜歌 Midnight Song
洞仙歌 Song Of A Fairy In The Cave
柳枝词 Willow Branch Song
卜算子 Song Of Divination
天仙子 Song Of Immortal
更漏子 Song Of Water Clock At Night
南歌子 A Southern Song
水龙吟 Water Dragon Chant
瑞龙吟 Auspicious Dragon Chant
水调歌头 Prelude To Water Melody
调笑令 Song Of Flirtation
唐多令Tang Duo Song
祝英台令Slow Song Of Zhu Ying Tai
扬州慢 Slow Tune Of Yangzhou
声声馒 Slow,Slow Song
减字木兰花 Shortened Form Of Lily Magnolia Flowers
摊破浣溪沙 Lengthened Form Of Silk-Washing Stream
1. 个人资料有用词汇 A Useful Glossary for Personal Data
name 姓名\alias 别名 \pen name 笔名 \date of birth\ 出生日期 birth date 出生日期\ born 出生
于 \birth place 出生地点 \age 年龄 \native place 籍贯\province 省\city 市\autonomous regio
n 自治区\prefecture 专区\county 县\nationality 民族,国籍\citizenship 国籍\duel citizenshi
p 双重国籍\address 地址\current address 目前地址
present address 目前地址\permanent address 永久地址\postal code 邮政编码home phone 住宅电话\office phone 办公电话\business phone 办公电话\Tel.电话\ sex 性别\male
男\female 女\height 身高\weight 体重\marital status 婚姻状况
family status 家庭状况\married 已婚 \single/unmarried 未婚 \divorced 离异\separated 分居 number of children 子女人数\none 无 \street 街 \lane 胡同,巷\road 路 \district 区 \house
number 门牌
health 健康状况 \health condition 健康状况\blood type 血型 \short-sighted 近视 \far-sight
ed 远视 \color-blind 色盲\ID card No.身份证号码 \date of availability 可到职时间 \ avail
able 可到职\membership 会员,资格
president 会长 \vice-president 副会长 \director 理事standing director 常务理事 \secretary general 秘书长 \society 学会association 协会 \research society 研究会
个人资料專用词汇 -----
name 姓名
alias 别名
pen name 笔名
date of birth 出生日期
birth date 出生日期
born 出生于
birth place 出生地点
age 年龄
native place 籍贯
province 省
city 市
autonomous region 自治区
prefecture 专区
county 县
nationality 民族,国籍
citizenship 国籍
duel citizenship 双重国籍
address 地址
current address 目前地址
present address 目前地址
permanent address 永久地址
postal code 邮政编码
home phone 住宅电话
office phone 办公电话
business phone 办公电话
sex 性别
male 男
female 女
height 身高
weight 体重
marital status 婚姻状况
family status 家庭状况
married 已婚
single/unmarried 未婚
divorced 离异
separated 分居
number of children 子女人数
none 无
street 街
lane 胡同,巷
road 路
district 区
house number 门牌
health 健康状况
health condition 健康状况
blood type 血型
short-sighted 近视
far-sighted 远视
color-blind 色盲
ID card No.身份证号码
date of availability 可到职时间
available 可到职
membership 会员,资格
president 会长
vice-president 副会长
director 理事
standing director 常务理事
secretary general 秘书长
society 学会
association 协会
research society 研究会
education 学历
educational background 教育程度
educational history 学历
curriculum 课程
major 主修
minor 副修
educational highlights 课程重点部分
curriculum included 课程包括
specialized courses 专门课程
courses taken 所学课程
courses completed 所学课程
special training 特别训练
social practice 社会实践
part-time jobs 业余工作
summer jobs 暑期工作
vacation jobs 假期工作
refresher course 进修课程
extracurricular activities 课外活动
physical activities 体育活动
recreational activities 娱乐活动
academic activities 学术活动
social activities 社会活动
rewards 奖励
scholarship 奖学金
"Three Goods" student 三好学生
excellent League member 优秀团员
excellent leader 优秀干部
student council 学生会
off-job training 脱产培训
in-job training 在职培训
educational system 学制
academic year 学年
semester 学期(美)
term 学期 (英)
president 校长
vice-president 副校长
dean 院长
assistant dean 副院长
academic dean 教务长
department chairman 系主任
professor 教授
associate professor 副教授
guest professor 客座教授
lecturer 讲师
teaching assistant 助教
research fellow 研究员
research assistant 助理研究员
supervisor 论文导师
principal 中学校长(美)
headmaster 中学校长(英)
master 小学校长 (美)
dean of studies 教务长
dean of students 教导主任
dean of students 教导主任
teacher 教师
probation teacher 代课教师
tutor 家庭教师
governess 女家庭教师
intelligence quotient 智商
pass 及格
fail 不及格
marks 分数
grades 分数
scores 分数
examination 考试
grade 年级
class 班级
monitor 班长
vice-monitor 副班长
commissary in charge of studies 学习委员
commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员
commissary in charge of sports 体育委员
commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员
Party branch secretary 党支部书记
League branch secretary 团支部书记
commissary in charge of organization 组织委员
commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员
degree 学位
post doctorate 博士后
doctor (Ph.D) 博士
master 硕士
bachelor 学士
student 学生
graduate student 研究生
abroad student 留学生
returned student 回国留学生
foreign student 外国学生
undergraduate 大学肄业生
senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生
Junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生
sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生
freshman 大学一年级学生
guest student 旁听生(英)
auditor 旁听生(美)
government-supported student 公费生
commoner 自费生
extern 走读生
day-student 走读生
intern 实习生
prize fellow 奖学金生
boarder 寄宿生
classmate 同班同学
schoolmate 同校同学
graduate 毕业生
work experience 工作经历
work history 工作经历
occupational history 工作经历
professional history 职业经历
employment 经历
employment history 工作经历
experience 经历
business experience 工作经历
specific experience 具体经历
employment record 工作经历
employment experience 工作经历
business background 工作经历
position 职位
job title 职位
responsibilities 职责
duties 职责
second job 第二职业
achievements 工作成就,业绩
administer 管理
assist 辅助
adapted to 适应于
accomplish 完成(任务等)
appointed 被任命的
adept in 善于
analyze 分析
authorized 委任的,核准的
behave 表现
break the record 打破记录
conduct 经营,处理
nominated 被提名的,被任命的
promote 推销(商品);创立(企业)等
be promoted to 被提升为
be proposed as 被提名为,被推荐为
