【教材版本】小学快乐英语(一年级起点)第七册 辽宁师范大学出版社
【课题名称】Unit1 What a big school! Lesson 1
【教材分析】本节课是一节对话课,主要是让学生能够围绕学校的事物,利用There be句型进行有效的交际.并能根据不同的图片或实例选择正确的短语和句型进行描述.本节课的内容是第一单元的第一课时,学生在学会primary school, street, middle school等单词的基础上,理解There be句型的语法意义,所以学生学习时不会感到困难.本课时内容比较贴近学生生活,是学生们比较喜欢的话题之一,所以有利于学生间开展交流.
1.能够听、说、读、写单词primary school, street, middle school.
2.理解There be句型的语法意义,并能根据图片、实物活用句型。
3.能理解Read and think部分的内容,并能根据对话内容选择正确的句型进行描述。
1.教学重点是表示客观存在的“有”的There be句型。要求学生能运用该句型正确描述图片内容。2.教学难点是介词短语的正确使用,教师要通过图片或实例向学生直观地展示,帮助学生理解、掌握、运用介词短语。
(1)Sing the song “How are you?” together.
T:Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you. Welcome back to school.
Step Ⅱ Presentation
Show a picture of a school by CAI.
T: Look, what a big school!
What can you see in the picture?
1. Help the Ss answer the question with the sentence pattern: “I can see a … in the picture.”
Stick the word cards on the blackboard. Such as:
(1) S:I can see a tree.
T: You can see a tree. It’s a tall tree.
(2) Stick the word “tall”on the tree, teach the word “tall”.
(3) T: We can see a tall tree in the picture. There is a tall tree in the picture.
(4) Write the sentence “There is a tall tree in the picture.”on the blackboard, and read the sentence several times, help the Ss understand the meaning.
2. Follow the same procedure to teach the words and phrases: street, primary school, middle school. Rewrite the blackboard writing to: There is a street/ primary school/ middle school in the picture.
3. Stick the small pictures of flowers, grass and bird on the main picture. Ask the Ss to make sentences with the pattern: There is a … in the picture.
Step Ⅲ Practice
1. Ask the Ss to put their own things under the tree on the blackboard, practice the sentence pattern: There is a … under the tree.
2. Pair work: Free talk with the sentence: There is a … in/on/under/near…
3. Game: listen and draw
Divide the whole class into two or three groups to have a competion.
4. Listen to a story.
Ask the Ss to find out the sentences with “There is…” and answer the following questions.
(1) Does the cat want to play with the bird?
(2) What does the cat want to do?
5. Act out the dialogue.
Step Ⅳ Consolidation
Ask one student to come to the front, put his things at some places, the other students make up sentences according to the real situation.
Step Ⅴ Homework
1. Tell the story to their parents.
2. Make up sentences with “There is…”to describe the classroom.
学生一般喜欢在游戏中完成自己的学习任务,所以我主要采取游戏学习方式来调动大家的学习兴趣,让学生乐于学习.同时学习英语的新思想是创设情景进行学习,我尝试去创设各种与教学相适应的情景去教学,达到较好的效果.例如第一部分,是导入设计部分.通过出示学校的挂图,让学生描述自已学校的情况,拉进学生的距离,激发学生的上课热情.第二部分,是新课呈现部分.通过在挂图上贴单词图片等游戏方式,使学生在一种轻松愉快的环境中学习本课单词primary school, street, middle school与There be句型.第三部分是操练巩固部分.我让同学以小组为单位,将自己的东西放置在某处,练习本课重点句型,学生兴趣很高,达到学以致用的目的.第四部分是实践部分,我找一名同学将物品放在某处,其他同学造句,选出最佳讲解员,让他们学会学习,在真实的生活学会运用英语,真正地提高英语口语水平。
【教材版本】小学快乐英语(一年级起点)第七册 辽宁师范大学出版社
【课题名称】Unit1 What a big school! Lesson 2
【教材分析】本节课是一节对话课,主要是让学生能够围绕学校的事物,利用There be句型进行有效的交际.并能根据不同的图片或实例选择正确的短语和句型进行描述.本节课的内容是第一单元的第二课,学生在学会headmaste,library,gym等单词的基础上,理解There be句型的复数形式,由于上一课已接触过There be句型,所以在教学这些内容时,教师可以从旧的语言知识逐步过渡到新的语言知识,以便顺利开展本课的教学活动,降低学生学习新知识的焦虑情绪,从而提高教学效率。
1.能够听、说、读、写单词headmaster, library, gym.
2.理解There be句型的复数形式,并能灵活运用。
3.能理解Learn tosay部分的对话,能根据创设的情境或实际情况编写类似的对话。
1.教学重点是掌握表示客观存在的There be句型的复数形式,要求学生能灵活运用本句型。2.教学难点是学生容易把There are … 与There is …混淆,教师在教学中应强调,当物体的数量多于一个/(件)时,用There are…。
StepⅠ Warm up
(1)Sing the song “There is a hole” together.
(2)Game: T puts some things at differents places and asks the Ss to make up sentences with “There is a…”. Such as, “There is a pen on the pencil-box.”
Step Ⅱ Presentation
1. Put a pencil on the pencil-box and ask the Ss to make up sentence with “There is…”.
2.Put some pencils on the pencil-box and say: “There are two/ three pencils on the pencil-box. (Then use pens, rulers and so on to replace pencils)
Write the sentence “There are…” on the blackboard.
3. Ask the Ss to make up similar sentences with “There are…”
4. Play the tape and ask the Ss to find out the sentences with “There be”.
Write the sentence “There are three buildings in our school.” Help the Ss to understand the sentence and read it aloud.
5. Listen to the tape again and answer the questions:
“Who is the man? What are the three buildings?”
Teach the new words “headmaster, library, gym”.
6. listen to the tape and read the dialogue.
7. Act out the dialogue.
Step Ⅲ Practice
1. Draw a simple picture on the blackboard and ask: What’s in the picture?
2. Ss answer the questions with “There is…” and “There are…”.
3. Ask the Ss to read the words “hill, river”, help them find the pronunciation of the letter “h, r”.
4. Teach the pronunciation of /h/,/r/, correct the wrong pronunciation.
5. Match the words and phonetic symbol.
Step Ⅳ Consolidation
1. Sum up the differences between “there is” and “there are”.
2. Show some words and ask the Ss to make up new sentences with “there are…”.
【设计思路】让学生自己总结“there is”和“there are”的用法,他们会记得更深刻,然后给学生提供可以利用的词汇和情境,让学生自己造句,把所学知识运用到实际生活,真正达到"学以致用"的目的。
