標題句:Helen is not only pretty but also hard-working.
You can ask either your parents or your teacher.
I can play neither tennis nor basketball.
結 構:not only...but also..., either...or..., neither...nor...
not only ... but also ... 是「不僅???也是???」的意思,其實它和 and 的意思相同,只不過在用法上略有些差別而已。先看看底下簡單的例子:
e.g.1. She is not only nice but also beautiful.
2. Ted plays not only baseball but also soccer.
3. Sarah gave her sister not only a pen but also a dictionary.
4. We enjoy not only the movie but also the time with our friends at a movie theater.
你是否發現到,若把上述的三個句子改為用 and 來連接,意思沒有兩樣?
e.g.1_1. She is nice and beautiful.
2_1. Ted plays baseball and soccer.
3_1. Sarah gave her sister a pen and a dictionary.
4_1. We enjoy the movie and the time with our friends at a movie theater.
想想看一:試比較例句 1~4,請問 not only 和 but also 後所連接的詞,在性質上有何種關聯? [ 核對答案 ]
想想看二:若 not only 後是連接「副詞」,則 but also 後所連接的詞,應該是什麼呢? [ 核對答案 ]
not only ... but also ... 也可以放在「主詞」的位置,但此時它的用法卻和 and 有很大的差別。底下的例句說明,先從 and 開始:
5. John and Tom are students.(主詞有兩個人,所以是複數,be 用 are。)
6. The children and their dog like eating hamburgers. (主詞是複數,所以動詞 like 後面不需加 s。)
上述兩個例句若改為用 not only ... but also ... 連結,其結果就會有變化:
5_1. Not only John but also Tom is a student.
(主詞看起來雖是有兩個人,但其實只算 but also 後的那一個,所以 be 用 is,且 students 改用 a student。)
6_1. Not only the children but also their dog likes eating hamburgers.
想想看三:在例句 6 中,因為主詞是「複數」,所以動詞 like 後面當然不可加 s;但例句 6_1 顯然是不同的,like 後加了 s,由此可推知,當 not only A but also B 放在「主詞」的位置時,在現在式中,其後的動詞,是要看 A 決定單、複數,還是要看 B 呢? [ 核對答案 ]

有兩個常被一起來拿討論的句型,分別是 either ... or ... 和 neither ... nor ...;在分開說明前,先把三個句型的對應中文一起呈列(中間「...」的部分,分別代之以 A 和 B,以方便說明):
not only A but also B:既是 A 也是 B;A 和 B(兩個都是)
either A or B:不是 A,就是 B(只有其中一個是)
neither A nor B:不是 A,也不是 B(兩個都不是)
▲依經驗,學生最常弄錯的,就是 either ... or ... 和 neither ... nor ...,而且很巧的是,剛好兩個記相反了;利用了「數學中的加法」,這裡提供一個比較容易懂的聯想記憶方式:
從以上的加式中,我們可以知道,neither 是由 not 和 either 組合而成,也就是說,neither 本身就已含有「表示否定的 not」的意思;再看看 nor:
用和 neither 同樣的聯想方式,nor 是由 not 和 or 組合而成,也就是說,nor 本身也已含有「表示否定的 not」的意思。這樣我們就可以知道了,neither 和 nor 兩個都含有 not 的意思,所以 neither A nor B 的對應中文,就應是「不是A也不是B」了,因為兩個都不是嘛!
7. I can play neither basketball nor baseball.(我不會打籃球,也不會打棒球。)
8. This tool is neither cheap nor useful.(這個工具,既不便宜,也不實用。)
想想看四:參考上述例句,請問在 neither ... nor ... 句型中,還有沒有加 not?[ 核對答案 ]
知道了 neither A nor B 的意思後,要懂 either A or B 就更容易了。先復習一下,or 的對應中文是什麼意思呢?相信你不會陌生,當然是「或者」囉!所以 A or B,就是「A或B」:
9. You can eat an apple or a guava.(你可以吃蘋果或是芭樂。)
這種句子你應該不會不懂吧!而例句 9 又可以改為成:
10. You can eat either an apple or a guava.
11. He can either drive the car or take the MRT.(他可以開車,或是搭捷運。)
想想看五:參考例句 7~11,在 either A or B 和 neither A nor B 中,A 和 B 在詞性中,有何種關聯呢?也就是說,若 A 是個「介詞片語」,那 B 應該用什麼呢? [ 核對答案 ]
想想看六:限用上述的三種句型表達方式,將下列各句,翻譯成英文。[ 核對答案 ]
1. 這家旅館,既不便宜,又不舒適。
2. 她答數學問題,既快又正確。
3. 在晚餐後,他不是看電視,就是喝一些茶。
4. 林先生不會開車,也不會騎機車。
5. 你的手錶不是在浴室裡,就是在電視機上。
6. 不管是那群學生,還是他們的英語老師,現在都在教室裡。
[ 核對答案 ]
想想看七:請上、下文意,選出正確答案。含有 not only ... but also ..., either ... or ..., neither ... nor ..., too ... to ..., 及 so ... that ... 句型。
1. Not only her parents but also her sister known all the facts.
(A) is (B) are (C) has (D) have
2. Mom: We don't have much time, my dear daughter. You can stay home go out with us. Make your decision, please.
Daughter: I'll stay home to prepare for the test tomorrow.
(A) not only; but also (B) either; or (C) neither; nor (D) so; that
3. Amanda: Why didn't you buy that apartment?
Nickie: There are five people in my family. That apartment is small for us live in.
(A) too; to (B) so; that (C) either; or (D) not only; but also
4. We still don't know who took the DVD player away. Mr. Pan Mr. Hsu recognized (承認) he did.
(A) either; or (B) neither; nor (C) so; that (D) too; to
5. The grapes were sweet both my children ate them up.
(A) not only; but also (B) either; or (C) too; to (D) so; that
6. I'm sure young people like the color of the car old people will think the color will be suitable (合適的) for them. This color is very, very popular.
(A) so; that (B) neither; nor (C) either; or (D) not only; but also
7. Please remember to give it to Dr. Chang yourself. It's important it can't be lost.
(A) too; to (B) not only; but also (C) so; that (D) neither; nor
8. After being told the bad news about her husband, the woman was sad say anything.
(A) either; or (B) too; to (C) neither; nor (D) not only; but also
9. Will we visit Sun Moon Lake Jiji Train Station? We don't have much time. We can visit only one place.
(A) either; or (B) too; to (C) neither; nor (D) not only; but also
10. summer winter is my favorite season. One is too hot, and the other is too cold. I like spring and fall.
(A) Either; or (B) Too; to (C) Neither; nor (D) Not only; but also
[ 核對答案 ]