advanced worker 先进工作者
working model 劳动模范
excellent Party member 优秀党员
excellent League member 优秀团员
able 有才干的,能干的
active 主动的,活跃的
adaptable 适应性强的
adroit 灵巧的,机敏的
aggressive 有进取心的
alert 机灵的
ambitious 有雄心壮志的
amiable 和蔼可亲的
amicable 友好的
analytical 善于分析的
apprehensive 有理解力的
aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的
audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的
capable 有能力的,有才能的
careful 办事仔细的
candid 正直的
charitable 宽厚的
competent 能胜任的
confident 有信心的
conscientious 认真的,自觉的
considerate 体贴的
constructive 建设性的
contemplative 好沉思的
cooperative 有合作精神的
creative 富创造力的
dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的
dedicated 有奉献精神的
devoted 有献身精神的
dependable 可靠的
diplomatic 老练的,有策略的
disciplined 守纪律的
discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的
dutiful 尽职的
dynamic 精悍的
earnest 认真的
well-educated 受过良好教育的
efficient 有效率的
energetic 精力充沛的
enthusiastic 充满热情的
expressive 善于表达
faithful 守信的,忠诚的
forceful (性格)坚强的
frank 直率的,真诚的
friendly 友好的
frugal 俭朴的
generous 宽宏大量的
genteel 有教养的
gentle 有礼貌的
hard-working 勤劳的
hearty 精神饱满的
honest 诚实的
hospitable 殷勤的
humble 恭顺的
humorous 幽默的
impartial 公正的
independent 有主见的
industrious 勤奋的
ingenious 有独创性的
initiative 首创精神
have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋
intellective 有智力的
intelligent 理解力强的
inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的
just 正直的
kind-hearted 好心的
knowledgeable 有见识的
learned 精通某门学问的
liberal 心胸宽大的
logical 条理分明的
loyal 忠心耿耿的
methodical 有方法的
modest 谦虚的
motivated 目的明确的
objective 客观的
open-minded 虚心的
orderly 守纪律的
original 有独创性的
painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的
practical 实际的
precise 一丝不苟的
persevering 不屈不挠的
punctual 严守时刻的
purposeful 意志坚强的
qualified 合格的
rational 有理性的
realistic 实事求是的
reasonable 讲道理的
reliable 可信赖的
responsible 负责的
self-conscious 自觉的
selfless 无私的
sensible 明白事理的
sincere 真诚的
smart 精明的
spirited 生气勃勃的
sporting 光明正大的
steady 塌实的
straightforward 老实的
strict 严格的
systematic 有系统的
strong-willed 意志坚强的
sweet-tempered 性情温和的
temperate 稳健的
tireless 孜孜不倦的
objective 目标
career objective 职业目标
employment objective 工作目标
position wanted 希望职位
job objective 工作目标
position applied for 申请职位
position sought 谋求职位
position desired 希望职位
for more specialized work 为更专门的工作
for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途
for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作责任
for wider experience 为扩大工作经验
due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭
due to expiry of employment 由于雇用期满
offered a more challenging opportunity 获得的更有挑战性的工作机会
sought a better job 找到了更好的工作
to look for a more challenging opportunity 找一个更有挑战性的工作机会
to seek a better job 找一份更好的工作
全国人民代表大会national people’s congress (npc)
常务委员会standing committee
办公厅general office
代表资格审查委员会credentials committee
提案审查委员会motions examination committee
民族委员会ethnic affairs committee
法律委员会law committee
财务经济委员会finance affairs committee
外事委员会foreign and economy committee
教育,科学,文化委员会education, science, culture and public health committee
内务司法委员会committee for internal and judicial affairs
华侨委员会overseas chinese affairs committee
法制委员会commission of leg islative affairs
特定问题委员会committee of inquiry into special questions
宪法修改委员会committee for revision of the constitution
中华人民共和国主席president of the people’s republic of china
中央军事委员会central military commission
最高人民法院supreme people’s court
最高人民检察院supreme people’s procuratorate
国务院state council
国务院部委ministries and commissions directly under the state council
外交部ministry of foreign affairs
国防部ministry of national defence
国家发展计划委员state development planning commission
国家经济贸易委员会state economic and trade commission
教育部ministry of education
科学技术部ministry of science and technology
国家科学技术工业委员会commission of science, technology and industry for national defence
国家民族事务委员会state ethnic affairs commission
公安部 ministry of public security
国家安全部 ministry of state security
监察部 ministry of supervision
民政部 ministry of civil affairs
司法部 ministry of justice
财政部 ministry of finance
人事部 ministry of personnel
劳动和社会保障部 ministry of labour and social security
国土资源部ministry of land and resources
建设部ministry of construction
铁 路部 ministry of railways
交通部 ministry of communications
信息产业部 ministry of information industry
水利部ministry of water resources
农业部ministry of agriculture
对外贸易经济合作部ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation
文化部ministry of culture
卫生部ministry of public health
国家计划生育委员会state family planning commission
中国人民银行people’s bank of china
国家审计署state auditing administ ration
国务院办事机构offices under that state council
国务院办公厅general off ice of the state council
侨务办公厅office of overseas chinese affairs
港澳办公厅hong kong and macao affairs office
台湾办公厅taiwan affairs office
法制办公厅office of legislative affairs
经济体制办公厅office for economic restructuring
国务院研究室research office of the state council
新闻办公室information office
国务院直属机构departments directly under the state council
海关总署general administration of customs
国家税务总局state taxation administration
国家环境保护总局state environmental protection administration
中国民用航空总局civil aviation administration of china (caac)
国家广播电影电视总局state administration of radio, film and television
国家体育总局state physical cultural administration
国家统计局state statistics bureau
国家工商行政管理局state administration of industry and commerce
