2014世界杯足球赛精彩瞬间36P 运动会精彩瞬间
译者:ringohan原文作者:Alay Taylor
1. 2014年6月13日,在巴西里约热内卢的科帕卡巴纳海滩国际足联球迷盛会区,一位身披西班牙国旗的球迷在观看西班牙对荷兰比赛的现场直播,球场的风云变幻让她惊恐不已。(美联社图片/ Leo Correa)
Wrapped in a Spanish national flag, a soccer fan reacts in frustration as she watches the live broadcast of the World Cup match between Spain and the Netherlands inside the FIFA Fan Fest area on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on June 13, 2014. (AP Photo/Leo Correa) pp C
2. 2014年6月13日,在巴西萨尔瓦多冯特瓦洛足球场,2014国际足联世界杯B组西班牙队对阵荷兰队。在上半场范佩西以一个漂亮的鱼跃动作,为荷兰队首开记录。(盖蒂图片社/ Jeff Gross)
Robin van Persie of the Netherlands scores the team's first goal with a diving header in the first half during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group B match between Spain and Netherlands at Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador, Brazil, on June 13, 2014. (Jeff Gross/Getty Images) #
3. 2014年6月12日,在巴西圣保罗科林蒂安体育场,世界杯首场巴西对克罗地亚比赛马上开始,球迷们在兴奋地呼喊。(美联社图片/ Felipe Dana)
Fans cheer before the group A World Cup soccer match between Brazil and Croatia, the opening game of the tournament, in the Itaquerao Stadium in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on June 12, 2014. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana) #
4. 2014年6月18日,在沙特阿拉伯塔布克附近达巴的骆驼市场,人们在观看2014世界杯B组荷兰对澳大利亚的比赛。(路透社/ Mohamed Alhwaity)
Men watch the 2014 World Cup Group B soccer match between the Netherlands and Australia on a laptop, at a camel market in Daba near Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, on June 18, 2014. (Reuters/Mohamed Alhwaity)
5.2014年6月12日,里约热内卢赛马俱乐部举办观世界杯直播聚会,当巴西前锋内马尔踢进第二个球时,这里一片欢腾。(美联社图片/ Leo Correa)
Soccer fans celebrate the second goal scored by Brazil striker Neymar, during a live broadcast at a World Cup viewing party at the Jockey Club, in Rio de Janeiro on June 12, 2014. (AP Photo/Leo Correa) #
6.2014年6月17日,在巴西福塔莱萨大城堡球场,世界杯A组巴西对墨西哥比赛马上开始,一位球迷头上插着代表意大利、德国、墨西哥、法国、西班牙、巴西和波斯尼亚的微型国旗,笑容灿烂。(美联社图片/ Themba Hadebe)
A fan donning miniature national flags representing Italy, Germany, Mexico, France, Spain, Brazil and Bosnia in her hair smiles, prior to the group A World Cup soccer match between Brazil and Mexico at the Arena Castelao in Fortaleza, Brazil, on June 17, 2014. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe) #
7.2014年6月12日,在柏林Alte Foersterei体育场举行的大众观球会上,人们坐在沙发上观看2014年世界杯首场巴西队对克罗地亚队的比赛。柏林联合足球俱乐部邀请其支持者自带沙发到体育场观看世界杯足球赛,这里设有巨大的电视屏幕,像一间巨大的公共客厅。(路透社/ Thomas Peter)
People sit on sofas as they watch the opening game of the 2014 World Cup between Brazil and Croatia, during a public viewing event at the Alte Foersterei stadium in Berlin on June 12, 2014. Berlin's Union soccer club has invited its supporters to bring their sofas to its stadium to watch World Cup soccer matches on a giant screen in a communal living room atmosphere. (Reuters/Thomas Peter) #
8.2014年6月17日,在圣保罗的Itaci肿瘤医院,世界杯A组巴西对墨西哥比赛前,10岁的巴西病人Luana正与医生交谈。(路透社/ Nacho Doce)
Brazilian patient Luana, 10, talks with her doctor before the 2014 World Cup Group A soccer match between Brazil and Mexico at the Cancer Itaci Hospital in Sao Paulo on June 17, 2014. (Reuters/Nacho Doce) #
