Article 1.DEFINITIONS 条款1.定义
Article 2.PARTS FORMING THE CONTRACT 条款2.构成合同的部分
Article 3.SCOPE OF WORK and TIME SCHEDULE 条款3.工程范围和时间日程
Article 4.CONTRACT PRICE条款4.合同价款
Article 5.TERMS OF PAYMENT条款5. 付款条件
Article 7.TITLE TO EQUIPMENT and WARRANTIES 条款7. 设备和保证的权限
Article 9.FORCE MAJEURE 条款9.不可抗力
Article 12.COMMITTEE ON DISPUTES 条款12.争议委员会
Article13.ARBITRATION 条款13.仲裁
Article 14.GOVERNING LAW 条款14.适用法律
Article15.ASSURANCE OF LEGALITY 条款15. 对法律事项的保证
Article 17.NON-WAIVER 条款17.非弃权
Article 18.CONFIDENTIALITY 条款18. 机密性
Article 19.BUSINESS ADDRESS AND LANGUAGE 条款19. 商业地址和语言
Article 20.DUTIES, TAXES, AND BANK CHARGES 条款20. 关税、税收和银行费用
Article21.SEVERABILITY 条款21. 条款的可分割性
Article 22.TERMINATION 条款22.终止
Article 23.LIABILITIES 条款23.债务
Article 24.CONTRACT EFFECTIVITY 条款24. 合同有效性
条款25. 签字和公证确认
ThisCONTRACT is made and entered into, by and between:
, a corporation duly organizedand existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China(PROC), with principal office at, hereinrepresented by its ____ and its____duly-authorized for this purpose(hereinafter referred to as the “BUYER”);
_____, acorporation organized and existing under the laws of _____, withbusiness GUANDONG PETROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION GROUPCORPORATION address NO.293 TongfuzhongRd. Guangzhou at at_______, herein represented by_______,duly-authorized for this purpose (hereinafter referred to as the“SELLER”).
(A)BUYER is desirous of establishing _______(the “Plant or Facility”)and for this purpose is willing to purchase Equipment and services,for the _____ (hereafter, the “System”) from the SELLER in order toestablish the Plant or Facility.
(B)SELLER is willing to supply machinery and Equipment, as well asprovide supervisory and Commissioning services for the System, tothe BUYER.
(C) SELLERhas represented that it possesses the required technology,expertise, know-how, experience and competence, as well as thenecessary permits and licenses to supply the Equipment and BUYER iswilling to engage the services of the SELLER based on saidrepresentations.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in considerationof the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants hereinafter setforth, BUYER and SELLER hereby mutually agree asfollows:
Article 1.DEFINITIONS 条款1.定义
Forpurposes of this Contract, the following words and expressionsshall have the meanings hereby assigned to them. The definitions ofthe following terms are intended to supplement and not replace anydefinitions contained in any of the documents incorporated byreference herein, but in case of any conflict or inconsistenciesthe definitions set forth in this Article shallprevail.
“BUYER” shall meanCOMPANY,LIMITED. 采购方意指公司。
“Certificate of Final Acceptance” shall mean thecertificate to be issued by BUYER after SELLER’s fulfillment of thewarranty period to the satisfaction of BUYER as specified inArticle 6 (PERFORMANCE and EQUIPMENT WARRANTY BONDS).
“Certificate ofProvisional Acceptance” shall mean the certificate to be issued byBUYER after SELLER’s fulfillment of obligations covered byPerformance Guarantees to the satisfaction of BUYER as provided inAppendix II.
“Commissioning” shallmean the conduct of functional load and no-load tests of Equipmentdelivered by SELLER.
“Contract” shall meanthis Contract, including all the Appendices incorporated hereto, asthe same may be mutually amended by BUYER and SELLER in writingfrom time to time.
“Contract Effectivity”or “Effective Date of the Contract” shall mean the date when allthe events specified in Article 24 (CONTRACT EFFECTIVITY) hereofshall have been fulfilled.
“DDU Plant Site” shall mean Delivered Duty UnpaidPlant Site and as defined in INCOTERMS 2000, as amended, unlessotherwise provided in this Contract.
“Engineering Design” shall mean the plans, designs andspecifications prepared by SELLER for BUYER pertaining to completesupply of imported Equipment and Engineering for the System inaccordance with Appendices I, II & IX.
“Equipment” shall mean the machinery,equipment, materials, as well as Commissioning and supervisoryservices, if any, that will be supplied and provided by SELLER toBUYER for the construction and erection of the facilitiescomprising the System, more particularly described in AppendixIV.
“Erectionand Installation Works” shall refer to all the works from the timethat the erection and installation Contractor withdraws theEquipment from BUYER’s storage facilities at the Plant Site untilthe completion of such Works as duly certified by BUYER.
