2013.04.08从空灵缥缈的白沙国家纪念园(White Sands National Monument)、雄伟的摩罗国家纪念园(El MorroNational Monument)到古老的阿兹特克人(Aztec)遗迹及庞大的查科(Chaco)建筑物,新墨西哥州(NewMexico)可谓一片魅力乡土。_
从空灵缥缈的白沙国家纪念园(White Sands National Monument)、雄伟的摩罗国家纪念园(El MorroNational Monument)到古老的阿兹特克人(Aztec)遗迹及庞大的查科(Chaco)建筑物,新墨西哥州(NewMexico)可谓一片魅力乡土。欢迎访问为现代派艺术家乔治娅·欧姬芙(Georgia O’Keeffe)带来灵感的土地。
首府:圣菲(Santa Fe)
高等教育:新墨西哥大学(University of NewMexico)成立于1889年,位于阿尔伯克基(Albuquerque),是该州首要的公立高等院校。该校本科入学人数为18,500多人,是州内规模最大的大学,可颁发很多学科的学士、硕士、博士和专业学位,最著名的专业是农村医学、家庭医学及工程学。新墨西哥第二大高校新墨西哥州立大学(NewMexico State University)位于拉斯克鲁塞斯(LasCruces),本科入学人数约13,000人,可颁发一系列学科的副学士、学士、硕士及博士学位,以农业、教育和工程学著称。新墨西哥州立大学还是一所得到美国教育部认可的拉美裔服务机构
新墨西哥州名人:美国墨西哥裔小说家鲁道夫·安纳亚(Rudolfo A.Anaya);亚马逊网站(Amazon.com)创始人和电子商务先驱者杰夫·贝索斯(JeffBezos);民歌手和词曲作者约翰·丹佛(John Denver);漫画作品《瑜伽熊》(YogiBear)和《打火石》(TheFlintstones)作者威廉·汉纳(William Hanna);演员尼尔·哈里斯(Neil PatrickHarris)、德米·穆尔(Demi Moore)、弗雷迪·普林茨(Freddie PrinzeJr.)及旅馆企业家康拉德·希尔顿(Conrad Hilton)等均出生在新墨西哥州。
大众文化:克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)、李·范·克里夫(Lee VanCleef)和伊莱·沃勒克(Eli Wallach)主演的1966年西部史诗影片《黄金三镖客》(The Good, the Badand the Ugly);汤米·李·琼斯(Tommy Lee Jones)、凯特·布兰切特(CateBlanchett)和埃文·伍德(Evan Rachel Wood)主演的2003年西部惊险片《鬼影迷蹤》(TheMissing);埃德·哈里斯(Ed Harris)、维果·莫滕森(Viggo Mortensen)和芮妮·泽尔韦格(RenéeZellweger)主演的2008年西部片《阿帕鲁萨镇》(Appaloosa);科迪·麦克菲(Kodi SmitMcPhee)和克洛艾·莫雷茨 (Chloë GraceMoretz)主演的2010年恐怖片《噬血童话》(Let MeIn)都以新墨西哥州为背景。地处美国西南部的新墨西哥州也启发了音乐创作,例如约翰尼·卡什(JohnnyCash)创作的《新墨西哥》(New Mexico),邦·乔维(Bon Jovi)创作的《圣菲》(SanteFe)和怪人扬科维奇(Weird Al Yankovic)创作的《阿尔伯克基》(Albuquerque)等歌曲。
国际联系:新墨西哥州的圣菲市与下列城市结为友好城市:乌兹别克斯坦的布哈拉市(Bukhara,Uzbekistan)、墨西哥的帕拉尔市(Parral, Mexico)、西班牙的圣菲德拉维加市(Santa Fe de laVega, Spain)、意大利的索伦托市(Sorrento, Italy)、日本的津山市(Tsuyama,Japan)、古巴的奥尔金市(Holguin, Cuba)、中国的张家界市。
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2013/04/20130408145413.html#ixzz2TFbrfo2g
New Mexico at a Glance
Land of Enchantment
17 July 2012Land of Enchantment: New Mexico is home to gypsum crystaldeserts, green chiles and Puebloan culture.
From the ethereal White Sands National Monument and the majesticEl Morro National Monument to ancient Aztec ruins and massive Chacostructures, New Mexico is a “land of enchantment.” Discover theland that inspired modern artist Georgia O’Keeffe.
