Maybe you will say the legend of 1900 is a literary filmwithout any strange creature or kongfu,but it is truly a greatfilm.No film will attract me from the beginningto the end like the legend of 1900.No film can make me thinkseriously about the life in the world like this film.In my eyes,Ithink it is the best film I have ever seen.
Thegreastest success of the film is the shock that it brings topeople. As an orphan,the leading role 1900 was left on a piano,thenhe was adopted by a worker on the boat. He has gone through a happytime with the worker,but the worker is dead when he was eight yearsold.Then he began to show his unique talent on the piano,everyonewho has listened his music on the boat—Virginia was being touch byhis skills and his met his only friend—Maxs who was a trumpeter.Notbefore too long,his talent on piano has been heard by the father ofjazz.Konwing the 1900 can mix ten kinds of jazz on his music,hedecided to have a duel with 1900 in front of the public on theVirginia,but he was shocked by 1900’s talent and leaving.Then hisfriend maxs said to him that he should go to the land to play forthe public,he believed that the world would be crazy for his musicand he will own everything what he wanted,but 1900 never decide toleft the boat or even let his music left him as a record heared bythe others.On once occasion,he loved a girl who listened his musiccarefuilly,he decided to left the boat to visit the girl,but hegiving up this mind when he saw the street and buildings on theland.In the end,he never left the boat and being blown up with theboat by lots of bomb,even choosing to be dead with the abandonedboat he rufuse to go to the land.What impressed me most was thetalking between maxs,Maxs was moved to tears by what he said and Iwas touched deeply by what he said too.As a person,he didn’t has acountry ,he didn’t even have a birth date or a birth date.there areno record on any books.As if he has never exsited .In his words, hedidn’t exsit for anyone.The film contain more that I don’t know howto express them .In a word, it absolutely is a excellentfilm.
Theresome new words I have learned in this film:
1.perfumen香水,香味vt 洒香水于、、、,使、、、带香味
2.sassy adj无礼的,时髦的,活泼的
3.shithead n 笨蛋,白痴
4.pulley n 滑轮,皮带轮 vt 用滑轮升起
5.immense adj 巨大的,无边无际的
6.lousy adj 讨厌的,污秽的,极坏的
7.stowaway n 匿身处,偷渡者
8.amorous adj 多情的,恋爱的,热情的
9.obsence adj 猥亵的,可憎的
10.goddawn adj 该死的,讨厌的,受阻咒的
11.duel n 决斗,斗争,vi 决斗
12.token n 表征,记号 vt 象征,代表
13.smash vt 粉碎,使破碎,n破碎,扣球adj 了不起的,出色的
14.infinite adj 无限大的,无穷的 n 无限的东西
15.prow n船首,机头adj 勇敢的
16.sterm n 船尾,末端 adj 坚定的
17.dreadful adj可怕的,糟透的
18.expedition n 远征,探险队,迅速
19.sprawl vi 蔓延,无计划扩展vt 懒散地伸开n蔓生
20.gangway n 跳板,舷梯,过道
Sentence translation:
1.Ifyou just want to feel something more solid beneath yourfeet

2.Youare never really done for as long as you got a goodstory
3.Matter of fact,you know what I say ,mamais the best horse the world
4.Change life ,stratfresh
5.Itsounded like a silk slip sliding down a woman’s body
6.Landis a ship too big for me。
7.Who can’t play unless you have the ocean under your ass
8.In all that sprawling city ,therewas everything except an end,there was no end
9.Hey ,Max!Imagine the music I could play with two right arms.Hope I can finda piano up there.
10.Chirst!Did you see the streets?Just the street—there were thousands of them.