移极 第七阶段安全地点1 皮肤瘙痒阶段性转移


然而别忘了看一下你的位置在 thePoleShift(极移)的时候是不是安全的!

第七阶段综述: http://zetatalk.com/7of10/7of10.htm

第七阶段序列: http://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/7-of-10-sequence




(5)南大西洋裂谷撕裂导致(6)非洲滚动和(7) 地中海海底下沉,
【移极】第七阶段安全地点(1) 皮肤瘙痒阶段性转移


(10) 接下来北大西洋裂谷的撕裂几乎立即发生导致欧洲海啸。

齐塔报告第七阶段序列视频: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDf9UHyFORg


引自: http://www.zetatalk2.com/info/tinfx341.htm



齐塔报告第七阶段印尼视频: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSJoWwslEtY

印尼海拔损失: http://www.zetatalk2.com/info/tinfx341.htm


第七阶段板块运动: http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx355.htm

ZetaTalk ChatQ&A for November 13, 2010


引自: http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx355.htm

引自: http://www.zetatalk2.com/info/tinfx339.htm
" [...]我们已经描绘过加勒比地区将要发生的海啸,布宜诺斯艾利丝的“巴拉那河”(Rio Parana)河口撕裂打开的情景。南美滚动主要影响的将是刚好位于南美板块边缘背面的加勒比诸多小岛;这些小岛会突然丧失海拔高度,某些情形下会彻底沉没。会有地震吗?这样的板块运动并不会寂静无声地发生。在南美板块滚动的时候,从南美板块顶端到加勒比板块北部边界的整个区域将会发生多次晃动,沿着安第斯山脉处的这些地震将是8--9级,而其它的地方震级小些。由于安第斯山脉会升起,并从纳思达卡板块上面滑过,跑到西面,因而沿南美西海岸一线不会有大地震。位于造山区域的所有大城市将经历大地震-----圣地亚哥,拉巴斯(玻利维亚首都),利马(秘鲁首都),金托(在西班牙,西经0°30' 北纬 41°25')和波哥大(哥伦比亚 “Colombia “首都)莫不如此。[...]"





引自: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/15ja2011.htm

"As can be seen from plate tectonics, Central America isbeing pushed over the Cocos Plate. When this is done violentlyduring the 7 of 10 roll, the crumbling we have described for these lands will occur.The small islands just to the east of Central America willparticipate in this crush. The Caribbean Plate will be pushed upbehind them, bunched up, fracturing the rock layers so they go inall directions, up as well as down. This is an issue not so much ofsinking as of unpredictability.(这句话有点乱) The fate of these smallislands is unpredictable. They may survive from the jumble, ordisappear entirely. The hump of the S American Plate intrudes intothe Caribbean, and as it moves to the west it will push theCaribbean Plate above Colombia down forcefully. The trend hasalready been noticed this past year along the Colombian coastline.


Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao ride on the hump, and thus willsurvive. The island chain along the eastern edge of the CaribbeanPlate was formed when the Caribbean Plate was pushed UP duringexpansion of the Atlantic. But this is countered by the hump of SAmerica pushing the Caribbean Plate down, overall. Thus thoseislands in the chain close to S America will lose in elevation,while those islands at the top of the chain will not. From Antiguasouth, the islands in this chain can expect a minimum of anelevation drop of 57 feet, on average, with this being irregularthroughout due to the trauma to the area. Islands just to the northof S America will be affected the most such that Barbados to Tobagomay sink entirely except for the highest points, losing severalhundred feet in elevation, and Trinidad will be torn apart inaddition to sinking as it rides on the plate border.


A plate, being solid rock in layers, tends to move as one.Thus if the southern part is pushed down, it will tilt, thenorthern part lift up. The larger islands along the northern partof the Caribbean Plate could be assumed to gain elevation exceptthat the entire Caribbean Plate is losing, overall. Thus thesouthern shores of these larger islands will experience someelevation loss, where beaches may emerge on the northern shores. Tothe extent that fracturing is occurring in the plate, as occurs forHaiti, fracturing can be expected. This will be a rough ride forall, with sloshing and clashing water and the CaribbeanPlate which at first may seem to rise, then drop as the rollproceeds."