Find out more about New Mexico atDiscoverAmerica.com.
Capital: Santa Fe
Population: Nearly 2.1 million people live in NewMexico.
Geography: Part of the U.S. Southwest, New Mexicoshares a border with Colorado to the north, Oklahoma to thenortheast, Texas to the east and southeast, Mexico to the south andArizona to the west. Along with Colorado, Arizona and Utah, NewMexico is one of the “Four Corner” states.
Higher Education: Founded in 1889, the University ofNew Mexico (UNM) is the state’s premier public institution ofhigher education. Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, UNM boasts anundergraduate enrollment of more than 18,500 students, making itthe state’s largest university. UNM offers bachelor’s, master’s,doctoral and professional degrees across many fields, but it isbest known for its programs in rural medicine, family medicine andengineering. New Mexico’s second-largest institution of highereducation is New Mexico State University (NMSU). NMSU serves anundergraduate population of around 13,000 students. Located in LasCruces, New Mexico, NMSU awards associate’s, bachelor’s, master’sand doctoral degrees in a range of fields, though it is best knownfor its agriculture, education and engineering programs. NMSU isalso a Hispanic-serving institution, as designated by the U.S.Department of Education.
Major Industries: New Mexico is home to a robust miningsector. The state’s most important mined products includepetroleum, natural gas and molybdenum. In fact, New Mexico is aleading producer in the United States of all three products.Tourism and other service industries also contribute to theeconomy; these include private health care, engineering, researchand government. New Mexico’s top manufacturing industries producecomputer, electronic and telephone equipment, while dairy, cattle,hay, pecans and nursery products rank among its most importantagricultural products.
Famous New Mexicans: Mexican-American novelist RudolfoA. Anaya; Amazon.com founder and e-commerce pioneer Jeff Bezos;folk singer and songwriter John Denver; the cartoonist behindYogi Bear and The Flintstones, William Hanna;actors Neil Patrick Harris, Demi Moore and Freddie Prinze Jr.; andhotel entrepreneur Conrad Hilton were all born in the Land ofEnchantment.
Pop Culture: The 1966 epic Western The Good, theBad and the Ugly, starring Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef andEli Wallach; the 2003 Western thriller The Missing,starring Tommy Lee Jones, Cate Blanchett and Evan Rachel Wood; the2008 Western Appaloosa, starring Ed Harris, ViggoMortensen and Renée Zellweger; and the 2010 horror film Let MeIn, starring Kodi Smit-McPhee and Chloë Grace Moretz, were allset in New Mexico. This southwestern state has inspired musicians,too. Johnny Cash wrote a song called New Mexico, Bon Joviwrote one called Sante Fe and Weird Al Yankovic wrote oneabout Albuquerque.
Culinary Specialties: Take equal parts Spanish, NativeAmerican and Mexican cuisine; mix; add a dash of cowboy culture totaste and you have New Mexican fare. The Land of Enchantment’scolorful cuisine is built around three ingredients: beans, corn andchiles. From fiery red chile sauce to savory chiles rellenos, thechile appears in almost every dish unique to New Mexico. Sample anenchilada Santa Fe–style, stacked corn tortillas stuffed withsavory meat and cheese and smothered in red or green chile sauce.If you’re in search of a sweet treat, try a sopaipilla — a puffypocket of fried dough traditionally served with honey.
International Connection: Sante Fe, New Mexico, sharesa sister city relationship with Bukhara, Uzbekistan; Parral,Mexico; Santa Fe de la Vega, Spain; Sorrento, Italy; Tsuyama,Japan; Holguin, Cuba; and Zhang Jia Jie, China.
Fun Facts:
• Built in 1610, the Palace of Governors in Santa Fe, NewMexico, is one of the oldest public buildings in the UnitedStates.
• Las Cruces, New Mexico, makes the world's largest enchiladathe first weekend of October at its “Whole Enchilada Fiesta.”
• White Sands National Monument is a desert of white gypsumcrystals.
Adventure Idea: For an adventure you can only have inNew Mexico, visit the White Sands National Monument, a desertcomposed entirely of gypsum sand crystals. The white gypsum sandcrystals reflect the sunlight and never get too hot to walk on. Tocapture the sands in their glory, try a bike ride in themoonlight.

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