“Final Acceptance” shallmean the date on which BUYER issues a Certificate of FinalAcceptance for the Equipment upon expiry of the warranty period asspecified in Article 6 (PERFORMANCE and EQUIPMENT WARRANTY BONDS).The Final Acceptance is reached upon successful final completion ofthe agreed Performance Warranties according to AppendixII.
“ForceMajeure” shall mean events beyond the control of and affectingeither party which cannot be foreseen or if foreseeable cannot beeither prevented or avoided by the exercise of due diligence, suchas but not limited to revolution, rebellion or insurrection, stateintervention, act of war (declared or undeclared), hostilities,riot or civil commotion, shipwreck, earthquake, violent typhoon,flood, fire or other natural physical disaster and general orindustry-wide strikes.
“Performance Tests” or“Acceptance Tests” shall mean the tests to be carried out by BUYERin the presence and under supervision of SELLER to satisfy theperformance guarantees.
“Provisional Acceptance” shall mean the date on which BUYERissues a Certificate of Provisional Acceptance for the Equipmentupon successful completion of the Performance or Acceptance Testsand after SELLER’s fulfillment of the obligations covered byPerformance Guarantees as provided in Appendix II.
“Subcontractor” shall mean any one having a direct contract withthe Contractor in executing any part of this Contract, notincluding one who merely furnishes materials withoutlabor.
Words importingpersons shall include firms and corporations. Words importing thesingular shall also include the plural, and vice versa, where thecontext so admits. Reference to “days”,“weeks” and “months”, unless otherwise expressly provided, shallmean calendar days, weeks and months of the Gregorian calendar.References to Articles and Appendices are to be construed asreferences to articles and appendices of this Contract. Titles andcaptions have been utilized for convenience only and shall bedisregarded in construing the provisions of thisContract.
Contract as a Whole合同整体
TheArticles of this Contract and its Appendices are intended to becorrelative and mutually explanatory and should be viewed andconstrued as a whole. The misplacement,addition or omission of a word or character shall not change theintent of any part of this Contract from that set forth by thisContract as a whole.
The following documents areessential portions and are integral parts of thisContract:
Conflicts; Ambiguities冲突和含糊
SELLERshall be solely responsible for requesting any interpretation orclarification of this Contract and shall bear any costs andexpenses it may incur by its failure to do so. If SELLER shalldiscover any conflicts, ambiguities, errors, omissions ordiscrepancies in the Contract, the matter shall be submittedimmediately by SELLER in writing to BUYER for clarification,together with SELLER’s comments and proposals. Any work affected bysuch conflicts, ambiguities, errors, omissions or discrepancies,which is performed by SELLER subsequent to discovery but prior toclarification by BUYER, shall be at SELLER’s risk.
Contract to Prevail主要的合同
ThisContract states the entire agreement of the parties, and theparties are not and shall not be bound by any stipulations,representations, agreements or promises, oral or otherwise, notcontained in this Contract or incorporated herein by reference, byway of a written addendum or supplement, provided that, the termsthereof are controlling only on matters containedtherein.
In theevent of any irreconcilable conflict or discrepancy between theArticles of this Contract and the Appendices hereof, the formershall prevail. In determiningwhether or not any such conflict or discrepancy exists, it shall beresolved in the context that the Appendices are intended to providedetailed elaboration of general statements in the Articles of thisContract.
Article 3.SCOPE OF WORK and TIME SCHEDULE条款3.工程范围和时间日程
Object of Contract合同的目标
The objectof this Contract is to establish, construct, erect, install andcommission at the Plant Site, in first-class operating condition,the System, which is completely functional as solely determined byBUYER and is capable of producing the target ______ while meetingthe technical specifications and design standards set forth inAppendix IV and the production rates, capacities, product yieldsand performance guarantees specified in Appendix II.
Scope of Work工程范围
The scopeof the work required of SELLER under this Contract shall consistof:
1.Supply of all necessary Engineering Design for COMPLETE andWORKABLE systems per department as defined in AppendixIV;
2.Supply of Equipment DDU Plant Site as detailed in the supplydivision list under this Contract as per Appendix III;
3.Provision of project coordination and supervisory services requiredfor the local fabrication, construction, erection and Commissioningof the Equipment to be incorporated in the System; and
4.Any other services, materials or equipment agreed upon betweenBUYER and SELLER, as specified in Appendix III.
SELLERshall provide, perform, execute, work and deliver the Equipmentand/or parts of machinery and services as listed in the SupplyDivision List, which is annexed hereto as Appendix III and in thedetailed specifications sheets which are annexed hereto as AppendixIV and incorporated as though fully set forth herein.
TheEquipment is briefly summarized as follows: 设备简要总结如下:
SELLERshall deliver the Equipment based on the Specifications of Shipmentas provided in Appendix VI of the Contract. The payment termsshall be as set forth in Article 5 (TERMS OF PAYMENT).
In theevent BUYER assigns its rights and obligations under this Contractas provided in Article 16 (ASSIGNMENT, SUBCONTRACT, PLACE OFORIGIN), after securing the consent of SELLER, SELLER shall deliverthe Equipment to BUYER’s assignee under the same delivery terms andconditions herein provided.