新闻出版署press and publication administration
国家版权局state copyright bureau
国家林业局state forestry bureau
国家质量技术监督局state bureau of quality and technical supervision
国家药品监督管理局state drug administration (sda)
国家知识产权局state intellectual property office (sipo)
国家旅游局national tourism administration
国家宗教事务局state bureau of religious affairs
国务院参事室counsellors’ office of the state council
国务院机关事务管理局government offices administration of the state council
国务院直属事业单位institutions directly under the state council
新华通讯社xinhua news agency
中国科学院chinese academy of sciences
中国社会科学院chinese academy of social sciences
中国工程院chinese academy of engineering
国务院发展研究中心development research centre of the state council
国家行政学院national school of administration
中国地震局china seismological bureau
中国气象局china meteorological bureau
中国证券监督管理委员会china securities regulatory commission (csrs)
部委管理的国家局state bureaux administration by ministration or commission)
国家粮食储备局(国家发展计划委员会)state bureau of grain reserve (under the state development planning commission)
国家国内贸易局 state bureau of internal trade
国家煤炭工业局 state bureau of coal industry
国家机械工业局state bureau of machine building industry
国家冶金工业局state bureau of metallurgical industry
国家石油和化学工业局state bureau of petroleum and chemical industry
国家轻工业局state bureau of light industry
国家纺织工业局state bureau of textile industry
国家建筑材料工业局 state bureau of building materials industry
国家烟草专卖局state tobacco monopoly bureau
国家有色金属工业局state bureau of nonferrous metal industry
国家外国专家局(人事部) state bureau of foreign experts affairs (under the ministry of personnel)
国家海洋局(国土资源部) state bureau of oceanic administration (under the ministry of land and resources)
国家测绘局(国土资源部) state bureau of surveying and mapping (ditto)
国家邮政局(信息产业部) state post bureau (under the ministry of information in dustry)
国家文物局(文化部) state cultural relics bureau (under the ministry of culture)
国家中医药管理局(卫生部) state administration of traditional chinese medicine (under the ministry of public health)
国家外汇管理局(中国人民银行总行) state administration of foreign exchange (under the people’s bank of china)
国家出入境检验检疫局(海关总署) state administration for entryexit inspection and quarantine (under the general administration of customs)
基本框架 basic framework
办学效益 efficiency in school management
协调发展 doordinated and balanced program of development
教育投入 input in education
优化教师队伍 optimize the teaching staff
实行分区规划 practice regional planning
社会参与 communal participation
新增劳动力 incoming labor force
职前教育 pre-service education
岗位培训 undergo job-specific training
提高......的思想品德 enhance the moral awareness of ...
职业道德 professional ethics
重点学科 key disciplinary areas or priority fields of study
(大学)专科 Major Types of Education in China short 2- to 3- year higher education programs
扫盲班 literacy class
注册人数 enrollment
年龄段(层)age bracket
反复灌输 inculcate
希望工程 Project Hope
学龄儿童 school-ager
人才枯竭 exhaustion of human resources
辍/失学青少年 school dropout/leaver
基金会 foundation
服务性行业 service trade
在职培训 on-the-job/in-service training
国际劳工组织 International Labor Organization
基础科学 the fundamentals
学分制 the credit system
三学期制 the trimester system
双学士制 a double BA degree system
主副修制 a system of a major field of specialization plus a minor field
教学、科研、生产的"三结合" "3-in-1 combination" involving teaching,research, and production
三结合联合体 tripartite complex
定向招生 students are admitted to be trained for pre-determined employers
包分配 guarantee job assignments
燎原计划 the Prairie Fire Program
示范试点 demonstration pilot project
结合、使加入 incorporate
动员 mobilize
税收 tax revenue
多学科的 multi-disciplinary
重点大学 key university
被授权 be authorized to do
博士后科研流动站 center for post-doctoral studies
专业 speciality
爱国人士 patriotic personage
国家发明奖 National Invention Prize
国家自然科学奖 National Prize for Natural Sciences
国家科技进步奖 National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology
学术报告会,专题讨论会 symposium
记者招待会 press conference
国家教委主任 Chairman of the State Education Commission
国家统计局 the State Statistical Bureau
国家教育经费 national expenditure on education
财政拨款 financial allocation
半文盲 semiliterate; functional illiterate
占百分比 account for ...%
专任教师 full-time teacher
资料中心 data center
国际文化交流 intercultural communication
教育方针 guideline(s)/guiding principle(s) for education
Education must serve the needs of socialist modernization, be integrated with productive labor, and train builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectuall and physically.
a socialist education system with distince Chinese characteristics that meets the needs of socialist modernization and is oriented to the 21st century
to keep to the socialist orientation
身体好,学习好,工作好。Keep fit, study hard and work well.
德才兼备 to combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability
成为有理想,有道德,有文化,守纪律的劳动者 to become working people with lofty ideals, moral integrity, education and a sense of discipline
Gear educaiton to the needs of modernization, the world and the future
爱国主义教育 education in patrotisem
国际主义教育 education in internationalism
集体主义教育 education in collectivism
共产主义教育 education in communism
共产主义道德品质 communist ethics
政治思想教育 political and ideological education
"Five Love": love the motherland, the people, labor, and science and take good care of public property.
