哈利·波特一词有如下几种概念:(一)系列小说与电影《哈利·波特》中虚构的人物名哈利·波特,是莉莉·波特与詹姆·波特之子,生于1980年7月31日;(二)系列小说名《哈利·波特》,共7部,作者为英国女作家J.K.罗琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling),系列小说被译成近七十多种语言,在两百多个国家累计销量达三亿五千万多册。(三)系列电影名《哈利·波特》,美国华纳公司投拍,丹尼尔·雷德克利夫饰演哈利·波特;(四)系列游戏名《哈利·波特》,由美商艺电等公司发行。第一种概念不需书名号,其他概念需加注书名号。
Harry James Potter
物品介绍 ⒈魂器及圣器 ⒉货币及商品 ⒊物品价目表
演员介绍 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 艾玛·沃特森
英:Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
美:Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
繁体中文译名:《哈利波特─ 阿兹卡班的逃犯》
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
繁体中文译名:《哈利波特─ 火杯的考验》
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
繁体中文译名:《哈利波特─ 凤凰会的密令》
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
繁体中文译名:《哈利波特─ 混血王子的背叛》
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
繁体中文译名:《哈利波特─ 死神的圣物》
《神奇的魁地奇球》英文名:Quidditch Through the Ages
《神奇动物在哪里》英文名:Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
《诗翁彼豆故事集》英文名:The Tales of Beedle the Bard
《我的Harry Potter,我的魔法》又名《Terror test》(在50%尊重原著,50%想象天马行空的前提下写的,字数不多,值得一看。主讲邓布利多的一堂跨年度的测试。)
哈利·波特(全名Harry James Potter,哈利·詹姆·波特)是英国女作家J.K.罗琳的著名系列小说与电影《哈利·波特》中的主人公。
5 相关文化
电影: 哈利波特一共七部 游戏: 目前《哈利·波特》的前五部小说已经有相应的游戏。另有许多小游戏在网上流传。 道具等: 在主题网站的商店中可以买到巫师帽、文化衫、巫师袍、魔杖等物品。 游乐园:哈利·波特主题乐园 相关书籍: 官方:《神奇的魁地奇球》,《神奇动物在哪里》,《诗翁彼豆故事集》,《哈利波特前传》 非官方:《我与哈利·波特的真实故事》,《哈利·波特的魔法世界》,《写给哈利·波特的信》,《读哈利·波特学英语》,《哈利·波特圣经》等。
1991年, 乔安妮·凯瑟琳·罗琳 Joanne Kathleen Rowling 在从伦敦去曼彻斯特的火车上看到窗外一个戴眼镜的小男巫朝她微并挥手时,萌生了进行魔幻题材写作的想法。七年后这个想法变成了现实,《哈利·波特与魔法石》诞生了,让全世界人为之喝彩!
作为单身母亲的罗琳生活极其艰难。开始写“哈利波特”系列小说第一部时,因自家屋子又小又冷,到附近的咖啡馆把故事写在小纸条上。不过她的努力并没白费。哈利·波特系列历险小说凭着出奇的想象、层层迭出的悬念和利于儿童阅读的语言,几乎一夜之间征服了世界各地的青少年读者。罗琳创作了《哈利波特与魔法石》(1997)《哈利·波特与密室》(1998)《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》(1999)《哈利·波特与火焰杯》(2000)《哈利·波特与凤凰社》(2003) 《哈利·波特与混血王子》(2005) 《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(2007)。罗琳因创作《哈利·波特》系列小说和参与电影而名利双收。这些作品的陆续问世不断刷新世界小说发行史记录。包括英国图书奖及斯马图书金奖章奖。
(1964年—)1982-1986年在南京大学外文系英文专业学习,获文学学士学位,1986-1990年在南京医学院(现南京医科大学)基础部担任英语教师,1990-1993 年在北京外国语学院英语系攻读硕士研究生,专业为翻译理论与实践,1993 至今在人民文学出版社外文编辑室任编辑,2000年评为副编审。从事翻译工作近20年,完成译著20多部,其中既有面向成人的畅销书和经典文学作品,也有充满童趣,文字优美的儿童文学佳作。
1、哈利·波特与魔法石(Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)——2001年11月4日英国首映
2、哈利·波特与密室(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)——2002年11月3日英国首映
3、哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)——2004年5月31日英国首映,2004年9月中国上映
4、哈利·波特与火焰杯(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)——2005年11月6日英国伦敦首映,2005年11月18日全球同步上映
5、哈利·波特与凤凰社(Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix)——2007年6月28日 日本东京首映,2007年8月11日中国上映
6、哈利·波特与混血王子(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)——2009年7月15日全球同步上映
7、哈利·波特与死亡圣器(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows )——2010年11月19日(上集),2011年7月15日(下集)
Daniel Radcliffe
饰演:Harry James Potter 哈利· 詹姆·波特
鲁伯特·格林特 Rupert Grint
饰演:Ron Billius Weasley 罗恩·比利尔斯·韦斯莱
艾玛·沃特森 Emma Watson
饰演:Hermione Jane Granger 赫敏·简·格兰杰
邦妮·凯瑟琳·赖特Bonnie Kathleen Wright
饰演:Ginny Weasley 金妮·韦斯莱
汤姆·费尔顿 Tom Felton
饰演:Draco Malfoy 德拉科·马尔福
伊文娜·林奇 Evanna Lynch
饰演:Luna Lovegood 卢娜·洛夫古德
凯蒂·梁(梁佩诗) Katie Liu Leung
饰演:Cho Chang 秋·张
理查德·哈里斯 Richard Harris
饰演:Albus Dumbledore 阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多 (第一、二部出演,伦敦时间2002年10月25日晚7时在伦敦病逝,享年72岁)
迈克尔·甘本 Michael Gambon
饰演:Albus Dumbledore 阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多 (第三部以后)
玛吉·史密斯 Maggie Smith
饰演: Professor Minerva McGonagall 米勒娃·麦格
拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes
饰演:Lord Voldemort 伏地魔(第四部以后)
德莱克·戴曼 Derek Deadman
饰演:Lord Voldemort 伏地魔(第一部)
克里斯蒂安·库尔森 Christian Coulson
饰演:Tom Marvolo Riddle 汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔(第二部年轻时期)
弗兰克·蒂尔内 Frank Dillane
饰演:Tom Marvolo Riddle 汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔(第六部青年时期)
艾伦·里克曼 Alan Rickman
饰演:Severus Snape 西弗勒斯·斯内普
加里·莱昂那德·奥德曼 Gary Oldman
饰演:Sirius Black 小天狼星·布莱克
大卫·休里斯 David Thewlis
饰演: Remus John Lupin 莱姆斯·卢平
罗伯特·帕丁森 Robert Pattinson
饰演:Cedric Diggory 塞德里克· 迪戈里
布兰德·格里森 Brendan Gleeson
饰演:Mad&Eye Moody 阿拉斯托·穆迪
艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson
饰演: Sibyll Trelawney 西比尔·特里劳妮
罗彼·考特拉尼 Robbie Coltrane
饰演:Rubeus Hagrid 鲁伯·海格
伊恩·哈特 Ian Hart
饰演: Professor Quirrell 奇洛教授
詹森·艾萨克 Jason Isaacs
饰演:Lucius Malfoy 卢修斯·马尔福
亚德安·劳林思 Adrian Rawlins
饰演:James Potter 詹姆·波特
乔拉汀·森芙 Geraldine Somerville
饰演:Lily Potter 莉莉·波特
费欧娜·肖 Fiona Shaw
饰演:Aunt Petunia 佩妮姨妈(即佩妮·德思礼)
理查德·格利菲斯 Richard Griffiths
饰演:Uncle Vernon 弗农姨夫(即弗农·德思礼)
哈利·米尔林 Harry Melling
饰演:Dudley Dursley 达力·德斯礼
沙德·特普勒 Saunders Triplets
饰演:Harry Potter 哈利·波特(一岁)
詹姆斯&奥利弗·菲尔普斯 James&Oliver Phleps
饰演:Fred&George Weasley 弗雷德·韦斯莱&乔治·韦斯莱
海伦娜·邦汉·卡特 Helena Bonam Carter
饰演:BellatrIx Lestrange 贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇
哈利·詹姆·波特(又译哈利·詹姆斯·波特)Harry James Potter
詹姆·波特(哈利 波特之父) James Potter
莉莉·伊万丝·波特(又译莉莉·埃文斯·波特)Lily Evans Potter
金妮·韦斯莱(又译金妮·卫斯理)Ginny Weasley 婚后为金妮·波特 Ginny Potter
比尔·韦斯莱(又译比尔·卫斯理) Bill Weasley
芙蓉·德拉库尔 (又称花儿·戴洛古)Fleur Delacour 婚后为芙蓉·韦斯莱Fleur Weasley
查理·韦斯莱(又译查理·卫斯理) Charlie Weasley
弗雷德·韦斯莱(又译弗雷·卫斯理) Fred Weasley
乔治·韦斯莱(又译乔治·卫斯理) George Weasley
罗恩·韦斯莱(又译荣恩·卫斯理) Ron Billius Weasley
赫敏·简·格兰杰(又译妙丽·简·格兰杰) Hermione Jane Granger 婚后为赫敏·简·韦斯莱 Hermione Jane Weasley
金妮·韦斯莱(又译金妮·卫斯理)(全名:金妮芙拉·莫丽·韦斯莱 Ginnevera Molly Weasley) Ginny Weasley(婚后为金妮·波特)
珀西·韦斯莱 (又译派西·卫斯理)Percy Weasley
亚瑟·韦斯莱 (又译亚瑟·卫斯理)Aurthor Weasley
莫丽·韦斯莱 (又译莫里·卫斯理)Molly Weasley
德拉科·马尔福(又译拽哥·马份) Draco Malfoy
卢修斯·马尔福(又译鲁休思·马份) Lucius Malfoy
纳西莎·马尔福 (又译水仙·马份)Narcissa Malfoy
阿斯托利亚·格林格拉斯 Astoria Greengrass (婚后为阿斯托利亚·马尔福 Astoria Malfoy)
斯科皮·马尔福 Scorpio Malfoy
赫敏·简·格兰杰(又译妙丽·简·格兰杰) Hermione Jane Granger
比尔·韦斯莱(又译比尔·卫斯理) Bill Weasley
芙蓉·德拉库尔 (又称花儿·戴洛古)Fleur Delacour
查理·韦斯莱(又译查理·卫斯理) Charlie Weasley
弗雷德·韦斯莱(又译弗雷·卫斯理) Fred Weasley
乔治·韦斯莱(又译乔治·卫斯理) george Weasley
罗恩·韦斯莱(又译荣恩·卫斯理) Ron Billius Weasley
金妮·韦斯莱(又译金妮·卫斯理)Ginny Weasley
鲁伯·海格 (又译鲁霸·海格)Rubeus Hagrid
小天狼星·布莱克(又译天狼星·布莱克、西里斯)Sirius Black
塞德里克·迪戈里 (又译西追·迪哥里)Cedric Diggory
卢娜·洛夫古德(又称露娜·卢古德) Luna Lovegood
秋·张 (又称张秋)Cho Chang
奥利弗·伍德 (又译奥利弗·木透)Oliver Wood
李·乔丹 Lee Jordan
西莫·斐尼甘 Seamus Finnigan
迪安·托马斯 (又议迪恩·托马斯)Dean Thomas
纳威·隆巴顿 (又译奈威·隆巴顿)Neville Longbottom
厄尼·麦克米兰 Ernie Mcmillan
尼法朵拉·唐克斯(又称小仙女·东施) Nymphadora Tonks
阿不思·邓布利多 Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore(阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多又译阿不思。伯之。维吾福利。布莱恩。邓布利多)