Step Ⅴ Homework
1. Act out the dialogue with their parteners.
2. Write a small composition with “there is…” and “there are…” to describe their rooms.
本课采用活动课教学形式,通过游戏、歌曲、故事等多种活动,对语言进行了多种外在形式的表现,让学生“玩”英语、唱英语、讲英语,在参与各种活动的过程中加强了对语言多种形式的操练与运用。另外,在教学中,教师特别强调短语、句子的运用,鼓励学生组词造句,把单词放入有交际意义的句子或句群中去进行教学,特别是本课中的对话教学,让学生在一节课后不仅能学到单个的词汇,更重要的是学会在一定的情境中正确地使用这些词汇,为以后在真实的语言环境中运用打下基础。在这节课中,我尝试去创设各种与教学相适应的情景去教学,达到较好的效果.例如第一部分,是导入设计部分.通过出示学校的挂图,让学生描述自已学校的情况,拉进学生的距离,激发学生的上课热情.第二部分,是新课呈现部分.通过在挂图上贴单词图片等游戏方式,使学生在一种轻松愉快的环境中学习本课单词headmaster,library,gym与There be句型的复数形式.第三部分是操练巩固部分.我让同学以小组为单位,将自己的东西放置在某处,练习本课重点句型,学生兴趣很高,达到学以致用的目的.第四部分是总结部分,我找几名同学将所学There is…和There are…句型的区别自行总结出来,并用实物及图片进行造句比赛,选出最佳讲解员,让他们学会学习,在真实的生活学会运用英语,真正地提高英语口语水平,而且这些都是他们通过自己的努力做到的,印象会更深刻。
【教材版本】小学快乐英语(一年级起点)第七册 辽宁师范大学出版社
【课题名称】Unit1 What a big school! Lesson 3
【教材分析】本节课是一节对话课,主要是让学生能够围绕学校的事物,利用There be句型进行有效的交际.并能根据不同的图片或实例选择正确的短语和句型进行描述.本节课的内容是第一单元的第三课时,学生在学会first floor, basketball court, lab, second floor等单词的基础上,理解Is there…? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.并能根据图片、实物活用句型。本课时内容比较贴近学生生活,是学生们比较喜欢的话题之一,所以有利于学生间开展交流。
1. 能够听、说、读、写单词first floor, basketball court, lab, second floor。
2. 理解Is there…? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.并能根据图片、实物活用句型。
3. 能理解Learn to say部分的内容,能根据创设的情境或实际情况编写类似的对话。
2. 教学重点是掌握表示客观存在的There be句型的一般疑问句形式,要求学生能正确地运用本句型进行提问。
3. 教学难点是Is there…?的肯定与否定回答,学生易混淆。教师应在学生掌握肯定回答的基础上,再学习否定回答。
(1)Sing the song “How are you?” together.

T(put a bag on the student’s desk): What’s on the desk?
Ask the Ss to answer.
StepⅡ Presentation
1.T (put a book in the desk): There is a book in the desk. Is there a book in the desk?
Ss: Yes.
T: Yes, there is.
2. Ask some similar questions, let the Ss have more chance to practice.
3. Write the sentence pattern on the blackboard, show different pictures to help the Ss to practice the answers.
4. Put the book on the desk, ask: Is there a book in the desk?
Ss: No.
Help the Ss to answer: No, there isn’t.
5. Ask some similar questions, let the Ss have more chance to practice.
6. Work in pairs. Ask the Ss to ask and answer the questions with “Is there…? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.
7. T (show a picture of the teaching building): Is there a swimming pool in the building? Yes, there is. It’s on the first floor.
Teach the words and phrase “first, first floor”
8. Follow the same procedure to teach the words and phrases: lab, second floor.
9. Listen to the tape, and think about the questions.
(1) Is there a swimming pool in the school?
(2) Where is it?
(3) Is there a basketball court?
(4) Is there a lab? No, there isn’t.
Step Ⅲ Practice
1. Listen to the tape and read the text.
2. Discuss the questions in groups, ask a group leader to report the answers.
3. Act out the dialogue, and elect the best group.
4. T (show some pictures): What’s in the picture?
Help the Ss to answer with “there is…”and “there are…”.
5. T: Are there two birds in the picture?
Ss: Yes, there are.
6. Show the word “birds”, help the Ss to find the pronunciation of the letters “ds”.
7. Teach the phonetic symbol /dz/, and follow the same procedure to teach /ts/.
8. Play a match game.
Step Ⅳ Consolidation
Sum up: Today we have visited the Guangming Primary School with Susan and the headmaster, have you learned how to use “Is there…” to ask and answer the questions?
Step Ⅴ Homework
1. Make up a new dialoge about visiting a school with a foreigner.
2. Practice the sentence “Is there…? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.” with five different words.
本节课的语音教学内容相对枯燥,但由于在教学设计中加入了竞赛、游戏、智力大比拼等环节,使孩子们一扫乏味的感觉,使得语音学习的难自然降低。整个教学设计从简单到复杂,在简单中融合难的部分,在复杂中结合简单的元素,符合学生学习的规律。例如第一部分,是导入设计部分.通过出示学生的用品,复习上节课所学句型,既巩固了以前所学的知识,又为本节课的教学做了适当的铺垫。第二部分,是新课呈现部分.通过单词大变身等游戏方式,使学生在一种轻松愉快的环境中学习本课单词first floor, basketball court, lab, second floor与There be句型的一般疑问句.第三部分是操练巩固部分.我让同学以小组为单位,将自己的东西放置在某处,练习本课重点句型,学生兴趣很高,达到学以致用的目的.第四部分是用小结的方式,可以直接将所学知识及时归纳与巩固,在本课中又运用真实的情境进行说明,让学生在真实的生活学会运用英语,相信他们的印象一定会更深刻。在课堂中设计了大量语言交流的空间,整个课堂以听说为主,以学生为中心,使学生学习英语有了自信,兴趣也浓了,达到了良性循环的目的。
【教师简介】管婷婷 龙港区东苑小学英语教师 2005年3月参加工作 曾多次获省市级优质课,示范课;所撰写论文曾获省级,国家级优秀论文,并《我的字母教学法和意群断句教学法》发表于《科学教育家》一书。
【课题名称】Unit1 What a big school! Lesson4
【教材分析】本节课的会话部分学习的是 “There be”句型的一般疑问句的复数形式 “Are there any…” “Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.” 在运用过程中,教师要注意学生是否忽略any,并注意区分Are there any 和 Is there
知识目标:(1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: teachers’ office, children, canteen
" Are there any computers in your school? Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.”
Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.
(2) To help Ss to understand the text.
能力目标:(1) To develop Ss' abilities of listening and speaking.
(2) To train the Ss' ability of working in groups.
(3) To foster Ss' abilities of communication and their innovation.
感情态度价值观:(1) To foster Ss' consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.
【教学重点与难点】“There be”句型的一般疑问句的复数形式 “Are there any…” “Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.” 在运用过程中,教师要注意学生是否忽略any,并注意区分Are there any 和 Is there
1. 导入设计
a. Let’s chant
There is , there are,
Is there , are there,
Yes, there is .
No, there isn’t.
Yes, there are.
No , there aren’t.
【设计思路】利用小诗的形式既复习了there be 句型的单复数形式,及单数的一般疑问句形式,又引出了新课的知识,复数一般疑问句,使学生对其有了初步的认识
2. 新课呈现
a. (Design)There are some computers in my school.
Are there any computers in your school?
T: Boys and girls, can you find out the differences?
Ss: yes. …
T: How to change “there are ” into “are there”?
Step1. put “Are”in front of the sentence
Step2. change “some” into “any”
Step3. change “my” into “your”
Step4. change “.” into “?”
T:Who can answer?
S1: Yes, there are.
S2: No, there aren’t.
b. Learn the new words. “teachers’office, children, canteen”
1) teachers’教师们的 + office 办公室= 教师办公室
2) child孩子 + ren =children 孩子们
3) can + teen = canteen 餐厅
3. 操练巩固
a. Practice
Eg. There are some computers in my school.
à Are there any computers in your school?
1) There are some children in the classroom.
è ________________________________________
2) There are some balls on the desk.
è __________________________________________
Eg. Are there any toys (toy) in your room?
3) Are there any ______ (boy) in your classroom?
4) Are there any ______ (teacher) in the teachers’office?
5) Is there a _________ (bike) in the yard?
b. Play the tape to listen the text.then let students to read it , understand it.
4. 扩展延伸
a. learn “Read and Think”this part is a short dialogue, it’s easy.
b. Let students learn by themselves and answer the questions :
1) Is there a computer in Mr Gao’s office?
2) What does Susan want to do?
5. 课后作业
Recite the short chant:
There is , there are,
Is there , are there,
Yes, there is .
No, there isn’t.
Yes, there are.
No, there aren’t.
【教学后记】本课的内容是在第三课Is there这个一般疑问句的基础上进行学习的,所以,
【教师简介】管婷婷 龙港区东苑小学英语教师 2005年3月参加工作 曾多次获省市级优质课,示范课;所撰写论文曾获省级,国家级优秀论文,并《我的字母教学法和意群断句教学法》发表于《科学教育家》一书。
【课题名称】Unit1 What a big school! Lesson5
【教材分析】本节课的会话部分学习的是询问数量与应答的日常交际用语。学生在运用“How many ...?”句型的时候,如果被询问的物品只有一个,学生就容易在How many后面只用单数名词了,如:How many classes are there in your school?在操练时教师要注意引导,及时纠正。
知识目标:(1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: art room, music room, playground
"How many classes are there in your school? There’re thirty-six." Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.