教书育人 to educate the person as well as impart book knowledge
to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve concrete problems independently
to help develop the ability of the students to think things out for themselves
to foster the students' ability to study on their own
发挥学生主动性、创造性 to give scope to the students' initiative and creativeness
自学成才 to become educated through independent study
启发式 elicitation method (of teaching); heuristic method
填鸭式教学法 cramming/forced-feeding method of teaching
普及教育 universal education
义务教育 compulsory education; free education
学前教育 preschool education
初等教育 elementary education
中等教育 secondary education
高等教育 higher/tertiary education
普遍教育 general education
成人教育 adult education
职业技术教育 vocational and technical education
国家教育委员会 State Education Commission
高等学校 institution of higher education
综合性大学 comprehensive university
文科大学 university of liberal arts
文科院校 colleges of art
理工科大学 college/university of science and engineering
师范大学 normal university; teachers' university
师范学院 teachers' college
工业大学 polytechnical university
工业学院 engineering institute
农业大学 agricultural university
农学院 agricultural college
医科大学 medical university
医学院 medical college/school
中医院 institute of traditional Chinese medicine
音乐学院 conservatory of music
美术学院 academy of fine arts
体育学院 physical culture institute
分校 branch school
重点学校 key school
业余学校 spare-time school
业余职工大学 spare-time college for staff and workers
电视广播大学 television and radio broadcasting university
函授学院 correspondence school
教师进修学校 teachers' college for vocational studies
成人夜校 night school for adults
业余艺术/体育学校 amateur arts/athletic school
半工半读学校 part-work and part-study school
中等专业学校 secondary specialized school; polytechnic school
中等技术学校 secondary technical school; technical secondary school
职业学校 vocational school
附中 attached middle school
在职进修班 in-service training course
进修班 class for advanced studies
短训班 short-term training course
专修科 special (training) course
自学考试 self-taught examination
教职员 teaching and administrative staff
教学人员 the faculty; teaching staff
中、小学校长headmaster/headmistress; principal
大专院校校长 president; chancellor
教务长 dean of studies
(系)主任 chairman; chairperson
副主任 vice-chairman
教授 professor
副教授 associate professor
客座教授 visiting professor; guest professor
讲师 lecturer
助教 assistant
专职教师 full-time teacher
兼职教师 part-time teacher
辅导员 assistant for political and ideological work
教研室/组 teaching and research section/group
教学组 teaching group
教员休息室 staff room; common room
母校 Alma Mater
校友 alumnus; alumna
学生会 students' union/association
高年级学生 upper/higher grade pupil/student; pupil/student in senior grades
低年级学生 lower grade pupil/student; pupil/student in junior grades
走读生 day student; non-resident student
住宿生 boarder
旁听生 auditor
研究生 graduate student; post-graduate (student)
应届毕业生 graduating student/pupil; this year's graduates
听课 to visit a class; to sit in on a class;p to attend a lecture
公开课 open class
课程 course; curriculum
必修课 required/compulsory course
选修课 elective/optional course
基础课 basic course
专业课 specialized course
课程表 school timetable
课外活动 extracurricular activities
课外辅导 instruction after class
课外阅读 outside reading
课堂讨论 class discussion
(大学的)研究小组;讨论会 seminar
教学大纲 teaching program; syllabus
教学内容 content of courses
学习年限 period of schooling
学历 record of formal schooling
学年 school/academic year
学期 (school)term; semester
学分 credit
分数 mark; grade
五分制 the 5-grade marking system
百分制 100-mark system
学习成绩 academic record; school record
成绩单 school report; report card; transcript
毕业论文 thesis; dissertation
毕业实习 graduation field work
毕业设计 graduation ceremony
毕业典礼 graduation ceremony; commencement
毕业证书 diploma; graduation certificate
毕业鉴定 graduation appraisal
授予某人学位 to confer a degree on sb.