吉德罗·洛哈特(又译吉罗德·洛哈) Gilderoy Lockhart
米勒娃·麦格 (又译米勒娃·麦)Minerva Mcgonagall
西弗勒斯·斯内普(又译赛佛勒斯·石内卜) Severus Snape
莱姆斯·卢平(又译路平) Remus John Lupin
斯普劳特(又译芽菜教授) Professor Sprout
霍琦夫人(又译胡奇夫人) Madam Hooch
西比尔·特里劳妮(又译西比尔·崔老妮) Sibyll Trelawney
疯眼汉穆迪 Mad-eye Moody(阿拉斯托.穆迪 )(又译阿拉特.穆迪)Alastor Moody)
费伦泽 (又译翡冷翠)Firenze
宾斯教授 Professor Binn
多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇(Dolores Jane Umbridge)
奇洛(又译奎若或屈拉) Professor Quirrel
小矮星·彼得(又译彼得佩迪鲁) Peter Pettigrew
贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇(又译贝拉雷斯壮)Bellatrix Lestrange
汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔 (童年时期的伏地魔)Tom Marvolo Riddle
多比 Dobby
闪闪 Winky
汤姆·里德尔 (又译汤姆·瑞斗)Tom Marvolo Riddle
雷古勒斯·布莱克 Regulus Arcturus Black
弗立维 Professor Flitwick
多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇(又译桃乐丝·恩不居里)Dolores Umbridge
威克多尔·克鲁姆 (又译维克多·克浪)Viktor Krum
加布丽·德拉库尔(又称嘉儿·戴洛古) Gabrielle Delacour
巴蒂·克劳奇 (又译巴蹄.克罗奇)Barty Crouch
卢多·巴格曼 Ludo Bagman
鲁弗斯·斯克林杰 Rufus Scrimgeour
康奈利·福吉 (又译康尼留斯·夫子)Cornelius Fudge
拉文德·布朗 (又称文妲·布朗)Lavender Brown
帕瓦蒂·佩蒂尔 (又称巴蒂·佩蒂尔)Parvati Patil
帕德玛·佩蒂尔 (又译帕玛·佩蒂尔)Padma Patil
伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫 (又译依果·卡卡夫)Igor Karkaroff
马克西姆夫人 (又译美心夫人)Madam Maxime
波皮·庞弗雷(又译庞瑞夫人) bupi Pomfrey
安吉利娜·约翰逊 Angelina Johnson
科林·克里维 Colin Creevey
丹尼斯·克里维 Dennis Creevey
凯蒂·贝尔 Katie Bell
佩内洛·克里瓦特 Penelop Clearwater
艾丽娅·斯平内特 Alicia Spinnet
平斯夫人 Madam Pince
奥利凡德 Mr Ollivander
摩金夫人 Madam Malkin
尼可·勒梅 (又译尼乐·勒梅)Nicolas Flamel
皮皮鬼 Peeves
胖修士 Fat Friar
哭泣的桃金娘(又称爱哭鬼默尔特 又译爱哭鬼麦垛) Moaning Murtle
血人巴罗 (斯莱特林的幽灵)Bloody Baron
差点没头的尼克 (格兰芬多的幽灵)Nearly Headless Nick(原名:敏西-波平顿的尼古拉斯爵士)
格雷夫人 (拉文克劳的幽灵)Grey Lady(海伦娜 拉文克劳 Helena Ravenclaw)
丽塔·斯基特(又译丽塔·史基) Rita Skeeter
辛尼斯塔教授 Professor Sinistra
格兰普兰教授 Professor Grubbly plank
潘西·帕金森 Pansy Parkinson
伯莎·乔金斯 Bertha Jorkins
罗杰·戴维斯 Roger Davis
戈德里克·格兰芬多 (又译高锥克·葛来分多)Godric Gryffindor
赫尔加·赫奇帕奇 (又译赫夫帕夫)Helga Hufflepuff
罗伊纳·拉文克劳(又译雷文克劳) Rowena Ravenclaw
萨拉查·斯莱特林 (又译史莱哲林)Salazar Slytherin
月亮脸 (又译月影)(莱姆斯 卢平) Moony
尖头叉子 (又译鹿角)(詹姆 波特)Prongs
大脚板 (又译兽足兽脚)(小天狼星 布莱克) Padfoot
虫尾巴 (又译虫尾、温太尔)(小矮星 彼得) Wormtail
巴克比克 (又译巴嘴)Buckbeak
牙牙 Fang
诺伯 (又译罗伯)Norbert
路威 (又译毛毛)Fluffy
阿拉戈克(又译阿辣哥) Aragog
克鲁克山 (又译歪腿)Crookshanks
朱薇琼 Pigwidgeon
斑斑 (小矮星彼得) Scabbers
海德薇(又译嘿美) Hedwig
汉娜·艾博 Hannah Abbott
米里森·伯斯德 Millicent Bulstrode
贾斯廷·芬列里 Justin Finch-Fletchley
福克斯 (又译佛客使)Fawkes
拉环 Griphook
马库斯·弗林特 Markus Flint
罗南 Ronan
贝恩 Bane
卡多根爵士 Sir Cadogan
阿莫斯·迪戈里 Amos Diggory
鲁弗斯·斯克林杰 Rufus Scrimgeour
巴蒂·克劳奇 Baty Crouch
格雷戈里·高尔 Gregory Goyle
文森特·克拉布 Vincent Crabbe
(Curse/spell/charm )魔咒
(Magic Wands)魔杖
(Elder Wand)老魔杖(长老魔杖)(死亡圣器之一)
(Cloak of Invisibility)隐形衣(死亡圣器之一)
(Resurrection Stone)复活石(死亡圣器之一)
(Philosopher’s Stone or Sorcerer's Stone)魔法石
(the Mirror of Erised)厄里斯魔镜
(Marauder's Map)活点地图
(Time Turner)时间转换器
(Sorting hat)分院帽
(Cloak/cape )斗篷、披风
(Robe) 长袍
(Silver Arrow)银箭,早些款式的飞天扫帚
(Cleansweep 7)横扫7星,学校配备的慢型号的扫帚
(Nimbus 2000)光轮2000,较新款的飞天扫帚
(Nimbus 2001)光轮2001,较新款的飞天扫帚
(Daily Prophet)预言家日报,魔法世界的报纸
(the Quibbler)唱唱反调,卢娜父亲编辑的杂志,消息可笑 在哈利逃亡时曾为哈利声援过
(Hogwarts Express)霍格沃茨特快列车(用神秘物质作燃料,会喷出紫色火焰)
(Knight Bus)骑士公共汽车-----你最不想坐的公共汽车 因为它很颠簸 罗恩曾因此而大吐特吐。
(Floo Powder)飞路粉,用来在壁炉迅速旅行 (需要准确、清晰地说出目的地才能到)
(Vanishing Cabinet)消失柜,有一对一摸一样的,把人或东西从一个地方传送到另一个地方
(the Hand of Glory)光荣之手 西方的一种古老巫术,取被绞刑处死的犯人的手用曼德拉草浸泡而成,可发光。但只有拥有者本人才能看到亮光。
(Wizarding Wireless Network) 飞路网
(Pocket Sneakoscope)窥镜,有不可信任的人接近,它会发光打转大叫。
(Phial)(装液体的) 药瓶

(Ton-Tongue Toffees)肥舌太妃糖
(Triwizard Tournament)三强争霸赛 因为过于危险而百年未举办
(the Goblet of Fire)火焰杯,三强争霸赛中选勇士的用具
(Avada Kedavra)阿瓦达索命咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之——除哈利无人幸免。(喷射出一道绿光)
(Cruciatus Curse)钻心咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之一。
(Imperious Curse)夺魂咒,非法的黑魔咒,不可饶恕咒之一。
(Black Magic)黑魔法
(Dark Mark)黑魔标记,空中的骷髅头,在某人被杀时使用,是食死徒的专利
(Fidelius Charm)赤胆忠心咒
(Four Point Spell)定向咒,使得魔杖尖端指北
(Impediment Curse)障碍咒,减缓阻止侵犯者。
(Leprechaun Gold)消失数小时
(Petrifact)统统石化 全身束缚咒
(Reductor Curse)粉身碎骨,粉碎咒,为开路,击碎固体
(Shield Charm)铁甲咒,暂时的隔墙使魔咒偏向
(Unbreakable Vow)牢不可破的誓言
(Unforgivable Curses)不可饶恕咒(指钻心咒,夺魂咒,阿瓦达索命咒)
(Mobilicorpus) 幻影显形
Accio ……。。飞来
Aguamenti 清水如泉
Alohomora 阿拉霍洞开
Aparecium 急急现形
Avada Kedavra 阿瓦达索命
Avis 飞鸟群群
Cave inimicum 降敌陷阱
Colloportus 速速禁锢
Comfundo 混淆视听
Crucio 钻心剜骨
Deletrius 消隐无踪
Densaugeo 门牙赛大棒
Diffindo 四分五裂
Disillusionment 幻身咒
Dissendium 左右分离
Enervate 快快复苏
Engorgio 速速变大
Expecto Patronum 呼神护卫
Expelliarmus 除你武器
Finite 终了结束
Finite incantatem 咒立停
Flagrate 标记显现
Furnunculus 火烤热辣辣
Homenum revelio 人形显身
Impedimenta 障碍重重
Imperio 魂魄出窍
Impervius 水火不侵(防水防湿)
Incarcerous 速速禁锢
Incendio 火焰熊熊
Liberacorpus 金钟落地
Legilimens 摄神取念
Levicorpus 倒挂金钟
Locomotor 移动
Locomotor Mortis 腿立僵停死
Lumos Maxima 荧光闪烁
Metelojinx recanto 云咒撤回
Mobiliarbus 移形幻影
Nox 诺克斯
Obliviate 一忘皆空
Orchideus 兰花盛开
Pack 收拾
Peskipiksi Pesternomi 佩斯奇皮克西 佩斯特诺米(洛哈特给小精灵施的咒语,什么用也没有,稍作变化可译为“讨厌的小精灵别来烦我”)
Petrificus totalus 统统石化
Point Me 给我指路
Portus 门托斯,使物体变成门钥匙
Prior Incantato 闪回咒
Protego 盔甲护身
Protego totalum 统统加护
Quietus 悄声细语
Reducio 速速缩小
Reducto 粉身碎骨
Relashio 力松劲泄
Reparo 恢复如初
Repello Muggletum 麻瓜屏蔽
Rictusempra 咧嘴呼啦啦
Riddikulus 滑稽滑稽
Salvio hexia 平安镇守
Scourgify 清理一新
Sectumsempra 神锋无影
Serpensortia 乌龙出洞
Silencio 无声无息
Sonorus 声音洪亮
Stupefy 昏昏倒地
Tarantallegra 塔郎泰拉舞
Tergeo 旋风扫净
Unplottable 不可标绘
Waddiwasi 瓦迪瓦西
Wingardium Leviosa 羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨 (漂浮咒)
Glisseo 滑道平平
Duro 幻影石板
Muffliato 闭耳塞听
Langlock 锁舌封喉
Oppugno 万弹齐发
Tergeo 旋风扫净
(Felix Felicis)福灵剂
(Mandrake Restorative)曼德拉草恢复剂
(Polyjuice Potion)复方汤剂
(Wolfsbane potion)狼毒药剂
(Baruffio's Brain Elixir)巴费醒脑剂
(Blood-Repienishing Potion)补血药
(Everlasting Elixir)长生不老药
(Love Potion)迷魂药
(Calming Draught)镇定剂
(Lucky Medication) 福灵剂
(Aurors) 傲罗(专门抓黑巫师的人员)
(Death Eaters)食死徒(伏地魔的追随者)
金色飞贼(Golden Snitch):金色小球,找球手(seeker)拿到此球,比赛结束,拿到球的找球手一方加150分;
巫师棋(Wizarding Chess):规则和国际象棋类似,但主人可以用语言控制自己的棋子,棋子可以互相打斗。
室内乐(Chenber Music):在比较小的场所演奏的音乐,邓布利多最爱
十柱滚木球戏(tenpin bowling):邓布利多最爱
Astronomy 天文学
Arithmancy 算术占卜学
Care of Magical Creatures 保护神奇生物学
Charms 魔咒学
Defense Against the Dark Arts黑魔法防御术
History of Magic魔法史
Muggle Studies麻瓜研究学
Potions 魔药学
the Study of Ancient Runes 古代魔文研究
Transfiguration 变形术
goblin 妖精
centaur 马人
werewolf 狼人
thestral 夜骐
merpeople 人鱼
phoenix 凤凰
unicorn 独角兽
house-elf 家养小精灵
zombie 阴尸
slug 鼻涕虫
giant 巨人
vampire 吸血鬼
troll 巨怪
basilisk 蛇怪
boggart 博格特
dementor 摄魂怪
Norwegian Ridgeback 挪威脊背龙
Chinese Fireball 中国火球龙
