
Ⅰ 单项选择

1.       the house onfire, he dialed 119. 

 A.To see    B.Seeing   C.Having seen    D.Being seen

2.I fell down and broke threeof my teeth. I wonder how many times I have to come here and get myfalse teeth         . 

 A.fix   B.fixing    C.fixed    D.to fix

3.We're         tolisten to her       voice. It's           to hear hersing.

 A.pleased; pleasing;pleasure  B.pleased; pleasant; a pleasure
 C.pleasing; pleased; a pleasure  D.pleasing; pleasant;pleasure

4.         a postoffice, I stopped        some stamps.   

 A. Passed, buying     B.Passing, to buy
 C. Having passed, buy  D. Pass, to buy

5.          with thesize of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high atall.                                       
 A. Comparing  B. To compare  C. Compared   D. Havingcompared

6.Here are some new computerprograms          for home buildings.
 A.designing    B.design    C.designed    D.to design

7.          a littlemoney, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp                                      
 A.To save    B.Saving    C.Saved    D.Having saved

8.The teacher came into theclassroom        by his students.     
 A.following  B.to be following  C.followed   D.havingfollowed.

9.With the money       , he couldn't buy any ticket.           A.to lose   B.losing    C.lost    D.has lost

10.There was so much noise inthe room that the speaker couldn't make himself         .                                          
 A.being heard    B.hearing    C.heard    D.hear

11.The result of the test wasrather     .                  
 A.disappointed  B.disappointing   C.being disappointed  D.disappoint

12.I've never heard the word        in spoken English.       
 A.use    B.used    C.using    D.useing

13.        how to dothe homework, I went to ask my teacher for help.
 A.Not to know   B.Not knowing  C.Knowing not   D.Notknown

14.Deeply        , Ithanked her again and again.             
 A.being moving    B.moved    C.moving    D.to be moved

15.With winter        on, it's time to buy warm clothes.       
 A.came    B.comes    C.come    D.coming

16.        the office,the foreign visitors were shown round the teaching uilding.                                       
 A.Having shown  B.Showing C.Has shown   D.Having been shown

17.He went from door to door,        waste papers and magazines.  
 A.gathering   B.gathered  C.gather    D.beinggathered

18.The student corrected hispaper carefully,        the professor's uggestions.                                        
 A.follow   B.following  C.followed  D.beingfollowed

19.The         pricewill save you one dollar for each dozen.      
 A.reduce    B.reducing    C.reduced    D.reduces

20.People        inthe city do not know the pleasure of country life.
 A.live    B.to live    C.lived    D.living

21.The foreigner tried hisbest, but he still couldn't make his point     .
 A.understand   B.understanding  C.to understand  D.understood

22.The scientists werewaiting to see the problem         .        
 A.settle    B.settled    C.to settle    D.settling

23.The library's study roomis full of students         for the exam.
 A.busily prepared  B.busy preparing
 C.busyly prepare   D.are busily preparing

24.The ground is      with         leaves.               
 A.covering, falling   B.covered, falling
 C.covered, fallen    D.covering, fallen

25.Lessons          easily were soon forgotten.               
 A.to learn    B.learn   C.learned      D.learning

26.The wallet       several days ago was found         in thedustbin outside thebuilding.                                     
 A.stolen, hidden   B.stealing, hiding
 C.stealing, hidden  D.stolen, hiding

27.A person         aforeign language must be able to use the foreign language          all about hisown.                           
 A.to learn, to forget  B.learning, to forget
 C.to learn, forgetting  D.learning,forgetting

28.   different kindsof pianos, the workers farther improved theirquality                                             
 A.To produce  B.Being produced  C.Produced   D.Havingproduced

29.The students in theuniversity are all taking courses       adegree.                                          
 A.coming to  B.going to   C.leading to     D.turning to

30.Many things        impossible in the past are very commontoday.   
 A.consider  B.considering  C.considered  D.beconsidered

31.        many times,he still couldn't understand.              
 A.Having been told  B.Having told  C.He having been told  D.telling

32.The old sick lady enteredthe hospital,        her two sons.       
 A.to support  B.supporting  C.supported by   D.havingsupported

33.China is one of thelargest countries in the world,         9.6 million square(平方)kilometres.                                       
 A.to cover    B.covered    C.covers    D.covering