升级 to be promoted to a higher grade
留级 to repeat the year's work; to stay down
补考 make-up examination
升学t o go to a school of a higher grade; to enter a higher school
升学率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade
奖学金 scholarship
(国家)助学金 (state)stipend/subsidy
领取助学金的学生 a grant-aided student
学费 tuition (fee)
伙食费 board expenses
伙食补助 food allowance
n 简历常用词汇
n education 学历
educational background 教育程度
educational history 学历
currculum 课程
major 主修
minor 副修
educational highlights 课程重点部分
curriculum included 课程包括
specialized courses 专门课程
courses taken 所学课程
courses completed 所学课程
special training 特别训练
social practice 社会实践
part-time jobs 业余工作
summer jobs 暑期工作
vacation jobs 假期工作
refresher course 进修课程
extracurricular activies 体育活动
recreational activities娱乐活动
academic activities 学术活动
social activities 社会活动
rewards 奖励
scholarship 奖学金
"Three Goods" student "三好"学生
excellent League member 优秀团员
excellent leader 优秀干部
student council 学生会
off-job training 脱产培训
in-job training 在职培训
educational sustem 学制
academic year 学年
semester 学期(美)
term 学期(英)
president 校长
vice-president 副校长
acdemic dean 教务员
department chairman 系主任
professor 教授
associate professor 副教授
guest professor 客座教授
lecturer 讲师
teching assistant 助教
research fellow 研究员
rearch assistant 助理研究员
supervisor 论文导师
principal 中学校长(美)
headmaster 中小学校长(英)
master 小学校长(美)
dean of students 教务长
dean of students 教导主任 teacher 教师
probation teacher 代课教师
tutor 家庭教师
governess 女家庭教师
intelligence quotient 智商
pass 及格
fail 不及格
marks 分数
grades 分数
scores 分数
examination 考试
grade 年级
class 班级
monitor 班长
vice-monitor 副班长
commissary in charge of studies 学习委员
commissary in charge of entertaainment 文娱委员
commissary in charge of sports 体育委员
commissary in charge of physical labour 劳动委员
Party branch secretary 党支部书记
League branch secretary 团支部书记
commissary in charge of organization组织委员
commessary in charge of publicity 宣传委员
degree 学位
post doctorate 博士后
doctor (Ph.D) 博士
master 硕士
bachelor 学士
student 学生
graduate student 研究生
abroad student 留学生
returned student 回国留学生
foreign student 外国留学生
undergraduate 大学肄业生;(尚未取得学位的)大学生
senior 大学四年级学生;高中三年级学生
Junior 大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生
sophomore 大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生
guest student 旁听生(英)
auditor 旁听生(美)
government-supported student 公费生
commoner 自费生
extern 走读生
day-student 走读生
intern 实习生
prize fellow 奖学金生
boarder 寄宿生
classmate 同班同学
schoolmate 同校同学
graduate 毕业生
n 热点词录
公正、公平、公开 just, fair and open
好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster
黄金时段 prime time
假唱 lip-synch
劲射 power shot
拉拉队 cheering squad
来电显示电话机 caller ID telephone
论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense
泡沫经济 bubble economy
票贩子 scalper, ticket tout
拳头产品 competitive products; knock-out products; blockbuster
三角恋爱 love triangle
三 维 动 画 片 three-dimensional animation
" 扫黄 " 、 " 打非 " eliminate pornography and illegal publications
申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games
实现中华民伟大复兴 bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
市场疲软 sluggish market
素质教育 education for all-around development
筒子楼: tube-shaped apartment
脱贫致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity
网吧 Internet bar
网恋 online love affair
网上冲浪 surf the Internet
网上交易平台 online trading platform
网友 net friend
无人售票 self-service ticketing
无绳来电显示电话 cordless telephone with caller ID
无线应用协议 WAP ( wireless application protocol )
下岗 laid-off workers
下海 plunge into the commercial sea
下网 off line
小康之家 well-off family; comfortably-off family
新秀 up-and-coming star, rising star
新新人类 New Human Being ; X Generation
信息港 inforport
形象小姐 / 先生 image representative of a product or a brand
虚拟网 virtual net
学生处 students' affairs division
研究生毕业证 / 学位证 graduate diploma/graudate degree's diploma
摇钱树 cash cow
以人为本 people oriented; people foremost
义务教育 compulsory education
易拉罐 pop can
应试教育 examination-oriented education system
舆论导向 direction of public opinion
运球 dribble
在职博士生 on-job doctorate
早恋 puppy love
招生就业指导办公室 enrolment and vocation guidance office
证券营业部 stock exchange; security exchange
知识产权 intellectual property rights
中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student
中流砥柱 mainstay, chief corner stone
专卖店 exclusive agency; franchised store
自我保护意识 self-protection awareness
综合国力 comprehensive national strength
综合业务数字网 integrated service digital network (ISDN)
总裁助理 assistant president
综合治理 comprehensive treatment
安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents
信息化 information-based; informationization
智力密集型 concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive
外资企业 overseas-funded enterprises
下岗职工 laid-off workers
分流 reposition of redundant personnel
三角债 chain debts
素质教育 education for all-round development
豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects
社会治安情况 law-and-order situation
民族国家 nation state
撎ǘ罃 "independence of Taiwan"
台湾当局 Taiwan authorities
台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots
台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.
西部大开发 Development of the West Regions
可持续性发展 sustainable development
风险投资 risk investment
通货紧缩 deflation
扩大内需 to expand domestic demand
计算机辅助教学 computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )
网络空间 cyberspace
虚拟现实 virtual reality
网民 netizen ( net citizen )
电脑犯罪 computer crime
电子商务 the e-business
网上购物 shopping online
应试教育 exam-oriented education
学生减负 to reduce study load
Ranks In The Chinese Armed Forces
一级上将----General First Class
中将--------Lieutenant General
少将--------Major General
大校--------Senior Colonel
中校--------Lieutenant Colonel
中尉--------First Lieutenant
少尉--------Second Lieutenant
军事长------Master Sergeant
专业军士----Specialist Sergeant
上士--------Sergeant, First Class
上等兵------Private, First Class
一级上将----Admiral, First Class
中将--------Vice Admiral
少将--------Rear Admiral
大校--------Senior Captain
少校--------Lieutenant Commander
中尉--------Lieutenant, Junior Grade
军事长------Chief Petty Officer
专业军士----Specialist Petty Officer
上士--------Petty Officer, First Class
中士--------Petty Officer, Second Class
下士--------Petty Officer, Third Class
上等兵------Seaman, First Class
列兵--------Seaman, Second Class
【空军--------Air Force】
一级上将----General, First Class
中将--------Lieutenant General
少将--------Major General
大校--------Senior Colonel
中校--------Lieutenant Colonel
中尉--------First Lieutenant
少尉--------Second Lieutenant
军事长------Master Sergeant
专业军士----Specialist Sergeant
上士--------Technical Sergeant
中士--------Staff Sergeant
上等兵------Airman, First Class
A Brief Chinese Chronology... ...
Dynasty Date
Xia C.21st-16th century B.C.
Shang C.16th-11th century B.C.
Western Zhou C.11th century B.C.-770 B.C.
Eastern Zhou (Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods) 770-221 B.C.
Qin 221-207 B.C.