Swedish Short-Snout 瑞典短鼻龙
Hungarian Horntail 匈牙利树蜂
Common Welsh Green 威尔士绿龙
hippogviff 鹰头马身有翼兽
fire-crab 火螃蟹
manti-core 人头狮身龙尾兽
Blast-Ended Skrewt 炸尾螺
flobberworm 弗洛伯毛虫
the Whomping Willow 打人柳
mandrake 曼德拉草
veela 媚娃
ghoul 食尸鬼
Irish Leprechaun 爱尔兰小矮妖
gnome 地精
the Ministry of Magic魔法部
St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injurises圣芒戈魔法伤病医院
Improver Use of Magic Office禁止滥用魔法司
the Leaky Cauldron破釜酒吧
Auror Headquarters傲罗指挥部
Eeglops Owl Emporium咿啦猫头鹰商店
Misure of Muggle Artefacts Office禁止滥用麻瓜物品司
Flourish and Blotts丽痕书店
Gringotts' Wizarding Bank古灵阁巫师银行
Knockturn Alley翻倒巷
Diagon Alley对角巷
Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions摩金夫人长袍专卖店
Beauxbatons Academy of Magic布斯巴顿魔法学校
Duemstrang Institute德姆斯特朗魔法学校
Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry霍格沃茨魔法学校
the Chamber of Secrets密室
Three Broomsticks三把扫帚酒吧
the Hog's Head猪头酒吧
Honey Dukes蜂蜜公爵糖果店
the Room of Requirement有求必应屋
the Shrieking Shack尖叫棚屋
the common room公共休息室
the Dark Forest禁林
the Burrow陋居
Godric's Hollow 戈德里克山谷(前六册书翻译为高锥克山谷)
Number Twelve Grimmauld Place格里莫广场12号
Mars Bars火星棒
Bettie Bott's Every Flavor Beans比比多味豆
Drooble's Best Blowing Gum超级吹宝泡泡糖
Cauldron Cake坩埚蛋糕
Chocolate Frog巧克力蛙
Licorice Wand甘草魔杖
Fizzing Whizzbee冰糕球
Cauldron Cake锅形蛋糕
Squeakying Sugar Mice会尖叫的糖耗子
Canary Cream金丝雀饼干
Owl Treat猫头鹰食
Apple Tart苹果饼
Chocolate Cauldron巧克力坩埚
Ogden’s Old Firewhisky热火威士忌
Ginger Newt生姜蝾螈饼干
Acid Pop酸棒糖
Sugar Quill糖做的羽毛笔
Rock Cake岩皮饼
Cockroach Cluster蟑螂堆
阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)
西弗勒斯·斯内普(Severus Snape)
米勒娃·麦格(Minerva Mcgonagall)
宾斯教授(Professor Binns)
西比尔·特里劳妮(Sibyll Trelawney)
鲁贝斯·海格(Ribus Hagrid)
莱姆斯·约翰·卢平(Remus John Lupin) 卢平来自于拉丁文词根LUP,即狼的意思——LUPINE是“像狼一样的人”,而LUPUS是"豺狼座".据说法国诺曼底地区的居民有时就把狼人叫做"LUPIN"。莱姆斯就更有趣了,这是罗马传说中被母狼喂养过的双生子之一的名字,可爱的小狼崽子!虽然是一个狼人,但是对学生十分的温柔,他曾经在哈利3年级的时候担任黑魔法防御课教授,并教会哈利使用守护神咒。同时卢平还是一个凤凰社成员。在霍格沃茨第二战中牺牲。
阿拉斯托·穆迪(Alastor Moody)
阿格斯·费尔奇(Argus Filch)
戈德里克·格兰芬多(Godric Gryffindor)
Gryffin是希腊神话中的狮身鹫头有翼兽,在法语中dor有“金制成的”的意思。“格兰芬多”指狮身鹫头有翼兽。God 表示“上帝”,-ric是表示“管辖、领域”之意的接尾词。Godric指的是“上帝的住处”。格兰芬多的象征是lion(狮子)
萨拉查·斯莱特林(Salazar Slytherin)
罗伊纳·拉文克劳(Rowena Ravenclaw)
赫尔加·赫奇帕奇(Helga Hufflepuff)
Hufflepuff,源于英文Huff和Puff。两个词都和吹气有关,其中Huff作为名词还有怒气冲冲的意思,而赫奇帕奇学院的象征是Badger(獾) ,Badger作为动词还有纠缠不休、烦扰、吵着要的意思,与愤怒的关系很紧。
赫敏·简·格兰杰(Hermione Jane Granger)
德拉科·马尔福(Draco Malfoy)Malfoy是由法语Mal foi变化而来,意思是不好的信仰。这一家人都是食死徒,全是信仰黑魔法。而德拉科。Draco是拉丁文中龙蛇的意思,在英文中是天龙座之意,符合黑巫师家庭用星座命名的传统。德拉科也是古雅典一位极其残暴的立法官的名字。
卢娜·洛夫古德(Luna Lovegood)
芙蓉·德拉库尔(Fleur Delacour)
Fleur Delacour是法语,直译意思是宫廷里的花朵,引申就是指贵族妇女。
汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔(Tom Marvolo Riddle)
小天狼星·布莱克(Sirius Black)
Sirius是天狼星,人们常常将它称为狗星(Dog Star)。天狼星是天空中最亮的一颗星星。在希腊语中,Sirius的意思是正在燃烧的。而布莱克是“黑色”。他的阿尼玛格斯是黑狗,曾被人们认为是霉运的象征“不祥”。哈利波特的教父,凤凰社成员。在神秘事物司之战中死于他的堂姐贝拉特里克斯手下。
伏地魔(Lord Voldemort)
Voldemort是来源于法语Vole de mort,即“死亡的飞翔”或“飞离死亡”。难怪老伏同志整天想着长生不老。而“我是伏地魔(I am Voldemort)”这个词,是由Tom Marvolo Riddle变过来的,只是字母的顺序换了一下,伏地魔的过去汤姆·里德尔一直不喜欢自己的名字汤姆,认为它太普通,所以调换了字母,由Tom Marvolo Riddle(汤姆.里德尔)变为I am Lord Voldemort,以显示自己的与众不同。
小矮星彼得(Peter Pettigrew)
彼得这个名字太普通了,似乎没什么特殊意义。小矮星是“长的很小”的意思,这个名字还可以拆开成为Pet I grew,意思差不多是“我变成了宠物”!小矮星原先是凤凰社成员,后在伏地魔的胁迫下叛变,直接导致了詹姆夫妇的牺牲。
卢修斯·马尔福(Lucius Malfoy)
纳西莎·马尔福(Narcissa Malfoy)
丽塔·斯基特(Rita Skeeter)
梅洛普·里德尔(Merope Riddle)
梅洛普名字的一部分 May,意思是五月,而巫师间有一种说法是“五月生的女巫嫁麻瓜”,梅洛普嫁给了麻瓜老汤姆·里德尔,虽然不知道梅洛普是否生于五月,但她名字中的May似乎也有所暗示。
海丝佳·琼斯(Hestia Jones)
罗恩(旧): 查利用过得有点破损的旧魔杖,里面的独角兽毛能从末端露出来。在打人柳处几乎被折断,后来不得不用透明胶修补,导致魔力反弹使洛哈特失忆。
詹姆·波特:十一英寸,桃花心木,内芯不详,柔韧,适合变形。桃花心木强韧持久,保护性极高。书中形容的“excellent for transfiguration"应该是对詹姆的阿尼玛格斯的暗示。
莉莉·波特: 十又四分之一英寸,柳木,适合操作魔咒。长久以来柳树一直是死亡和不幸的爱情的象征,但同时也代表灵活和智慧,很符合莉莉的聪明才智。柳木也与直觉,梦,幻觉,观察和情绪等有关,某种程度上也解释了莉莉为救哈利放弃自己生命时的感性一面。
1500 加隆
三强争霸赛优胜者奖金(火焰杯,第12 章)
1000 加隆
700 加隆
37 加隆,15 可西,3 纳特
30 加隆
21 加隆
博金 -博克商店的人骷髅(混血王子,第6章)
16 加隆
魔法部幻影显形教员教授的为期十二周的幻影显形课程(混血王子,第17 章)
12 加隆
10 加隆
全景望远镜(火焰杯,第 7章)
10 加隆
10 加隆
10 加隆
9 加隆
7 加隆
7 加隆,价钱可略低
5 加隆
1 加隆
1 加隆
11 西可,7 纳特
11 西可
11 西可
3 西可
2 西可
2 西可
5 纳特一勺
5 纳特(在哈利上一年级前的夏天)
7 纳特(1998年 - 1999年)
700 加隆每月
42 加隆每月
7 加隆每周
丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 (Daniel Radcliffe) 资料:
丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 (Daniel Radcliffe) 是世界上最知名的少年明星之一。他扮演的哈利·波特形象风靡全球,当然丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 (Daniel Radcliffe) 不只演哈利,他出演过舞台剧并且主演过颇受好评的剧情片《十二月男孩》等。现在作为世界上最知名的孩子,丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 (Daniel Radcliffe) 仍过着平凡的生活。丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 (Daniel Radcliffe) 在拍摄哈利·波特系列电影时与另外两位主演鲁伯特·格林特 (Rupert Grint) 和爱玛·沃特森 (Emma Watson) 成为好朋友。除此之外, 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 (Daniel Radcliffe) 还是英国富勒姆足球俱乐部的铁杆球迷,同时还是名忠实的一级方程式赛车迷。
英文名:Daniel Radcliffe
本名: Daniel Jacob Radcliffe
昵称: Dan
出生年:1989年 7月23日
艾玛·沃特森 (Emma Watson) 因为在《哈利波特》中饰演“小魔女赫敏”成为全球青少年的偶像!艾玛·沃特森 (Emma Watson) “赫敏”的角色让她深入人心,其实她从小就是一个热爱戏剧和表演的小女生。
艾玛·沃特森 (Emma Watson) 在学校的戏剧演出中,就总扮演领衔角色,包括《亚瑟王:青年时代》(Arthur: The Young Years) 和《快乐王子》(The Happy Prince)。同时,艾玛·沃特森 (Emma Watson) 还参加了很多其他学校活动,例如戴茜·普莱特诗歌比赛,并赢得了该年龄组的第一名,那年她七岁。
《哈利波特》电影中小赫敏这个角色已经足够让艾玛·沃特森 (Emma Watson) 红透半边天了,甚至有些人认为现实生活中的她也一定是满头的棕色头发。但对她来说,电影仅仅是生活的一部分,在业余时间里,艾玛·沃特森 (Emma Watson) 还是坚持自己的爱好,曲棍球和辩论。
艾玛·沃特森 (Emma Watson) 继续在拍片的同时处理好学业,她还热衷于冰球、无挡板篮球、网球和跑圈子比赛,并且是一位出色的田径运动员。艾玛·沃特森 (Emma Watson) 还是位艺术学者,在片厂里面有着最华丽最有创意的化妆间。她的其他爱好包括和朋友家庭聚会、旅游、跳舞(街头爵士、街舞、莎莎舞和她的角色在《哈利·波特与火焰杯》中跳的交谊舞)和唱歌。
全名:Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson
9.哈利波特粉丝网: http://www.harrypotterfans.tk
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Harry Potter series of novels (English Edition) Harry Potter and the term has the following several concepts: (a) series of novels and the movie "Harry Potter" in the fictional 名哈利波特, is Lilibote and Zhanmubote son, born July 31, 1980; (b) series of novels were "Harry Potter", a total of seven, of the British writer JK Rowling (Joanne Kathleen Rowling), series of novels has been translated into nearly 70 languages and sold worldwide in more than 200 countries reached more than 350 million copies. (C) series of films were "Harry Potter" has been released before six, the United States Warner shoot, Daniel Cliff as Harry Potter; (d) series game name "Hali Bo special ", by the EA and other corporate issuers. The first concept without quotation marks, other concepts need to add the word quotation marks.