C.Delivery Schedule 送达日程
It isexpressly agreed that time is of the essence in thisContract.
Thedelivery time for the Documentation and Equipment, and thecompletion of all other works required under this Contract is shownin the Delivery Schedule (Appendix V).
BUYERshall approve the Preliminary Design Documentation as defined inAppendix I, C, 1.1, and which include the items referred to inArticle 5 (TERMS OF PAYMENT) hereof, and other matters discussed inthe kick-off and design meetings within two (2) weeks after receiptthereof by BUYER. In the event BUYER does not issue any writtencomment or correction within the two (2) week period specifiedherein, such drawings, lists and documentation are deemed to befinally approved.
SELLER maywith written notice to and with the written consent of BUYERdeliver at any time prior to the delivery time indicated inAppendix V.
SELLERwarrants that drawings, lists and documentation shall be sent toBUYER at BUYER’s business address indicated in Article 19 (BUSINESSADDRESS AND LANGUAGE) within the indicated time.
D.Liquidated Damages for Delayed Deliveries. 对延迟送达的损害赔偿
SELLERshall be charged liquidated damages for delayed deliveries inaccordance with Appendix VII of this Contract.
Article 4.CONTRACT PRICE条款4.合同价款
For and inconsideration of the satisfactory performance by SELLER of theobligations and undertakings specified hereunder, BUYER shall payto SELLER, in the manner and at the times as specified in Article 5(TERMS OF PAYMENT) below as full and complete satisfaction of itspayment obligations hereunder, the amount set forthbelow.
The Contract Price forEngineering Design, Equipment, Commissioning, spare parts and fixedcharges for supervision of erection and Commissioningis:
TheContract Price shall not be subject to escalation and includes theagreed scope of supply of Engineering Design and Equipment, as wellas the cost of packing, insurance, delivery DDU Plant SiteINCOTERMS 2000, as amended, including unloading of Equipment at thePlant Site. The Contract Priceshall include duties, taxes, fees and charges of whatsoever nature,which the government of the country of origin or its politicalsubdivisions may impose on the Equipment or its exportation, all ofwhich shall be for SELLER’s account.
The priceofequipmentwhich are producd in local areincludingthe charges as the above.
TheContract Price shall not include any duties, taxes, fees or chargesof whatsoever nature, which the Government of the PROC or itspolitical subdivisions may impose on the Equipment or itsimportation, all of which shall be for BUYER’s account. TheContract Price may be changed and settled in accordance with theprovisions of Article 11 (CHANGES IN PERFORMANCE OBLIGATIONS) ofthis Contract.
The priceofequipmentwhich are importedare not including the charges as theabove.
Article 5.TERMS OF PAYMENT条款5.付款条件
TheContract Price of ______ shall be payable as indicatedbelow:
A FirstAdvance Payment of TEN PERCENT (10%) of the Contract Price,corresponding to an amount of _______, subject to deduction ofapplicable withholding taxes shall be remitted by BUYER viatelegraphic transfer to SELLER’s account made known to BUYER inwriting (“SELLER’s Account”), not later than three (3) months afterthe execution of the Contract. In consideration ofthe First Advance Payment, SELLER is obligated to prepare, completeand submit to BUYER the Preliminary Design Documentation inaccordance with Appendix I, C, 1.1 within _________ days from theremittance of the payment. For the avoidance ofdoubt, this payment shall be remitted to SELLER’s Account only uponsubmission by SELLER of a Bank Guarantee valid for ______ days,through a bank acceptable to BUYER, in an amount equivalent to theFirst Advance Payment after deduction of applicable withholdingtaxes. TheBank Guarantee shall be authenticated and confirmed by a localadvising bank nominated by BUYER, and shall secure SELLER’sobligation to prepare, complete and submit the Preliminary DesignDocumentation within the schedule and in accordance with thespecifications set forth above.
不迟于合同执行后3(三)个月内,预付款预提(扣)税金后相当于金额约_______10%(百分之十)合同价款按照所得税免除额由采购方通过电汇附加采购方书面签署后(“销售方”的帐户)汇到销售方的帐户。从电汇支付_____天内根据附录1(一),C 1.1(一点一),预付款后的销售方有责任准备、完成和递交初步设计文件给采购方。为避免疑问,销售方必须通过采购方认可的银行递交有效期为_____天的银行保证书,银行保证书的金额相当于扣减预提税金后的预付款,只有这样,采购方才会把预付款汇付到销售方的帐户。银行保证书应由采购方提名的当银地的行鉴别并确认,并应在规定的日程内根据如上说明确保销售方去履行准备、完成并递交初步设计文件的责任。
ThePreliminary Design Documentation shall include thefollowing:
a.Basic Engineering and Detailed Technical Specification/s of allEquipment components;
b.General Equipment Arrangement Layout;. 一般设备安排布局;
c.Static and Dynamic Loading Data;. 静态和动态的装载数据;
d.Fabrication Drawings (for BUYER-supplied LocalEquipment);
e.Process Flow Sheets (including applicable Heat Balance, GasBalance, Chemical Balance and Material Balance);
f.Electrical Motor Consumer List; and. 电力发动机消耗表;和
g.Electrical Control Looping Flow Sheet. 电力控制循环流程表。
The BankGuarantee shall be released by BUYER to SELLER against acertification by BUYER as to the completeness and approval of thePreliminary Design Documentation and upon release of the SecondAdvance Payment stipulated herein.
