I often stumple upon the confusion between icon andlogo design. While logos may use the same visual vocabulary asicons, let there be no doubt; Icons and Logos are two completelyseparate design disciplines requiring different tools and differentmindsets.
The gap between the designersvocabularyand theclientsknowhowcan cause someproblematic confusions. To alleviate this lets look at what an iconis, what a logo is and how these two things could come to beconfused.
WHAT’S AN ICON?/什么是图标?
Apart from any religious denotations an icon is a graphicalrepresentation of a concept or operation. We use icons to bridgethe understanding of abstract analogies and practical use. Iconscan be used to illustrate an entire application or individualoperations within that application. In short, icons help usunderstand and recognize concepts that might otherwise be prettyhard to grasp.
I could write a very long article about the whimsical nature oficon conventions and the semiotics that guide these, but in thiscase it’s more relevant to look at the technical differences thatis so fundamental for icon design and how these differ from logodesign.
More than often, icons are not scalable. The very idea of icons areto best convey a given message within a predetermined confinedvisual space. In today’s iconcentric interfaces we allow formultiple variations of the same icon. The icons that are sitting inyour dock most likely have atleast 5 different states embedded,making them appear crisp in all aspects of your interaction withthem. List view in OSX gives you the 16×16 pixel version while thedock uses the 256×256 pixel adaptation. These are not scalablevector versions, they are handcrafted raster masterpieces. Thecreator must carefully select how to best take advantage of thecanvas in any given size and more than often completely recreatethe icon in those sizes.
My manilla mail icon in it’s various states.Note the different layout of the elements in the smaller sizes.
Icons operate within a complete square canvas. How you choose toemploy that canvas is up to you, but it’s restricted to thatstraight edged space.
Icons are created on a neatly defined andrestricted canvas
So that’s it. Icons are not scalable, they’re handcrafted rasterimagery born from the desire to objectify an operation or a conceptwithin a confined visual space. How does this differ from alogo?
WHAT’S A LOGO?/标志是什么
A logo is a graphical element like an ideogram and/or a carefullyarranged typeface that together forms a trademark or a brand.There’s an infinite amount of ways to think about logos and logodesign. Again, the important thing here is to look at the technicaldifferences from icon design.
A logo should be completely scalable. A logo is the spearhead of acompany’s commercial brand or any economic or non profit entity forthat matter. Therefore a logo should be replicatable across manyforms of media. This has great impact on the sort of mindset youneed to bring when designing logos. We’re talking strictlyvectorbased output and more than often, graceful degeneration ofcolours all the way down to uni colours.
Logos are supposed to be scalable.
Well in theory a logo could be anything. Other than the obviousbenefits of working in a format that is easily scalable andreplicatable there really is very little rules compared to icondesign. Icon design is very influenced by technical dimensions andthe restrictions of the systems that display them. Logo design is acompletely different venue. A logo could be any shape, colour ordimension – it can be waved from a 100 feet banner or tattooed on abutt cheek. It’s only constraint is that of the physical media thatwill display it.
Icons have taken a very prominent role in modern interfaces. Thishas obviously spilled over to the realm of branding where manyicons serve both as application icon and branding for thatentity.
Panic creates excellent software and uses theirapplication icons as product branding
This wave of iconism™ (yes, I just invented that for this purpose)has influenced many graphic designers and a lot of the appealingaspects of the cartoony and crafty iconized style has made it’s wayto modern logo design trends. Infact this style has become theposterchild for the web 2.0 movement, and such many internetbasedfirms have logos that uses the same visual vocabulary as icons.
这“iconism™(是的,我刚刚发明,为了这个目的)运动已经影响了许多图形的设计者,并且这种模糊的crafty iconized风格使它发展成现代标志设计的新趋势。事实上这种风格在web2.0的运动中就有了苗头,像很多以互联网的企业标识使用图标来表达相同视觉含义。
Logos inspired by an Iconistic style
And while logos can certainly employ an icon-like style, and evenmimic the quadratic nature of icons. Let there be no doubt, Iconsand Logos are two completely separate design disciplines. It’simportant to know the difference between these two things, as theyinheretly seek out to fulfil two very different goals, bothtechnically and mentally.
Below I’ve included a PSD template that supplies you with thecanvas in the correct dimensions for making your own icons. If youwanna talk icon or logo designthrowme an emailor just have a look atmyservices page.
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