Western Han 206 B.C.-A.D. 24
Eastern Han 25-220
Three Kingdoms (Wei, Shu and Wu) 220-265
Western Jin 265-316
Eastern Jin 317-420
Southern and Northern Dynasty 420-589
Sui 581-618
Tang 618-907
Five Dynasties 907-960
Northern Song 960-1127
Southern Song 1127-1279
Yuan 1271-1368
Ming 1368-1644
Qing 1644-1911
Republic of China 1912-1949
People's Republic of China 1949-
pink 粉红色
salmon pink 橙红色
baby pink 浅粉红色
shocking pink 鲜粉红色
brown 褐色, 茶色
beige 灰褐色
chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色
sandy beige 浅褐色
camel 驼色
amber 琥珀色
khaki 卡其色
maroon 褐红色
green 绿色
moss green 苔绿色
emerald green 鲜绿色
olive green 橄榄绿
blue 蓝色
turquoise blue 土耳其玉色
cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色
navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色
aquamarine blue 蓝绿色
red 红色
scarlet 绯红, 猩红
mauve 紫红
wine red 葡萄酒红
purple, violet 紫色
lavender 淡紫色
lilac 浅紫色
antique violet 古紫色
pansy 紫罗兰色
white 白色
off-white 灰白色
ivory 象牙色
snowy white 雪白色
oyster white 乳白色
gray 灰色
charcoal gray 炭灰色
smoky gray 烟灰色
misty gray 雾灰色
1. 交通规则 traffic regulation
2. 路标 guide post
3. 里程碑 milestone
4. 停车标志 mark car stop
5. 红绿灯 traffic light
6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light
7. 红灯 red light
8. 绿灯 green light
9. 黄灯 amber light
10. 交通岗 traffic post
11. 岗亭 police box
12. 交通警 traffic police
13. 打手势 pantomime
14. 单行线 single line
15. 双白线 double white lines
16. 双程线dual carriage-way
17. 斑马线 zebra stripes
18. 划路线机 traffic line marker
19. 交通干线 artery traffic
20. 车行道 carriage-way
21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary
22. 双车道 two-way traffic
23. 自行车通行 cyclists only
24. 单行道 one way only
25. 窄路 narrow road
26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet
27. 陡坡 steep hill
28. 不平整路 rough road
29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road
30. 连续弯路 winding road
31. 之字路 double bend road
32. 之字公路tch back road
33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade
34. 道路交叉点 road junction
35. 十字路 cross road
36. 左转 turn left
37. 右转 turn right
38. 靠左 keep left
39. 靠右 keep right
40. 慢驶 slow
41. 速度 speed
42. 超速 excessive speed
43. 速度限制 speed limit
44. 恢复速度 resume speed
45. 禁止通行 no through traffic
46. 此路不通 blocked
47. 不准驶入 no entry
48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead
49. 不准掉头 no turns
50. 让车道 passing bay
51. 回路 loop
52. 安全岛 safety island
53. 停车处 parking place
54. 停私人车 private car park
55. 只停公用车 public car only
56. 不准停车 restricted stop
57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting
58. 临街停车 parking on-street
59. 街外停车 parking off-street
60. 街外卸车 loading off-street
61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing
62. 当心牲畜 caution animals
63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead
64. 拱桥 hump bridge
65. 火车栅 level crossing
66. 修路 road works
67. 医院 hospital
68. 儿童 children
69. 学校 school
70. 寂静地带 silent zone
71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends
72. 交通管理 traffic control
73. 人山人海 crowded conditions
74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people
75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam
76. 水泄不通 overwhelm
77. 顺挤 extrusion direct
78. 冲挤 extrusion impact
79. 推挤 shoved
80. 挨身轻推 nudging
81. 让路 give way
82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian
83. 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences
84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license
85. 危险驾驶 dangerous driving
86. 粗心驾车 careless driving
87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor
88. 无证驾驶 driving without license
89. 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent
90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance
91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate
92. 安全第一 safety first
93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact
94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision
95. 相撞 collided
96. 连环撞 a chain collision
97. 撞车 crash
98. 辗过 run over
99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver
100. 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement
n.羊, 绵羊, 羞答答的人, 胆小鬼, 信徒
a flock of sheep 一群羊
a wolf in sheep's clothing
披着羊皮的狼, 口蜜腹剑的人
a black sheep
害群之马; 拒绝参加罢工的工人
a lost sheep
迷途羔羊, 迷失正道的人
a sheep among wolves
落入狼群; 落在一群恶汉手中的善良人
as a sheep among the shearers
as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb
[谚]偷大羊或偷小羊反正都得挨绞刑; 一不做二不休
count sheep
follow like a sheep 盲从
One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock.
[谚] 一只羊生疮整群羊遭殃。
return to one's sheep [muttons]
separate the sheep from the goats
There is a black sheep in every flock.
sheep and goats
sheep that have no shepherd
" Without a shepherd, sheep are not a flock."
- Russian Proverb
"An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep."
- Arab Proverb
"The sheep has no choice when in the jaws of the wolf."
- Chinese proverb
A cat has nine lives.
猫有九条命。(英国迷信, 指猫的生命力强)
A cat in gloves catches no mice. (=Muffled cats catch no mice.)
[谚]带手套的猫捉不到耗子; 四肢不勤, 一事无成; 怕沾污手指的人做不出什么事。
A cat may look at a king.
agree like cats and dogs
[口]像猫和狗一样合不来, 完全合不来
All cats are grey in the dark. (=At night all cats are grey; when candles are out, all cats are grey.)
[谚]猫在暗中都是灰色; 黑暗中难分丑妍
as weak as a cat (=as weak as water)
copy cat
enough to make a cat [horse] laugh
极其可笑; 让人笑掉大牙
enough to make a cat speak
[口]令人惊讶; 事情太出奇
fat cat
美国政治运动的出资人, 捐献大宗政治款项的富人; 安于现状的懒汉; 以权谋私的人, 享受特权的人
Has the cat got your tongue?