A SecondAdvance Payment of TEN PERCENT (10%) of the Contract Price,corresponding to an amount of _______, subject to deduction ofapplicable withholding taxes shall be remitted by BUYER to SELLER’sAccount after the above mentioned Preliminary Design Documentationhas been accepted and approved by BUYER. Prior to the releaseof the Second Advance Payment, SELLER must first secure thePerformance Bond as defined in Article 6 (PERFORMANCE and EQUIPMENTWARRANTY BONDS) and in accordance with the requirements set forthin the said Article.
I suggest:After the seller provide the design documents as request, the buyershould pay the secordary advanced payment in one week.
Theremaining EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) of the Contract Price shall be paidin installments described hereunder, with each installment subjectto deduction of applicable withholding taxes paid via confirmed andirrevocable Letters of Credit (“L/Cs”) to be established by BUYERin favor of SELLER via a bank acceptable to BUYER -
a.SELLER shall be paid the First Installment of Sixty Percent (60%)of the Contract Price, corresponding to the amount of _______,subject to deduction of applicable withholding taxes, within sixty(60) days upon complete delivery of Equipment at the Plant Site tothe satisfaction of BUYER and provided, BUYER has completelyreceived from SELLER all Equipment documentation necessary orrequired for the installation, operation and maintenance of theEquipment in accordance with Appendix I, C, 1.2. and SELLER hasalready submitted the following documents:
(1) Three (3)Originals of the commercial invoice with three (3) extra copies insufficient detail.
(2)Three (3) Originals of the “Clean on Board” FIATA MultimodalTransport Bills of Lading consigned to the order of BUYER, coveringall the Equipment shipped, as per Appendix IV.
We justcan provide the transport lading list by our company, because weneed transfer the equipments by truck not by ship,and the transportcompanies are not as strong and faithful as the shipcompanywhich can be trust by both of seller and buyer.
(3)Three (3) Originals of the Packing List and Heavy Lift List (ifapplicable).
(4) One(1) Original Insurance Certificate for Shipping andTransport.
Becausefrom our factory to the plant site is not faraway, the transportcompany suggest us no need to get an insurance document alone. Itis including n the transport bill.
(5)Certification of SELLER as to the completeness of the shipmentduly-concurred upon by BUYER or the Notice/Confirmation of Arrivalby the transport carrier and/or its agent confirming the arrival ofthe shipment/s at the Plant Site under the corresponding FIATAMultimodal Transport Bill(s) of Lading.
(6) Foreach shipment, the following documents shall be mailed by airexpress delivery (DHL, TNT or equivalent) to BUYER immediatelyafter shipment in the set described below:
(a)Three (3) Originals of the Non-Negotiable “Clean-on-Board” Bill ofLading, consigned to the order of BUYER.
(b) One(1) Original Certificate of Origin.(一)份原产地证书原件。
(c)Three (3) Originals of the Commercial Invoice.(三)份商业发票原件
(d)Three (3) Originals of the Packing List as per CommercialInvoice.
(e)Three (3) Originals of Detailed Packing List as per AppendixVI.
(f) One(1) advance copy of the above documents shall be transmitted by faxto BUYER for purpose of initiating transport and customsformalities in the PROC.
Partialdelivery of Equipment is not allowed hereunder. In case, however,SELLER requests to partially deliver Equipment and BUYER, at itssole discretion, allows such delivery, the release of theabove-mentioned Sixty Percent (60%) of the Contract Price shallstill be upon complete delivery of Equipment as certified by theBUYER. Anyadditional expense attributable to the partial delivery ofEquipment – i.e., warehousing, double handling, and similar costsshall all be for the account of SELLER.
b.The Second Installment of Ten Percent (10%) of the Contract Pricecorresponding to the amount of ______, subject to deduction ofapplicable withholding taxes shall be paid by way of L/C to beestablished in favor of SELLER after BUYER certifies that allErection and Installation Works have been completed to itssatisfaction, which should not be later than three (3) months fromthe completion of Erection and Installation Works in accordancewith Appendix V.
c.The Third and Last Installment of Ten Percent (10%) of the ContractPrice corresponding to the amount of ________, subject to deductionof applicable withholding taxes shall be paid also by way of L/C tobe established in favor of SELLER after BUYER has issued theCertificate of Provisional Acceptance, which should not be laterthan three (3) months after successful completion of thePerformance or Acceptance Tests and fulfillment by SELLER of theobligations covered by Performance Guarantees as per Appendix IIand conditioned upon submission by SELLER to BUYER of the EquipmentWarranty Bond described hereunder.