9.2014年6月17日,在巴西福塔莱萨大城堡球场举行的世界杯A小组巴西对墨西哥比赛中,墨西哥守门员奥乔亚在扑救球。(美联社图片/ Themba Hadebe)
Mexico's goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa makes a save during the group A World Cup soccer match between Brazil and Mexico at the Arena Castelao in Fortaleza on June 17, 2014. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe) #
10.2014年6月15日,在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯,一位阿根廷足球迷抱着一尊圣母玛丽塑像和一张梅西照片,在户外电视屏幕上观看世界杯阿根廷对阵波斯尼亚的比赛。(美联社照片/ Eduardo Di Baia)
An Argentinian soccer fan holds a statue of the Virgin Mary and a portrait of player Lionel Messi as he gathers with others to watch Argentina's World Cup match with Bosnia on an outdoor screen set up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on June 15, 2014. (AP Photo/Eduardo Di Baia) #
11.2014年6月17日,在福塔莱萨举行的2014世界杯A组比赛中,巴西队球员的丹尼尔·阿尔维斯对墨西哥队球员安德烈斯·瓜尔达多做犯规动作。(路透社/ Kai Pfaffenbach)
Mexico's Andres Guardado (top) is fouled by Brazil's Daniel Alves during their 2014 World Cup Group A soccer match in Fortaleza on June 17, 2014. (Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach) #
12.2014年6月15日,在巴西阿雷格里港举行的世界杯E组法国对洪都拉斯赛中,来自巴西的裁判桑德罗·里奇利用球门线技术判法国队进球有效后,洪都拉斯队员罗杰·厄斯皮诺萨(左)和路易斯·加里多向裁判表示不服。(美联社图片/ David Vincent)
Honduras players Roger Espinoza, left, and Luis Garrido complain to referee Sandro Ricci from Brazil after he awarded a goal to France using goal line technology during the group E World Cup soccer match between France and Honduras in Porto Alegre, Brazil, on June 15, 2014. (AP Photo/David Vincent)
13.2014年6月18日,在里约热内卢的科帕卡巴纳海滩国际足联球迷盛会上,智利和西班牙球迷聚集在一起,观看2014世界杯西班牙对智利的比赛。(法新社图片/盖蒂图片社/ Tasso Marcelo)
Fans of Chile and Spain gather at the FIFA Fan fest in Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro to attend the 2014 FIFA World Cup Spain vs Chile match on June 18, 2014. (Tasso Marcelo/AFP/Getty Images) #
14.2014年6月19日,科特迪瓦队对阵哥伦比亚队,比赛开始之前奏国歌。科特迪瓦队的塞雷·戴尔听到自己国家的国歌时泪流满面。(美联社图片//Marcio Jose Sanchez)
Ivory Coast's Serey Die is overcome with emotion, hearing his country's national anthem played before the group C World Cup soccer match between Colombia and Ivory Coast in Brasilia on June 19, 2014. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
15.2014年6月16日,在里约科帕卡巴纳海滩举办的国际足联球迷盛会上,美国足球球迷通过大屏幕电视观看加纳与美国之战。(盖蒂图片社/ Joe Raedle)
American soccer fans watch the match between Ghana and USA on a large screen at the FIFA World Cup Fan Fest on Copacabana beach on June 16, 2014. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images) #
16.2014年6月16日,在巴西纳塔尔举行的世界杯G组加纳对美国比赛中,美国队的克林特·登普西首开进球纪录后无比兴奋。(美联社图片/ Ricardo Mazalan)
United States' Clint Dempsey celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the group G World Cup soccer match between Ghana and the United States in Natal, Brazil, on June 16, 2014. (AP Photo/Ricardo Mazalan)
17.在美国匹兹堡的一家饭店里,球迷们看到开赛后不到一分钟美国队就首先进球后举手欢呼。美国队以2:1打败加纳,赢得了这场比赛。(美联社图片/ Gene J. Puskar)
Soccer fans react at a viewing party at a restaurant in Pittsburgh after watching the United States score in the opening minute of play against Ghana in a World Cup soccer match in Brazil. The United States won the match 2-1. (AP Photo/)