Chinese name: Harry Potter
English name: Harry James Potter
Synonyms: Halizhanmu Porter
Nationality: United Kingdom
Date of birth: July 31, 1980
Occupation: Minister of Magic (after 2007)
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
Contents [hide]
Book Description ⒈ series of novels list
⒊ related books around
⒋ protagonist Introduction
About ⒈ Simplified Chinese Translator Translator
Name of the film introduces ⒈ Film
2. Awards
Actor role
Translation control ⒈ character name
⒉ magic props
⒊ spell name
⒋ magic spell
⒌ Magic Pharmacy
⒍ job title
⒎ magic coins
8. Games
9. Curriculum subjects
Magic Bio
10. Department store
Name meaning and character description ⒈ Professor
⒉ students
⒊ shaman
Wand Introduction
Article describes the soul of devices and Hallows ⒈
⒉ currency and commodities
⒊ articles list
Actor Daniel Radcliffe Introduction
Emma Watson
Book Description ⒈ series of novels list
⒊ related books around
⒋ protagonist Introduction
About ⒈ Simplified Chinese Translator Translator
Name of the film introduces ⒈ Film
2. Awards
Actor role
Translation control ⒈ character name
⒉ magic props
⒊ spell name
⒋ magic spell
⒌ Magic Pharmacy
⒍ job title
⒎ magic coins
8. Games
9. Curriculum subjects
Magic Bio
10. Department store
Name meaning and character description ⒈ Professor
⒉ students
⒊ shaman
Wand Introduction
Item description
⒈ ⒉ Soul currency converters and holy vessels and the list of goods ⒊ articles introduced actor
Daniel Radcliffe Emma Watson
[Edit this section] Book description
"Harry Potter" series of novels have been translated into nearly 70 languages in over 200 countries worldwide cumulative sales reached more than 350 million copies in the "Quotations from Chairman Mao" after ranking third. "Harry Potter" series a total of seven, of which the first six to Hogwarts as the main stage, describing the hero Harry Potter Hogwarts years in the study of life adventures. Harry Potter VII of this description is the soul of devices in the field to find and destroy Voldemort's story. "Harry Potter" series swept the world, was named best-selling novel of four children, become the Mickey Mouse, Snoopy, Garfield and other cartoon images of children has been the most successful idol. Harry Potter and the figure suddenly shook the literary arena and so charmed countless readers to say that this is a miracle in the history of literature. Rowling's magic in this imaginative mother who brought laughter and tears, countless more to bring the world of Harry Potter is a beautiful dream, and gave readers a valuable imagination!
⒈ Series Fiction List
1, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," Britain: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone America: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Traditional Chinese translation: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone ─ magic" 2, "Hali Bo especially with the Chamber of Secrets "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Traditional Chinese translation:" the disappearance of the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter ─ "3," Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Traditional Chinese Translation: "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ─" 4, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Traditional Chinese translation: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ─" 5 "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix Traditional Chinese translation: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ─" 6, "Harry Potter and the" Half-Blood Prince "" Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Traditional Chinese translation: "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ─" 7, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Traditional Chinese translation: "Harry Potter ─ Death sacred objects "(Note: English version shall not use the interval number" * "and not" with "" and "the words as the connection, the latter part of all writing" × × "a" × × "Sentence)
⒊ related books around
Rowling write "magical Quidditch ball," the English name: Quidditch Through the Ages ", where magical animal" English Name: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them "Poetry Weng he bean Tales" English Name: The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Note: Rowling handwritten Collector's Edition, normal version of the illustration is drawn by Rowling personally copy version) Harry Potter write, "My Harry Potter, My Magic," also known as "Terror test" (in 50% of the respect for the original , 50% thought the premise of these ideas to write, so many words, worth a visit. Speaker Dumbledore's a multi-year test.) "Ha-7 guess," "Fun Harry Potter," "Harry Potter Manual" " JK Rowling Biography "" Wings of Dreams - My Harry Potter, "" My true story of Harry Potter, "" Harry Potter's magic world "," magician's companion, "" mystery Secretary "" Great magician spell book "," Harry Potter and the 9 and 3 / 4 platform, "" I Crazy Harry "" Harry Potter and the complete Collection (Muggle must-read) "" Harry Potter - the secret files "" the letter addressed to Harry Potter, "" Harry Potter - Muggle Magic School "," Magic Princess Emma, "" Magic Little Prince "" Harry Potter Encyclopedia, "" Harry Potter and the Mysterious Affairs, "" Harry Potter and the sorcerer Archives "" Harry Potter s growth password "" Harry Potter Manual "" Eternal miss "" Harry Potter and the Guardian, "" Lonely Heart (with <can not touch love >)"(" Lonely Heart "major write Snape," Touch not the love of "major write Sirius Black (the text for Siris Black)" serpent's bride "(the Lord Malfoy and Ginny ) "fall like an angel" (mainly to write Malfoy and Hermione) "Plum cited (including <'s >)"(" white plum cited" major write Draco and Hermione; "White's" Lucius and three sisters, the Black family) "Harry Potter and the Hogwarts students in China," "Muggle Magic School" (Introduction and Harry Potter-related knowledge), "The Monkey King and Harry Potter" (2003 Write, write Harry and Lord Voldemort War Monkey) "Harry Potter and the disappearance of the Resurrection Stone" (the Lord was the son of Abu Harry Potter and the Resurrection Stone 思西弗勒斯)
⒋ protagonist Introduction
Harry Potter (the full name of Harry James Potter, Halizhanmu Porter) is a British writer JK Rowling's famous series of novels and the movie "Harry Potter" in the hero. Harry Potter was born July 31, 1980, is the only son of James Potter and Lilibote, godfather Sirius Black for the (to be removed from the family). "The story of three brothers" in the hands of death took the cloak from the third brother - 伊格诺图斯佩 flier descendants (in the King's Cross station with Dumbledore conversation confirmed) and Harry's rival Voldemort (ie soup Mumawoluo Riddle) is said to be the ancestors of the "three brothers legend" (see "Weng poem he bean Tales"), has risen in the second oldest stone for future generations. This also explains Harry Potter and Voldemort share a complex relationship between the layers. (See Baidu Encyclopedia "Voldemort" term) has black hair and green eyes, there is a lightning-shaped scar on his head. At least 17 years of age, finally free detection of minor magic curse. But he found himself and Voldemort after the two can not coexist known to the world, and they followed the guidance of Dumbledore against Voldemort. Although Harry is a Potter family, but lost their childhood because their parents became orphans, and families living in the Tailored ceremony and received their harsh treatment. Although Harry can tolerate their treatment, but can not tolerate any insult to his parents (in the "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", by Maggie aunt committed this taboo, it was Harry changes has become a big balloon). According to "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", he was living in a cupboard cabinets, subsequently was invited to Hogwarts school. Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley married and had three children, two sons, a daughter (his son and the woman were in his magic medicine professor and president of A teaching 名西弗勒斯without thinking, his mother named Lily). 5 related to culture, "Harry Potter" with its famous novel, led a series of related cultural content development, including the: Movies: Harry Potter and a total of seven games: at present, "Harry Potter" in the first five novel has been a corresponding game. Many other small game circulated on the Internet. Props: the subject site can be purchased in stores Wizards hat, shirt, wizard robe, wand and other items. Amusement Park: Harry Potter theme park related books: Official: "magic Quidditch ball," "magic, where animals," "Poetry Weng he bean Tales," "Harry Potter prequel" unofficial: "I and the true story of Harry Potter," "Harry Potter's magic world", "the letter addressed to Harry Potter," "Reading Harry Potter and the English," "Harry * Porter Bible, "and so on.
[Edit this paragraph] About
Magic Mama - Rowling in 1991, 乔安妮凯瑟 Linluo Lin Joanne Kathleen Rowling in the train from London to Manchester to see out the window of a bespectacled boy wizard and micro waved at her, the initiation of the theme for the Magic writing ideas. Seven years later the idea became a reality, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" was born, people of the world to cheer! Rowling was a single mother living extremely difficult. Began to write "Harry Potter" series of novels first, because of their own room is small and cold, to a nearby coffee shop to write the story in a small slip of paper. But her efforts did not in vain. Harry Potter series of adventure novels With surprising imagination, suspense, bursting with layers and help children to read the language, almost overnight to conquer young readers around the world. Rowling created the "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (1997), "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" (1998) "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" (1999), "Hali Bo Point and the Goblet of Fire "(2000)" Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix "(2003)," Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince "(2005)" Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows "(2007). Rowling for writing "Harry Potter" series of novels and films both fame and fortune involved. And the appearance of these works constantly broke the world record of the history of fiction issue. Gauss Book Award and the British Book Award Gold Medal. Rowling was born in the United Kingdom Gwent. Father Peter is a retired Rolls-Royce aircraft factory management, his mother Ann is a laboratory technician. She has a younger sister named Dianne (Di), two years younger than she had studied nursing, and now in Edinburgh and studied law.
[Edit this section] About the translator
⒈ Simplified Chinese Translators
People's Literature Publishing House published the Chinese Simplified translations translator there many times before and after the change, but mainly for the Ma Ainong, Ma sisters love the new participation of translation (which is the fourth single from the horses love the new translation). In addition to Ma and sisters, the fact the translator also Caosu Ling (joint translation with Ma Ainong first, signed by Soviet agriculture), Cheng Sumeru (Part III of the first edition of the original translator, translator replace the Limited Edition 2009 To Ma Ainong, love the new horse), Tsai Wen (with Ma Ainong, Ma love the new joint translation Part V). Ma Ainong Maai Nong Ma Ainong new sisters love horses (1964 -) 1982-1986 English professional learning of foreign languages at Nanjing University, Bachelor of Arts degree from 1986-1990 in Nanjing Medical College (now Nanjing Medical University) served as the basis of English teachers, 1990 -1,993 Foreign Languages Institute in Beijing studying English Department graduate, majoring in translation theory and practice, 1993-present foreign language in the People's Literature Publishing House newsroom as editor, in 2000 as vice pipeline. Engaged in translation work for nearly 20 years, more than 20 complete translations, both best-selling book for adults and classical literature, but also full of childlike, text and beautiful masterpiece of literature for children. Love love the new horse and Malaysia (1974 -) graduated from the Beijing Foreign Studies University, has been translated and published in foreign companies. Cooperation with sister Ma Ainong translation for "Harry Potter" series of novels known. Love the new horse in the translated "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", the to the United States to study, so several of the later, the sisters one in China, one in the United States, across the translation. They are each part of the first translation, then by e-mail and telephone exchanges, with a view to the unity of language and style.
