成都市工商局 外商投资企业名称预先核准程序
Prior Approval of the Name ofForeign-Invested Enterprise
一、项目概述 Project Overview
. Projectname: Prior approval of the name of foreign-investedenterprise
Service Window: Windowof Chengdu Administration for Industry & Commerce withinChengdu Municipal Government Affairs Service Center
Time Limit: 0 workingday (the applicants should provide a duplicate checking report onenterprise name)
4、收费标准:不收费Charging standard:Free of charge
5、窗口电话:86917515Service Telephone: 86917515
6、投诉电话:86924837、86921930Complaints Telephone: 86924837, 86921930
二、法定依据. Legal Basis
Provisions on theAdministration of Enterprise Name Registration;
Measures for theImplementation of Administration of Enterprise NameRegistration;
3、《企业登记程序规定》Regulations on the Proceduresof Enterprise Registration
三、办理程序. Handling Procedures
Step 1:The applicant shall submit relevant application materials to theservice window of Chengdu Administration for Industry &Commerce within Chengdu Municipal Government Affairs ServiceCenter. If the materials pass the preliminary examination by thereviewer, an Acceptance Notice or Receipt of Application Materialswill be issued; if they don’t comply with the acceptanceconditions, all materials to be supplemented shall be declared tothe applicant on the spot or within 5 working days (a notice shallbe issued).
Step 2: Ifthe application materials provided by the applicant are completeand compliant with the legal form, a decision on whether to approvethe registration may be made on the spot.
Step 3:Within the time limit, the applicant may receive its Notice onPrior Approval of the Name of Foreign-Invested Enterprise at theforeign-invested registration window via the AcceptanceNotice.
四、申请材料. Application Materials
Application for Prior Approval of the Name ofForeign-Invested Enterprise signed by all investors;
2、全体投资人的资格证明复印件;Copies of qualification certificates of allinvestors;
注 :1、《外商投资企业名称预先核准申请书》可以登录成都市政务服务中心网址:http://www.cdzw.gov.cn成都市工商行政管理局网址:http://www.cdgs.gov.cn下载或者到工商行政管理机关领取;
Note: 1.Application for Prior Approval of the Name of Foreign-InvestedEnterprise could be downloaded from the official website of ChengduMunicipal Government Affairs Service Center(http://www.cdzw.gov.cn) or from that of Chengdu Administration forIndustry & Commerce (http://www.cdgs.gov.cn), or obtained fromindustry & commerce administration authorities.
Application and othermaterials submitted should be made with A4-size papers. If nocopies indicated in the aforementioned are to be submitted,originals shall be submitted; when copy is submitted, it should bemarked with ‘consistent with the original’ and signed and stampedby the investor or stamped or signed by the designatedrepresentative or authorized agent.
If thedocuments mentioned above are written in a foreign language, theChinese translation version shall be submitted, and stamped by therelated translation company.
It’s required to make sure if the enterprise name(trade name) applied for prior approval is repeated in the sameindustry, or complies with the requirements of Articles 6, 7 and 8of Provisions on Administration of Enterprise NameRegistration.
Application for useof “China”, “Chinese”, “National”or “International”, etc, in the name for prior approval shall bedecided by the State Council.
Application for use of the word (“China”) in the name for prior approval shall comply withthe following conditions: a wholly foreign-owned enterprise orforeign holding enterprise; use the trade name of foreign-investedenterprise; meet the condition “without administrativeregion”.
Application forapproval of enterprise name without administrative region shall bein conformity with Article 13 of Measures for Implementation ofAdministration of Enterprise Name Registration.
Application for priorapproval without using expression of national economy industrycategory shall meet the requirement of Article 18 of Measures forImplementation of Administration of Enterprise NameRegistration.
The industryexpression in enterprise name applied for prior approval shallreflect its main business scope, and the enterprise name shall notexpress or imply the business beyond its business scope.
The Noticeon Prior Approval of Name is valid for 6 months, and the approvedname shall automatically become invalid in case it is notregistered or used as of the date of expiry.