
埃里卡·穆尼奥斯 4 Apr 2013

周围有今天这么多的方法,我们可以用它来打印图片。 Thoughthe majority of them are quicker and more efficient, some of usfind fullness, tranquility, and artistic expression in the ancientart of hand printing that is unmatched by any othermedia.虽然大部分人都更快,更有效率,我们中的一些发现丰满,宁静,和艺术表现古代艺术手工印刷是无法比拟的任何其他媒介的。Withthis tutorial, you'll learn the technique for carving and printingyour very ownwoodblock.有了这个教程中,您将学习的技术雕刻和印刷你自己的木版。


You mayalso need sharpening tools for your carvinggouges.您可能还需要为您的雕刻泥锐化工具。 Such tools include a strip of tooling leather, aSlipstrop, or a sharpeningstone.这样的工具包括工具皮革,Slipstrop或磨石的条带。 To sharpen your knives, follow the instructionsincluded with the tool or do a search for "how to sharpen a gougeknife".为了提高你的刀,跟着附带的工具的说明,或做搜索“如何削泥刀”。

1. Draw Your Image1,画出你的形象


Sketchyour design on a piece of plain white paper using leadpencil.素描使用铅笔一张普通白纸你的设计。


Ifyou're not into drawing an original design, you could print animage from the computer and cover the areas you want to print inlead pencil.如果你不进画一个原始的设计,你可以从电脑上打印图像,并覆盖你想在铅笔打印的区域。Ifyou're using an image that is not your own, make sure you have therights to use it.如果您使用的是形象,是不是你自己的,请确保您有使用它的权利。

Try outsome images from photodune or graphicriver.尝试从一些图像photodune或graphicriver 。 I bought this image from photodune and used it asa reference while I free-handed it inpencil.我买了这个形象从photodune,并用它作为参考,而我在铅笔的自由交给了。Again, even if you are purchasing an image, youneed to read the fine print and make sure you are using itlegally.同样,即使你购买一个形象,你需要阅读印刷精美,并确保你在法律上使用它。



Turnyour drawing face down onto the wood you want tocarve.打开您的绘图面朝下到要雕刻的木材。 Take your burnisher or bone fold and firmly rubthe back of the drawing.把你磨光或骨折,坚决擦图纸的背面。Thepencil will transfer to the wood.铅笔将转移到木材。


Go over the illustration with a pen so it'seasier to see.走在说明用钢笔,以便更容易看到



Placeyour wood on top of the rubber mat so that it doesn'tslip.广场上的橡胶垫的顶你的木材,使其不滑。

Begin tocarve out your design.开始能开出你的设计。

Here aresome pointers to follow:下面是一些指针遵循:


Use the U-shaped gouges to carve with the grainof the wood.用U形泥雕与木纹。


Use the small U-shaped gouge to carvedetail.用小U形泥雕细节


Do notcut straight down into the wood.不要削减直降入木。If youdo, your carving will be weak and breakapart.如果你这样做,你的雕刻将是疲弱,掰开。 Cut at a shallow angle.切以小角度。

If you are having trouble getting a clean cut,you may need to sharpen yourknives.如果您有麻烦得到一个干净的切割,您可能需要提高你的刀。


Work the ink with your putty knife until the inkis mixed and smooth.您的油灰刀的工作,直到墨水墨水混合,光滑。


Make aneven line of ink with the putty knife and use your rubber brayer toroll out an even surface ofink.做一个偶数行墨与油灰刀,并用你的橡胶BRAYER推出油墨的表面均匀。

If youhave the right amount of ink, you will hear a quiet hissing soundwhile rolling thebrayer.如果您有墨水的正确,你会听到一个安静的嘶嘶声,同时滚动BRAYER。If youhave too much ink, the hissing will be louder and sound more likeVelcro.如果你有太多的笔墨,嘶嘶声会响亮,听起来更像魔术贴。 If this happens, scoop up all the ink with theputty knife and try again with lessink.如果发生这种情况,舀起所有墨水用油灰刀,然后再试一次使用较少的墨水。


Roll thebrayer onto the block moving from all fourdirections.滚动布雷尔到块从四个方向移动。 Each time you roll the ink on, you will have to"charge" the brayer by rolling more ink ontoit.每当你滚墨,你将不得不“充电”的布雷尔滚动更多的墨水在其上。 You do not need to push down on to the block wheninking it.您不必着墨,当它向下推至块。 Just roll the ink along the surface and make sureit is evenly covered.刚刚推出沿表面的油墨,并确保它是均匀覆盖。


At thispoint, you might see some areas that are picking up ink that youdon't like.在这一点上,你可能会看到那些头蘸墨,你不喜欢的部分地区。 This is the time to fix it with additionalcarving.这是额外的雕刻修复的时间。 If you do this, wash your brayer and glass withwater before the inkdries.如果你这样做,在墨水干燥之前用清水洗净你的布雷尔和玻璃。



Once youthink you've got the image carved the way you like, it's time toprint.一旦你认为你已经得到了图像刻你喜欢的方式,它的时间来进行打印。

Cut yourpaper to the preferred size.削减你的纸的首选大小。 If you're planning on framing the piece, keepstandard frame sizes in mind.如果你打算在取景片,保持标准帧大小的初衷。Otherthan that, you can make the paper size whatever youwant.除此之外,你可以使纸张大小任何你想要的。