[Edit this section] Movie description
⒈ movie name
1, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) - 2001 年 11 月 4 Britain's premiere global box-office rankings: No. 7 (as of May 2010), 974,733,550 U.S. dollars 2, Harry * Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) - 2002 年 11 月 3 Britain's premiere global box-office rankings: No. 18 (as of May 2010), a total of 878,643,482 USD 3, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) - 2004 年 5 月 31 Britain's premiere, in September 2004 in China released worldwide at the box office rankings: No. 26 (as of May 2010), a total of 795,634,069 USD 4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) - 2005 年 11 月 6 Britain London premiere, November 18, 2005 simultaneous global release worldwide at the box office rankings: No. 15 (As of May 2010), a total of 895,921,036 U.S. dollars 5, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix) - 2007 年 6 月 28 Tokyo Japan premiere, August 11, 2007 in China showing the global box office ranking: No. 9 (as of May 2010), a total of 938,212,738 U.S. dollars 6, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) - 2009 年 7 月 15 Day global synchronous release Global box office rankings: No. 10 (as of May 2010), a total of USD 929,359,401 7 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) - 2010 年 11 月 19 (Part Two), July 15, 2011 (Set)
2. Awards
82nd Session of the 2010 Academy Awards, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" was nominated for Best Photography Books of 2006 children in Scotland Award, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" won the 8-12 years old the most best children's books, the first annuity Trailer Award in 2004, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," the best animation category for family
[Edit this section] actor roles
Triangle Daniel Radcliffe Daniel Radcliffe plays: Harry James Potter Rupert Grint who plays Harry 詹姆波特鲁 伯特格林特: Ron Billius Weasley 罗恩比利尔斯 韦斯莱艾玛* Watson Emma Watson played: Hermione Jane Granger Hermione Jane 格兰杰邦妮 凯瑟琳赖特 Bonnie Kathleen Wright played: Ginny Weasley Ginny Weasley played by Tom Felton Tom Felton: Draco Malfoy德拉科马尔 Foy Man Na Linqi Evanna Lynch played: Luna Lovegood 卢娜洛夫古德 Katie Leung (Katie Leung) Katie Liu Leung played: Cho Chang Qiu Chang played by Richard Harris Richard Harris : Albus Dumbledore Abu 思珀西瓦尔 伍尔弗里克 Brian Dumbledore (the first, two starred, London time, October 2002 7 pm the night of 25 died in London at the age of 72 years ) played by Michael Gambon Michael Gambon: Albus Dumbledore Abu 思珀西瓦尔 伍尔弗里克 Brian Dumbledore (after Part III) Maggie Smith Maggie Smith played: Professor Minerva McGonagall m Le baby Macquarie Ralph Fiennes Ralph Fiennes played: Lord Voldemort Lord Voldemort (fourth later) 德莱克戴曼 Derek Deadman played: Lord Voldemort Lord Voldemort (Part), Christian Coulson Christian Coulson played: Tom Marvolo Riddle Tom Mumawoluo Riddle (the young second period) 弗兰克蒂尔 played in Frank Dillane: Tom Marvolo Riddle Tom Mumawoluo Riddle (Part VI Youth) Allen Lane Blackman played by Alan Rickman: Severus Snape 西弗勒斯斯 内普加里莱昂 that Deaodeman played by Gary Oldman: Sirius Black Sirius Black, played by David Thewlis David Thewlis: Remus John Lupin Lyme Slow Ping Robert Pattinson Robert Pattinson who plays: Cedric Diggory Cedric 迪戈里布兰 Degelisen played by Brendan Gleeson: Mad & Eye Moody 阿拉斯托穆 Di Aima Thompson Emma Thompson played: Sibyll Trelawney 西比尔特里劳 Niluo played by Robbie Coltrane Robbie Coltrane: Rubeus Hagrid 鲁伯海格伊 Enghardt Ian Hart played: Professor Quirrell Professor 詹森艾萨克 Jason Isaacs played Chilo: Lucius Malfoy Lucius 斯马尔福亚 德安劳林思 Adrian Rawlins played: James Potter Geraldine Somerville 詹姆波特乔 Latingsenfu played: Lily Potter 莉莉波特费欧 Nuoxiao Fiona Shaw played the role : Aunt Petunia Aunt Petunia (ie Peinidesi ceremony) Richard Griffiths Richard Griffiths played: Uncle Vernon Uncle Vernon (that Vernon Tailored ceremony) 哈利米尔林 Harry Melling plays: Dudley Dursley Dudley Des ceremony 沙德特普勒 Saunders Triplets played: Harry Potter Harry Potter (1 years old) James & Oliver Phelps, James & Oliver Phleps played: Fred & George Weasley Fredway Sly & 乔治韦斯莱 Helena Bonham Carter Helena Bonam Carter played: BellatrIx Lestrange Bellatrix Lestrange
[Edit this section] translation control
⒈ character name
("Also translated" section for the Chinese version of the translation) Porter family Halizhanmu Porter (also translated Harry James Potter) Harry James Potter Zhanmubote (father of Harry Potter ) James Potter 莉莉伊万丝 Porter (also translated Lily Evans Potter) Lily Evans Potter Ginny Weasley (also translated Ginny Wesley) Ginny Weasley married to Ginny Potter Ginny Potter Weasley family 比尔韦斯莱 (also translated Bill Wesley) Bill Weasley Lotus Delacour (also known as Flower Day logou) Fleur Delacour Weasley married to Hibiscus Fleur Weasley Charlie Weasley (also translated Charles Wesley) Charlie Weasley Fredway Sly (also translated Fred Wesley) Fred Weasley 乔治韦斯莱 (also translated George Wesley ) George Weasley Ron Weasley (also translated Ron Weasley) Ron Billius Weasley Hermione Jane Granger (also translated Jane Hermione Granger) Hermione Jane Granger married to Hermione * Jane Weasley Hermione Jane Weasley Ginny Weasley (also translated Ginny Wesley) (full name: 金妮芙拉莫丽 Weasley Ginnevera Molly Weasley) Ginny Weasley (married to Jinnibote) 珀西韦斯莱 (also translated to send West Wesley) Percy Weasley Arthur Weasley (also translated Arthur Wesley) Aurthor Weasley 莫丽韦斯莱 (also Translation Murray Wesley) Molly Weasley family, Draco Malfoy Malfoy (also translated pull Goma were) Draco Malfoy Lucius Malfoy (also translated Rusiu Sima copies) Lucius Malfoy Narcissa * Malfoy (also translated Narcissus horses were) Narcissa Malfoy Astoria Greengrass Astoria Greengrass (marriage to Astoria Malfoy Astoria Malfoy) Scopi Scorpio Malfoy Malfoy Harry friends Hermione Jane Granger (Hermione Jane Granger also translated) Hermione Jane Granger 比尔韦斯莱 (also translated Bill Wesley) Bill Weasley Lotus Delacour (also known as flower children wear logou) Fleur Delacour Weasley Charlie (also translated Charles Wesley) Charlie Weasley Fredway Sly (also translated Fred Wesley) Fred Weasley 乔治韦斯莱 (also Translation of George Wesley) george Weasley Ron Weasley (also translated Ron Weasley) Ron Billius Weasley Ginny Weasley (also translated Ginny Wesley) Ginny Weasley Lu Bohai cell (also translated Lu Pa Haig) Rubeus Hagrid Sirius Black (also translated Sirius Black, West Lisbon) Sirius Black 塞德里克迪 Gori (also translated in West chase Dige) Cedric Diggory Luna Lovegood (also known as Lucy Nalugude) Luna Lovegood Qiu Zhang (also known as Cho Chang) Cho Chang 奥利弗伍德 (also translated through Oliver Wood) Oliver Wood Liqiao Dan Lee Jordan Ximofeini Gan Seamus Finnigan Dean Thomas (also proposed Dean Thomas) Dean Thomas Nawei Long Barton (also translated Naiwei Long Barton) Neville Longbottom Enimaike Milan Ernie Mcmillan 尼法朵拉唐克斯 (also known as small Fairy East Shi) Nymphadora Tonks Hogwarts Professor Albus Dumbledore Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Abu 思珀西瓦尔 伍尔弗里克 Brian Dumbledore also translated Abu thinking. Bo of. Uygur welfare. Brian. Dumbledore) Jideluoluo Hart (also translated 吉罗德洛哈) Gilderoy Lockhart Minerva McGonagall (also translated Minerva wheat) Minerva Mcgonagall Severus Snape (also translated Saifolesi stone, Pu) Severus Snape Laimusilu level (also translated Lu Ping) Remus John Lupin Sprout (also translated Professor Sprout) Professor Sprout Huoqi Fu man (also translated Ms. Hu Qi) Madam Hooch 西比尔特里劳 ni (also translated Sybil Cui Ni) Sibyll Trelawney crazy eyes Han Mudi Mad-eye Moody (Arasto. Moody's) (also Translation alat. Moody's) Alastor Moody) Feilun Ze (also translated Florence) Firenze Professor Binns Professor Binn 多洛雷斯乌姆 Ridge (Dolores Jane Umbridge) Harry's enemy Chilo (also translated Kui If or Electra) Professor Quirrel Voldemort (also translated Voldemort, Foer De Magic special) Voldemort small dwarf star Peter (also translated 彼得佩迪鲁) Peter Pettigrew Bellatrix Lestrange ( also translated Beilaleisi strong) Bellatrix Lestrange Tom Mumawoluo Riddell (childhood Voldemort) Tom Marvolo Riddle other roles more than the glittering Winky Dobby Tom Riddle (also translated Tom Murray bucket) Tom Marvolo Riddle Leigulesi Black Regulus Arcturus Black Front Li Wei Professor Flitwick 多洛雷斯乌姆 Ridge (also translated Dorothy Grace is not Curie) Dolores Umbridge 威克多尔克 Rum (also translated Vic grams of waves) Viktor Krum felch (also translated fly 7) Filch 加布丽德拉 Court (also known as Ka children wear logou) Gabrielle Delacour 巴蒂克劳奇 (also translated Palestinian shoes. g Roach) Barty Crouch 卢多巴格曼 Ludo Bagman 鲁弗斯斯克 Challenger Rufus Scrimgeour 康奈利福吉 (also translated Connie sub Mrs Cousins left) Cornelius Fudge Lavender Brown (also known as text Radha Brown) Lavender Brown Pawadipei Tyre (also known as 巴蒂佩蒂尔) Parvati Patil Pademapei Steele (also translated 帕玛佩蒂尔) Padma Patil 伊戈尔卡卡 Love (also translated by fruit Kaka Fu) Igor Karkaroff Mrs. Maxim (also translated Maxim's wife) Madam Maxime 波皮庞弗雷 (also translated Pangrui Mrs.) bupi Pomfrey Angelina Johnson Angelina Johnson, Colin Creevy Dennis Creevey Colin Creevey 丹尼斯克里维 Kaidibeier Katie Bell 佩内洛克里 Watt Penelop Clearwater Ailiyasi Bennett Alicia Spinnet Ping Ping Madam Pince Mrs Cousins Oliver Van de Mr Ollivander Mount Gold Lady Madam Malkin Nikelemei (also translated Nigeria music LeMay) Nicolas Flamel Pipi ghost Peeves fat monk Fat Friar weeping myrtle (also known as Cry Cry Meurthe-et-also translated rick) Moaning Murtle blood person Barrow (Slytherin ghost) Bloody Baron almost no head Nick (Gryffindor ghost) Nearly Headless Nick (formerly: Min Xi - Sir Nicholas wave Rippington) Grey Lady (Ravenclaw's ghost) Grey Lady (Hailunnala Ravenclaw Helena Ravenclaw) 丽塔斯基特 (also translated Litashiji) Rita Skeeter Xinnisita Gelanpulan Professor Professor Professor Sinistra Professor Grubbly plank Pansy Parkinson Pansy Parkinson 伯莎乔金斯 Bertha Jorkins Roger Davis Roger Davis 戈德里克格 Lanfen more (also translated to points of high cone Kege more) Godric Gryffindor 赫尔加赫奇 Patch (also translated Hefupafu) Helga Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Luoyinala (also translated Ravenclaw) Rowena Ravenclaw Salazar Slytherin (also translated Slytherin) Salazar Slytherin moon face (also translated shadow of the moon) ( Laimusilu level) Moony pointed fork (also translated antlers) (Zhanmubote) Prongs big feet (also translated beast full animal feet) (Sirius Black) Padfoot tail worm (also translated worm tail, temperature too Seoul ) (small dwarf star Peter) Wormtail Bakebike (also translated Palestinian mouth) Buckbeak teeth Fang Noble (also translated Robert) Norbert Lu Wei (also translated Mao Mao) Fluffy Alageke (also translated A spicy brother) Aragog Crook Shan (also translated crooked legs) Crookshanks Zhu Weiqiong Pigwidgeon stained (small dwarf star Peter) Scabbers Haide Wei (also translated Hey America) Hedwig Hannuoyibo Hannah Abbott Mili Sen Bo Side Millicent Bulstrode Jiasitingfen out in Justin Finch-Fletchley Fox (also translated Buddhist off to) Fawkes pull ring Griphook 马库斯弗林特 Markus Flint Ronan Ronan Cadogan Bain Bane Sir Sir Cadogan 阿莫斯迪戈 in Amos Diggory Rufus Scrimgeour Rufus Scrimgeour 巴蒂克劳奇 Baty Crouch Gregory Gore article 森特克拉布 Vincent Crabbe Gregory Goyle