Performance Bond履约保证金
Prior toBUYER’s release to SELLER of the Second Advance Payment, SELLERshall provide BUYER with a performance bond in the form of a BankGuarantee (the “Performance Bond”) valid for ______ months, througha bank acceptable to BUYER, in an amount equivalent to TWENTYPERCENT (20%) of the Contract Price. The Bank Guarantee shall beauthenticated and confirmed by a local advising bank nominated byBUYER. ThePerformance Bond shall guarantee and secure the satisfactoryperformance of any and all of SELLER’s obligations specified underthe provisions of this Contract, and shall be callable upon firstdemand without recourse.
TheEquipment will be erected and commissioned under the supervision ofSELLER according to such terms and conditions stipulated inAppendix I. The Performance Bond shall remain in effect until thedate of Provisional Acceptance of the Equipment. If the Project isextended for any reason whatsoever, SELLER agrees to secure theextension of the Performance Bond or to secure another PerformanceBond, at least a month prior to the expiration of the PerformanceBond, at the same rate and also in the form of a Bank Guaranteevalid for the extended period of completion as agreed between theparties.
Equipment Warranty Bond设备保证金
Sellingthe square should insure a qualified product for buying equipmentsas purchase square written formly accreditly, the security depositof the equipments has included the quality in engineering protectsthe inside of gold
TheEquipment and materials supplied by SELLER shall have at leasttwelve (12) months warranty (the “Warranty Period”) from any andall defects and deficiencies, excluding wear and tear, attributableto SELLER’s scope of supply, or resulting from faulty design,material and workmanship on condition that the Equipment have beenerected and commissioned under the supervision of SELLER. TheWarranty Period shall start from the date of issuance of theCertificate of Provisional Acceptance of the Equipment andmaterials by BUYER upon the satisfactory completion of theCommissioning works and the Performance Tests for the Equipment.The Equipment Warranty Bond shall be kept valid until the date ofissuance of the Certificate of Final Acceptance. Any or all theEquipment and materials found defective within the Warranty Periodshall be immediately REPAIRED or REPLACED by the SELLER. All costsand expenses arising out of or relating to such repair orreplacement including transport with insurance to and from factoryof origin or local service shop, re-packaging, dismantling &re-installation, duties and taxes and other expenses (brokeragefees, storage, freight charges) and the costs for supervision andre-commissioning incurred by SELLER’s personnel, shall be for theaccount of SELLER.
TheWarranty referred to in the immediately preceding provision shallapply to original Equipment and materials replaced or repaired bySELLER in consonance with the obligations provided hereunder. Thewarranty period for such repaired or replaced Equipment andmaterials shall be effective for fourteen (14) months from the dateof repair / replacement or date of re-installation and will expireat the latest twenty-six (26) months from date of ProvisionalAcceptance. The EquipmentWarranty Bond shall be released thirty (30) days after the issuanceof the Certificate of Final Acceptance.
Article 7.TITLE TO EQUIPMENT and WARRANTIES条款7.设备和保证的所有权
TheEquipment, including all its parts and materials, shall become theproperty of BUYER upon delivery (DDU Plant Site INCOTERMS 2000)unless otherwise provided in the Contract.
BUYERshall secure the Contractors / Erection All-Risk Insurance fromdate of receipt of the Equipment at the Plant Site.
SELLERrepresents and warrants to BUYER as follows: 销售方向采购方陈述并保证如下:
a.The Equipment shall be brand new, of best quality of materials andof first-class workmanship, fully meeting the BUYER’sspecifications as set forth in Article 3 (SCOPE OF WORK AND TIMESCHEDULES) and fit for the purpose/s contemplated under thisContract;
b.The Equipment shall be free and clear of all liens, claims andencumbrances;
c.BUYER shall be vested with the licenses and permits coveringproprietary information, design and patents necessary to enableBUYER to operate, maintain, repair, replace and make full use ofthe Equipment;
d.It shall make available and provide BUYER with all the data,information and manuals necessary for the operation, maintenanceand preservation of the Equipment; and
为了操作 、维护和保存设备的需要,应给采购方使用并提供所有的数据、信息和手册;并
e.It holds BUYER free and harmless from any and all claims forinfringement of patent, design, trademark or trade name, which mayarise from BUYER’s purchase and use of the Equipment.
At thecommencement of SELLER’s performance of its obligations hereunder,BUYER may, at its option and expense, send representative(s) toobserve SELLER’s performance of the fabrication, packaging andloading of the Equipment. SELLER shall give dueregard to said representative’s comments, criticisms or statementsof concern with respect to SELLER’s performance, and SELLER shalltake corrective measures if so required by BUYER.
