1. "Nicholas and Alexandra," by Robert K. Massie
《尼古拉与亚历山德拉》,作者:Robert K. Massie
This doomed pair found true love in one another but history did not allow its course to run smooth. The story of Nicholas, the last of the Russian czars, and Alexandra, his beloved wife and mother of his five children, was told movingly by historian Robert K. Massie in this highly popular 1967 biography, which was also adapted to a 1971 film.
这对命中注定的情人彼此倾心,但命运却让他们的情路坎坷不平。俄国最后一个沙皇尼古拉大帝与其心爱的妻子,五个孩子的母亲亚历山德拉的爱情故事在史学家Robert K. Massie这本1967年的畅销传记中被讲的缠绵悱恻,并在1971年被翻拍成电影。
2. "We Two," by Gillian Gill
《我们俩》,作者:Gillian Gill
Generally seen as one of history's most powerful and happily married couples, Queen Victoria and her consort Prince Albert enjoyed 20 years of marriage. Gill's book about their union is subtitled "Victoria and Albert: Rulers, Partners, Rivals," and her biography delivers a perceptive view of the husband and wife team that she labels "a forerunner of today's power couple."
3. "The Commoner," by John Burnham Schwartz

《布衣》,作者:John Burnham Schwartz
Based on the lives of the current empress and crown princess of Japan, John Burnham Schwartz's novel blurs fact and fiction to imagine the challenges of the first commoner ever to marry into Japan's royal family. Monitor reviewerYvonne Zipp called this novel "a compassionate portrayal" of "a stifled, unhappy" life.
取材于现任日本天皇及皇后的生活,这本John Burnham Schwartz的小说模糊了现实与幻想,书中他描写了一个世上首位加入日本皇室的平民女性的故事。箴言报书评家Yvonne Zipp将这部小说称为对一个“窒息且不幸”人生的“同情写照”。
4. "Marie Antoinette: The Journey," by Antonia Fraser
《玛丽皇后:旅程》作者:Antonia Fraser
She was only 14 and he was a very awkward 16. When Marie Antoinette wed Louis XVI there was nothing fairy tale about their romance. Intended principally to strengthen the Austrian-French alliance, the marriage took more than six years to consummate. Antonia Fraser's highly readable biography of Marie Antoinette is a tragedy rather than a romance but it remains a compelling story.
当玛丽·安托瓦内特嫁给路易十六世的时候,她只有14岁,而他则是个怪怪的16岁少年,两人并没有什么童话般的爱情故事。这段婚后六年才圆房的婚姻本来就是为了加强奥地利与法国的联盟而设。这本Antonia Fraser撰写的传记非常具可读性,虽然更多的是一个爱情故事,但依然非常引人入胜。
5. "Antony and Cleopatra," by Colleen McCullough
《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》作者:Colleen McCullough
No list of famous – or infamous – royal romances would be complete without the story of Cleopatra. "Thornbirds" author Colleen McCullough was brave enough to follow in the footsteps of Shakespeare with her lively retelling of the tragic romance between Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile, and Roman scion Mark Antony.
谈到皇室罗曼史,不管是台面上的还是台面下的,都避不开埃及艳后的故事。《荆棘鸟》的作者Colleen McCullough勇敢地挑战了莎士比亚的前作,栩栩如生地再次讲述了尼罗河女王埃及艳后与罗马名门之后安东尼之间的爱情故事。
6. "The Six Wives of Henry VIII," by Alison Weir
《亨利八世和他的六个太太》作者:Alison Weir
Each one is a fascinating story in its own right. Bestselling author Alison Weir does an excellent job of weaving all six together in this detailed accounting of the many marriages of Tudor monarch King Henry VIII.
每个太太都有着引人入胜的故事,而畅销书作家Alison Weir则将亨利八世的八个太太的故事完美的组合在了一起。
7. "Beneath a Marble Sky," by John Shors
《大理石天空下》作者:Johan Shors
Seventeenth-century Hindustan is the backdrop to one of the grandest of royal love stories, that of the marriage of emperor Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal, the wife for whom he built the Taj Mahal. Shors' historic novel is told from the point of view of their daughter.
8. "Freddy and Fredericka," by Mark Helprin
《弗雷迪和弗雷德里卡》作者:Mark Helprin
This thinly veiled satire of the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana may not have much historic veracity (Helprin sends the oddly matched couple on a secret mission to conquer the United States) but it offers many more laughs than the actual royal union which inspired it.
9. "The Princess of Cleves," by Madame de LaFayette
This 17th-century novel tells the story of the young Princess of Cleves, living in the court of Henry II of France, but sadly unable to love her husband. She is attracted instead to the dashing Duc de Nemours. Except for the heroine, almost all the characters in this meticulously created novel are actual figures from 16th-century France.
10. "William and Kate: A Royal Love Story," by Christopher Andersen
《威廉与凯特:一个皇家爱情故事》作者:Christopher Andersen
Bestselling author Christopher Andersen tells the story of the courtship of British royal Prince William and Kate Middleton, the solidly middle-class young woman who will now become his bride. Andersen also does his best to look into the future, speculating on the kind of couple that William and Kate will become。
畅销书作家Christopher Andersen在此书中讲述了英国王子威廉与中产家庭少女凯特的爱情故事。Andersen也同时预测了,详细描述了威廉凯特夫妇在婚后将如何相处。