引自: http://www.zetatalk2.com/ning/27no2010.htm

"That portion of the S American Plate lying to theeast of the Caribbean Plate will participate in the roll expectedduring the 7 of 10 scenarios. The Caribbean islands findingthemselves along the eastern curve of the Caribbean Plate will thusexperience increased volcanic activity in the many volcanoes thatlie on that island chain. The Caribbean Plate will lift, slightly,on its northern edge, while plunging greatly on its southern edge,being pushed down by the overriding S American Plate as it rolls.Of course magma will be roiling, as the pressure from the southernpart of the Caribbean Plate being shoved down into the magma willforce this magma to go somewhere. It will move in the direction ofleast resistance, which will be toward the north, and thus it willrush under all volcanoes currently in the Caribbean or in CentralAmerica. We have mentioned the tsunami those in this region can expectduring the 7 of 10 roll, and largequakes those in the region can expect, but this activity isminor compared to what will occur during the poleshift itself. Those who live on islands in the Caribbean areadvised to go elsewhere if they expect to survive what iscoming."


齐塔报告 第七阶段南美: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88AfXgulXwQ&feature=related





(5)南大西洋裂谷撕裂导致(6)非洲滚动和(7) 地中海海底下沉:

引自: http://www.zetatalk.com/info/tinfx355.htm

"[...] The roll of Africa, as we have described, will bemore of a twist in place, so that the southern tip of the AfricanPlate shifts somewhat to the west, toward the void opened up by thespreading Atlantic Rift, while the plate overall drops enough thathaving the top part shift to the east does not do damage along theplate boundaries. The Straits of Gibraltar will open an additional125 miles and the northern point at Morocco will move 50 milesfurther east. All points around the northern border of Africa willmove commensurately. S Africa will find itself similarly 125 milesfurther south, and westward by about 35 miles. Indonesia, as wehave described, is already buckling and sinking.[...]"


引自: http://www.zetatalk2.com/info/tinfx342.htm

"[...] The border of the African Plate slices acrossnorthern Algeria, and thus when the plate rolls and drops, theMediterranean floor there will suddenly find itself unsupported.Where the land mass housing Morocco and Algeria will not loseelevation, in the main, retaining its floatation strength to rideon the magma beneath, the floor of the Mediterranean is of adifferent composition. It will sink there, unsupported on theAfrican side where the plates will pull apart. The Mediterraneancoastline of Algeria will then find more than tsunami worries asthey will have a loss of elevation by 12 feet or more. Theircoastline is not part of the African Plate. What sinks and whatcontinues to float on the magma beneath is a factor of the rockdensity, and the floor of the Mediterranean above Algeria has onlybeen floating as it has due to the connection with the AfricanPlate. Elsewhere, where the Mediterranean floor spreads during theroll, the floor is either too deep for a change to be noticed or ata distance from the plate border.
Tsunami will not occur to any ostensible degree because there is avoid being created, where the waters will rush. However, turmoiland wave action can be anticipated. The shifting of the AfricanPlate will also not incite any mountain building in Italy or theBalcans or Turkey, as the northern edge of the African Plate is notthe solid, jutting line through the center of the Mediterraneanthat mankind assumes. The sea is deep there, to the south of Italyand the Balcans and Greece, and for good reason. This part of thegreat plates has fractured in the past, so that many fault lineslie under the surface, unknown to man until dramatic platemovements begin. The roll of the African Plate during the 7 of 10scenarios thus spares all but the Mediterranean floor aboveAlgeria! The roll will incite the Arabian Plate to roll also, tosome degree, as across from Egypt there will be pressure, butfurther down the Red Sea there will be a tearing apart, invitingthe Arabian Plate to migrate in this direction. [...]"