If youare just starting out, it might be wise to cut out some practicepaper if you don't want to waste the goodstuff.如果你是刚刚起步的,它可能是明智的,切出一些练习纸,如果你不想浪费好东西。Newsprint or printer paper can be good forthis.新闻纸或打印纸可以是很好的。 Just remember that the print may look differentdepending on the paper youuse.只要记住,打印可能看起来不同,具体取决于您使用的纸张。


Apply aline of ink, roll it out with the brayer, and ink your block asdemonstrated in Step 4 (proofing yourblock).应用线条的墨水,滚出来的布雷尔,和你的墨块作为表现在第4步(校对你的块)。


Onceyour carving is coated with ink, carefully place your paper facedown onto the block.一旦你的雕刻涂有墨水,小心地将您的纸张正面向下放到块。If youare using Kozo paper, the face side is bumpy and the back side issmooth.如果您使用的是康藏纸,脸一边是坎坷和背面是光滑的。


Startingfrom the centre, lightly press down on the back of the paper withthe bottom of your ricespoon.从中心开始,轻轻地向下压在纸的背面与你的饭匙的底部。 Be very careful to keep your paper from slidingaround.要非常小心,以保持纸张的左右滑动。 Professional printers would normally use abaren for this and it is great to get even pressure over thewhole block, but a rice spoon or some other flat, smooth surfaceworks just fine.专业打印机通常会使用一个巴伦,这和它是伟大的得到均匀的压力在整个块,而是一个饭匙或其他平坦的表面上工作得很好。


Doanother pass with the rice spoon, starting from the centre again,but press a little harder.做一套合格的饭匙,从中心再次启动,但按有点困难。Keeprubbing the entire image.保持摩擦整个图像。 You will start to see the ink show through thepaper.你将开始看到墨水显示通过纸张。 Don't try to make the process faster by rubbinghard.不要试图让这个过程更快地通过摩擦硬。 You might make your print blurry or even rip thepaper.你可能会让您的打印模糊,甚至撕裂的纸。


Slowlylift the paper from the block.慢慢地从块提起纸张。 Make sure your hands areclean!请确保您的手是干净的! Afterall that work, I'm sure you don't want to see anyfingerprints.毕竟这项工作,我敢肯定,你不希望看到任何指纹。



Yourprint is complete.打印完成。 Lay itout or hang it to dry.悠悠地出或挂起晾干。

你可能需要再次进行更改的块,这就是完全没关系! Justmake sure your block is dry so your knife does not slip whilecarving.只要确保你的模块是这么干的,而雕刻你的刀不打滑。

Is yourprint too blotchy?为您的打印过污点? Print again with less ink on theblock.与块较少的墨水再次打印。 Is your print too light?为您的打印太轻?Roll onmore ink.滚上更多的墨水。 If you are going to print multiples, you shouldkeep count of how many times you rolled ink onto yourblock.如果你要打印的倍数,你应该保持多少次,你滚墨计数到您的块。 Youcould even write that number on the back of the block to rememberfor future printing.你甚至可以写在块的后面,这个数字要记住未来的印刷。


Clean upwith water.清理水。 Since you used water-based ink, you don't need touse any cleaning products.由于您使用的水性油墨,不需要使用任何清洁产品。Just tryto use as little water as possible to not bewasteful.刚刚尝试使用尽可能少的水尽量避免浪费。 You don't have to clean the woodblock, but if youwant to, you can use a little water and lightly scrub with a softbrush or cloth.您不必清洗木版,但如果你愿意,你可以用一点水,轻轻擦洗用软毛刷或布。Be careful, though, not to scrape or scratch thesurface.要小心,虽然,没有擦伤或划伤表面。


干得好! Now thatyou've got it down, keep going.现在你已经得到了下来,坚持下去。The moreyou carve, the better you will get.你刻的越多,就越会得到。You caneven get experimental and use other tools like screwdrivers ordremel tips to work the surface of thewood.你甚至可以得到实验和使用其他工具,如螺丝刀或DREMEL提示工作的木材表面。Tryprinting on fabric or other types ofpaper.尝试打印在织物上或其他类型的纸张。 Both the block and the prints can be given asgifts, or you can even construct a library of stamps for your ownprinting lab.这两个块和版画可以作为礼品,或者你甚至可以构造邮票库为自己的印刷实验室。

Have youmade woodblock prints before?你以前做版画? What was your experiencelike?什么是你的经历是怎样的? Any tips or questions?任何提示或问题?Let usknow in the comments section below!让我们知道在下面留言!


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国学传统文化:中秋节和吃月饼的来历(图)中秋节起源于帝王祭月;月饼的命名和吃月饼起源于朱元璋。----- 诸葛长青马上就是农历八月十五“中秋”节了。今天的人们越来越重视这个节日了。为传承民族文化,增强民族凝聚力,中秋节从2008年






 他曾放弃在美国创办的公司,以普通程序员身份加入微软,不到十年就晋升为微软中国公司总裁,两年后跳槽到盛大公司担任总裁并推进赴美国纳斯达克上市,四年后以10亿元人民币的“转会费”加入新华都,成为人们眼中的“打工皇帝”。   新华


人物名片:周建海,男,32岁,温州新桥“代理家族”的当家人。鳄鱼、袋鼠、李宁、老人头、东艺、捷路、跳跳鱼等品牌的代理商。格言:用人格代理品牌,用智慧经营人生。   在温州新桥,周建海小有名气。初见周建海,他那印制精美的“代理家族”当
