Most confliction comes from misunderstanding
Abbreviations are more and more adopted in common life, such as,“FB” stand for corruption, “JP” stand for the most superior level,“LG”stand for husband, “LP” stand for wife, and still there aremany other types of abbreviations which were popular used. In thisway, it largely simplifies the way of communication. However onlyfew letters will also ignore some important message, and furthermore, it will also be easy to lead to misunderstanding.
One day morning, I said hello to one of my good colleague byOCS. I just wrote “GM” to him, he replied me with “MD”. I ask himwhat is the meaning of MD, he told me MD means“Managing Director”, I thought he obviously misunderstood what GMmeaned here, I told him, GM standed for good morning. After that,we just had a free talk. Suddenly I found one abbreviation word SBwas used to describe me by my colleague. My initial response tothis word stand for a very very insult & impudentmeaning, I was immediately fling into a rage and all the good moodin the morning disappeared at all. I cut off the line immediate andengaged my entire mind to work which was also in order to forget mybad emotion. My colleague gave a phone to me quickly just wanted toexplain something, all of it was rejected, and I got too angry andthought why I know him. My colleague felt something strange andfinally he went to my desk and asked whether I was out of mind,because he was puzzled by my indescribable behavior. I told him andoffended,” I agree I am out of mind and also I agree with you thatI am a SB, I think you will by happy by this way”. My colleaguelaughed loudly and thought it was really absurd. He told me SB wasthe abbreviation of SomeBody. Recognizing I was wrong and all myangry vanished completely. I just reminded that he had been usingthose words before. I affirm my self I misunderstand others thistime.
From this small case, I couldn't help thinking of those terriblestories happened in my former life, even though Buddhist have asentence which I think it is important, ” the past mind can not behold in mind always”. I still cannot remember how many times we arein serious confliction just because of a misunderstanding, howstupid and narrow mind I am during at that time. In some cases weforgive each other later, but in some other cases many good friendsjust go with their own way and despite that some misunderstandinglead to an unsmooth of communication. When you want to explain butit has already been too late.
Confucius always advice us the guys should be sealing his lipsand careful of the action. But when we face with the contradictionand fighting, can we let go of ourselves and confirm if thisconfliction just comes from misunderstanding? Only when the guyspay attention to their own behavior and self-cultivation then wecan do something as good as water during the communication withothers.