(2) To help Ss to understand the text.
能力目标:(1) To develop Ss' abilities of listening and speaking.
(2) To train the Ss' ability of working in groups.
(3) To foster Ss' abilities of communication and their innovation.
感情态度价值观:(1) To foster Ss' consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.
【教学重点与难点】How many…?,there be句型及运用
1. 导入设计
a. Review some subjects : Chinese, math, art, music, science, PE
b. Review the numbers : one … one hundred
2. 新课呈现
a. Sing an English song <numbers>
b. T: Children, do you love your family?
Ss: Yes.
T: Well, who wants to introduce your family?
Lead out the new drill: How many … are there in your …?
Lead out students say : There are …
(Design: How many + n.s <plural> are there in/on/under…?)
c. Then stick some pictures on the blackboard ,to practice the new drill:
How many … are there in your …? There are …
d. Do the dialogues about our school:
T: How many art rooms are there in your school?
S: There are two art rooms.
T: What a big school! (make students repeat and grasp the meaning)
3. 操练巩固
a. Play the tape to listen the text. Then let students to read it , understand it.
b. Fill in the blanks.
Susan: How many ________ are there in your school?
Headmaster: There’re thirty-six.
Susan: Really?
Headmaster: Yes. We ________ two ________ rooms, two _______ rooms, two _______
Rooms and a ________ playground.
Susan: What a ______ school! I had a good _______ in your school.
Thanks a lot.
Headmaster: You’re welcome.
c. Show the ornaments to let students act the text.
4. 扩展延伸
a. Learn “Read and Think”,this part is an interesting riddle, Let students learn by themselves and find out the answer :
(1) How many rabbits are there now?
5. 课后作业
请同学们找出how many , there are 是怎样完美结合的,它的重点是名词要用什么形式
【教师简介】管婷婷 龙港区东苑小学英语教师 2005年3月参加工作 曾多次获省市级优质课,示范课;所撰写论文曾获省级,国家级优秀论文,并《我的字母教学法和意群断句教学法》发表于《科学教育家》一书。
【课题名称】Unit1 What a big school! Lesson7
知识目标:(1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: mop, sweep, look for, basin
"What are you doing? I’m cleaning the window.”
Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.
(2) To help Ss to understand the text.
能力目标:(1) To develop Ss' abilities of listening and speaking.
(2) To train the Ss' ability of working in groups.
(3) To foster Ss' abilities of communication and their innovation.
感情态度价值观:(1) To foster Ss' consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.
1. 导入设计
a. Sing a song about cleaning.
2. 新课呈现
a. Look and guess
Teacher does some actions, to let students guess:
Mop, sweep, look for, basin
Learn the new words.
b. T: Today we are going to clean our classroom, can you show us a better classroom?
Ss: Yes.
Show some pictures with the phrases :mopping the floor, sweeping the floor,
Looking for, cleaning the window and read them.
T: What’s the same during these phrases?
Ss: -ing.
T: Yes, can you add “ing” for the verbs?
Learn the rules to transform the verbs into Present participle
Group 1. sweep ---sweeping clean --- cleaning
Look – looking play --- playing
Group 2. dance --- dancing have --- having
Make --- making take --- taking
Group 3. mop --- mopping run --- running
Swim --- swimming sit --- sitting
b. Teacher gives the tasks to the students.
T: Who can clean the window?
S1: I can.
T: please do!
S1: ( clean the window)
T: What are you doing? (Design)
T leads the student say: I am cleaning the window. 我正在擦玻璃。(Design the new drill)
I + am + v-ing 译为: 我正在。。。
d. pracise the new drills.
Do the dialogue: What are you doing? I am mopping the floor…
e. then the students start to clean the classroom, choose some students who can’t do the cleaning works to be the reporter to ask others : What are you doing?
And the workers also can ask each other the questions : what are you doing?
3. 操练巩固
a. Play the tape to listen the text. Then let students to read it , understand it.
b. Fill the blanks
(1) What are you _______ ? ( do )
(2) I am ________ (clean ) the window?
(3) We are _______ ( mop ) the floor.
(4) I ‘m _______ ( look ) for the basin.
4. 扩展延伸
a. Learn “Read and Think”. This part is a short story, it’s easy and interesting.
Let students learn by themselves and answer the questions:
(1) What’s mom doing?
(2) Is it a real room?
5. 课后作业
Use the new drills to write a short story.
Lesson 8
葫芦岛市龙港区实验小学 李赫男
【Teacher’s Introduction】
Li Henan, as an English teacher for nine years, works in Shiyan Primary school in Long Gang district.
【Textbook Edition】《Fun with English》. Book Ⅶ beginning with Grade one.
【Lesson’s Title】Lesson 8
【Time of giving lesson】May 7th
【Ss Situation Analysis】
A .Ss level: Grade four.
B .Ss’ abilities on grammar: They have got touch in the present tense.
【Course Standard Analysis】
According to the task of “new course standard”, this lesson should stimulate and train the students’ interest after learning the present tense, which may make the students to have the self-confidence, foster their good habits and form the effective study strategy.
【Textbook Analysis】
Students continue to learn “the present tense” on the base of learning this grammar in last lessons. The present tense plays an important part in the textbook which can make a good preparation for the Ss to learn English well, so they must master this grammar and words proficiently.
【Teaching Aims】
A: Ss should master “cook, cut, wash, open”.
Ss proficiently use “what is he /she doing? He’s /she’s….
B. Aims on abilities:
a. To develop Ss’ abilities on listening and speaking.
b. To train Ss’ abilities on changing persons.
c. To foster Ss’ abilities on communication and accepting innovation.
C. Aims on emotion:
a. To foster Ss’ consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition.
b. To lead Ss to show their ideas on expression.
【Teaching Emphases and Difficulties】
A: Ss should master “cook, cut, wash, open”.
B: Ss proficiently use “what is he /she doing? He’s /she’s….
【Teaching Methods and Learning Methods】
A. Teaching Methods: Communication, demonstration, performing, heuristic method, scene, task based, using Audiovisual education (ppt.)
B. Learning Methods: Using five organs together, intensifying memories, circulating memories, summarizing and analyzing.
【Teaching Process】
Ⅰwarm up
A: Chant: what are you doing?
To active the classroom atmosphere and concentrate the student's attention rapidly after 10 minutes rests.
B: Free talk:
T: What are you doing?
S1:〔I’m …(according to their word cards.〕
T: Good, tell me: who is he/she?( write down he/she on board).
Ss: (he/she is )
To strengthen the communication between the teacher and the students and make a good bedding for the new knowledge to be presented.
Ⅱ. Presentation
A. T: Boys and girls look at me carefully, what am I doing? (Teacher does actions of cooking.)
Ss: (cook)
T: Yes, I’m cooking. (Write down “cook” on the blackboard)
Look at this word. C —〔k〕,(teacher writes down “book, good” on the board to have them try to pronounce “oo”.)
(Teacher has them practice “cook” in teams.)
T: Show me your fingers; let’s write “cook” together.
T: who can spell “cook?”
(Teacher leads Ss to do TPR----wash, wash, washing.)
B. (Teacher teaches “wash, open, cut” in the same way.)
C. little quiz:
T: Who can spell these four words, if you spell right, I will give you a sticker.
Ss: (turn around to spell the words)
(Spell the word after teacher’s covering the words.)
The quiz function: to consolidate the new knowledge and strengthen their memery.
D: (TPR) T: Stand up; let’s do the four actions together.
TPR can hold the students’ attention, attract them to participate in the activity and let them study English in the actual experience. At the same time TPR also can provide the practical life connected to the learning environment.