⒉ magic props
(Curse / spell / charm) spell (Magic Wands) wand (Elder Wand) old wand (Elder Wand) (Deathly Hallows One) (Cloak of Invisibility) invisibility cloak (one of the Deathly Hallows) (Resurrection Stone) Resurrection Stone (Deathly Hallows One) (Horcrux) Soul device (Philosopher's Stone or Sorcerer's Stone) Sorcerer's Stone (the Mirror of Erised) Eris Mirror (Marauder's Map) s Map (Time Turner) Time Converter (Sorting hat) Sorting Hat (Cloak / cape) cape, cloak (Parchment) parchment (Quill) quill pen (Pensieve) meditation basin (Robe) robe (Howler) Howler. (Broomstick) broom (Silver Arrow) silver arrow, earlier models of a flying broom (Cleansweep 7) swept the seven stars, the school models with slow broom (Nimbus 2000) halo 2000's flying over the new brooms (Nimbus 2001) light wheel 2001, the flying over the new brooms (Firebolt) fire bolt, the latest, the best broom (Daily Prophet) in the Daily Prophet, the magical world of newspapers (the Quibbler) sing sing a different tune, Luna father, a magazine editor, news funny as Harry in Harry solidarity during flight over (Hogwarts Express) Hogwarts Express train (with a mysterious substance as fuel, will emit purple flame) (Knight Bus) Knight Bus ----- thing you want take the bus because it is bumpy Ron have been so large special spit spit. (Portkey) door key (Floo Powder) Fei Lu powder, used to travel quickly in the fireplace (with accurate, clear out the destination to get to) (Vanishing Cabinet) disappeared cabinet, there is the same one-touch, the person or thing transmitted from one place to another place (the Hand of Glory) glory of an ancient hand-Western witchcraft, taking prisoners executed by hanging hand made Mandela soaked grass, can be light. But only I can see the light owner. (Wizarding Wireless Network) Fly Road Network (Pocket Sneakoscope) looking glass, there can not trust people close to it will light spinning cried. (Cauldron) crucible (Phial) (for liquids) bottle (Scales) Balances (Ton-Tongue Toffees) fat tongue toffee (Boggart) Andrew Bogut, the shape changes, and it will become what you fear most. (Can spell "Funny Funny" resist) (Triwizard Tournament) because of the Triwizard Tournament is not held too dangerous a century (Rememberball) memory of the ball, when you forget something will turn red to remind (the Goblet of Fire) the Goblet of Fire in three major appliances Warriors Tournament selection
⒊ spell name
(Alchemy) Alchemy (Animagi) 阿尼马格斯 can be deformed as the animal shaman (need to register in the Ministry of Magic) (Apparating) Apparition / profiling (points for the "3D") (Avada Kedavra) Awadasuo life curse, curse of illegal black, unforgivable curse of - in addition to Harry, no one spared. (Spray out a green light) (Cruciatus Curse) drilling heart mantra, illegal black spell, one unforgivable curse. (Imperious Curse) running horror franchise, curse, curse of illegal black, one unforgivable curse. (Black Magic) Black Magic (Dark Mark) Dark Mark, the air skull, the use of the person killed was the Death Eaters patent (Disapparate) Apparition (Divination) Divination Studies (Fidelius Charm) utter devotion Mantra (Four Point Spell) directed curse, making wand tip that North (Impediment Curse) Curse of obstacles, slowing to stop the aggressor. (Leprechaun Gold) disappeared for several hours (Occlumency) closed brain surgery (Parseltongue) snake guy chamber (you can speak with snakes, shamans) (Patronum) the patron saint of curse against the Dementors (Petrifact) all petrochemical body binding curse (Reductor Curse) pieces, crushing curse, as the open, break the solid (Shield Charm) armored curse, and a temporary wall to spell bias (Side-Along-Apparition) entourage profiling (Transfiguration) Polymorph (Unbreakable Vow) unbreakable vow (Morsmordre) bones reproduce, show Dark Mark (Unforgivable Curses) unforgivable curse (that drilling heart mantra, running horror franchise curse, curse life Awadasuo) (Mobilicorpus) Mirage profiling
⒋ magic spell
(Note: The original of the spell is actually expressed in Latin rather than English) Accio ... .... . Flying fresh water such as spring Alohomora A Lahuo Aguamenti OPENING Aparecium hastily borrow this Avada Kedavra Ewadasuo bird life group Avis Group Cave inimicum come quickly down the enemy's trap Colloportus detained Comfundo confuse Crucio Zuanxin cutting into bone Deletrius blanking big game without a trace Densaugeo incisor Magic Stick Diffindo body divided Disillusionment about separation Enervate Curse Dissendium quickly be done to accelerate the recovery Engorgio larger Expecto Patronum call God guard Expulso Feishazoushi Expelliarmus addition to the end of the end of your arms Finite Li Ting Flagrate Finite incantatem curse mark appeared Furnunculus Grill blazing Geminio replication pairs Homenum revelio humanoid still anonymous Impedimenta obstacles Imperio Impervius water and fire does not invade the soul of an OBE (waterproof moisture) Incarcerous come quickly detained Incendio flaming Liberacorpus Admiralty floor Legilimens photo taken of God read Levicorpus fuchsia Locomotor mobile Locomotor Mortis leg stand zombie dead Lumos Maxima fluorescence Curse cloud flashes Metelojinx recanto withdraw Mobiliarbus transitional Mirage Nox Knox Obliviate a defeat for Orchideus orchids bloom Pack forgot to pack Peskipiksi Pesternomi 佩斯奇皮克 西佩斯特诺 meters (Luo Hate mantra applied to the elf, what use is not , little change can be translated as "Do not hate elves leave me alone") Petrificus totalus all petrochemical Point Me to me the way Portus door Altos, so the object into a door key Prior Incantato Flashback Armor Protection Gear Protego totalum Curse of Protego totally intensive care Quietus whispered softly Reducio come quickly narrow the Reducto pieces Relashio power slack vent Reparo resume as ever Repello Muggletum shield Rictusempra grin hula Muggle friends Riddikulus funny funny Salvio hexia safe guarding Scourgify clean God, a new front Sectumsempra Oolong the hole without leaving Serpensortia Silencio silent Sonorus voice loud Stupefy intoxication fell to the ground Tarantallegra Tower Terra Lang Dance Tergeo Cyclones sweep away Unplottable not plotted Waddiwasi Wadiwaxi Wingardium Leviosa Yu 加迪姆勒维 Osa (floating curse) Glisseo slide flat Duro Mirage Closed ear to listen Langlock slate Muffliato throat latch closure Oppugno million shells together and Tergeo Cyclones sweep away
⒌ Magic Pharmacy
(Amortentia) Sensation Agent (Felix Felicis) Fu Ling agent (Mandrake Restorative) Mandela grass recovery agent (Polyjuice Potion) Compound decoction (Veritaserum) spit real agent (Wolfsbane potion) chamaejasme Pharmacy (Baruffio's Brain Elixir) bus fee Xingnao agent (Dittay) White Fresh Flavors (Blood-Repienishing Potion) hematinic (Everlasting Elixir) elixir of life (Love Potion) Ecstasy (Calming Draught) tranquilizers (Lucky Medication) Fu Ling agent
⒍ job title
(Perfect) for class (Aurors) Auror (black shaman specialized grasping the staff) (Bonder) witness (Champions) Warriors, represented her school in the Triwizard Tournament (Death Eaters) Death Eaters (Voldemort's followers) (Mudblood) mud species, on the birth family Muggle (non-purebred) Wizards of denigration (Muggle) Muggle, non-magic world of human beings (Squib) dumb gun (some versions of writing "history ashamed BO"), was born in wizard families , but no magic ability. (Wizard / witch) shaman
⒎ magic coins
(Galleons) Gallon (sailing coins), gold (Sickles) West may (Sickles), silver coins, 17 silver, and the West can = 1 Jinjia Long (Knutes) Nath, copper coins = 1 silver 29 copper Nat West can
8. Games
Bu-stone game (Gobstones): magic ball game similar to marbles, stones emit liquid splashed loser face. Quidditch (Quidditch): There are four balls, three rings, similar to the sport of football. Of which: ghost fly ball (Quaffle): red ball, the same as with the role of basketball. Chase players (chaser): the ghosts that fly ball cast circle 10 points; goalie (keeper): responsible for shooting each other to block the ball; walk the ball (Bludges): collision of two black ball players; batter ( beater): walk the ball will hit, attack the other players, to protect one's own players; golden cat burglar (Golden Snitch): the golden ball, looking for players (seeker) to get the ball end of the game, players get the ball to find one plus 150 points; Wizards chess (Wizarding Chess): rules and chess are similar, but the owner can use language to control their pieces, the pieces fight each other. Chamber music (Chenber Music): in smaller venues playing music, Dumbledore's favorite ten pin bowling (tenpin bowling): Dumbledore Favorites
9. Curriculum subjects
Astronomy Astronomy Arithmancy Divination school arithmetic Care of Magical Creatures Care of Magical spell school biology Charms Defense Against the Dark Arts Defense Against the Dark Arts Divination Flying School Flying School Herbology Divination Herbology History of Magic History of Magic Muggle Studies Muggle Studies Potions Magic Medicine the Study of Ancient Runes Ancient Magic Man of Transfiguration Transfiguration
Magic Bio
(The following is a single number) goblin monster centaur horse man werewolf werewolf thestral night phoenix Phoenix Qi merpeople mermaid unicorn unicorn house-elf elf domesticated zombie dead slug slug Yam vampire vampire troll giant giant giant snake basilisk strange strange boggart Bogert dementor Dementors back Norway Norwegian Ridgeback dragon Chinese Fireball Dragon Chinese Fireball Sweden Swedish Short-Snout short nose Hungary Hungarian Horntail dragon tree bee Common Welsh Green Welsh Green Dragon hippogviff Yingtou horse winged beast fire-crab crab manti-core head fire lion-beast Blast-Ended Skrewt Lung Mei Mei Lo flobberworm Fu Luobo fried caterpillars the Whomping Willow beat Liu mandrake Mandela grass veela Mei Wa ghoul ghoul Irish Leprechaun Irish Little demon gnome gnome
10. Department store