18.2014年6月15日,2014年世界杯阿根廷对波黑比赛在里约热内卢马拉卡纳体育场内举行。图中是站在体育馆前的一位阿根廷球迷。(法新社图片/盖蒂图片社/ Yasuyoshi Chiba)
An Argentinian fan in front of Maracana stadium for the FIFA World Cup 2014 group match between Argentina and Bosnia-Herzecovina in Rio de Janeiro on June 15, 2014. (Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images)
19.2014年6月12日,在圣保罗举行的世界杯A组巴西对克罗地亚比赛中,克罗地亚门将斯蒂佩·普莱蒂克萨未能救起巴西球员奥斯卡从边线攻入的第三粒进球。(美联社图片/Shuji Kajiyama)
Croatia's goalkeeper Stipe Pletikosa fails to make a save as Brazil's Oscar scores his side's third goal during the group A World Cup soccer match between Brazil and Croatia in Sao Paulo on June 12, 2014. (AP Photo/Shuji Kajiyama) #
20.2014年6月18日,韩国首尔,韩国球迷在观看2014世界杯韩国对俄罗斯比赛时表情夸张。(盖蒂图片社/ Chung Sung-Jun)
South Korean fans react as they watch the 2014 World Cup match between South Korea and Russia on June 18, 2014 in Seoul, South Korea. (Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images) #
21.2014年6月16日,在巴西萨尔瓦多举行的世界杯G组德国与葡萄牙比赛中,葡萄牙队球员佩佩刻意头撞德国球员穆勒,被红牌罚下场。(盖蒂图片社/ Martin Rose)
Pepe of Portugal headbutts Thomas Mueller of Germany resulting in a red card during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group G match between Germany and Portugal in Salvador, Brazil, on June 16, 2014. (Martin Rose/Getty Images) #
22.2014年世界杯比赛中,韩国球迷(左)、墨西哥球迷(中)和哥伦比亚球迷(右)为各自球队助阵。(摄影:Eric Gaillard, Sergio Moraes, Sergio Perez)
Fans of South Korea (left) Mexico (center), and Colombia cheer for their teams at the 2014 World Cup. (Eric Gaillard, Sergio Moraes, Sergio Perez) #
23.2014年6月17日,世界杯A组巴西对墨西哥比赛在福塔莱萨卡斯特朗竞技场开战,图中是巴西球员内马尔。(路透社/ Marcelo Del Pozo)
Brazil's Neymar reacts during a Group A soccer match against Mexico at the Castelao arena in Fortaleza on June 17, 2014. (Reuters/Marcelo Del Pozo) #
24.2014年6月17日,在巴西圣保罗的国际足联球迷盛会上,一位巴西国家队球迷在观看巴西对墨西哥比赛。(美联社图片/ Dario Lopez-Mills)
A fan of the Brazilian national soccer team watches the Mexico vs. Brazil match at the FIFA Fan Fest in Sao Paulo on June 17, 2014. (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills) #
25.2014年6月17日,在巴西福塔莱萨举行的2014世界杯A组巴西对墨西哥比赛中,巴西队8号球员保利尼奥眼看着墨西哥门神奥乔亚将足球推出了球门。(美联社图片/ Eduardo Verdugo)
Brazil's Paulinho (8) watches as Mexico's goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa punches the ball clear of the goal during the group A World Cup soccer match between Brazil and Mexico in Fortaleza on June 17, 2014. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)
26.2014年6月14日,在巴西马瑙斯举行的2014世界杯D组英格兰对意大利比赛中,在意大利队球员马里奥·巴洛特利踢入意大利第二个球后,英格兰门将乔·哈特忙乱中自投罗网。(盖蒂图片社/ Francois Xavier Marit)
Joe Hart of England lands in the net after allowing Italy's second goal to Mario Balotelli of Italy during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match on June 14, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Francois Xavier Marit/Getty Images) #
27.2014年6月14日,在巴西福塔莱萨举行的2014世界杯D组乌拉圭对哥斯达黎加比赛开始前,乌拉圭球迷在欢呼。(路透社/ Mike Blake)
Uruguay's fans cheer before the start of the Group D soccer match between Uruguay and Costa Rica in Fortaleza on June 14, 2014. (Reuters/Mike Blake)
28.2014年6月14日,在巴西福塔莱萨世界杯D组乌拉圭对阵哥斯达黎加比赛中的哥斯达黎加球迷。(路透社/ Mike Blake))
Costa Rica's fans cheer during of the Group D soccer match between Uruguay and Costa Rica in Fortaleza on June 14, 2014. (Reuters/Mike Blake)