引自: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/01ja2011.htm

"The Gulf of Aden is the juncture of several plates - theAfrican Plate, the Arabian Plate, and nearby the Indo-AustralianPlate and the great Eurasian Plate. This area is spreading open asthe African Plate rolls its top toward the east. Anytime the crustfails to protect the surface from the force of the magnetic fieldcentered in the core of the Earth, magnetic anomalies will beobserved. These anomalies seldom reflect the overall field of theEarth, but are reflective of local magma swirling in pockets, wheremagma churns about in rough areas on the bottom ofplates.[...]"


"When the Africa Plate rolls to the east and drops, duringthe 7 of 10 scenarios, this will of course affect Egypt and itsconnection to the Sinai Peninsula. The Straits of Gibraltar willwiden by 125 miles, as Africa drops, and Morocco will move 50 milesfurther east. Where the Sinai Peninsula is considered part ofthe African Plate, the Red Sea is clearly ripping open. Thus boththe Red Sea at the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba tearing upinto Jordan will rip open, leaving the Sinai Peninsula positionedlike an island with few direct attachments. We have stated thatEgypt can find itself in the center of a migration route, as mankind will remember that a handyroute into Africa exists there, and that Africa is a rich continentwith a high elevation. Portions of Egypt may find itself underwater when the sea level rises to 675 above today's level, but mostwill not be under water. But the crowd of people passing throughEgypt will make survival there almost impossible. Any food grownwill be taken."


"As the top part of Africa tilts to the east, while itdrops, S Africa will not strictly find itself 125 miles furthersouth, but a few miles shy of that mark.[...] Africa of course willfind its rift increasing, the Red Sea of course will widen at itssouthern edge, and other stretch areas along its eastern coastlinewill expand, as would be expected. This is not expected to drop theelevation of east Africa, however."


引自: http://www.zetatalk2.com/ning/27no2010.htm

"The Canary Islands lies along the border of theAfrican and Eurasian plates, but these giants will not collideduring the forthcoming pole shift nor in the plate movements thatoccur prior to the pole shift. As we have explained, Africawill drop as it rolls during the 7 of 10 scenarios, thusrelieving pressure in the region of the Canary Islands. Thus,except for roiling water which will make the beaches unsafe duringAfrica's 7 of 10 roll, the Canary Islands will survive the 7 of 10relatively unscathed. Where much has been made of a volcanic shelffrom the La Palma volcano, potentially dropping into the Atlanticand starting a huge tsunami heading toward the East Coast of NAmerica, we have stated otherwise. This will be at most anunderwater landslide on the island, creating local tsunami onlywhen it occurs. However, the Canary Islands will not farewell during the forthcoming pole shift. Despite some of theislands having an elevation in the interior over 1,000 feet abovesea level, anyone on the islands during the pole shift can expectto be washed away by the colliding and wind-whippedwaves."


引自: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/29ja2011.htm
"[...] The 7 of 10 stretch will not be accompanied by great quakes.The stretch zone is silent, in the main. Jiggling and shudderingmight occur, with minor quakes jolting now and then, but basicallya silent process. Of course there will be lava,hardening into a new surface, as the plates are being pulled apartand beneath the plates is magma. And where the surface is thin,magma may bubble up. But the Red Sea will not be an explosive orerupting volcanic region, as Hawaii is, because it will not beunder pressure from colliding or compressingplates."

引自: http://zetatalk.com/ning/26mr2011.htm




引自: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/09jy2011.htm

I'd like to ask about the fate of Athens, Greece, during theunfolding of the 7 of 10 scenarios. Is the city to expect asdevastating an earthquake as the one predicted for Instanbul? Myhopes, backed by my petty grasp of the situation, are that it'sgonna be spared, being situated at a distance from the separatingfaults. I expect the African roll and associated Mediterraneanbottom drop, to be the argument convincing my family and friends toheed my example, bugged out 6 years ago, and leave the death-trapthat Athens is. So long as they can, first, survive it. Greattsunamis shouldn't worry us, from what previous ZetaTalk help meglean, but any quake bigger than, say, 7.5, is more than likely toturn Athens into rubble.





爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101013/150689.html


DNF鬼泣第七鬼神之解析 dnf鬼泣去鬼神补丁

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