oracle中的select语句可以用START WITH...CONNECT BY PRIOR子句实现递归查询,connect by 是结构化查询中用到的,其基本语法是:
select ... from <TableName>
where <Conditional-1>
start with <Conditional-2>
connect by <Conditional-3>
500)this.width=500;" border="0">
create table t2(

root_id number,
id number,
name varchar(5),
description varchar(10)
insert into t2(root_id,id,name,description) values(0,1,'a','aaa');
insert into t2(root_id,id,name,description) values(1,2,'a1','aaa1');
insert into t2(root_id,id,name,description) values(1,3,'a2','aaa2');
insert into t2(root_id,id,name,description) values(0,4,'b','bbb');
insert into t2(root_id,id,name,description) values(4,5,'b1','bbb1');
insert into t2(root_id,id,name,description) values(4,6,'b2','bbb2');
select * from t2 start with root_id = 0 connect by prior id = root_id;
500)this.width=500;" border="0">
select * from t2 start with id = 1 connect by prior id = root_id;
500)this.width=500;" border="0">
select * from t2 start with id = 4 connect by prior id = root_id;
500)this.width=500;" border="0">
如果connect by prior中的prior被省略,则查询将不进行深层递归。
select * from t2 start with root_id = 0 connect by id = root_id;
500)this.width=500;" border="0">
select * from t2 start with id = 1 connect by id = root_id;
500)this.width=500;" border="0">