E: Exercises of new knowledge:
Teacher has Ss to finish the printed forms which have been handed out to them, then checks the answers.
a. fill in the blanks.
c k wa c n n dles
c t br d pen v g t bles
b. adding “ing” behind the verbs.
eg. cook---(cooking) open---( ) wash---( ) cut---( )
Step 2
A: (present the ppt )
T: What’s this?
Ss: (noodles, bread, vegetables, can)
Teacher teaches vegetables, and can: v-〔v〕-〔ve〕-〔d3〕
B: T: Can you match the words?
cook can
open vegetables
wash bread
cut noodles
Ss: (open a can)
T: What ‘s the meaning?
Ss: (开罐头)
T: Cut what? Wash what? Cook what?
Ss:(cut bread, wash vegetables, cook noodles)
T: Meaning?
T: Who can read as a leader?
T: Let’s read together.
C: (close the CAI)
T: Do you remember what we have matched?
(according their answers, teacher writes down the four phrases on board)
CAI makes the students quite sensitive on the vivid the image objective things which they are glad to accept. PPT takes the real life into the classroom.
Step 3
A: look at the screen again,
T: This is my home, he is my son, and what’s he doing?
(Writes down “what’s ……doing?” on board)
T: Who can read this sentence for me?
Ss: (What’s he doing?)
T: Answer my question, what’s he doing?
Ss: (He’s cutting bread.)
B: T: Look at another picture, what’s he doing?
Ss: (he’s cooking noodles.)
T: Now, Team A B you ask, team CD you answer.
C: T: Another picture. What’s he doing?
Ss: (he’s washing vegetables)
T: Team C,D, you ask, team A,B, you answer.
D: T: The last picture, what’s she doing?
Ss: (she‘s opening a can.)
T: Boys ask, girls answer.
E: T: Look at the board, follow me,
What’s he doing? What’s he doing?
He’s cutting, cutting, cutting.
What’s he doing? What’s he doing?
He’s cooking, cooking, cooking,
What’s she doing? What’s she doing?
She’s washing, washing, washing,
What’s she doing? What’s she doing?
She‘s opening, opening, opening,
Short and vivid rhythm is helpful to the student to consolidate the new knowledge , which also stimulates the interest for the students to learn English.
Step 4
A: T: Boys and girls put up your word cards. (Point to the picture)
Boy or girl? He or she? Take out a piece of paper write down “he” and “she.”
B: T: According to your word cards, give you 2 minutes to talk about sentences using “What’s he /she doing? He’s/She’s ….
C: T: Stop here, who can have a try?
The task-based dialogue teaching deepens the difficult points, arouses student's enthusiasm and strengthens the understanding of the new knowledge for the students..
Step 5 Text teaching
A: Listen to the tape.
B: Read following the tape.
C: Answer teacher’s question’s according to the text.
What’s Dick doing?
What’s Helen doing?
What’s that girl doing?
What’s David doing?
D: Review the TPR:
Wash, wash washing
Cook, cook cooking
Open, open opening
Cut, cut cutting
E: Read the sentences on board.
F: Sing the song “what’s she doing?” to finish the class.
Ⅲ Consolidation.
A competition
T: Let’s play a competition. I’ll divide you into two groups. You should remember the four words on screen. Who can come here to guess the picture, the other students should ask: “What’s he/she doing”? I’ll give the guessing student two chances each time.
Games are helpful which may unify the students’ emotion with the teaching process together. Games can also help the students to study and understand the key text contents.
Ⅳ Extension
A. Using the following words to fill in the blanks.
vegetables can bread noodles
① Fruits can be made into all kinds of ____.
② Tomatoes and potatoes are ______.
③ You may eat a piece of ______ and a glass of mild as your breakfast.
④ My mother will cook me _____ as my supper.
B. using the right forms of verbs to fill in the blanks.
① Don’t ______ ( open ) the window, I have a cold.
② My mother ______( cook ) a cake for me tomorrow morning.
③ Look! The girl is ______(wash) the clothes.
④ Can you _____ (cut) the bread for me.
Extension can help the students to strengthen and consolidate the knowledge that they have learned in this lesson.
A. To recite this lesson to their parents.
B. To do the exercises on activity book.
To consolidate the knowledge and practice the oral English in daily life.
【blackboard design】
Lesson 8
What’s he/she doing?
cutting bread.
He’s/She’s cooking noodles.
washing vegetables
opening a can.
Group 1 ★★ Group 2 ★★
【Teaching Resources and Tools】
A. resources and tools for Ss: book, exercises book, printed exercises.
B. resources and tools for teacher: radio, tape, CAI (ppt), words cards.
【Teaching’s Looking Back】
This lesson achieved the anticipated teaching aims basically from the teaching effect. The students’ abilities on listening, speaking, reading and writing are strengthened, but it also had some insufficiencies. The arrangement of teaching time on consolidation delayed two minutes. The whole instruction teaching form can have many styles in order to stimulate the students’ interest to study English.
Lesson 9
葫芦岛市龙港区实验小学 李赫男
【Teacher’s Introduction】
Li Henan ,as an English teacher for nine years, works in Shiyan Primary school in Long Gang district.
【Textbook Edition】《Fun with English》. Book Ⅶ beginning with Grade one.
【Lesson’s Title】Lesson 9
【Time of giving lesson】May 14th
【Ss Situation Analysis】
A .Ss level: Grade four.
B .Ss’ abilities on grammar: They have got touch in the present tense.
【Course Standard Analysis】
The teacher should help the students to master certain English knowledge and some skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so that the students can form certain ability on comprehensive language utilization..
【Textbook Analysis】
In last lesson Students have mastered the preliminary knowledge of “the present tense”. In this lesson they will continue to learn the “yes-or-no question” of the present tens.
【Teaching Aims】
A: Aims on knowledge
a. Ss should master “kick, shuttlecock, try, have a try”.
b. Ss proficiently use “ Is he /she doing kung fu? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”
B. Aims on abilities:
a. To develop Ss’ abilities on listening and speaking.
b. To train Ss’ abilities on using yes-or-no question.
C. Aims on emotion:
a. To foster Ss’ consciousness of building up their bodies.
b. To lead Ss to show their love on sports.
【Teaching Emphases and Difficulties】
A: Ss should master “kick, shuttlecock, try, have a try”.
B: Ss proficiently use “ Is he /she doing kung fu? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.”
【Teaching Methods and Learning Methods】
C. A Teaching Methods: Communication, demonstration, performing, heuristic method, scene, task based.
D. Learning Methods: Using five organs together, intensifying memories, circulating memories, summarizing and analyzing.
【Teaching Process】
Warm up
A: Greeting
B: Game:
T: boys and girls please guess “what am I doing?”
( Teacher does some actions to have the students guess. Such as run, dance, sing, do Taijiquan, wash, cut, open. Students should answer using “-ing”style.)
C: (Teacher leads the students to do the above actions)
Interest is the best teacher. TPR can arouse their enthusiasm on learning English. Using “-ing” style can make a good bedding for learning the present tense.
A.T: Who can come to the front to do the actions that I will whisper to tell you?
(Teacher whispers to the student who comes to the front “run”)
T: Boys and girls, is he doing kung fu?
( Teacher writes down “ Is he/she doing kung fu?” on the board.)
Ss: (No).
T: No, he isn’t.
( Teacher writes down the sentence on the board)
T: Is he running?
Ss: (Yes)
T: Yes, he is.
( Teacher writes down the sentence on the board)
(Teacher asks another two students to do actions and has the other students guess and using “Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t” to answer.)
T: please make sentences with “Is he /she doing...? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.
B. (Teacher shows a shuttlecock to the students)
T: Look at me, I’m kicking a shuttlecock. What is a shuttlecock?
Ss: (毽子)(Students pronounce shuttlecock in teams, in groups)
T: Who can have a try to kick a shuttlecock?
(Teacher writes down “have a try” on the board.)
T: (After one students kicking the shuttlecock)
Who can have a try? Another one? Try please?
(Teacher uses the sentence “have a try” or “try” to have several students to kick the shuttlecock in order to make then understand the meaning of “have a try” or “try” step by step.)
