--- Recorded in Hangzhou, and that part of the vicious cycle ofuniversity life
"So-called universities, non that building that also a master ofthat also." As a mediocre man, I was disturbed by the mediocre. Ialso desire to one day become a "guru", I do not know which is thedesire of most people. Masters are always a handful of peoplemediocrity regarded what?
Hangzhou late autumn rain Lili dripping, not as good as the oldhome to the large, but sufficient cold. Like most people, I amaccustomed to stay in the greenhouse inside, enjoying decadent. IfI have to say I'm chic enough, I'm used to the rain, even thoughthere are umbrellas, do not bother propped. I bent and head down tothe grass to bare the heart of my uneasiness to die in silence.After, but heavy footprints fiercely branded on their bodies, anddo not want them to remember my mind that inch defeated King.
The talent is worth struggling for fear of death alive. If I say Ilive in college like dead general, you can understand that becauseI am dead, has nothing to do with you. I admire those kids droppingout of university, they have their own ideals, ambitions, which Idespise, I appreciate mottled folds of their faces and eyes insidethe mud sand. I always feel that society is bright, and they bear,I do not see the dark.
Vertigo in my head, I often mentally disordered write someunsightly things rarely settle down to creative writing poetry. I'mafraid I become the dust of history, I am afraid I do not havereaders, I am from the hour is a lonely boy. Think of before a fewdays with a few slightly cooked friend said frankly, I was a kid beregarded as a left-behind children, they would think nothing, but Idrum a lot of courage to tell them before the sentence. I fear thatothers may copy my heart, I am afraid that people will understandmy heart. My heart told myself: humble life, do not debate andothers.
There has been a wall of the heart wall. Is not everyone afraid tobe seen through, so it alone.
Iadmire the silent and have heard, my heart told me to be sure towant to learn but can not learn their wisdom and spirit. I can holda person in front of their own, even more significant. What ispretend to understand, I'm afraid to be different, and has beendoing different things ...
Campus remote unmanned street corner suddenly sprang to a littlesquirrel, I can be defined, it is so lovely, If you have morepoints, modified, that is, it will look back at me, like I'll goback and see you.
Wind this evening is a hybrid, blowing very flirtatious mad cold,temptation girls screaming, but also to stay for a long greenhouseI was so excited for a long time. A long time can not be calm.
Essays to write too much is not good always feel harmed themselvesand others, thinking always endless. Life is worth not fear thepassage of time, but the clock back.