第一部分是我阅读过程中,不断积累的副词(基本上都是修饰动词或者整个句子,表示方式状态的副词), 后边有朗文3000的副词总结,两者之间有所重复,但每个部分是没有重复的。
The tomato is technically a fruit,although it is eaten as avegetable.
4. criticallyadv.批评性地,爱挑剔地,重要地,危急地
I looked atmyselfcriticallyin themirror.
There is certainly a religious liberty issue .
7. deeply强烈地;深刻地浓浓地;深沉地
9. religiously笃信地;虔诚地
10. simply简单地;简易地;朴素地/仅仅;只不过
11. fundamentally基础地;根本地;重要地
13. strangely奇妙地;不可思议地;怪异地
14. accidently偶然地,意外地
15. apparently1.显然地2.表面上,似乎
16. basically大体上;基本上.总的说来;从根本上说
17. viewedhistorically观看历史,纵看历史
22. rapidly迅速的,立即
23. mistakenly错误地;被误解地
24.greatly 大大地,非常 Despite being"natural",Caffeine is also a powerful drug , which greatly affectsthe body .
Thenumber greatly increased.
26. Quitesimply 显而易见
27. extremely极端;极其;非常
28.closely adv. 接近地; 紧密地; 严密地; 亲近地 Contrary to what the liquorcompany would have us believe , drinking is more closely related tolack of success than to achievement .
29.definitelyadv. 明确地; 确切地; 肯定地 Any car that is less than two seconds behind theone ahead is definitely too close.
30.normally adv. 正常地; 通常地,一般地 At freeway speeds, or insnowy , icy or foggy conditions, people should increase followingdistance well beyond what is normally safe .
31.clearlyadv. 明确地; 显然地;明亮地 Clearly , the notion that cleanliness is next togodliness has not always been a popular one .
32. strongly adv. 强烈地;坚固地; 强有力地 Employees were strongly encouraged to buycompany stock ,which is now worthless .
33. constructivelyadv. 建设性地 Here are some guidelines for offering criticismconstructively .
34. exactlyadv. 精确地; 确切地; 完全地 Instead of just saying ,"You were awful ," tellthe person exactly what you observed .
35.generallyadv. 一般地,通常地; 广泛地,普遍地; 概括地 Embarrassment generally doesnot lead to a feeling that one must correct a situation .
36. frequentlyadv. 频繁地,屡次地 In the work force ,alcoholics are frequently late or absent .
37. invitingly adv. 吸引人地,诱人地;动人地 She does not show muchinterest -until he opens the chest and takes out a beer . Now shesmiles over to him .He raises his eyebrows and , invitingly , holdsup another can.
38. permanentlyadv. 永久地,长期不变地 Continuedalcohol abuse can physically change the brain ,permanentlyimpairing learning and memory .
39.eventuallyadv. 终于,最后 The flight eventuallygot away six hours late.
40. efficiently adv.效率高地; 有效地 A middle-of-the-road theory is that while peopledo not dislike work , they do not work efficiently withoutappropriate direction .
The thing that we are trying to do at facebook, is just helppeople connect and communicate moreefficiently.
41. basicallyadv. 主要地; 从根本上说;基本,基本上; 总的说来 Thepessimistic view of human natural holds that people are basicallylazy and have to be forced to work .
42. unreasonablyadv. 不合理地 I feel quite unreasonablyhappy this minute , watching them both
43. respectably adv. 可敬地;高尚地; 体面地 If you're really takenwith the idea of selling yourself ,you'd better choose a wealthyman and marry him respectably .
44. remarkablyadv.引人注目地,明显地,非常地 Our room is spacious and remarkably empty .
45. genuinelyadv. 真地;真正地; 真诚地 He came back with her to thank Miss Marcyand for once he seemed quite genuinely cheerful .
46. determinedlyadv. 坚定地; 坚决地 Shestarted to write determinedly .
47. patheticallyadv.哀婉动人的,可怜地,悲惨的 "And I don't want togo to London,"she added, rather pathetically .
48.dreadfully adv.<</span>口>极其;可怕地;恐怖地; 害怕地 "I'm tired of being a model. And I missMortmain dreadfully. And he needs me here."