Article 9.FORCE MAJEURE 条款9.不可抗力
Any delayin or failure of performance of either party hereto shall notconstitute default hereunder or give rise to any claim for damagesif and to the extent such delay or failure of performance is causedby force majeure.
Withinseven (7) days from the date of recognition of an event of forcemajeure, the party affected shall first notify the other in personor by fax in detail of the event of force majeure and of theobligation or part of the Works, the performance of which isthereby necessarily and actually delayed or prevented. Such notificationshall be confirmed promptly in writing, accompanied by propersubstantiation (which shall include, but not be limited to,certifications by a public authority or chamber of commerceofficial). The party affected shall, upon such substantiation, beexcused from the timely performance or partial performance, as thecase may be, of its obligations hereunder, until such time that theforce majeure event shall have ceased and the performance of itsobligations may be resumed without any further harm or danger tothe Equipment or any personnel of either BUYER orSELLER.
Mitigation of Effects of ForceMajeure不可抗力影响的缓解
Theparties shall meet as soon as possible after such notification andregularly thereafter throughout the duration of such event of forcemajeure in order to endeavor to mitigate the consequences of suchevent and to evaluate the consequences of such event within theprovisions of this Contract.
Option to Terminate终止的选择
If anevent of force majeure extends for a continuous period of more thanone hundred eighty (180) days and, as a result thereof, either orboth parties are unable during such period to fulfill or resumeperformance of their respective obligations hereunder, then BUYERand/or SELLER as the case may be, may in good faith and in its solediscretion, terminate this Contract by serving a ten (10)-daywritten notice of termination upon the other party. Upon suchtermination, SELLER and BUYER shall determine in good faith thetrue value to BUYER, if any, of the Works completed by SELLER atthe time of termination. SELLER shall pay to BUYER or BUYER shallpay to SELLER, as the case may be, the difference between: (i) thevalue of the Works so determined and (ii) the amount of theContract Price paid to SELLER at the time of termination, in eithercase within thirty (30) business days from the date of suchtermination.
Technicalknow-how of process and design supplied by SELLER shall remain theexclusive property of SELLER. BUYER and/or its representatives areunder strict obligation to use drawings, technical data and otherinformation received from SELLER only as required for theimplementation of this Contract.
Both parties shallhave the right, for technical or other reasons, at any time or fromtime to time, after signing of this Contract, and prior tocompletion of their obligations hereunder, to request in writing,alterations in, additions to, or deletions from their obligationshereunder.
Promptlyupon such request by either party, SELLER shall prepare and submitto BUYER a detailed estimate of the adjustments on the ContractPrice and time of delivery at the Plant Site caused by suchrequested alteration, addition, or deletion ofobligations.
In theevent the parties agree in principle to such estimate, then bothparties shall implement such change as a written addendum to thisContract, and the actual and final Contract Price as adjustedthereof shall be settled separately by mutual agreement betweenBUYER and SELLER. In this case, SELLERagrees to secure the necessary amendment/s to the Bank Guarantee,Performance Bond or any other bonds or guarantees related to thisAgreement, for its own account.
Article 12.COMMITTEE ON DISPUTES条款12.争议委员会
In case ofany controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or relating tothis Contract, or the breach hereof, both parties shall meet andexert their best efforts to find an amicable settlement theretofollowing the procedure specified herein.
Theparties agree, for this purpose, to appoint a committee of three(3) members, one member from each party, both of which to designatea third member who shall act as chairman, to address any dispute/s,which may arise under this Contract. The decisions of thecommittee shall require only a simple majority.
Thecommittee shall meet in ______ within two (2) weeksupon request by either party. Should the committee be unable torecommend any resolution mutually satisfactory to the partieswithin ninety (90) days of said meeting, the parties are free toproceed with arbitration as provided in Article 13 (ARBITRATION)hereof.
应任一方要求的,委员会应在2(两)周内在____ 会面。在所述会议90(九十)天内,委员会如无能力作出任何使双方满意的决议,双方就应坦诚地按条款13(十三)的规定进行仲裁。
Article 13.ARBITRATION条款13.仲裁
Failingagreement within a period of ninety (90) days from the date onwhich either party with reference to this article requests inwriting an amicable settlement, the matter will be settled byarbitration in accordance with the Rules of Conciliation andArbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce.
Pendingthe submission to arbitration and thereafter until the Board ofArbitration notifies the parties of its decision, the partiesshall, except in the event of termination of this Contract pursuantto the terms hereof, continue to perform all of their obligationsunder this Contract without prejudice to a final adjustment inaccordance with the said decision.
Thedecision of the Board of Arbitration shall be final, conclusive andbinding upon the parties hereto.
The arbitration costsdetermined by the Board of Arbitration shall be shared in equalamounts and shall be borne by each party regardless of the decisionof the Board of Arbitration.
Any awardby the Board of Arbitration shall be final and binding on theparties hereto and may be enforced by judgment of a competent courthaving jurisdiction in the premises. It is hereby mutuallyagreed that an arbitral award shall be a condition precedent to anylegal action that either party may have against theother.
