物理学家找到了宇宙大爆炸之前宇宙就存在的第一个证据 图集
Have we found the universe that existed before the BigBang?
The current cosmological consensus is that the universe began13.7 billion years ago with the Big Bang.
But a legendary physicist sayshe's found the first evidence of an eternal, cycliccosmos.
The BigBang model holds that everything that now comprises the universewas once concentrated in a single point of near-infinitedensity.
Before this singularity explodedand the universe began, there was absolutely nothing - indeed, it'snot clear whether one can even use the term "before" in referenceto a pre-Big-Bang cosmos, as time itself may not have existedyet.
在此之前,爆炸和宇宙的奇点开始,但绝对没有 -事实上,现在还不清楚是否甚至可以用“前”的提法预先大爆炸宇宙随着时间的本身可能不会存在呢,。
In thecurrent model, the universe began with the Big Bang, underwentcosmic inflation for a fraction of a second, then settled into themuch more gradual expansion that is still going on, and likely willend with the universe as an infinitely expanded, featurelesscosmos.
Sir RogerPenrose, one of the most renowned physicists of the last fiftyyears, takes issue with this view.
He points out that the universewas apparently born in a very low state of entropy, meaning a veryhigh degree of order initially existed, and this is what made thecomplex matter we see all around us (and are composed of) possiblein the first place.
His objection is that the BigBang model can't explain why such a low entropy state existed, andhe believes he has a solution - that the universe is just one ofmany in a cyclical chain, with each Big Bang starting up a newuniverse in place of the one before.
他的反对意见是,大爆炸模型无法解释为什么这么低熵状态存在,他相信他有一个解决方案 -这只是宇宙中的许多人周期性链与各大启动一个新的宇宙爆炸,在之前的一个地方。这是如何帮助?
Well, Penroseposits the end of each universe will involve a return to lowentropy.
This isbecause black holes suck in all the matter, energy, and informationthey encounter, which works to remove entropy from ouruniverse.
(Where that entropy might go isanother question entirely.) The universe's continued expansion intoeventual nothingness causes the black holes themselves toevaporate, which ultimately leaves the universe in a highly orderedstate once again, ready to contract into another singularity andset off the next Big Bang.
Asalternative theories go, it's not without its merits, but there'sno evidence to support it...until now.
He says he's found evidence forhis ideas in the cosmic microwave background, the microwaveradiation that permeates the universe and was thought to haveformed 300,000 years after the Big Bang, providing a record of theuniverse at that far distant time.
Penrose andhis colleague Vahe Gurzadyan have discovered clear concentriccircles within the data, which suggests regions of the radiationhave much smaller temperature ranges thanelsewhere.彭罗斯和他的同事们已经发现VaheGurzadyan内的数据,这表明该地区有辐射比其他地方更小的温度范围内清晰的同心圆。
So whatdoes that mean?
Penrose believes these circlesare windows into the previous universe, spherical ripples leftbehind by the gravitational effects of colliding black holes in theprevious universe.
He also says these circles don'twork well at all in the current inflationary model, which holds alltemperature variations in the CMB should be trulyrandom.
Here'swhere the fun begins.
If the circles are really thereand are really doing what Penrose says they're doing, then he'smanaged to overthrow the standard inflationarymodel.
But there's a long way to gobetween where we are now and that point, assuming it everhappens.
Theinflationary model has become the consensus for a good reason -it's the best explanation we've got for the universe we have now -and so cosmologists will examine any results that appear todisprove it very critically.
膨胀宇宙模型已经成为一个很好的理由共识 - 这是最好的解释我们的宇宙有我们现在 -等宇宙学家将审查结果出现任何反驳很严重。
There arealso a couple key assumptions in Penrose's theory, particularlythat all particles will lose their mass towards the end of theuniverse.
Right now,we don't know whether that will actually happen - in particular,there's no proof that electrons ever decay.
现在,我们不知道这是否会成为现实 - 尤其是,没有永远的电子衰减证明。
[via arXiv]
Shutterstock image by Kim D. French
Send an email to Alasdair Wilkins, the author of this post, atalasdair@io9.com.
以宇宙膨胀为前提的宇宙模型。哈勃定律的发现有力支持了比利时天文学家勒梅特(G eorges
Edouard Lemaitre ' 1884-19 66 ) 19 27年关于宇宙膨胀的预言。现代宇宙模型除爱囚斯坦和德西特
柳illem de sitter , 1872 -19 34 )的静态模型外,都属膨胀宇宙模型。