考研英语词汇复习66 :agree、consent 、endorse approve o
agree、consent 、endorse
approve of 、 subscribe to
consent 、approval 、consensus
agree “同意”、“赞成” 普通用词,指对某事与他人有相同的见解和看法。常见结构是:
agree to …… (同意);
agree with …… (赞同);
agree on/upon …… (在……取得一致意见)。
1) I thought it was a reasonable proposal, but he didn’t agree (to it).
2) We cannot agree with the alternations and amendments to the contract.
3) Since we have agreed upon the details, let’s put the program into practice.
consent “同意”、“赞同”,指带有一定阻力或困难的赞同,而且常有居高临下的允诺之意。常见结构是:
consent to sh.; consent to sb.’s doing sth.
1) The owner wouldn’t consent to our making any structural changes in the flat while we live in it.
2) Mary’s father reluctantly consented to her marrying a foreigner.
endorse 也可表示“赞同”、“认可”、“支持”、“拥护”的意思。
1)Most committee member endorse / agree to the program he set forth at the meeting.
2) Google does not endorse or encourage the use of ad code rotation.
3) I hope you can prevail on him to endorse the proposal at the meeting.
approve of
subscribe to
approve of “同意”、“赞同”。approve 作及物动词意为“批准”,作不及物动词接介词of意为“赞同”。
1) Nowadays, there are many older people who do not approve of young people wearing long hairs.
2) Personally, I entirely approve of the plan. The college has been needing a new library for years.
(就我个人而言,我完全赞成这个计划。 多年来学校早就需要一个新的图书馆了。)
subscribe to “同意”、“赞同”,指完全同意某一已成定局或大势所趋的事,多指带有某种民众性倾向的赞同意见。
1) The public opinion poll proves that the voters subscribe to the government’s new policy.
2) Do you subscribe to his optimistic view of the state of the economy?
consent 和 approval 为名词,“同意”、“赞同”。consensus “一致赞同”,相当于unanimous approval。
1) I can’t conceive of how you managed to get his consent to your leaving the present post. (我不能想像你怎么会让他同意你离开目前的职位呢。)
2) It never occurred to her that her parents would refuse their consent to her studying abroad.
3) The manager gave a cautious approval to the idea of the administrative reform in the company. (经理谨慎地认可了公司行政改革的思路。)
4) In the party assembly, his proposal was accepted with unanimous approval.
5) There is now a consensus that new tools are requried to regualte the financial sector and prevent such crisis in the future.
6) There can be wide differences of opinion on separate issues within a broad consensus.

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