签署日期: The dateof
甲方:中国某大学Party A:A ChinaUniversity (China)
乙方:美国某大学Party B: USUniversity(United States)
地址:124 Street, New York,WV 26426
Throughfriendly negotiations, Party A and Party B have reached thefollowing agreement on issues of international educationcooperation.
一、合作双方The Two Parties
As one of211 Project universities directly subordinated to the Ministry ofEducation of P.R.China , Party A is a higher educationalinstitution having the qualification of running a schoolindependently. The international education exchange and cooperationcan cover such areas as cooperation with foreign educationalinstitutions, teacher exchange, student exchange and programs ofpreparatory courses as well as running a school with foreigncounterparts.
USA University, institution of higher learning in the UnitedStates, is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of theNorth Central Association. As a regular university of U.S.A, itsacademic credentials have also been admitted by the ChineseMinistry of Education.
二、合作目的与宗旨Purpose & Aim
Takingmutual trust, mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit as theprinciple, both Party A and Party B shall cooperate on one’s ownresource advantages in order to reap favorable social and economicbenefits, and promote one’s own social influence power. Party Ashall offer the educational platform and educational hardware, andParty B shall introduce high-quality educational resources andadvanced ideas in educational administration from U.S.A. Both sidesshall develop the education market in both China and the U.S.cooperatively.
三、合作内容及方式Content & Mode
Both sidesshall cooperate in launching a training program at Party A for thestudent to study in the US.
Being anon-academic credential education program, the U.S.A trainingprogram shall introduce ESL ---English certificate training course,which is commonly recognized among American universities and cansubstitute TOEFL scores. Its purpose is to ensure that the studentsacquire an English language proficiency level high enough fortaking classes together with those native English speaking studentsafter they go to the U.S.A.
Party Ashall offer classrooms and teaching facilities and is responsiblefor recruiting new students, while Party B shall provide theoverall teaching materials, educational software, teachers of ESLcourse as well as ESL English certificate which is universallyrecognized among US universities.
The newclass shall not be started in case the enrollment is less than
四、甲乙双方的权利与义务Rights & Obligations of Both Parties
(一)甲方Party A:
To beresponsible for relevant formalities in launching, reporting andobtaining approval for the Study in U.S.A training program ofESL.
To beresponsible for offering teaching facilities and relevant servicesfor the Study in U.S.A training program of ESL.
To beresponsible for the supervision and control of the teaching qualityto ensure the smooth implementation of the program. Should theteachers dispatched by Party B not match the quality requirements,Party A reserves the right to demand correction and change theteachers concerned.
To beresponsible for propagating and enrolling new students of theProgram.
To beresponsible for gathering tuition fees and dormitory charges fromstudents.
To beresponsible for paying in full and in time the part of tuition feesdue to Party B according to the terms of this Agreement.
To takecharge of teaching arrangement and managing students.
To beresponsible for arranging dormitory for US teachers and pay theliving expenses as stipulated, i.e. RMB yuanin total per person per year, of which hotel expense isRMByuan / year / person, board expenses for RMByear/person.
(二)乙方Party B:
To agreefor Party A to launch the Study in U.S.A training program of ESL inthe name of cooperating with US University.
To beresponsible for offering the main content of the propagandamaterial and school admission brochure for Party A.
Tobe responsible for providing all the teachers of the Study in U.S.Apreparatory course Program, teaching materials, teaching softwareand ESL English Certificate commonly recognized among USuniversities.
To beresponsible for the US teachers’ plane tickets and salary toChina.
To beresponsible for the US teachers’ personal accident and medicalinsurance during their stay in China.
To applyfor students who participate in the Program of Studying in U.S.Atraining program of ESL, and ensure that they are admitted by a USuniversity.
To beresponsible for applying for the best scholarship which the USuniversity can grant to international students for students in theProgram of Studying at U.S.A training program of ESL.
To offerthe necessary training and service of visa application to studentsin the Program of Studying in U.S.A training program of ESL tofacilitate their obtaining the US entry visa.
五、收费和双方利益分配Charges and Profits Distribution
1.学费: 培训、考试及证书费用为每人每期元人民币,报到注册时一次性交清。其中甲方分得%,乙方分得%;各自用于办学成本开支。学费由甲方统一收取,在每个学期开学后15个工作日内由甲方将乙方应分得部分划入乙方在北京的指定账户。
Tuitionfee: RMB yuanper student for the program, collected at the time of registration.Party A shall get a proportion of% from the tuition and Party B shall get %,each side shall use it to cover the respective education cost. Allthe tuition shall be collected by Party A, and within 15 work daysat the beginning of the each semester, Party A shall transfer thepart of tuition due to Party B into the designated account of PartyB in Beijing.
Textbookcharge shall be collected by Party B at reasonableprice.
Dormitoryshall be charged at the standard set by Party A.
六、合作期限Cooperation Term
Theagreement shall come into effect after being signed by both sides,and it shall last for two years since the signed date. If bothsides consider it necessary to continue the cooperation, then anofficial written agreement of extension shall be signed threemonths before the expiration.
七、协议的变更Change of the Agreement
Any changeor affairs not stated in this agreement shall be covered by writtensupplemental agreement reached between both sides throughnegotiation. The supplemental agreement has the same legal effectas this agreement.
八、协议的终止和不可抗力Terminationand Force Majeure
Theagreement will be automatically terminated uponexpiration.
Whenunpredictable circumstances like political policy, naturaldisasters, war or other force majeure whose occurrence andconsequences cannot be prevented, and which leads to the situationin which the agreement cannot be carried out or be implemented asplanned, the Party who suffers one of the above shall notify thecounterpart without delay and provide details and valid supportingdocuments within thirty days. If the agreement has to terminatebecause of force majeure, neither side shall bear the economicresponsibilities. In addition, both Parties shall make properarrangements for participants of the education program, and dotheir best to minimize the students’loss.
Duringimplementation of the agreement, if any Party’s improper conductsbreach the agreement, and the said Party makes no corrections afterthe counterpart’s warning for three times, the counterpart shallhave the right to suggest terminating the agreement.
Nevertheless, both sides have duties to complete theongoing training and must not violate the legal rights andinterests of the enrolled students.
Establishment ofBreach Responsibilities and Indemnifications
It shallbe regarded as breach if any side cannot implement the agreementand perform its own duties or responsibilities in accordance withthe time, manner and requirements stipulated.
Ifbehaviors of the breach side cause the objective of the agreementnot being realized or cause economic loss for the counterpart, thebreach side shall bear the relevant compensation duties.
If thebreach behavior or improper behavior of the breach side violatesthe legal rights or interests of the students in this educationprogram, or the relevant legal rights or interests of relatedorganizations in the society, or the laws or government decrees ofPRC, the breach side shall undertake the related legal dutiesindependently.
.If thebreach behavior or improper behavior of the breach side causesdispute with a third Party and involves the counterpart into thecompensation affairs, the Party who has no fault shall have theright to request the breach side (or the side which has improperbehaviors) to indemnify the relevant loss.
十、争议的解决Dispute Settlement
In theprocess of agreement implementation, notification of importantmatters by one Party to the other shall be based on the content ofthe confirmation letter.
Anydispute in the implementation of the agreement shall first beresolved through negotiation by the two Parties.
Asto disputes which cannot be solved through negotiation, both sidesmay appeal to the People’s Court with jurisdiction.
Theagreement is drawn up in both the Chinese and the English languagesin quadruplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold two copiesrespectively and each copy has equal legal effects.
甲方::Party A中国某大学乙方:PartyB美国大学
Representative (signature) Representative(signature)