49. apologeticallyadv. 抱歉地 I saw a fraction of distastein his eyes and he asked her if she could sprinkle it with a littlesugar. "It makes a change,"he said , apologetically .
50. courteouslyadv.有礼貌地,亲切地
56.frequently The best way to improve your listeningskills is to listen frequently to many different types of materialin various subject areas .
57. intentionally
59.holistically Your responses will be scoredholistically.
70.economically China isbecoming more important to the world, both politically andeconomically .
71.fiercely The flu is spreading fiercely across the UnitedStates, with more than 40 states reporting widespread activity inwhat one of the nation's leading health officials is calling anepidemic .
72.extensively The young scholar studiedliterature extensively .
Even though the fine arts in the twentieth century often treatmaterials in new ways, the basic difference in attitude of artistsin relation to their materials in the fine arts and the appliedarts remains relatively constant.
80. implicitly in a way that is notdirectly
84.distinctly Fish and chips is adistinctly British dish.
93.financially: “I insisted they put me in adifferent school,”Financially this was a tough demand.
97.barely :only just; almostnot
98.instantly:at once; immediately
100. respectively Respectively means inthe same order as the items that you have just mentioned
101. plainly adv.明白地;坦率地;平坦地;朴素地 Could you speak moreplainly please? I can't understand all those medicalterms.
102.justly The judge ruled justly andfairly on the case.
111. exceptionally
114. mindlessly盲目 无知
第二部分 《LongmanCommunication 3000》副词总结
ahead adv S1, W2
again adv S1, W1
afterwards adv S2, W3
after prep, conj, adv S1,W1
also adv S1, W1
always adv S1, W1
anyhow adv S3
anywhere adv S1, W3
apart adv, adj S2, W1
apparently adv S1,W2
around adv, prep S1, W1
as prep, adv S1, W1
aside adv S3, W3
automatically adv S3,W3
back advS1,W1
backwards adv S3
badly adv S3,W3
basically advS1
bit adv, pron S1, W1
beyond prep, adv S2, W1
between adv, prep S1, W1
better adv S1, W1
best adv S1, W2
beneath adv, prep W2
below adv, prep S2, W2
behind prep, adv S1, W1
beforehand adv S3
before adv S1, W1
briefly adv S2,W3
carefully adv S2,W2
by advS1,W1
but adv S2, W3
certainly adv S1,W1
clearly adv S1,W1
close adv S2, W2
closely adv S3,W2
completely adv S1,W2
considerably advS3
constantly adv S3,W3
currently adv S2,W2
dead adv S3
deep adv W3
deeply advW3
definitely advS1
deliberately advS3
directly adv S2,W2
downstairs adv S2
downtown adv S3, W3
early adv S1, W1
easily adv S2,W1
easy adv S2
effectively adv S3,W2
else adv S1, W1
elsewhere adv S3, W2
enough adv S1, W1
entirely adv S2,W2
equally adv S3,W2
especially adv S1,W1
essentially adv S2,W3
even adv S1, W1
eventually adv S1,W2
ever advS1,W1
everywhere adv S2, W3
exactly adv S1,W2
extremely adv S2,W2
fair adv S2, W3
fairly adv S1,W2
far adv S1, W1
fast adv S2, W3
finally adv S2,W1
first advS1,W2
firstly advS3
forever adv S2, W3
formally advS3
forth adv S2
forward adv S1, W1
frankly advS3
frequently adv S3,W2
fully adv S2,W2
further adv S1, W1
generally adv S2,W1
gently advW3
gradually adv S3,W3
greatly advW3
half adv S2
halfway adj, adv S3
hard adv S1, W2
hard adv S1, W2
hardly adv S2,W2
heavily advW3
hence adv W3
here adv S1, W1
high adv S3