T: What’s the meaning of “have a try” or “try”?
Ss: (试一试)
The heuristic teaching's essence lies in displaying and arousing student's study enthusiasm which develops student's intelligence and trains the student to analyze the question by themselves.
Text teaching
A. T: Oh, most of you can kick a shuttlecock well. How about David? Can he kick a shuttlecock? Today we are going to learn lesson 9.(Ss open the books)
B. To listen to the tape to have them listen carefully.
C. To have them read the text according to the characters.
D. To answer teacher’s questions
a. Is the old man doing kung fu?
(S1:Yes, he is.)
b. Is the old woman doing Taiji?
(S2: No, she isn’t.)
c. What is that girl doing?
(S3: She is kicking shuttlecock.)
d. Does Daming have a try to kick the shuttlecock?
(S4: Yes, he does.)
e. Can he kick well?
(S5: No, he can’)
f. Where is the shuttlecock?
(Teacher has them to guess freely)
E. To perform the dialogue.
(Teacher divides them into some groups and gives them several minutes to read the text. Then teacher gives them chances to perform the dialogue with the help of pictures.)
The classroom is a place for the students to release and exchange their emotion. The harmonious relationship between the teacher and students is the key aspect for them to form the learning skills.
Ⅲ Consolidation.
A. T: Look at me, I have some pictures of actions, Look at them carefully then answer my questions.
(Teacher shows them a picture of running)
T: Is he doing kung fu?
Ss: No, he isn’t.
T: Is he running?
Ss: Yes, he is.
(Teacher asks questions in the same way using the pictures of all kinds of actions)
B: T: Who wants to ask as a teacher?
(Teacher asks several students to ask questions according to the action pictures using the method of the above.)
C: Game: guessing game.
(Teacher shows four actions pictures to them to have them remember, then asks one student to come to the front who will not see the four pictures. Teacher puts one picture on his or her head to have him or her guess the actions that they have remembered, the other students should give him or her “yes or no” answers.)
eg. (Teacher put the picture of “dancing” on S1’s head)
S1: Boy or girl?
Ss: Girl.
S1: Is she kicking a shuttlecock”
Ss: No, she isn’t.
S1: Is she singing?
Ss: No, she isn’t.
S1: Is she cutting?
Ss: No, she isn’t.
S1: Is she dancing?
Ss: Yes, she is.
In this part, teacher's influential role is to design and propose the students’ active task and organize the students to complete the task using the knowledge that they have learned.
Ⅳ Extension
Gives the students 5 minutes to do the following exercises.
A: write the “-ing” style for the following verbs.
do---- play--- kick--- sing--- see---
walk--- go--- swim--- read--- take---
B: give “yes-no” answer for the following sentences.
a. Is she reading in the room?
b. Is your mother walking to the supermarket?
c. Is Tom studying ?
The extra activities is helpful for the students to increase the knowledge and to open their field of vision.
A: To recite this lesson to their parents.
B: To do the exercises on activity book. The arrangement of the English homework should be extended out of the class in order to develop the activities on class.
【blackboard design】
Lesson 9
Is he/she doing kung fu?
Yes, he/she is.
No, he/she isn’t.
【Teaching Resources and Tools】
A. resources and tools for Ss: book, exercises book, printed exercises.
B. resources and tools for teacher: radio, tape, words cards. pictures of actions
【Teaching’s Looking Back】
This class has achieved the teaching aims effectively and improved the students’ abilities on listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The time of practising the new words is not enough. The communication among students occupied a lot in the course of performing the dialogue.
Lesson 10
葫芦岛市龙港区实验小学 李赫男
【Teacher’s Introduction】
Li Henan ,as an English teacher for nine years, works in Shiyan Primary school in Long Gang district.
【Textbook Edition】《Fun with English》Book Ⅶ beginning with Grade one.
【Lesson’s Title】Lesson 10
【Time of giving lesson】May 21st
【Ss Situation Analysis】
A .Ss level: Grade four.
B .Ss’ abilities on grammar: They have got touch in the present tense.
【Course Standard Analyze】
Learning English course is just a process to master the English knowledge and skills gradually by English studying and practical activities.
【Textbook Analysis】
In this unit, the students have learned “what are you doing? I’m –ing...”. So they have the abilities to accept the person conversion of “ We are –ing... in this lesson.
【Teaching Aims】
A: Ss should master “group, climb, careful, naughty.”.
Ss proficiently use “what are you doing? We are walking..
B. Aims on abilities:
a. to develop Ss’ abilities on listening, speaking reading and writing.
b. to train Ss’ abilities on expressing what they doing?.
c. to foster Ss’ abilities on communication and challenging themselves..
C. Aims on emotion:
a. to foster Ss’ consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition.
b. to lead Ss to participate in working together.
【Teaching Emphases and Difficulties】
A: Ss should master “group, climb, careful, naughty.”.
B: Ss proficiently use “what are you doing? We are walking.”
【Teaching Methods and Learning Methods】
E. Teaching Methods: Communication, demonstration, performing, heuristic method, scene, task based, using Audiovisual education (ppt)
F. Learning Methods: Using five organs together, intensifying memories, circulating memories, summarizing and analyzing.
【Teaching Process】
warm up
A: Game:
T: Boys and girls, I have some action cards in my hands. Who can come to the front to draw out one card then answer my question?
S1: (he/she draws out an action card. e.g: playing)
T: what is he doing?
Ss: (He is playing)
T: What are you doing,boy? ( Teacher writes down “ What are you doing?”on the board).
S1: I’m playing.
( Then to ask several other students to come to the front in the same way.)
What are you doing?
What are you doing? What are you doing? I’m playing, playing. playing.
What are you doing? What are you doing? I’m running running running.
What are you doing? What are you doing? I’m singing singing singing.
What are you doing? What are you doing? I’m dancing dancing dancing.
Games and chants can help the primary school students to learn English in playing and play in learning.
Games and chants can also improve the students’ interest on learning English in class.
Ⅱ. Presentation
A. T: boys and girls look at this picture.( To show them a picture of climbing) What is the boy doing?
Is he running?
Ss: No, he isn’t.
T: So what is he doing?
Ss: (爬山)
T:Yes, he is climbing. Following me, please. [ai]climb.
Ss: ([ai]climb.)
T: Is “b” here pronounced?
Ss: (No).
T: So, answer my question again, what is he doing? ( point to the picture)
Ss: (He is climbing.)
T: If you are climbing the hill, please be careful, 小心,right?
Ss: (Yes)
T: Follow me to read “ careful”.
Ss: (careful)
B. T: Boys and girls, I will divide you into two groups. Boys, you are Group 1; Girls, you are Group 2.
Can you have a try to guess “ group”?
Ss: (小组)
T: You are so bright. Please try to pronounce this word. ( To write down “soup”)
Ss: [su:p]
T: So, “ou”here is pronounced [u:]
G. T: Group 1 and Group 2, Let’s have a competition. There will be one student to come to the front who stands for his or her own group. He or she should draw out one action card from my hand. For example: Group 1 if the student in you group who draws out “ walk”, Group 2 , everyone of you should ask “What are you doing, Group 1 ?” So Group 1, how will you answer?
Group 1: ( We are walking.)
T: You are so clever. ( to write down “We are walking.” on the board.)
( Teacher leads the students to play the competition several times)
Competition can raise students’ innovative spirit, the competitive spirit and the unity cooperation. It is very useful to help the students to build up the conciousness of working together.
Step 2 Text teaching
A.T: Today we are going to learn lesson 10. There will be some naughty students in this lesson.
Can you guess “naughty”? ( To have them guess in Chinese.)
Ss: (淘气的)
T:Yes,you are right. Let’s listen to the tape. ( To play the tape)
B: To have them read following the tape.
C: Correct F or T according to the text.
a. Group 1 are walking.
b. Group 2 are climbing the hill.
c. Group 3 are playing.
d. Group 3 are very naughty.
Ⅲ Consolidation.