Article 14.GOVERNING LAW条款14.适用法律
ThisContract shall be construed in accordance with, and the rights andobligations of the parties hereto shall be governed by the laws ofthe PROC.The laws of the Republic of the Philippines will only apply to theextent that the laws of the PROC do not cover a particular issue ormatter in this Contract.
Article 15.ASSURANCE OF LEGALITY条款15.担保的合法
SELLERhereby warrants that it has full capacity to enter into thisContract under the laws of the PROC and that said Contract is notin contravention of any of the laws of ______(SELLER’s country oforigin).
BUYERhereby warrants that it has full capacity to enter into thisContract under the laws of the PROC and that said Contract is notin contravention of any of the laws of the PROC.
Theparties agree that the aforesaid warranties are material terms ofthis Contract and that each has entered into the same in direct andexpress reliance thereon.
Shouldthere be a change in the legal system of the country of eitherparty, which change makes this Contract or the entry by any partythereto unlawful or unenforceable, such party shall inform theother and both of them shall undertake measures to bring theContract or the entry into it by both parties in compliance withsuch law.
If theparties cannot agree upon the terms of reformation, the mattershall be referred to arbitration in accordance with Article 13(ARBITRATION) above.
ThisContract shall not be assigned by either party without the priorwritten consent of the other. No assignment of this Contract shallbe valid until and unless this Contract shall have been assumed bythe assignee. When duly assigned in accordance with the foregoing,this Contract shall be binding upon andshall inure to the benefit of the assignee; however, the assignorshall remain responsible towards the other party for properfulfillment of the Contract.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, SELLER may sublet toSubcontractor/s a portion of its obligations to be performed underthis Contract without obtaining the prior written consent of BUYER,provided however, that SELLER shall take into consideration andadopt any suggestions by BUYER as to terms and conditions of thesubcontract between SELLER and the Subcontractor/s.
Any suchsuggestions by BUYER shall not relieve or release SELLER from anyof its warranties, guarantees, obligations or responsibilitiesunder this Contract. BUYER reserves the right to proceed directlyagainst SELLER or its Subcontractor/s to enforce said warranties,guarantees, obligations and responsibilities of SELLER under thisContract simultaneously, alternatively, concurrently, orsuccessively.
Thesubcontracting of all or any part of this Contract by SELLER shallnot relieve SELLER from any of the obligations or conditions ofthis Contract.
Nothing inthis Contract shall create any obligation on the part of BUYER topay any sums to any Subcontractor.
The place of origin of the Equipment shallbe _____.设备原产地应是________。
Article 17.NON-WAIVER条款17.非弃权
Allrights, powers, privileges and remedies of BUYER under thisContract shall remain cumulative and may be exercised singly orconcurrently, and are not exclusive of any rights or remediespermitted by law. No delay or failureon the part or either of the parties in exercising any right underthis Contract, and no partial or single exercise thereof, shallconstitute a waiver of such right under this Contract, or precludeany other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any otherright, power or privilege. No modification orwaiver of any of the terms, conditions and provisions hereof shallbe implied from any course of dealing or subsequent act or conducthereunder.No waiver of any provisions of this Contract may be validly madeexcept in writing.在本合同中的所有权利、能力、特权和补救应持续累积,并可能单独或同时地行使,或在权利或法律许可的权利或赔偿上是合法的。行使必然成功或在部分业主的权利、能力和特权上的行使推迟应被当作弃权处理;任何单一或部分权利、能力和特权上的行使不能阻碍其它权利、能力和特权上的行使。在此,任何条款、情况和特权的修改和弃权不能够是暗示存在于任何过程的交易、随后行动或操行中。除非书面形式指出外,否则本合同的任何规定都不能够当作弃权来处理。
Article 18.CONFIDENTIALITY条款18.机密性
In thecourse of the performance of its obligations under this Contract,SELLER may be supplied by BUYER with confidential informationregarding the business of BUYER, its subsidiaries oraffiliates. In such event, SELLERshall not disclose to anyone or use, except as expressly authorizedby BUYER in writing, any such confidential information supplied toSELLER for the performance of its obligationshereunder.SELLER shall be bound by this obligation until such time as saidconfidential information shall lawfully become part of the publicdomain. Inaddition, information regarding any aspect of BUYER’s businesses,howsoever acquired by SELLER, its personnel, employees, agents orSubcontractors in the performance of its obligations specified inthis Contract, shall be confidential except to the extent that thesame has been published or otherwise made freely available to thegeneral public by BUYER without any restriction.
BUYER’s business address:采购方商业地址
SELLER’sbusiness address: 销售方商业地址:
Any noticeto be given under the provisions of this Contract by either partyto the other shall be in writing and sent by registered mail or bypersonal delivery to the above addresses with an advance copy to besent by fax at the above numbers.