the Ministry of Magic Ministry of Magic St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injurises San Mango Magic injury hospital Improver Use of Magic Office against the abuse of magic broke the Division the Leaky Cauldron Cauldron Auror Headquarters Auror headquarters Eeglops Owl Emporium Owls store babble Rights Misure of Muggle Artefacts Office Muggle items against the abuse of the Secretary Flourish and Blotts Korea marks bookstore Gringotts' Wizarding Bank DIE Court overturned Lane shaman Bank Diagon Alley Knockturn Alley Diagon Alley Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions Mojin Fu Ah man robe store Azkaban berezka classes (witch prison) Beauxbatons Academy of Magic Jacobs Button Magic School Duemstrang Institute Durmstrang wizarding schools Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts School the Chamber of Secrets chamber Hogsmeade Huogemode (shaman small town) Three Broomsticks 3 broom bar the Hog's Head Honey Honey Dukes Duke of pig candy bar store the Room of Requirement responsive housing the Shrieking Shack screaming shed the common room common room the Dark Forest Forbidden Forest the Burrow Burrow Godric's Hollow Godric Valley (the first six books translated into high cone grams Valley) Number Twelve Grimmauld Place Grimau food and drink on the 12th square Mars Mars Bars Rod Bettie Bott's Every Flavor Beans Bibi and delicious beans Drooble's Best Blowing Gum Po Super blowing bubble gum Cauldron Crucible Cake Chocolate Cake Chocolate Frog Rana Licorice wand Licorice Wand Butterbeer butter beer Fizzing Whizzbee Eggnog Custard ice cream ball-shaped cake pan wine Cauldron Cake Squeakying Sugar Mice Sugar Mice will be screaming canary Canary Cream Biscuits Owl Treat owls eat apple pie Chocolate Apple Tart Cauldron chocolate crucible Ogden's Old Firewhisky Heat Whiskey Ginger Newt Newt ginger biscuits Acid Pop Sugar acid lollipop Sugar Quill quill do Rock Paper Rock Cake cake Cockroach Cluster cockroaches heap
[Edit this section] name meaning and character description
⒈ Professor
Dumbledore after the third actor Abu 思珀西瓦尔 伍尔弗里克 Brian Dumbledore (Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore) Albus is Latin for white, meaning, because Dumbledore confrontation with the black devil white wizard Voldemort. According to Rowling, Dumbledore himself said that "bees buzzing" means. Percival (Percival) with the meaning of warrior and pierce the curtain. Obviously, Dumbledore was a heroic struggle with the dark forces of the warrior! And "pierce the curtain" is interesting, because curtain in Western culture is a symbol of life and death things separated. To pierce the boundaries of life and death, mean that Dumbledore had Phoenix as the ability to transcend life and death do?伍尔弗里克 (Wulfric) meaning is that there is no uniform interpretation. Some of it is Wulf (Wolf) and Ric (force) composed of two words. But others think the word from the Norwegian epic hero Beowulf, he has twice beaten monster Grendel, but Dumbledore lives of the most glorious victory was in 1945, defeated the 盖勒特格林 Des (Grindelwald) the first black devil, but it seems that Gellert had with Dumbledore to a certain extent, but ultimately did not kill Dumbledore, Gellert, but he was imprisoned for life. Some people think that 伍尔弗里克 the name is in the University of Exeter, Rowling studied Western classical literature metaphor used to refer to the Norwegian epic Dumbledore in the fight against the black magic aspect of the great achievements of mind to highlight its magic power. Brian (Brian) from the Irish, is "the power, the United States and Germany" means, it is also used to refer to the Irish man. The word high-level overview Dumbledore "great" two aspects - ability and virtue, but also may imply that Dumbledore Irish descent. Severus Snape (Severus Snape) Severus is severe in Latin meaning, and quite consistent with the character of Snape. And Rowling said that many saints call Severus. But in fact, Snape is a small village in England's name. Snape in the English word with the snake was only a single letter! No wonder Snape is a Slytherin's president. But remember, never not seen "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Snape before any absolute conclusions. For this person, you have to digest. Minerva McGonagall (Minerva Mcgonagall) Minerva Minerva is usually the translation is, the Roman mythological goddess of wisdom, also the equivalent of the goddess Athena in Greek mythology. Gryffindor is the president (elected after the Hogwarts school principals), the students are very severe, in the magic school to teach Transfiguration. But she also sincerely hope that Harry can defeat Voldemort, and Harry can become an Auror. Binns, Professor (Professor Binns) Binns pronunciation is very close to Been, in English, past participle of the verb form of BE. The professor is currently the only ghost in Hogwarts professors, teaching is the most boring History of Magic. Indeed thing of the past!西比尔特里劳 Ni (Sibyll Trelawney) Sybil in the Greek and Roman mythology the sun god Apollo for language inspired the title of female prophecy teachers, teaching divination school. But many students do not like her and her class (such as Harry).鲁贝斯海格 (Ribus Hagrid), according to Rowling's statement, Hagrid is the Old English word, is "a very bad night" or "sleep well at night." Haig often because of alcohol or sleep well. Haig is a mixed giant (mother is a giant, but the father was not), who is a student at Hogwarts, the young Voldemort, after being falsely accused and being fired as the administrator of Hogwarts, was promoted after professor of biology class to protect magic. Is Harry, Ron and Hermione's best friend.莱姆斯约翰卢 Ping (Remus John Lupin) Lupin comes from the Latin root LUP, which means wolf - LUPINE is "people who like wolves," while LUPUS is "Lupus." Is said to Normandy, France Werewolves are sometimes put local residents called "LUPIN". Limestone is more interesting, this is the Roman she-wolf legend was one of the twins to feed off the names of the lovely wolf whelp! Although it is a werewolf, but the students are very gentle, he had the time in Harry grade 3 class as Professor of Defense Against the Dark and the patron saint of the church to use curse Harry. Lupin is also a member of the Phoenix. The second died in battle at Hogwarts. Arasto Moody (Alastor Moody) Alastor is in charge of Greek mythology, revenge of the devil, and Moody's in the mood in the English language is changing the meaning, is an Auror, after the sacrifice.阿格斯费尔奇 (Argus Filch) felch the English verb "steal" means, but Argus is a hundred eyes in Greek mythology, the giant strange. Mr. Felch is a dummy gun, as the administrator of Hogwarts, the students often furtive behavior observation, and are eager to use torture to punish students (for example to the Weasley brothers, beat whipping), which seems to be his hobby. In power during which he became Wumuliqi Wumuliqi favorite assistant. Thus he became the most unpopular school faculty.戈德里克格 Lanfen more (Godric Gryffindor) Gryffin is in Greek mythology the winged lion-eagle beast head, in French dor have "made money" means. "Gryffindor" refers to a lion-eagle winged beast head. God said, "God",-ric is that "jurisdiction in the field" in an English Suffix. Godric refers to "God's dwelling." Gryffindor symbol is lion (lion) Salazar Slytherin (Salazar Slytherin) Slytherin from the English word "Slithering", like a snake crawling forward harmonic mode as the text. Slytherin's symbol is the snake (snake). Luoyinala Ravenclaw (Rowena Ravenclaw) Ravenclaw, literal translation is the raven's claw. Ravenclaw Institute is a symbol of hawk (eagle).赫尔加赫奇 Patch (Helga Hufflepuff) Hufflepuff, from English Huff and Puff. Both words and blowing, of which there are angry Huff as a noun meaning, and Heqipaqi Institute symbol is the Badger (Badger), Badger also entangled as a verb, annoyance, clamoring for the meaning of tight relationship with anger.
⒉ students
Hermione Jane Granger (Hermione Jane Granger) from Shakespeare "The Winter's Tale", the variant is Hermes. The popular philosophy of today's "hermeneutics" has emerged from the name Hermes, no wonder Hermione in the novel known to astute and intelligent. Draco Malfoy (Draco Malfoy) Malfoy is the change comes from the French Mal foi, bad faith means. The family are Death Eaters, all belief black magic. And Draco. Draco is the Latin meaning of dragons and snakes, in English, is the meaning of Draco, meet the black witch with a constellation named after the family tradition. Draco is a very brutal ancient Athens, the stand the judge's name.卢娜洛夫古德 (Luna Lovegood) Luna is the moon means that it is easy to think of her pure beauty and mystery. Lovegood, though a bit far-fetched, but it is still love, a beautiful meaning. Luna the root is also "crazy" means, Lunatic is "crazy", also in line with the child's personality. Luna is a Ravenclaw school students, DA member, took part in the mystery of the Secretary for War and the second battle at Hogwarts. Lotus Delacour (Fleur Delacour) Fleur Delacour is French, literally meaning the court of the flowers of the extension means noble women. As Fleur's pronunciation in English like Phlegm (mucus), in order to express her dissatisfaction, often call her Ginny. Tom Mumawoluo Riddle (Tom Marvolo Riddle) is Voldemort when young and in the name of Hogwarts school. Riddle is the English word "riddle" means, one can see the name on that Rowling to play word games.
⒊ shaman
Sirius Black (Sirius Black) Sirius is Sirius, it is often called the dog star (Dog Star). Sirius is the brightest in the sky a star. In Greek, Sirius means of burning. The Black is a "black." His 阿尼玛格斯 is a black dog, was thought to be a symbol of bad luck, "ominous." Harry Potter's godfather, the Phoenix members. Secretary of War in the mystery of his cousin Bellatrix died of hands. Voldemort (Lord Voldemort) Voldemort is derived from the French Vole de mort, or "death flight" or "left the dead." No wonder the old V comrades lived with eternal youth. And "I am Lord Voldemort (I am Voldemort)" the word is changed over from the Tom Marvolo Riddle, only the sequence of letters for a moment, Tom Riddle Lord Voldemort's past did not like his name Tom, that it too common, so swap the letters from Tom Marvolo Riddle (Tom. Riddle) into I am Lord Voldemort, to show they are special. Small dwarf star Peter (Peter Pettigrew) Peter is a very common name, it seems that no special significance. The Little Star is a "long small" means, the name can also open a Pet I grew, meaning almost, "I became a pet!" Originally a small dwarf members of the Phoenix, after the mutiny in Voldemort's stress, a direct result of the James couple sacrifices. Lucius Malfoy (Lucius Malfoy) Lucius and Lucifer is very close, and Draco the same. Lucius is a very brutal ancient Athens, a judge's name stand. He was a Death Eater. Narcissa Malfoy (Narcissa Malfoy) Narcissa characters from Greek mythology, is that there is narcissism, falling in love with his shadow in the water of young people. Narcissa is the meaning of Narcissus, on behalf of narcissism. Is Lucius Malfoy's wife.丽塔斯基特 (Rita Skeeter) skeeter the word and those belonging to the beetle verb "scamper Ben jump", "scatter scatter" and "creep crawl" the. "Prophet forecast," the reporter, an unregistered 阿尼玛格斯. Mei Luopu Riddle (Merope Riddle) Mei Luopu part of the name of May, which means in May, there is a saying among the shamans are "married in May Muggle born witch," Mei Luopu old married Muggle Tom Riddle, though do not know whether Meiluo Pu was born in May, but her name in May seems to be implied. Hesse good Jones (Hestia Jones) Hestia Hestia is the Greek myth of the Kitchen God. One of the Phoenix members.