T: Please take out a piece of paper to write down what you are doing by your imagination. Don’t let the others see what you wrote on the paper. Please use “what are you doing? We are –ing” to make sentences in your groups. ( To give them 3 or 4 minutes to make sentences.)
The teacher not only may provide some useful task to the student but also may design some situation which is close to their life. Thus students’ enthusiasm will be higher and the interest will be thicker.
Ⅳ Extension
Teacher shows the CAI to have the students to do the following exercises.
A. Finish the sentence
1. The boy is playing basketball.
对“is playing basketball”提问:__________________________
2. They are singing in the classroom.
对“are singing”提问:__________________________
Various extra activities out of class are helpful to protect the students’ curiosity, make them keep independency and improve their innovation.
A. To recite this lesson to their parents.
B. To do the exercises on activity book.
The majority of activities on class and extra movements out of class need the preparation after class. Therefore the extension of English knowledge needs the good arrangement of the homework.
【blackboard design】
Lesson 10
What are you doing?
We are walking.
careful naughty
Group 1 Group 2
【Teaching Resources and Tools】
A. resources and tools for Ss: book, exercises book,
B. resources and tools for teacher: radio, tape, CAI (ppt), words cards.
【Teaching’s Looking Back】
As teachers we should free our mind, renew our ideas and play an important leading role in teaching. We should also research the teaching methods. At the same we should enhance our speaking level on English and practise our own abilities on adapting changing.
【教师简介】肖宏 葫芦岛市第三实验小学英语教师
【教材版本】《快乐英语》(BOOK 7)(一年级起点)
【课题名称】Unit 2 What are you doing? Lesson 11
【教材分析】本课是《快乐英语》(BOOK 7)(一年级起点)Unit 2 Lesson 11本模块以David and his classmates are on camping.为话题,呈现了当主语是第三人称复数时,现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答。由于现在进行时学生在前几课已经接触到了许多,因此,我对教材做了处理:先引出主要句式,再回到课文所创设的场景,最后联系生活实际。学生先能够询问和回答,而后运用于生活,这样处理比较符合学生的认知特点和语言规律,在学习目标的难易上也有一个梯度。
1.the aims of knowledge:To study the new words and phrases “fresh, play hide-and-seek, pajamas. Master the main drills “Are they…? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
2.the aims of abilities:To develop the students’ abilities of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing .To train the students’ ability of working in pairs.
3.the aims of emotion:Make the Ss observe everything carefully and train Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.
1. Master the main drills “Are they…? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
2. How to use main points to make new dialogues and act them out.
Communicative teaching method, group cooperate method, task-based teaching method,TPR
1. Play a game.
Tell the student to do the actions ,then the other Ss will say in English. e.g. Play football , play table tennis , take pictures, watch TV and so on.
2. Ask and answer
T: Please look at the big screen, add –ing into the verb words.
Ss: Writing/ singing/dancing/running… (say quickly one by one)
T(Show PPT to practice present tense’s sentences.)
Ss(According to the PPT to answer the questions.)
【purpose】It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by imitating and at the same time it is necessary to provide situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Use a big picture to ask “What are they doing?” and Ss can give the answer correctly.The teacher will explain the meaning of the new phrases by gesture.“play hide-and-seek/ do handstands…”
2. T will say the main phrases like this,
Basketball, basketball, playing basketball
handsatands, handsatands , doing handstands
Ping-pong , ping-pong ,playing ping-pong
hide-and-seek, hide-and-seek ,playing hide-and-seek
Then tell the Ss clap their hands and do the actions after the T. Let the Ss read by themselves.
3. Show some videos (The Ss are playing on the playground.) to introduce the new drills “Are they … ?”Help Ss try to answer “Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.”
【purpose】To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meaning.
Step 3 Practice and Consolidation
1. A lucky bag. (There are many pictures in the bag .Ss can choose them , then look at the pictures and say sentences quickly.)
For example :
They’re doing taijiquan. / playing football / playing basketball / swimming ...
2. Play a guessing game .(This game may be operated by the teacher. It’s also played by students themselves if possible.)
Ask four students to sit in the front of the class .Try not to let others find what he or she is doing.
Are they doing taijiquan /rowing a boat /playing chess?
Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
Help students to finish the guessing game one by one . Try to make more chances to practice speaking English for students.
【purpose】Proper competition can arouse the Ss’interst in English learning.
3. Use CAI to show the dialogue of this lesson , look and help the Ss understand the meaning of the drill “How fresh the air is!” listen carefully and answer some questions .
Q1: Are the girls kicking shuttlecock?
Q2: Are the boys playing hide-and-seek?
Q3: Are Miss Lin and Liu Gang doing handstands?
4.Read the dialogue in pairs then act it out in different roles.
【purpose】CAI can provide a real situation for the Ss to understand the dialogue.
5. Summary .
Are they playing hide-and-seek?
Yes,they are. Yes,they are.
Are they doing handstands?
No, they aren’t. No, they aren’t.
Step 4 Extension
Make a survey
It’s 10:30 am. What are the people doing now ?Are they…?
do handstands
kick shuttlecock
have an English class
Finish the printed form by asking and answering “Are they…? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. ” and tick them in the questionnaire, find out which group finishes faster.
【purpose】Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.
Step 5 Homework
1. Recite the new words and drills.
2. Some Ss can talk about the pictures of Part 1. Some Ss can use the main points to talk about the people in the playground.
【purpose】It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.
【教学用具】a recorder, CAI, cards and a printed form
【教师简介】肖宏 葫芦岛市第三实验小学英语教师
【教材版本】快乐英语(BOOK 7)(一年级起点)
【课题名称】Unit 3 He likes sports. Lesson 13
【教材分析】本节课是一节对话课,主要是让学生能够用一般现在时第三人称单数的陈述句形式进行有效的交际。本节课的内容是第三单元的第一课时,所以有必要先从“I like…”入手,再过渡到“He/She likes…这样学生学习时不会感到困难。本课时内容比较贴近学生生活,是学生们比较喜欢的话题之一,所以有利于学生间开展交流。
1.the aims of knowledge:To study the new words and phrases “fresh, play hide-and-seek, pajamas. Master the main drills “Are they…? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
2.the aims of abilities:To develop the students’ abilities of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing .To train the students ability of working in pairs.
3. the aims of emotion:Make the Ss have successful feeling and achievement . Train Ss’ conciousness of good co-operation and proper competition. And make them be interest in English study.
1.Master the main drills “Are they…? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
2.How to use main points to make dialogues and act them out.
the communicated method , group cooperate method
Chant like this:
Basketball, basketball, basketball , I like basketball.
Football, football , football ,I like football.
Ping-pong , ping-pong ,ping-pong ,I like ping-pong .
Swimming, swimming ,swimming, I like Swimming
Running , Running, Running, I like Running
【purpose】It’s important to for a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by doing some total physical response.
Step 2 Presentation
1.Show the photos. And try to introduce them .
This is _________. (刘翔)
This is_________. (郭晶晶.)
This is __________. (张怡宁)
This is __________.(加内特)
This is _________.(贝克.汉姆)
This is__________. (菲利普斯)
2. Use CAI to show these athletes. Can you tell me “ what does he /she like?” Such as : This is 刘翔. He likes ______? Help Ss describe their hobbies in English. Master the main drills of this lesson.
This is LiuXiang .He likes running.
This is Guojingjing. She likes swimming.
Use “he /she” to say the drills corretly.
【purpose】CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the Ss better.
Step 3 Practice and Consolidation
1.Draw simple pictures on the Bb. (diving、shotting、play badmiton、weight lifting ) Help Ss fill in the blanks , and then introduce the more famous athletes in different countries. Tell Ss to describe them .
e.g. This is … He/She comes from… He/She likes…
2.Pairs work
(1)One student will say the name of an athlete, the other Ss will say her or his hobby e.g. This is Deng Ya ping. She likes ______.
(2)One student will do actions like an athlete, and say some dills like this “She likes diving very much… Who is she ?”
