http://shanghaiist.com/2015/07/01/hong-kong-not-china-illustrations.phpA collection of illustrations created by a Hong Kong designerhas gone viral since being published to the Facebook page of LocalStudio HK (本土工作室).
The collection features 24 illustrations depicting thedifference between mainland China and Hong Kong, covering topicsincluding cultural habits, discipline, language and socio-politicalissues such as judicial structures, food safety and censorship.
The unidentified designer of the illustrations revealed that thepurpose of the collection was to “Mourn the fact that Hong Kong hasbeen 'colonized' by mainland China" and to "tell the world aboutthe differences between Hong Kongers and Chinese people".
One of the images takes a direct jab at the Hong Kong policeforce, which last year came under scrutiny for its handling of thepro-democracy protests in the territory.
While the Facebook post has racked up nearly 4,000 "likes" fromsupporters, others accused the artist of generalizing and directingunnecessary hate at the people of mainland China.
"I understand HK is going through a difficult time right now.You have every right to be angry, but if you are angry, be angry atthe government and the communist party," wrote one Maggie Chou."Posts like this will hurt mainlanders and make mainlanders thinkHK people are arrogant. I know you are proud of your distinctidentity, but please don't do it on the cost of others."
"Comparing mainland's worst with HK's best," wrote Xiang Min."Free speech? More like hate speech."
By Crystal Lau
[Images via Facebook and funbombclub.com]