Herman Miller推出的embody办公座椅
You point. You click. You fixate on your computerscreen. And you sit still for hours. Mesmerized. Your body screams,"Move!"--unless you're seated in Embody.
Designed specifically for people who sit at computers, Embody makesyou feel like you're floating. It promotes health-positive sitting,creating harmony between you and your computer to help you focus onyour work and think more clearly. In fact, it's the first workchair that supports your body and your mind.
Embody is Good for You Embody lets your body move and keeps you well supported, becauseyour mind works best when you move freely and stress is minimizedon your muscles, bones, and tissues. Blood circulates better, heartrate goes down, more oxygen flows to the brain, and there is nodistracting discomfort or physical constraint. That's critical inour idea economy where innovation drives success and people getpaid for their thoughts and creativity.
Healthful Movement New tilt technology. Embody's rotation points are within the seatand back, and the base of the back remains fixed relative to theseat; this encourages the body to move naturally into the mostpositive seated postures.
Consistent support. Whether you lean forward or recline, your lowerback support remains constant--no adjustments needed; users of allsizes can easily assume and maintain a reclined position.
Working recline posture. Embody encourages this most healthfulposture for computer users; working recline reduces compression ofthe spine and slows fluid loss from discs; plus, your head stays inline with your computer display.
Narrow backrest. Your arms move unimpeded, adding comfort andencouraging additional air movement into the lungs to feed yourbrain.
Supporting You Naturally Mimics the spine. The back is "alive," adapting to the shape andmovement of your spine; it automatically adjusts to your shiftingpositions and supports you through the full range of workingpostures.
Backfit adjustment. No matter what your spinal curvature, thisadjustment lets you achieve a neutral, balanced posture and stayaligned with your computer display.
Gentle contact. Embody has no hard, rigid frames; edges flex sothere is no pressure on your legs and arms.

Conforming to You Pixelated support. A matrix of pixels creates dynamic seat-and-backsurfaces that automatically conform to your every movement anddistribute your weight evenly.
Reduced stress. By fitting your form and reducing seated pressure,Embody increases blood circulation, which improves the flow ofoxygen and decreases heart rate.
One chair size fits every body. Embody automatically adapts to thewide variation in people's size, shape, posture, and spinal curve;seat depth adjusts to different thigh lengths; armrest motions fitthe broadest ranges.
Form = Function The look communicates performance. The chair's profile, whichmimics the spine, is driven by its health-positive features.
Visual contrast and balance. When viewed from the back, thetechnology is exposed; when viewed from the front, you see organicshapes and curves.
Textiles add warmth. More like a skin than a covering; textiles aremeant to enhance, not cover up; they have "loft" for a cushy feel;light and air pass through; colors pair with two frame colors andthree base colors to simplify choice and appeal to universaltastes.
Helps the World Around You Strict standards. The Embody chair adheres to the McDonoughBraungart Design Chemistry (MBDC) Cradle to Cradle protocol andsupports Herman Miller's commitment to the environment.
Certifications. Embody is MBDC Cradle to Cradle Silver certifiedand GREENGUARD certified; Embody can also provide credits for LEEDcertification.
Recylable. Embody is 95 percent recyclable, has 42 percent recycledcontent, and contains no PVCs. |
Design Story
The Embody story began in the design studio of Jeff Weber and thelate Bill Stumpf. They had an idea: 'What if a design could gobeyond just minimizing the negative effects of sitting? What if wedesigned a chair that positively impacts your life so you can workand live better?"
Stumpf, designer or co-designer of Herman Miller's Aeron, Equa, andErgon work chairs, came to Herman Miller with the idea and said, "Ithink I have one more in me." Stumpf passed away in 2006. Workingclosely with a cross-functional team from Herman Miller, Webercarried on. As Embody's designer, Weber gave the chair its functionand form, building on Stumpf's inspiration.
Their idea arose out of their approach to design. "You can't designwithout empathy," says Weber, who also designed Herman Miller'sCaper chair. "Since design has become more technology based, we'vehad to sit in our chairs in front of computers for longer periodsof time--just like everyone else. We identify with the problemspeople have as a result of sitting, and we identify with their needto produce ideas."
Throughout the development of Embody, over 30 professionalscontributed a range of expertise. Physicians and PhDs in the fieldsof biomechanics, vision, physical therapy, and ergonomics helpedtest hypotheses, review prototypes, and conduct studies that helpedguide the development of the first health-positive chair.
In the earliest discussions with the experts, three hypotheses weretested on them: Expert input on these hypothesis fueled Weber andStumpf's early thinking about the chair and formed the basis ofexperiments designed to establish if such a chair was possible.Prototypes followed, with experts sitting in them and offeringappraisals of what was good and what wasn't. Researchers conductedlaboratory experiments involving kinematics, preferred postures,pressure distribution, seated tasks, and metabolics. These guidedthe development of Embody and confirmed its health-positivebenefits. |
如果你看过我们的《玩还是被玩?教你用人体工学享受数字生活》文章,就一定不会对HermanMiller这个牌子感到陌生。在过去的几年间,这家公司推出的Aeron人体工学办公椅牢牢占据着地球上最舒适安全座椅的称号。如今风光多年,获奖无数的Aeron也终于迎来的继任者——经过近10年的设计,HermanMiller Embody办公椅于近日全面上市。Herman Miller也希望通过这款新品,重新定义舒服和人体工学的新高度。
Herman Miller的Embody绝对是当今人体工学设计的集大成者——Aeron 的设计师 William Stumpf一生的最后几年一直致力于推出 Embody,直到2006年去世,之后由设计师Jeff Weber继续改进。它的问世可以说是来自于几代人的努力和千百次的科学实验。究竟价值12000元人民币的Herman MillerEmbody有多强大?今天我们就和大家一起尝鲜。
如果我们将Herman MillerEmbody和前辈Aeron做个对比,我们首先就会发现Embody使用了大量的可回收材质部件代替Aeron上的金属和橡胶皮革。材质的改变同时带来了外观的巨大变化——和Embody科幻感极强的外观相比,Aeron就像停留在上世纪。
当你拿到Herman Miller Embody椅子后,首先会被其极为坚固沉重的“下盘”所折服。和HermanMiller所有产品一样,Embody的底座也由实心不锈钢打造,动辄40Kg~50Kg的重量让你永远不必担心椅子会翻掉(在需要Embody搬运时,你同样无法独自完成)。Embody的底座配有极为顺滑的金属滚轮,即便重量惊人,移动起来也不会有任何问题。
你千万别以为Herman MillerEmbody的的靠背设计是在耍酷,实际上每个节点和连接件都有着明确的功能设计,而靠背更采用了独立支撑以便获得最大的俯仰角度。对于经常在椅子上睡觉的人来说,按动调节按钮就能横躺在Embody上。
12000元人民币买一张椅子是否值得?我们无意讨论这样的伪问题。和健康相比,具体的金钱标价实在不值一提。无论从做工还是舒适度,HermanMiller Embody都无愧于当今人体工学坐椅的巅峰。
对于每天坐在电脑前超过12小时的人来说,Herman Miller Embody绝对是它们的必需品,和售价相当的IntelCore i7平台连英特尔固态硬盘相比,爱活更愿意选择一张能让我们远离疼痛和职业疾病困扰的椅子。
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