3.Show a photo of Michael Jordan ,and say “This is Michael Jordan .He’s world-famous .He is a basketball player, and I’m his fan.” Help Ss understand the meaning of the words “player , fan”and the phase “world-famous”.Use CAI to show the dialogue of this lesson , listen carefully and answer some questions .
(1 ) Is Billy’s T-shirt cool? Why?
(2 )Is Billy’s uncle a basketball player?
(3 )Is Jordan famous in the world?
If Ss can give the answer correctly, the T will give them some gifts. And explain the meaning of the new word “gift” by gesture.
4.Read the dialogue in groups then act it out in different roles.
【purpose】Use CAI to help the students understand the dialogue easily and arouse the students interest in English.
5. Summary .
I like basketball.
He likes ...
She likes ...
Step 4 Extension
Find out some atheltes, and talk about by themselves in groups, then fill in the blanks.
【purpose】let the Ss have a chance to practise their listening and spoken ability.
Step 5 Homework
1. Recite the words as many as possible after class.
2. Talk about athletes with your friends.
【purpose】Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they are in class or after class.
【教学用具】a recorder, photos, CAI, cards and a printed form
【教师简介】肖宏 葫芦岛市第三实验小学英语教师
【教材版本】快乐英语(BOOK 7)(一年级起点)
【课题名称】Unit 3 He likes sports. Lesson 14
【教材分析】本节课主要是让学生能够用一般现在时第三人称单数的一般疑问句型 “What does he/ she like? 及其答语He/She likes…形式进行有效的交际。助动词does对于学生来说是一个全新的概念,因此先教学答句再引导学生提问,以降低教学的难度,突破难点。
1.the aims of knowledge:To study the new words “sport ,spend, hour” and new drill “What does he/she like ?”
2.the aims of abilities:To develop the students’ abilities of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing .To train the students ability of working in pairs.
3.the aims of emotion:To enable the students to talk about their hobbies and co-operate ability .
1、To help the students to use the new drill to communicate with each other .
2、To enable the students to study in groups and co-operated skillfully.
3、To develop the students interest in English .
4、How to use “What does he /she like ?” to make dialogues and act them out.
the communicated method , group cooperate method
Sing the song 《Monkey sees , Monkey does 》.The students sing this song and do the actions .
【purpose】It can make the students feel pleased and lead the students into a thick English studying atmosphere .
Step 2 Presentation
1.Use big screen to show some videos and pictures of Michael Jordan and ask the students “Do you know who’s he ?” The students talk about something of Michael Jordan .
2.Then the teacher ask the students “What does he like ?” and make the students answer “ He likes basketball .” Then practice this drill in groups .
3.Talk about something else of Jordan ,e.g : He also likes badminton , golf and baseball , so he likes sports very much . Teach the students “sport”. Read this word one by one .
4.Ask the students“ what sports do you like ?” The students answer by themselves.
5.Tell the students my father also likes sports . He spends hours on them every day .Teach the students “spend” and “hour”.Then read the words like this :
Sport , sport , sport
6.Use big screen to show the video and pictures of Wang Nan , and ask who’s she ?What does she like ? Teach the students this drill..
Step 3 Practice and Consolidation
1.Let’s play a game. Before the game let’s review some sports .e.g .badminton , basketball , football , volleyball , baseball , ping-pong , golf , bowling .Then ask one students come to the front and choose one sport do the action , then the other students guess what does he/she like ? and use this drill to make a dialogue .
【purpose】In this game , the students can grasp the new and gain enough then encouragement and confidence from their success.
2.Draw and ask
Use CAI to show the dialogue of this lesson , listen carefully and answer some questions .
Q1: Is the man fat or thin?
Q2: What sports does Xiao Hui’s father like?
Q3: Where does he play the ball games?
3.Read the dialogue in pairs then act it out in different roles.
【purpose】Use CAI can help the students understand the dialogue easily and arouse the students interest in English.In order to train the Ss’ abilities of listening and choosing informations, tell Ss to listen first,and then answer the questions according to the dialogue.
4.Listen to the music and the students draw their favorite sports . When the music stop ,they must stop . Then use “I like ….” to make a sentence in groups .Then let some students come to the front to say the sentence , the other students should remember what they like . Find two students ask and answer “ What does he/she like ? He/She likes …” If they say right , the students in front of the classroom say “Yes”. If not , he/she say “No, I like …”
5.Summary . Let’s chant like this :
What does he like ?
He likes badminton .
What does she like ?
She likes basketball .
【purpose】In this step , the students creative ability and co-operate ability will be trained and the students can improve their spoken English .
Step 4 Extension
1.Make a survey.
Let Ss interview the guests and their friends. They can ask them sth. about sports. Try to use the main setences. “What sports does …like? …”.See who can get more information.
3. Sing the theme song of the Olympic Games 《You and me》.
Tell Ss , we all like sports, so let’s do more exercises after class. We can invite our friends to join us.
Step 5 Homework
1.Use the new drills to ask your parents’ hobbies.
2.Do exercises .
【purpose】I think homework is so important that the students should speak English as much as they can in class or after class.
Look for some videos and pictures on the net , cards , a tape-recorder and CAI
2、利用现代化的教学手段创设一定的语言环境。通过上网搜寻关于Michael Jordan 的有关信息,并通过大屏幕进行展示,激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了他们的学习效率,通过有效的电教手段,有利于学生对所学知识的理解和掌握。
3、在本节课中运用了一些游戏。如在看动作问问题这一环节中,学生通过肢体语言来表达一种体育运动,而其他的同学运用所学的句型“What doe he / she like ?”进行对话练习。又如,在Draw and ask 这一环节中,做到了学科间的整合,开发了学生的创造力和想象力。
教学设计Teaching Design
I. 教师简介 Introduction of Teacher
尚义, 来自葫芦岛市第二实验小学,葫芦岛市小学英语兼职教研员,小学中学高级教师。从事英语教学13年。曾荣获过第二届全国小学英语教师基本功大赛优秀课例展示一等奖,辽宁省小学英语教师基本功大赛一等奖,课件制作特等奖等。曾编著国家级丛书,多次荣获过国家级优秀论文。
II.教材版本 The Teaching Material
The teaching material is from Fun with English, Students’Book 7.
III. 课题名称 Lesson 15
IV. 授课年级 Grade 4
V. 授课时间 December 8th,2008
VI.学生分析 Students Analysis
The students in Grade 4 can imitate something well. They are full of curiosity and good at showing themselves. They have innovative spirit. But they are weak in writing. They aren’t good at logic ideation. So we should fasten our attention upon students’ characteristic. Design the teaching procedures carefully. Let students learn English easily.
VIII.教材分析 Teaching Material Analysis
Last lesson, we’ve learnt the Present Simple Tense. We’ve learnt the word “like” is used in the Present Simple Tense. Today the students will learn the general questions about like. We’ll learn the key sentences: Does your father like… Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
IX.教学目标 Teaching Aims
1. Knowledge aims: To master the new words “ticket, game, stay”
To master the general questions “Does he/she like..?
Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.
2. Ability aims: To improve the students’abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
3. Emotion aim: To educate the students to love sports and keep healthy.
4.Important and difficult points: Using singular Of the general questions in the Simple Tense
X.教学方式 Teaching Methods
I will adopt situational teaching method. Get the students to study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. The students adopt co-operation learning by groups. They can help each other. It can train their co-operation consciousness. They can lean more knowledge in the groups.
XI.Teaching Aids: tickets, basketball, volleyball, CAI.
XI.教学过程 Teaching Process
Step 1 Warm up and lead into the new lesson
1. Ask and answer in pairs. What do you like? What does your… like? Then tell the students my favorite sports. Show the students a basketball and a volleyball. Ask if your father likes them.
2. Then ask and answer. Does your father like basketball/volleyball?
Step 2 Presentation
1. Show the Ss two volleyball tickets. Lead in the students to guess the meaning of the word “ticket”. Tell them the tickets are for the volleyball game. Then explain game for the students. Ask the students if they can stay at home. Explain the word “stay”for the students. Get the students to spell and recite the words.