It rains cats and dogs.
下倾盆大雨, 大雨滂沱
let the cat out of the bag
说走了嘴, (无意中)泄露秘密
like a cat on hot bricks
局促不安, 如热锅上的蚂蚁
live like cat and dog
old cat
see [watch] how [which way] the cat jumps (=wait for the cat to jump)
观望形势然后行动; 看风使舵, 随机应变
That's like putting the cat near the goldfish bowl.
引狼入室; 等于把猫放在金鱼缸旁。
The cat did it.
[口谑]是猫打破的; 不是我搞的。(推托责任的话)
The cat is out of the bag.
[口]秘密泄露; 真相大白。
The cat jumps.
The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.
[谚]掩耳盗铃; 猫偷吃奶油的时候, 总是闭着眼睛。
The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.
猫儿想吃鱼, 又怕湿了脚(想吃鱼又怕腥; 想得到某种东西又怕麻烦或担风险)。
The scalded cat fears cold water.
[谚] 被烫过的猫, 连冷水也怕(一朝被蛇咬, 三年怕井绳)
Watch sb. as a cat watches a mouse.
When the cat's away, the mice will play.
[谚]猫儿不在,老鼠成精(大王外出, 小鬼跳粱
He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。
lead a dog's life 过穷困潦倒的日子
not have a dog's chance 毫无机会
top dog 当权派;头儿
treat sb. like a dog 不把某人当人看
a hunting dog 猎犬
a lazy dog 懒汉
a gay dog 一个快乐的人
a dirty dog 下流坯
dog-days n.[pl.]三伏天, 大热天; 无所作为的时期, 无精打彩的日子
A good dog deserves a good bone.
[谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。
A living dog is better than a dead lion.
A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with.
[谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。
An old dog barks not in vain.
[谚]老狗不乱吠; 老狗 一吠, 就得小心。
An old dog will learn no new tricks. (=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)
[谚]老狗学不了新把戏; 老年人很难适应新事物。
as [like] a dog with two tails
Barking dogs seldom bite.
[谚]爱叫的狗 不咬人; 咬人的狗不露齿。
be (old) dog at (a thing)
对...有经验; 对...很内行
Beware of a silent dog and still water.
[谚]提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。
come like a dog at a whistle
Every dog has his day.
Every dog is a lion at home. [Every dog is valiant at his own door.]
[谚]狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。
Fight dog, fight bear.
[谚]打个青红皂白, 一决雌雄。
Give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hang him).
[谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉; 人言可畏。
It is ill to waken sleeping dogs. [let sleeping dogs lie; don't wake a sleeping dog.]
别多事, 别惹麻烦。
lead a dog's life
love me, love my dog.
[谚]你若把我当朋友, 也要把我的朋友当朋友; 爱屋及乌。
Scornful[Hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings.
[谚]人到危急时, 平时所不屑做的也要做; 急不暇择, 饥不择食。
teach an old dog new tricks
teach the dog to bark
The dog returns to his vomit.
狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西; 重犯旧日罪恶。
· 爱心工程 Loving Care Project
· 安家费 settling-in allowance
· 安慰奖 consolation prize
· 暗箱操作 black case work
· 按资排辈 to assign priority according to seniority
· 按揭贷款 mortgage loan
· 按揭购房 to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house
· 把关 guard a pass
· 霸权主义 hegemonism
· 吧台 bar counter
· 把握大局 grasp the overall situation
· 拔河(游戏) tug-of-war
· 摆花架子 a metaphor for presenting an attractive facade but in reality lacking substance
· 拜金主义 money worship
· 百年老店 century-old shop
· 白热化 be white-hot
· 摆脱贫困 shake off poverty; lift oneself from poverty
· 拜把兄弟 sworn brothers
· 摆架子 put on airs
· 白马王子 Prince Charming
· 拜年 pay New Year call
· 摆谱儿 put on airs; show off; keep up appearances
· 班车 shuttle bus
· 半拉子工程 uncompleted project
· 板楼,板式楼 slab-type apartment building
· 斑马线 zebra stripes
· 班门弄斧 teach one's grandma to suck eggs
· 搬迁户 a relocated unit or household
· 半脱产 a partial sabbatical from work
· 帮倒忙 trying to help but causing more trouble in the process
· 傍大款 (of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags
· 包产到户 fixing of farm output quotas for each household; production contracted to each household
· 包产到户 fixing of farm output quotas for each household; production contracted to each household
· 包车 to charter a vehicle (bus, train car, etc.); a chartered vehicle
· 保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy
· 保兑银行 confirming bank
· 暴发户 new rich; upstart (persons or households who suddenly became rich through unscrupulous means or unexpected opportunities)
· 曝光 make public; expose
· 保护伞 protective umbrella
· 保健按摩 therapeutic massage
· 保健品 health care products
· 爆冷门 produce an unexpected winner; a dark horse bobbing up
· 暴力片 splatter film
· 背投屏幕 rear projection screen
· 被摘牌的公司 delisted company
· 本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches
· 奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life
· 本本主义 bookishness
· 蹦迪 disco dancing
· 蹦极 bungee, bungee jumping
· 闭关政策 closed-door policy
· 闭门羹 given cold-shoulder
· 比上不足,比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst
· 逼上梁山 be driven to drastic alternatives
· 变相涨价 disguised inflation
· 边远贫困地区 outlying poverty-stricken areas
· 边缘知识人 Marginal intellectuals
· 贬值 devalue, devaluate, depreciate (of a currency)
· 表面文章 lip service; surface formality
· 表演赛 demonstration match
· 并网发电 combined to the grid
· 伯乐 a good judge of talent (a name of a legendary person in the state of Qin during the Spring and Autumn Period who excelled in evaluating horses)
· 剥离不良资产 strip bad assets off
· 薄利多销 small profit, large sale volume
· 博彩(业) lottery industry
· 剥夺冠军 strip the gold medal of somebody
· 薄利多销 small profits but quick returns; small profits and good sales
· BP 机 beeper, pager
· B to B (B2B) business to business
· B to C (B2C) business to consumer
· 不打不成交 No discord, no concord.