[Edit this section] wand Introduction
Harry Harry's wand: 11 inches, holly wood, Phoenix feather, soft and flexible. This feather from Dumbledore's pet Fox, Fox's another feather in Voldemort's wand in. Holly wood is characterized by precision, so often used as a weapon, so often seen as fighting, protection and a symbol of the confrontation with evil. Also, because holly is an evergreen plant, it often also represents a lasting and enduring. In the Christian tradition, a symbol of death and rebirth of holly, which is when all the Christmas holly is hung in the door holly wreath reasons. Hermione: vine wood and dragon is the heart of tendons, size unknown. Ron (old): Charles flies a little bit using the old broken wand, which the unicorn hair exposed from the end. Liu Department in the beating was almost broken, and later had to use clear plastic repair, resulting in a rebound to Luo Hate magic amnesia. Ron (New): 14 inches, willow, unicorn hair. Seemingly did not play any special role. Zhanmubote: 11 inches, mahogany, inner core is unknown, flexibility, suitable for deformation. Mahogany tough lasting, highly protected. The book describes as "excellent for transfiguration" is James's 阿尼玛格斯 should be implied. Lilibote: 10 and a quarter inches, willow, suitable for operation of the spell. Willow has been a long and tragic death of a symbol of love, but also on behalf of flexibility and wisdom, very much to Lily's intelligence. Willow also with intuition, dreams, hallucinations, and emotional and other relevant observations, to some extent explains Lily to give up his life to save Harry when the emotional side. Navy (Old): is his father's old wand, material unknown. Navy (new): cherry, unicorn hair, size unknown. Where is Ollie De Buy one of the last few wand. Qiu Zhang: Sandal made of about 9 inches, the rod core is unknown. Cedric: 12 and a quarter-inch, yellow Cen wood, the male unicorn hair, very flexible. Scutellaria wood is knowledge, purity and truth of the wood, sometimes called the "Unicorn Tree." Scutellaria wood is sometimes rumored to have driven snakes and the role of cure snake bites. The unicorn is a pure, innocent symbol. Lotus: nine and one-half inch, yellow sandalwood, Mei doll hair, can not be bent. Yellow sandalwood symbolic beauty, love, strength and heart. Mei doll's hair is Hibiscus grandmother, on behalf of temperament, and Fleur's character like oh. Croom: 10 and a quarter inch, Carpinus, Long chord, hard, rough than most wand all. Carpinus is also known musclewood, direct translation into Chinese is called "muscle wood", obviously a symbol of tenacity, strong but rough. Haig: 16 inches, oak, core is unknown. Oak's strength is positive - strong, powerful, durable, firm. Wand Hagrid was expelled from school during the break, then be repaired, hidden in a pink umbrella, the seemingly magic and not be affected. Dumbledore: Old wand (stick death stick or fate), elderberry and night Qi tail, size unknown. Legend is an invincible wand, one of the three Deathly Hallows, have been a number of owners have. In Dumbledore before it is 盖勒特格林 Des, that Dumbledore met in his hometown after graduating friends. Later, Dumbledore's death was Voldemort won. But it does not really belong or to obey Voldemort. Harry Potter was determined to do the master, but Harry will use the complete re-buried him back to the tomb of Dumbledore Voldemort: 13 two and one half inches, yew, Fox's feathers, extremely powerful. And Harry's wand is a twin core rod as toxic sap, yew often been linked with magic and death. After the outer layer of yew trees die, there will be new trees will continue to grow from the center, it is seen as "dead tree" also symbolizes the reincarnation of the soul. Celtic priests were the yew as a symbol of eternal life and immortality. Voldemort resurrected the cemetery next to the species of the yew trees at, perhaps, and his resurrection that some contact. Bellatrix Lestrange: walnut and dragon nerve, 12 and three quarters inches, not easy to bend. Lu Malfoy: elm, dragon nerve, size unknown. (Later Lord Voldemort use, end the poor). Draco Malfoy: just 10 inches, hawthorn wood, unicorn hair, flexibility can still (after Harry Potter to win, turned to obey Harry Potter). Once the master of the old magic wand, but he did not know, "no touch touched even look." Small dwarf star Peter (new wand): chestnut wood and the dragon's nerves, nine and a quarter inches, firm crisp texture (Ollie van der abduction was forced to create).
[Edit this section] item description
⒈ device and Hallows Soul
Soul device (Horcruxes) Voldemort want to live forever through the soul of device, but he failed. His soul devices are Harry Potter, and others destroyed. He is a history of more than one soul Zaochu device wizard, a total of 7: Riddle's diary (by Harry destroyed with monster fangs); 马沃罗冈特 home (also said to be Slytherin House ) ring (Dumbledore was strange with the snake venom soaked Gryffindor sword split); pet snake Naginey (Navy with a sword was hacked to death); Ravenclaw crown (was Club of Li burning bad); Slytherin's pendant box (with a sword hack broken by Ron); Heqipaqi the Holy Grail (by Hermione monster fangs with broken bar) and Harry Potter (inadvertently made, was Voldemort personally destroyed). Deathly Hallows (the Deathly Hallows, three items) Deathly Hallows are: invisibility cloak, the old magic wand, the Resurrection Stone.
⒉ currency and commodities
Harry Potter in three currencies currency refers to the JK Rowling's "Harry Potter" series of tales, the British regions using the wizard in the world currency system. The system is mainly composed of three kinds of hard currency: Jinjia Long (Galleons), Bank of the West can (Sickles) and the copper Nath (Knutes). Three currencies represent a different value of different currencies exchange between a fixed standard. In addition, the wizard provides a mix of Muggle banks currency exchange service.
⒊ articles list
Bo Kim - Burke store was under the cursed opal necklace (Half Blood Prince, Chapter 6) 1500 Gallon Triwizard Tournament Winner Bonus (Goblet of Fire, Chapter 12) 1000 Gallon "Daily Prophet" lottery activities Bonus (prisoners, Chapter 1) 700 加隆弗雷德 and George bet bet (all of their savings) (Goblet of Fire, Chapter 7) 37 Gallon, 15 to the West, 3 Nat complete set of second-hand Quidditch ball, a little old, golden cat burglar in the side of the wing damage (the Daily Prophet) 30 Gallon horned wild ox horn made of horn (Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 5) 21 Jialong Bo Kim - who blogs store skeleton (the Half-Blood Prince, the first Chapter 6) 16 Gallon Ministry of Magic Professor Phantom overt teacher Phantom overt twelve weeks of courses (the Half-Blood Prince, chapter 17) 12 Jialonghemin left to their own money to buy a birthday present (prisoner, Chapter 4) 10 Gallon panoramic telescope (the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 7) 10 Gallon crucible used, almost new, bronze (in the Daily Prophet) 10 Gallon crucible used, almost new, pewter system (the Daily Prophet) 10 Gallon Korea marks a new bookstore in the "Advanced Potion production" (Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 9) 9 Jialongaoli van der new wand (Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 5) 7 Gallon old meteor flying broom small repairs costs (the Daily Prophet) 7 Gallon, said the price could be slightly lower Ludo can be turned out for the magic wand out of a rubber chicken price (Goblet, Chapter 7) 5 加隆亚瑟韦 Sly section in Quebec Odd World Cup bets down (the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 7) 1 Gallon 10 Muggle alarm (Daily Prophet) 1 Gallon dragon's liver (the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 5, revision) 16 West to an ounce of the original The price is 17 West can, but because the West can be just equal to a 17 Gallon, so there is no need to use wizard West can pay. This is why the revised edition of the reasons for price changes. Hogwarts Express on the sale of a pile of candy trolley 11 West to 7 Nate Knight Bus from small benefit to London fare payment area (prisoners, Chapter 3) 11 West to Cleveland bus from London to Huoge Wo Heights of the fare (prisoner, Chapter 3) 11 West to Muggle alarm (Daily Prophet) 3 West Knight Bus can the price of a cup of hot chocolate (prisoner, Chapter 3) 2 can be a thermos and a West pick any color of the toothbrush of the price (prisoner, Chapter 3) 2 West to beetle eyes (the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 5) 5 Nate spoonful of a Daily Prophet (the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 5; the Daily Prophet) 5 Nat (in Harry's summer before first grade) 7 Nate (1998 - 1999) Salary: Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Magic laws against hand (the Daily Prophet) 700 Gallon Monthly Korea marks shaman Bookstore Assistant (predicted Home Daily News) 42 Gallon breeder monthly DIE Court of the Dragon (the Daily Prophet) 7 Gallon per week
[Edit this section] actor Introduction
Daniel Radcliffe
Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Radcliffe) information: Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Radcliffe) is the world's one of the most famous young star. He played Harry Potter and the popular image of the world, of course, Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Radcliffe) Harry not only play, he starred in the theater and starred in acclaimed feature film "December Boys" and so on . Now as the world's most famous children, Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Radcliffe) is still living an extraordinary life. Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Radcliffe) in Harry Potter series of films shot with the other two star 鲁伯特格林 Special (Rupert Grint) and 爱玛沃特森 (Emma Watson) become close friends . In addition, Daniel Radcliffe (Daniel Radcliffe) is the UK Fulham football club fan, is also the Formula One fans were loyal. Basic Profile: Chinese Name: Daniel Radcliffe English name: Daniel Radcliffe, whose real name: Daniel Jacob Radcliffe Nickname: Dan of Birth: July 23, 1989 Birthplace: London suburb Constellation: Leo Nationality: British Height: 173cm Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue representative works: drama, "David - Copperfield" movie "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" movie "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" movie "Harry - Potter and the Ards Caban Prisoner "movie" Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire "movie" Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix "drama" Equus, "the film" December Boys "
Emma Watson
Description: Emma Watson (Emma Watson) as in "Harry Potter" in play "little witch Hermione," a global youth icon! Emma Watson (Emma Watson) "Hermione" role she enjoys popular support, in fact, her childhood love of drama and performance is a little girl. Emma Watson (Emma Watson) in the school's theater show, play a lead role on the total, including "Arthur: youth" (Arthur: The Young Years) and "The Happy Prince" (The Happy Prince). Meanwhile, Emma Watson (Emma Watson) also participated in many other school activities, such as 戴茜普莱特 poetry contest and won first place in the age group, when she was seven. "Harry Potter" movie small enough for the role Hermione Emma Watson (Emma Watson) to soar, and even some people think that in real life she must have a full head of brown hair. But for her, the film is just part of life, in his spare time, Emma Watson (Emma Watson), or stick to their hobby, hockey and debate. Emma Watson (Emma Watson) to continue to handle their studies while filming, she is also a keen ice hockey, netball, tennis and running circle game, and is an outstanding athlete. Emma Watson (Emma Watson), or digital art scholars, in the most beautiful studio which has the most creative dressing rooms. Her other hobbies include friends and family gatherings, travel, dancing (street jazz, hip-hop, salsa and her role in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" in the ballroom dance) and singing. File: Full Name: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson Date of Birth: April 15, 1990, Oxford City Constellation: Aries Height: 172cm or more Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Brown