2. Show the some questions on the big screen. Then get the students to read them.
a. Does Helen’s father like volleyball?
b. Does He like basketball?
c. Who has got two tickets?
d. Who stays at home?
3. Listen to the tape and get the students to answer the questions. Then read after the tape.
Step 3 Practice and extension
1. Get the students to read the dialogue by groups.
2. Read the dialogue in pairs. Then ask some groups to make the dialogue.
3. Let the Ss look at the big screen. Choose some topics to make the dialogue or make a new by themselves.
a. uncle Wang, uncle Li, football game, b. grandma, grandpa, Beijing opera, theatre, and so on.
Step 4 Consolidation
Fill in blanks.
Hellen’s father volleyball. But he like basketball.
He has two volleyball tonight. Helen’s and Liu Gang’s father can go to
The volleyball game. Helen and Liu Gang can at home and watch an NBA game.
Step 5 Homework
1. Read and write the dialogue and recite the dialogue.
2. Have a survey. Does your father/mother/friend like…?
【教学后记】 通过本节课的教学,大部分同学在课堂上已经掌握了所学的知识,还有一小部分同学掌握了本节课的重点、难点部分,在课下,通过小组合作的方式,他们也能够基本上掌握所学的知识。但是也有一部分同学对于助动词在一般现在时态里的应用还有些不明白,所以对于Does的使用还要进一步深入训练,使每个学生都能熟练运用。
教学设计Teaching Design
I. 教师简介 Introduction of Teacher
尚义, 来自葫芦岛市第二实验小学,葫芦岛市小学英语兼职教研员,小学中学高级教师。从事英语教学13年。曾荣获过第二届全国小学英语教师基本功大赛优秀课例展示一等奖,辽宁省小学英语教师基本功大赛一等奖,课件制作特等奖等。曾编著国家级丛书,多次荣获过国家级优秀论文。
II.教材版本 The Teaching Material
The teaching material is from Fun with English, Students’Book 7.
III. 课题名称 Lesson 16
IV. 授课年级 Grade 4
V. 授课时间 December 10th,2008
VI.学生分析 Students Analysis
The students in Grade 4can imitate something well. They are full of curiosity and good at showing themselves. They have innovative spirit. But they are weak in writing. They aren’t good at logic ideation. So we should fasten our attention upon students’ characteristic. Design the teaching procedures carefully. Let students learn English easily.
VIII.教材分析 Teaching Material Analysis
Last lesson, we’ve learnt the General Question about the Present Simple Tense. Like is used in the General Question of the Present Simple Tense. Today the students will learn Negative Sentence in the Simple Tense. We’ll learn the key sentences: doesn’t like…
IX.教学目标 Teaching Aims
1.Knowledge aims: To master the new words “neighbor, fast food, dumpling”
To master negative sentences “doesn’t...?
2. Ability aims: To enable the students to usage the words and sentences in a real situation. To improve the ability of using English.
3. Emotion aim: To education the students to learn about what they like or dislike.
4. Important point and difficult point: He/She doesn’t like…
X.教学方式 Teaching Methods
I will adopt situational teaching method. Get the students to study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. The students adopt co-operation learning by groups. They can help each other. It can train their co-operation consciousness. They can lean more knowledge in the groups.
XI.教学用具Teaching Aids CAI,pictures
XII.教学过程 Teaching Process
Step 1 Warm up and lead into the new lesson
1. Greeting
2. Ask and answer. One of the students introduce his favorite. The other students ask and answer. S1: I like playing football. S2: Does he like playing football?
S3: Yes, he does…
2. Introduce a new friend named John. The students can ask him some questions.
What does he like? Does he like…
Step 2 Presentation
1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Make sentences with “doesn’t like”.
For example: John doesn’t like…
2. Listen to the tape and find out the things what John doesn’t like.
John doesn’t like…
3. Listen to the tape again and explain the new words“Neighbor, fast food, dumplings” for the students.
Step 3 Practice and extension
1. Get the students’ to read the text by themselves. And then fill in the form.
2. Show the students a score bill. And then talk about it.
Xiao Hua
For example: Daming likes Chinese, Math, and PE. He doesn’t like English and Art.
Step 4 Consolidation
Get the students to retell the text by groups. Then the teacher have a summary abut this lesson.
Step 5 Homework
1. Have a survey. Your friend doesn’t like …
2. Retell the text at home.
教学设计Teaching Design
I. 教师简介 Introduction of Teacher
尚义, 来自葫芦岛市第二实验小学,葫芦岛市小学英语兼职教研员,小学中学高级教师。从事英语教学13年。曾荣获过第二届全国小学英语教师基本功大赛优秀课例展示一等奖,辽宁省小学英语教师基本功大赛一等奖,课件制作特等奖等。曾编著国家级丛书,多次荣获过国家级优秀论文。
II.教材版本 The Teaching Material
The teaching material is from Fun with English, Students’Book 7.
III. 课题名称 Lesson 17
IV. 授课年级 Grade 4
V. 授课时间 December 12th,2008
VI.学生分析 Students Analysis
The students in Grade 4 can imitate something well. They are full of curiosity and good at showing themselves. They have innovative spirit. But they are weak in writing. They aren’t good at logic ideation. So we should fasten our attention upon students’ characteristic. Design the teaching procedures carefully. Let students learn English easily.
VIII.教材分析 Teaching Material Analysis
Last lesson, we’ve learnt the Present Simple Tense. We’ve learnt the expression of “dislike” in the Present Simple Tense. Today the students will learn the special questions of the Simple tense. We’ll learn the key sentences: How does he/she go to work?
IX.教学目标 Teaching Aims
1.Knowledge aims: To master the new words “work, hospital, go to work, healthy”
To master the general questions “How does she/he go to work?
2. Ability aims: To improve the Ss’abilities of speaking and use of English.
3. Emotion aim: To educate the students to keep healthy.
4.Important and difficult points: How to use the singular expression of the Simple Tense.
X.教学方式 Teaching Methods
I will adopt situational teaching method. Get the students to study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. The students adopt co-operation learning by groups. They can help each other. It can train their co-operation consciousness. They can lean more knowledge in the groups.
XI.教学用具Teaching Aids: CAI, a photo
XII.教学过程 Teaching Process
Step 1 Warm up and lead into the new lesson
1. Show a photo of Zhang Hong’s mother. Get the students to describe her.
2. Tell the students we’ll learn about her mother.
Step 2 Presentation
1. First, get the students to read the dialogue and find out the new words.
2. Show the Ss a picture, and ask: Where does the doctor work? And lead into the word hospital, work. Then ask the Ss the question: How does she go to work every day? Lead into the student answer the question. By car/bus… Tell the Ss. Walking to the hospital is good for health. We should keep healthy.
3. Get the students to spell the new words, ask and answer in pairs.
4. Listen to the tape and repeat.
Step 3 Practice and extension
1. Get the students to read the dialogue by groups.
2. Read the dialogue in pairs. Then get Ss read this dialogue in roles.
3. Show the Ss some key words, and get Ss retell the dialogue. The words just like looks“ young, works, goes to work, walks, looks”.
4. Give Ss some time to introduce their parents or friends. Show the students some key sentences.
Where does he/she work? How does she/he go to work every day?
What does he/she look like?
Step 4 Consolidation
Have a summary of this lesson. Have a chant.
Young, young, she looks young.
Hospital, hospital, she works in a hospital.
Foot, foot, she goes to work on foot.
Healthy, healthy, she looks healthy.
Step 5 Homework
1. Read the dialogue and recite the dialogue.
2. Have a composition. Introduce your parents or friends.
【教学后记】 本节课的教学任务比较重,所以在学习的过程中我重视对单词的讲解,然后逐渐推进到重要的句子,并且训练到位,这样学生能很好地掌握本节课的重点与难点。同时采用CAI, Chat等形式吸引学生的注意力,激发学习性趣。但是还有一小部分同学对动词单数的变化掌握的不是很好,英语综合运用能力不是很强。有待于进一步学习和巩固。