· 不到长城非好汉 He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
· 不分上下的总统选举结果 the neck-and-neck presidential election result
· 不感冒 have no interest
· 不管部部长 minister without portfolio
· 不良贷款 non-performing loan
· 不买帐 not take it; not go for it
· 步行街 pedestrian street
· 步行天桥 pedestrian overpass
· 不以物喜,不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses
· 不正之风 bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency
· 擦边球 edge ball, touch ball
· 菜篮子工程 shopping basket program
· 菜鸟,新手 green hand
· 采取高姿态 show magnanimity
· 财务报表 financial statement
· 参拜靖国神社 visit to the Yasukuni war shrine
· 参政、议政 participate in the management of State affairs
· 仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket
· 层层转包和违法分保 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting
· 茶道 sado
· 差额选举 competitive election
· 查房 make/go the rounds of the wards
· 拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul
· 拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition
· 禅 dhyana
· 产粮大省 granary province
· 产品积压 overstocked products
· 产品结构 product mix
· 产品科技含量 technological element of a product
· 产品生命周期分析 LCA (Life Cycle Analysis)
· 产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开、科学管理 clearly established ownership, well defined power and responsibility, separation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management
· 产权制度、产权关系 property relations; property order
· 唱高调 mouth high-sounding words
· 长江三角洲 Yangtze River delta
· 长江中下游 the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River
· 长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, sincere treatment with each other and the sharing of weal or woe
· 畅通工程 Smooth Traffic Project
· 常务理事 executive member of the council
· 超前消费 pre-mature consumption; overconsuming; excessive consumption; spend beyond one's means
· 超前意识 superior consciousness
· 超载过牧 overgraze
· 炒作 speculation (stock); sensationalization (news)
· 扯皮 shirk; pass the buck
· 城镇社会保障体系 urban social security system
· 承包 contract with
· 城乡信用社 credit corroborative in both urban and rural areas
· 吃老本 live on one's own fat; bask in one's past glory; rest on one's laurels
· 持续、稳定、协调发展 sustained, stable and coordinated development
· 吃大锅饭 egalitarian practice of everybody eating from the same big pot
· 吃皇粮 receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government
· 充电 recharge one's batteries; update one's knowledge; brush up
· 冲帐 strike a balance; counter-balance accounts; reverse an entry
· 重复建设 building redundant project; duplication of similar projects
· 充值卡 rechargeable card
· 筹备委员会 preparatory committee
· 筹划指导委员会 steering committee
· 臭老九 stinking ninth category (of class enemies next to landlords, reactionaries and even spies, etc. , a term of abuse by ultra-Leftists for teachers and other educated people in the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution)
· 出风头 show off;in the limelight
· 出家 pravrajana; cloister
· 出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities orginally produced for exports
· 触摸屏 touchscreen
· 出气筒 punching bag
· 传销 pyramid sales; multi-level marketing
· 穿小鞋 make it hot for; make trouble for
· 春运 (passenger) transport during the Spring Festival
· 此地无银三百两 A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.
· 辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new
· 从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy
· 粗放经营 extensive operation
· 粗放式管理 extensive management
· 促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy
· 打白条 issue IOU
· 打包儿 use doggy bags to take food home
· 大包干 all-round responsibility system
· 大而全 large and comprehensive; large and all-inclusive
· 大规模杀伤性武器 mass destruction weapon
· 打黑 crack down on speculation and profiteering
· 打假 crack down on counterfeit goods
· 打假办 Office of Cracking down on Fake Products
· 大减价 markdown sales
· 大贱卖 big offering
· 大款 tycoon
· 大腕 top notch, big shot
· 大型电视系列片,长篇电视连续剧 maxi-series
· 大学生创业 university students' innovative undertaking
· 大要案 major and serious criminal cases
· 大专生 junior college student
· 大专文凭 associate degree
· 待岗 await job assignment, post-waiting
· 代培 train on contract; be commissioned to train; directional training
· 代销店 commission agent
· 带薪分流 assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits
· 带薪假期 paid holiday
· 待业 job-waiting
· 待业人员 job-waiting people
· 呆帐 dead account
· 代职 function in an acting capacity
· 单边主义 unilateralism
· 党风建设 construction of the Party conduct
· 党群关系 Party-masses relationship
· 党政机关 Party and government organizations
· 盗版VCD pirated VCD
· 德智体美劳 all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labour education
· 邓小平外交思想 Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts
· 低调 low keyed (a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach)
· 地方保护主义 regional protectionism
· 地方财政包干制 system whereby local authorities take full responsibility for their finances
· 第三代移动电话(3G手机) third generation mobile; 3G mobile
· 电脑盲 computer illiterate
· 电脑迷 mouse potato
· 点球 penalty kick
· 电视直销 TV home shopping
· 点子公司 consultancy company
· 吊销执照 revoke license
· 丁克一族 DINK (Double Income No Kids)
· 钉子户 person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project
· 东突恐怖分子 East Turkistan terrorist
· 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built project
· 渡假外交 holiday-making diplomacy
· 独生子女 the only child in one's family
· 对外招商 attract foreign investment
· 多媒体短信服务 MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)
· 多元化 pluralism
· 多种经营 diversified economy