highly adv S2,W2
home adv S1, W1
honestly advS2
hopefully advS1
how adv, conj S1, W1
however adv S1, W1
ideally advS3
immediately adv S2,W1
in adv S1, W1
increasingly advW2
incredibly advS3
indeed adv S1, W1
inevitably advW3
initially adv S3,W3
instead adv S1, W1
just adv S1, W1
largely adv S3,W2
last adv S1, W1
late adv S2, W3
later adv S1, W1
left adv S3, W3
less adv S1, W1
like advS1
literally advS2
little adv S1, W1

long adv S1, W1
lot pron, adv S1, W1
loud adv S3
luckily advS3
mainly adv S2,W2
maybe adv S1, W1
meanwhile adv W2
merely adv S3,W2
more adv S1, W1
moreover adv W2
most adv S1, W1
mostly adv S2,W3
much adv S1, W1
naturally adv S3,W3
near adv, prep S1, W1
nearly adv S1,W1
necessarily adv S2,W2
neither adv S2, W3
never adv S1, W1
nevertheless adv S3, W2
newly advW3
next adv S1, W1
nicely advS3
no advS1,W1
no way adv S2
nope adv S3
nor conj, adv S2, W1
normally adv S1,W2
notably adv w3
now adv s1,w1
nowadays s2
nowhere s2
obviously adv S1,W2
occasionally adv S2,W3
o’clock adv S1, W3
of course adv S1, W1
often adv S1, W1
once adv S1, W1
only adv S1, W1
originally adv S2,W2
otherwise adv S1, W2
out advS1,W1
outside adv, prep S1, W1
over adv, adj S1, W1
overseas adv W3
particularly adv S1,W1
partly adv S2,W2
past prep, adv S1, W2
perfectly adv S2,W3
perhaps adv S1, W1
personally advS2
physically advS3
possibly adv S1,W2
practically advS3
precisely adv S2,W3
presumably adv S1,W3
大概;很可能;也许;据推测 If you say thatsomething is presumably the case, you mean that you think itis very likely to be the case, although you are notcertain.
pretty adv S1, W3
previously adv S3,W2
primarily advW3
probably adv S1,W1
properly adv S1,W2
purely adv S3,W3
quick adv S3
quickly adv S1,W1
quietly adv S3,W3
quite predeterminer, adv S1,W1
rapidly advW3
rarely advW2
rather predeterminer, adv S1,W1
readily advW3
reasonably adv S2,W3
recently adv S1,W1
regularly adv S3,W3
relatively adv S2,W2
respectively advW3
right adv S1, W1
roughly advS2
round adv, prep S2, W2
same adv S1, W1
seriously adv S2,W2
sharply advW3
shortly adv S3,W3
significantly adv S3,W2
similarly advW3
simply adv S1,W1
slightly adv S1,W2
slowly adv S3,W2
so adv S1, W1
some adv S1, W1
somehow adv S2, W2
sometimes adv S1, W1
somewhat adv S3, W2
somewhere adv S1, W2
soon adv S1, W1
specifically adv S2,W3
straight adv S1, W2
strongly advS3
subsequently advW3
successfully advW3
suddenly adv S1,W1
sure adv S3
surely adv S1,W2
surprisingly advW3
terribly advS2
that adv S1, W2
then adv S1, W1
there adv S1, W1
therefore adv S1, W1
though adv S1
through prep, adv S1, W1
throughout prep, adv S2,W1
thus adv W1
today adv S1, W1
together adv S1, W1
tomorrow adv S1, W2
tonight adv S1, W2
too adv S1, W1
totally adv S1,W2
truly advW3
twice adv, predeterminer S2,W2
ultimately advW3
under prep, adv S1, W1
underneath prep, adv S2
unfortunately adv S1,W3
unknown adj, adv W2
usually adv S1,W1
unusual adj S2,W3
up adv,prep,adj S1,W1
upstairs adv S2
very adv S1, W1
virtually adv S2,W2
way adv S2
well adv S1, W1
whatsoever adv S2
when adv, conj, pronS1,W1
whenever adv, conj S2,W3
where adv, conj, pron S1,W1
wherever adv S2
why adv, conj S1, W1
wide adv S3, W3
widely advW2
within prep, adv S1, W1
without prep, adv S1, W1
worse adv S3, W3
wrong adv S2
yeah adv S1
yes adv S1, W1
yesterday adv S1, W1
yet adv S1,W1