Bad news traels quickly.And when it arrives ,we have to find a way to deal with it.If ourhusbands tell us they've moved on ,we look for project to distractus.If the bill start to stack up,we find ways to earn extra cash.Ifwe were told a secret too terrible to share ,we learn to keep it toourselves.But we must remember the bad news that's delivered,cansometimes be good news in disguise.
There are certain kind ofpain that can't be treated in those who are sufferingdo what they can to heal themselves.Some cure the ache ofloneliness by making new friends.Some soothe their excruciatingtheir guilt with an infusion of cash.Some alleviate their burningdesire with small acts of kindness.But sadly,there will always bethose who can't begin to heal ,because they realize there is morepain yet to come.
Happiness,it's somethingeveryone searches for.Some are sure they'll find it once they'vemoved back home.Some think they'll find it by making a newfriend.Some hope to find it once they defeated the competition.Thenther are those who stop searching for happiness,because they lookup one day to discover it was right ther in front of them all thetime.
It's called a purse ,andas every woman knows it can hold just about anything .From a bottlefor a baby to a check for a gift for a new friend.Whatever you find inside ,there's one thing you can be sure of.Every purse says something about the woman who owns it.Whether sheknow or not.
He knew what he was doingwas wrong.He knew it was very dangerous.He knew the risks if peoplefound out.But Paul·Young wanted to punish those who had betrayedhim.So.he had a plan that would set neighbor against neighbor andfriend against friend.And it was a plan that was going tosucceed.
The time comes when we allmust find out what were afraid of.Some of us fear"she may neverforgive me."Others worry "she might learn the truth."A few wonder"Could he send me away?"Yes .The world is a scary place.Its evenmore terrifying if we have to face it alone.
Humiliation.It's notalways something we can avoid.We may have wives who insult ourmasculiity.We may take jobs we feel are beneath us.We may have boyfriends who make us feel old.Yes,there are all sort of ways to behumiliated in life.But the surest way to get your dignity back isto get what you've waiting for.
Once a year,we remember tostop and count our blessings.We give thanks for the friends whounderstand us.The lovers who make us happy.The Children who do ourbidding.Yes ,we must be thankful for what we've been given even ifit's just an opportunity.

It's a question we all askourselves.Do I trust the people who live next door? Will thatcouple across the street be there when I need them? Can I count onthe woman who lives down the block? Yes ,good neighbors are peoplewe can rely on.But if we discover our neighbors can't betrusted.Then it may be time to move
It was just before sunriseon Wisteria Lane.You could no longer hear the screams of frightenedby standers.or the angry chanting of protestors.or the cries forhelp from the injured.There wre just the footsteps of a man who hadfinally punished those who had betrayed him.The silence was brokenby something the neighbors would later say sounded like a gunshot.But Paul knew it was the sound of revenge.
Something happened in thesuburbs last week.A man was shot outside his home.Detectives werecalled to investigates.And they soon learned this man hadenemies.Some he was not even aware of.
We passby these people everyday.But we never look at them.We don't wannasee the sadness in their expressions.the longing in theirhearts.the loneliness in their eyes.But there are times we shouldstop and look at those isolated people.Why?Well.if we look closeenough.We might just recognise them.
The world is filled withpeople who do ugly things.why do they act this way?some lie to keepfrom losing what they love.some lash out because they fear thefuture.some put up walls because they have regrets.Yes ,everyonehas a reason for the ugly things they do.and once they find outwhy. Then ,we can try to stop them.
We may think we've leftthe past behind.But it has a way of catching up to us.Though wewant to run away.we are forced to confront our past.and the secretsthat it buried must come into lights.And then,if we are strong .weare able to move on.Yes ,we all need to leave the past behind.Andmove on towards the future.And if we are lucky.We will have helpgetting there.
Leaving is never easy.Butthe time comes when we must move on.So we can leave our childhoodbehind.So we can let go of the past.So we can be a goodparent.Yes,leaving is never easy.Especially for those who havenowhere else to go.
Our lives are brief.That'swhy it's important to searching for meaning.We find it in ourdaughter's smile.In the wormth of our friends or the comfort of ourfaith.Then there are those who those make their lives meaningful bymaking a great sacrifice.
There comes a moment whenour lives change forever.The moment we admit our weaknesses.Themoment we rise to a challenge.The moment we accept a sacrifice orlet a loved one go.And sometimes...the change in our lives is ananswer to our prayers.
Yes,whenever we makemistakes.we need to apologize.And then we need to move on.We musttry to accept the changes in our lives.Or choose to trust an oldenemy.Or learn to stop fighting our children's battles.Butsometimes the pain we've caused is so great,there is no movingon.
Yes,the residents ofwisteria lane are nothing if not loyal.But there are times whenthat loyalty is put to the test.By the desire to help a strickenfriend.By the need to protect a long-buried secret.By the movementof two lives in opposite directions.And sometimes just as one testof loyalty ends.Another begins.
People do good deeds formany reasons.but sometimes good deeds have badconsequences.Correcting a colleague's mistake could breedresentment.Opening one's home to a friend can demage thatfriendship.Trying to bring a spouse closer might push her furtheraway.That's why there's an old expression about helping people.Nogood deed goes unpunished.
Yes,no matter who weare.we all experience moment of dread.When we ask ourselves,willanyone believe i'm innocent? Will my daughter be a child ofdivorce? Will this man break my hear? Are there things that go bumpin the night? And sometimes the answer is yes.
A sense of security it'ssomething we all search for.whether it's knowing we'redesired.taking control of our fears.or fiding the strength to dothe right thing.But the danger of a sense of security is that otmay prove to be false.
There are many things thatbind friends together.Sharing a laugh over an embarrassingincident.Comforting each other in times of need.Finding it in ourhearts to forgive.But the thing that binds friends together themost is a secret that changes everything.