别称: 山羊屎、色干子、色干根、留求子、仰光藤
学名 : Qiusqualis indica L.
英文名:Rangooncreeper Fruit
分类 : 使君子科、使君子属
图片/ 摄于新加坡HortPark
[性状] 果实椭圆形或卵圆形,具5条纵棱,偶有4~9棱,长2.5~4cm,直径约2cm。表面黑褐色至紫黑色,平滑,微具光泽。顶端狭长,基部钝圆,有明显圆形的果梗痕。质坚硬,横切面多于五角星状,棱角处壳较厚。种子长椭圆形或纺锤形,长约2cm,直径约1cm;表面棕褐色或黑褐色,有多数纵皱纹;种皮薄,易剥离;子叶2,黄白色,有油性,断面有裂纹。气微香,味微甜。
[化学成分] 含使君子氨酸(quisqualicacid)、葫芦巴碱(trigonelline)、Ⅰ-脯氨酸、Ⅰ-天冬素等。
[性味] 性温,味甘。
[功能主治] 杀虫消积。用于蛔虫病、蛲虫病、虫积腹痛、小儿疳积。
Called cocuisa in Dominican Republic. An extremely beautifulshrubby vine with pale-pink to deep crimson star shaped flowersthat are borne in tight clusters, covering the entire plant when infull bloom. It's scent is unforgettable and very hard to pin pointit's exact scent, but we would have to say' sweet, fruity andintoxicating! Grows best at temperatures above 40 degrees. Fairlyhardy, One of our favorites for fragrance! This is such a neattropical vine. The fragrant flowers are born in clusters and eachflower has many variations of color, depending on how old theflower is. The flower starts out white and or pink striped and turnsolid pink and finally dark pink on maturity. Leaves - opposite,oblong or obovate. Flowers - short, axillary and terminal droopingracemes, white first and then rosy or scarlet, with a narrow tube.Fruit; oblong, with sharp angles, glabrous, black. Flowers andfruits during May to September. It will die back in lowertemperatures but should come back in the spring. The most popularThai hybrid has double flowers.
Rangoon Creeper, Burma Creeper, Chinese Honeysuckle
Origin: Burma, Malay Peninsula, New Guinea, and the PhilippineIslands