29.2014年6月15日,在巴西利亚的巴西国家体育场,2014年世界杯E组瑞士队对阵厄瓜多尔队,图上一位抱小孩的瑞士球迷在照相。(路透社/ Paul Hanna)
A fan of Switzerland, carrying a child, takes a photo before their 2014 World Cup Group E soccer match against Ecuador at the Brasilia national stadium in Brasilia on June 15, 2014. (Reuters/Paul Hanna)
Oribe Peralta of Mexico celebrates his goal in the second half during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group A match between Mexico and Cameroon at Estadio das Dunas on June 13, 2014 in Natal, Brazil. (Julian Finney/Getty Images) #
31.2014年6月17日,在巴西圣保罗,2014世界杯法国队对阵墨西哥队。在世界杯球迷盛会上,球迷们正在观看球赛现场直播。(美联社图片/ Dario Lopez-Mills)
Fans watch a live telecast of the Mexico vs. Brazil match at the FIFA Fan Fest during the 2014 soccer World Cup in Sao Paulo, Brazil on June 17, 2014. (AP Photo/Dario Lopez-Mills) #
32.2014年6月18日,在巴西阿雷格里港Estadio Beira-Rio举行2014世界杯B组澳大利亚对荷兰比赛,等候比赛开始时,澳大利亚球迷们在相互采访。(美联社图片/ Fernando Vergara))
Australian fans interview one another while waiting for the start the group B World Cup soccer match between Australia and the Netherlands at the Estadio Beira-Rio in Porto Alegre, Brazil, on June 18, 2014. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara) #
33.2014年6月18日,在里约热内卢马拉卡纳体育场举行的2014世界杯B组智利对西班牙比赛中,智利队球员爱德华多·巴尔加斯进球后兴奋不已。(路透社/ Ricardo Moraes)
Chile's Eduardo Vargas celebrates his goal against Spain during their 2014 World Cup Group B soccer match at Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro on June 18, 2014. (Reuters/Ricardo Moraes) #
34.2014年6月18日,西班牙首都马德里,一张巨大的屏幕前,西班牙球迷们观看直播的2014世界杯西班牙对智利之战时个个惊恐万分。(盖蒂图片社/ Gonzalo Arroyo Moreno)
Spanish fans react while watching their team play against the Chileans on a giant screen showing the FIFA World Cup match between Spain and Chile in Madrid, Spain, on June 18, 2014. (Gonzalo Arroyo Moreno/Getty Images)
35.2014年6月18日,在里约热内卢马拉卡纳体育场举行的2014世界杯B组西班牙对智利比赛中,西班牙队球员塞尔吉奥·布斯克茨在未能进球后无比悲伤。在以0:2的比分输掉这场比赛后,世界杯上届冠军西班牙队被淘汰出局。(路透社/ Jorge Silva)
Spain's Sergio Busquets reacts after missing a chance to score a goal during their 2014 World Cup Group B soccer match against Chile at the Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro June 18, 2014. Spain, current football World Cup champion, was eliminated from the competition after losing the match 2-0. (Reuters/Jorge Silva)
36.2014年6月17日,在里约热内卢科帕卡巴纳海滩公共观赏区,在观看2014世界杯A组巴西对墨西哥比赛后,巴西球迷激情亲吻。(路透社/ Lucas Landau))
Brazil fans kiss after watching Brazil play Mexico in their 2014 World Cup Group A soccer match at a public viewing area on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro on June 17, 2014. (Reuters/Lucas Landau)
(译者:ringohan原文作者:Alay Taylor )

写在2014世界杯半决赛以后_coral1208 coral island
(一) 7月9号凌晨的半决赛,五星巴西以历史性的最大比分输给了德国战车…… 这场比赛不知让多少巴西球迷伤心落泪,巴西世界杯变成了巴西的“世界悲”,然而比赛就是如此的残酷。犹记得在巴西跌跌撞撞进入四强的时候,有评论说,缺少有力中场的巴

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2010世界杯德国官方歌曲《wirglaubenaneuch》下载 2014世界杯德国对巴西
今天发现了一首非常好听的歌,2010世界杯德国的官方加油歌曲——《wirglauben an euch》(《我们相信你》)。以前对于德国音乐的了解,除了古典乐,就是现代德国的trance电子舞曲。这两种都是没有人声的,所以听到用德语唱歌还是有些不习惯,不

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