34."We must keep a secret ofthe things           here", the general said,          at the man in charge of the imformationoffice.            
 A.discussed, stared seriously  B.being discussed, seriouslystaring
 C.to be discussed, seriously stared  D.discussed,stared

35.The visiting Ministerexpressed his satisfaction with the talks,         that hehad enjoyed his stay here.                            
 A.having added    B.to add    C.adding    D.added

36."Can you read?" Mary said         to the notice.             
 A.angrily pointing  B.and point angrily
 C.angrily pointed   D.and angrily pointing

37.          thecomposition, John handed it to the teacher and went out of theroom                                                
 A.Writing  B.Having written  C.Written    D.Beingwritten

38.Were you       when you saw that wild animal?                 
 A.fright    B.frightening    C.frightened    D.frighten

39.Properly          with numbers, the books can be easilyfound.    
 A.marked    B.mark    C.to mark    D.marking

40.The child sat in thedentist's chair        .                  
 A.tremble    B.trembling    C.trembled    D.to trembled

41.At this moment the bellrang         the end of class.            
 A.announce    B.announcing    C.announced    D.toannounce

42.He walked down the hills,       softly to himself.              
 A.sing    B.singing    C.sung    D.to sing

43.I had to shout to makemyself         above the noise.           
 A.heard    B.hearing    C.heard    D.to hear

44.The graduating studentsare busy        material for their reports.   
 A.collect    B.to collect    C.collected   D.collecting

45.The cars      inBeijing are as good as those       in Shanghai.                                          
 A.produce, produce    B.produced, produced
 C.produced, producing  D.producing, producing

46.When I came in, I saw Dr.Li          a patient.              
 A.examine    B.examining    C.to examine    D.examined

47.          asatisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness veryquickly.                                             
 A.Having been given  B.Having given  C.Giving    D.Beinggiven

48.        asatisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient wouldrecover from his illness verysoon.                                 
 A.Having been given B.Having given  C.Giving   D.Being given

49.He wrote a letter to me        that his trip to Japan had been put off because ofthe bad weather                                
 A.inform     B.informing  C.informed   D.being imformed

50.He reads newspapers everyday to keep himself         about what's going on in theworld.                                            
 A.inform    B.informing  C.informed   D.being informed 


1.She caught the student          (cheat) in exams.

2.When I got there, I foundhim        (repair) farm tools.

3.When I got there, I foundthe farm tools        . (repair)

4.Just then he heard someone        (call) for help.

5.He worked so hard that hegot his pay        . (raise)

6.The missing boys were lastseen         (play) near the river.

7.        (compare)with the old one, the new building looks more beautiful.

8.The workers had themachines        (run) all night long to finish the work ontime.

9.People in the south havetheir houses         (make of ) bamboo.

10.          (lose) inthought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. 


1.B  2.C  3.B  4.B  5.C  6.C 7.D  8.C  9.C 10.C  11.B 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D  21.D 22.B 23.B 24.C 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.D 29.C 30.C 31.A 32.C 33.D 34.B 35.C 36.A 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.B 41.B 42.B 43.C 44.D 45.B 46.B 47.A 48.B 49.B 50.C 

Ⅱ、1. cheating  2.repairing 3.repaired   4.calling
  5.raised   6.playing   7.compared   8.running
  9.made of   10.lost


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法语中现在分词与副动词的用法及区别 副动词和现在分词

主要区别;副动词用来修饰动词,现在分词用来修饰名词或代词;现在分词多用于书面语,口语中很少使用,而副动词可以用于口语。现在分词(le participe présent)构成:去掉直陈式第一人称复数的词尾-ons,另加-ant例如,faire : nous faisons→ fais


现在完成时专项练习一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Every student _________________ (see) the film already.2. Kent and I __________________ (write) a song before.3. Dick _______________ (do) the work these days.4. T

小结现在分词的用法 动词现在分词的用法

河北 砚田非谓语动词中的现在分词主要起形容词和副词的作用,在句中作定语、表语、补语或状语。一、现在分词的两个基本特点。1. 在时间上表示动作正在进行。例如: a developing country. 一个发展中的国家, boiling water 沸水, rising

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