亚太人力资源管理大会 中智集团副总经理 石磊(左)团队角色之父 Meredith Belbin 博士(中)世界薪酬协会副总裁 Vicki Hersh 女士(右)
梅雷迪思·贝尔宾(Meredith Belbin,1938-)全球管理100年思想史上100名思想家之一。1968-1981年间在欧洲最古老的的商学院,MBA 一年学费4万英镑英国剑桥亨利工商学院(Henley Management College),对来着世界各地 MBA 小组讨论进行的程序观察和一系列测评使他成为“团队领导力”的先驱。
贝尔宾博士 毕业于英国剑桥大学卡莱尔学院,获古希腊罗马文学、心理学博士学位。在伯明翰工程制造学院受训回剑桥大学就任产业培训研究部就业发展所主任,剑桥郡上议院地方官员任命事务顾问团院外成员,埃克赛特大学(University of Exeter)领导力客座教授,布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)工程管理系的校外审查员。
A tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way.
1. 每个个体在性格及行为上都有不同的取向;2. 不同个体组成团队时,这不同的取向一方面会为团队带来贡献;但另一方面也可造成障碍;3. 九种团队角色-每个均有其强项及可容许的弱点。
Meredith Belbin: "Over the years many people have been interested in the team role theory expounded in my book Management Teams ''Why They Succeed or Fail'' first printed in 1981. More and more jobs involve people working together and here the roles individuals play are very important. With our new online version of team role feedback, we aim to give individuals a fuller insight into their own behaviour in the workplace by taking account of how they are seen by others. The reports include advice on developing a personal management style suited to your team role profile. I hope the information you will receive will not only be useful to you but also to employers and team associates."
阅读此文的理论研究者,在以下的书籍中您会联系到30年来自发的证伪 Teamroles 的欧洲组织行为研究者们,他们与您一样有科学的态度还有自发的批判性思维(Tinking critically)。之后我们主持的圆桌会议为你提供明亮的讲堂。
《团队管理成败中启示》 (Management Teams-Why They Succeed or Fail,1981)
「No Individual is perfrct, but a team can be」
《团队的角色作用》(Teams Roles at Work,1990)
《组织的未来形状》(The Coming Shape of Organization,1996)
《改变我们的工作方式》(Changing the Way We Work,1997)
《超越团队》(Beyond the Team,2000)
《别用权力管理》(Managing Without Power,2002)
更进一步的阅读材料 Further Reading
· Dulewicz V., (1995) "A validation of Belbin''s team roles from 16PF and OPQ using bosses'' ratings of competence", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol 68, pp. 81-99.
· Fisher, S. G., Hunter, T.A. and Macrosson, W.D.K. (1998), "The structure of Belbin''s team roles", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 71, pp. 283-8.
布鲁斯·塔克曼(Bruce Tuckman, 1938-)《小型团队的发展序列》(Developmental Sequence in Small Groups,1965)。组建期(Forming)、激荡期(Storming)、规范期(Norming)、执行期(Performing),需要不断的拓展训练休整(Adjourning)。1965年的塔克曼解释了不够轻,不够敏捷迭代(Agile Iterative)的团队。
如果你和你的团队在上午下午和晚上的课程表(curriculum schedule)里生活的太久,你们也不会做迭代(Agile)的计划,你需要先戴上小组讨论的六顶思考帽做敏捷(Agile)的适应性训练
《团队管理成败的启示》(No Individual is perfrct, but a team can be, 1985)
老科学家把自己的灵魂分给《9》个小布头机器人——2005年学生奥斯卡金奖(Student Academy Award)
团队合作火烤面包(DV)Fire, Toast and Teamwork
In research spending several decades Meredith Belbin has demonstrated that the success of a team depends not so much on the qualifications, the intelligence, the energy of its members, but more upon how their contrasting behaviors fit into the team mix. Our success as team members and the success of the team depends less on how clever, or talented or qualified we are, then simply how we behave. There are 9 team roles that Belbin has identified. There they are:
我无疑是餐厅里的协调者。I’m an absolute dining room coordinator.
现在我们来推荐一位有明显特质的人士,在团队角色中,我们称它为“点子”。Now let’s suggest one of them has strong propensity for the team role which we refer to as the plant.
这是彼得,他是一个点子。This is Peter. He is the plant
啊,是这样。 Hi.
你好。You are the ideas person”
你是一个有想法的人。The will, went to mind
“这根本无望成功。”— 观察评价者善于评价。“It’s complete nonstarter”— The monitor evaluated.
很显然,我是外交家。I’m resource investigator, obviously
”“每个人都有优点使你可以与其共事。”——这是合作者。That everybody has a good side to work, dealing to.”— The teamworker.
“哦,顺便问一下,你是贯彻者,不是吗?”Oh, by the way, you are the implementer, aren’t you?
“我也是合作者。”I’m also the team worker
The shaper is the person who refocuses the group in terms of goals and schedules.
“抱歉,我的意思是我们不应该胡扯,火的问题并不能进行自我发现,大家知道。”Sorry, I mean we shouldn’t be crapping on. Fire isn’t going to discover itself, you know.
“我们需要另一个极其重要的代表。”这个人是完善终结者。We need one other very important instrument, you know.” That person is the completer finisher.
专业师是专心致志,自励,有献身精神的人。The specialist is one of those single-minded, self-starting, dedicating kind of people.
上帝保佑他们。使用现时的团队角色理论知识,我们将会看到,已有的知识组合已经足够使他们成为一个成功的团队。Well, God bless them. With the instant knowledge of team role theory, and we will see of that cluster knowledge they already have is enough to make a successful team.
荷兰 团队角色自我评价免费测试(teamrollen met deze gratis online test):http://www.werkenmetteamrollen.nl/Vragenlijsten/De-Korte-Belbin-Teamroltest.asp
梅雷迪思·贝尔宾(Meredith R. Belbin)团队角色之父
矛:《在团队管理成败中获得的启示:九个团队角色》(No Individual is perfrct, but a team can be:9teamroles, 1985)
马库斯·白金汉(Marcus Buckingham)优势革命(strengths revolution)的旗手
盾:《现在,发现你的优势(校招面试官培训教程)》(Now,Discover Your Strengths, 2008)
孟鹤团队改变世界 ——发现问题团队解决
www.职导哥.com 产品运营经理 / 九个团队角色管理培训师