5. Quick Mark, when quick mark on, you can fastinsert mines on sqaure.Minesweeper is a very interesting and classicgame from Windows.
The goal of the game is to uncover all the squares that donot contain mines (with the left mouse button) without being"destroyed" by clicking on a mine. The location of the mines isdiscovered by a process of logic. Clicking on the game board willreveal what is hidden underneath the chosen square or squares (alarge number of blank squares may be revealed in one go if they areadjacent to each other). Some squares are blank but some containnumbers (1 to 8), each number being the number of mines adjacent tothe uncovered square. To help avoid hitting a mine, the location ofa suspected mine can be marked by flagging it with the right mousebutton. The game is won once all blank squares have been uncoveredwithout hitting a mine, any remaining mines not identified by flagsbeing automatically flagged by the computer. However, in the eventthat a game is lost and the player mistakenly flags a safe square,that square will either appear with a red X covering the mine(denoting it as safe), or just a red X (also denoting it assafe).
The game can be reduced into a set of algebraic statementswith binary variables which take a value from the pair (mine doesnot exist, mine exists). The distinctive feature of minesweeperfrom the board games with algebra of binary variables is therandomness at the initial stage and at some intermediatestages.

Minesweeper includes three level, and fully support iPhone/iPad,any iOS version.