Thelanguage to be used in communications between BUYER and SELLERshall be English. English languageshall be used in all documents, drawings, manuals, numberingsystem, Equipment labels and specifications, and all othercommunications mentioned in this Contract.
Article 20.DUTIES, TAXES, AND BANK CHARGES条款20. 关税、税收和银行费用
Any dues,stamp duties, export duties, bank charges and taxes levied in thecountry of origin in connection with the implementation of thisContract shall be for SELLER’s account. SELLER, at its own expense,shall procure any and all export permits and/or licenses requiredfor exporting the Equipment from the country of originthereof.Any and all charges for opening and maintaining any letter ofcredit, or securing, confirming and issuing any bond, guarantee, orsimilar security required under this Contract shall also be forSELLER’s account.
Any dues,stamp duties, import duties, and taxes, levied in the PROC inconnection with the implementation of this Contract, shall be forBUYER’s account.
Article 21.SEVERABILITY条款21.条款的可分割性
Theparties agree that in the event any of the provisions of thisContract is later found or declared to be invalid, illegal orunenforceable by competent authority, the other provisions of thisContract not found or declared invalid, illegal or unenforceableshall remain in force and effect. Moreover, the partiesshall promptly meet in good faith to agree on alternativeprovisions that will achieve the same result, as the provisionsdeclared invalid, illegal or unenforceable.
Article 22.TERMINATION条款22.终止
It isunderstood and expressly agreed that in the event of termination ofthe Contract, after it becomes effective, by BUYER for any reasonnot attributable to the fault or negligence of SELLER, BUYER shallpay to SELLER the actual, reasonable and documented costs of allmaterials, Equipment and Works supplied or performed by SELLER tothe satisfaction of BUYER as of date of termination. All materials andEquipment so paid shall become the property of BUYER.
BUYER,without incurring any penalty whatsoever, has the right toterminate this Contract for sufficient causes, which shall includebut not necessarily be limited to the following acts ofSELLER:
a.Declaration of bankruptcy, insolvency or assignment of its assetsfor the benefit of its creditors;
b.Violation of or breach of the provisions of this Contract orfailure to execute the Works according to the agreed schedule ofcompletion, including extensions (if any);
c.Failure to provide a qualified and competent field projectcoordinator, supervisors, competent workmen or subcontractors, orproper materials or equipment, tools and facilities; and
d.Failure to make proper and prompt payments to its subcontractors,workmen and material dealers.
Article 23.LIABILITIES条款23.债务
SELLERshall not be responsible and BUYER shall not claim costs forconsequential damages, such as but not limited to, lost profit,production costs, opportunity costs or indirect damages, unlessthey are attributable to the fault, negligence or bad faith ofSELLER.
Theparties agree that SELLER can take over any Performance Bond orEquipment Warranty Bond only if the Erection and Installation ofEquipment will be supervised and the specialists of SELLER willconduct Commissioning and Performance Tests.
Withoutprejudice to its obligations secured by the Bank Guarantees,Performance Bond and Equipment Warranty Bond required under theContract, SELLER shall be charged liquidated damages for either:(i) delays in the delivery of the Engineering Design and / or theEquipment and / or the Commissioning / Supervision of the System;or (ii) failure of Equipment to attain indicated performancevalues, in accordance with Appendix VII hereof. Liquidated damagesshall be limited in aggregate to twenty percent (20%) of theContract Price.
Theobligation of SELLER to pay liquidated damages shall be separateand independent from the full compliance of its obligations underthe Contract. Therefore, SELLERcannot avoid compliance with its obligations under the Contract bymerely paying the liquidated damages stipulated herein, it beingunderstood and agreed that in case of breach by SELLER of itsobligations under the Contract, BUYER may, at its option, take overthe performance of the Work/s contracted herein, in which event,SELLER shall be liable for all costs and expenses incurred in thisconnection, as determined by BUYER in addition to the liquidateddamages stipulated herein.
Article 24.CONTRACT EFFECTIVITY 条款24.合同有效性
ThisContract shall become effective on the day on which all of thefollowing conditions are fulfilled:
a. TheContract is signed by authorized representatives of both parties intwo (2) originals, one for each counterpart;
b.Receipt by SELLER of the First Advance Payment; and销售方收到第一批预付款,并
c.Receipt by BUYER of the Bank Guarantee for the First AdvancePayment, secured by SELLER in accordance with the terms of Article5 (TERMS OF PAYMENT).
In caseany of the above terms and conditions are not fulfilled withinninety (90) days after the date of execution of this Contract, andshould such non-fulfillment be solely attributable to one party,the other party shall have the right to terminate this Contract bywritten notice; and should such non-fulfillment be attributable toboth parties, this Contract shall be terminated automatically,however, in this case, if mutually agreed upon by both parties, theperiod of ninety (90) days as set forth herein may be extendedfurther by a reasonable period.
IN WITNESSWHEREOF, this Contract has been executed at the place and on thedate set forth hereunder. This Contract shallbe considered executed on the date of last signing by theparties.