1. SCTP(Stream Control Transmission Protocol) 流控制传输协议
2. COPS(Common Open Policy Service) 公共开放政策服务
3. SOCKS防火墙安全会话转换协议 RFC1928
4.SLP(Service Location Protocol) 服务定位协议
5. WCCP(Web Cache Communication Protocol) 网页缓存通信协议
6. FTP(File Transfer Protocol) 文件传输协议
7. Telnet远程登录服务
8. SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 简单邮件传输协议
9. POP3(Post Office Protocol – Version 3) 邮局协议版本3
10. HTTP (Hyper TextTransfer Protocol) 超文本传输协议
11. CMOT (CMIP Over TCP/IP)IP网络管理协议
12. CMIP (Common ManagementInformation Protocol) 通用管理信息协议
13. SNMP (Simple NetworkManagement Protocol) 简单网络管理协议
14. TFTP (Trivial FileTransfer Protocol) 简单文件传输协议
15. NTP (Network TimeProtocol) 网络校时协议
16. TACACS+ (Terminal AccessController Access Control System version 3)终端控制访问器访问控制系统第3版
17. TACACS (Terminal AccessController Access Control System) 终端控制访问器访问控制系统
18. HTTPS (Secure HTTP)加密超文本传输协议
19. SSH (Secure Shell)
20. RADIUS (RemoteAuthentication Dial User Service) 宽带窄带认证系统服务
21. ISAKMP (InternetSecurity Association and Key Management Protocol)Internet安全连接和密钥管理协议
22. RTSP (Real-TimeStreaming Protocol) 实时流媒体协议
23. IMAP4 (Internet MessageAccess Protocol version 4) 第四版因特网信息存取协议
24. GDP (Gateway DiscoverProtocol) 网关发现协议
25. Rlogin (Remote login)远程登录命令
26. RSHELL (Remote Shell)远程shell协议
27. REXEC (Remote ExecutionService) 远程执行服务
28. RWHO (Remote Who)远程用户列表服务
29. NetBIOS-SSN (NetBIOSSession Service) 服务端口139
30. NetBIOS-SN服务端口137
31. DNS (Domain Name System)域名系统
32. LDAP (LightweightDirectory Access Protocol) 轻型目录访问协议

33. SS7 (Signaling System 7)信令系统#7
34. DSMCC (Digital StorageMedia Command and Control) 数字存储媒体命令和控制扩展协议
35. XOT (X.25 Over TCP)基于TCP协议的思科X.25
36. ISO-DE
37. DVMRP (Distance VectorMulticast Routing Protocol) 距离矢量组播路由选择协议
38. TALI (Tekelec’sTransport Adapter Layer Interface) 传送适配层接口
39. RUDP (Reliable UDP)可靠用户数据报协议
40. NetBIOS-DGM (NetBIOSDatagram Service) 服务端口138
41. Mobile IP 移动IP
42. TCP (TransmissionControl Protocol) 传输控制协议
43. UDP (User DatagramProtocol) 用户数据报协议
44. PIM (ProtocolIndependent Multicast) 独立组播协议
45. DHCP (Dynamic HostConfiguration Protocol)
46. BOOTP (BootstrapProtocol) 引导协议
47. ICMP (Internet ControlMessage Protocol) Internet消息控制协议
48. RSVP (ResourceReservation Protocol) 资源预留协议
49. VRRP (Virtual RouterRedundancy Protocol) 虚拟路由器冗余协议
50. IMGP (Internet GroupManagement Protocol) Internet组管理协议
51. TDP (Tag DistributionProtocol) 标记分布协议
52. MPLS (Multi-ProtocolLabel Switching) 多协议标记交换
53. BGP (Border GatewayProtocol) 不同自治系统的路由器之间进行通信的外部网关协议
54. RIP (Routing InformationProtocol) 路由选择信息协议
55. GRE (Generic RoutingEncapsulation) 通用路由封装
56. EIGRP (Enhanced InteriorGateway Routing Protocol) 增强的内部网关路由选择协议
57. NHRP(NBMA(Non-Broadcast,Multi-Access) Next Hop Resolution Protocol)NBMA下一跳解析协议
58. GGP (Gateway to GatewayProtocol) 网关到网关协议
59. HSRP (Hot Standby RouterProtocol) 热备份路由器协议
60. EGP (Exterior GatewayProtocol) 外部网关协议
61. IGRP (Interior GatewayRouting Protocol) 内部网关路由协议
62. OSPF (Open Shortest PathFirst) 开放最短路径优先
63. NARP (NBMA AddressResolution Protocol) NBMA地址解析协议
64. ESP (EncapsulationSecurity Payload) 封装安全有效负载
65. AH (AuthenticationHeader) IPsec认证头协议
Data Link:
66. RSRB (Remote SourceRouting Bridge) 远程源路由桥接
67. ARP (Address ResolutionProtocol) 地址解析协议
68. RARP (Reverse AddressResolution Protocol) 反向地址解析协议
69. IARP (Inverse AddressResolution Protocol) 反向地址解析协议
70. SLARP (Serial LineAddress Resolution Protocol) 串行线路地址解析协议
71. CSLIP (Compressed SerialLine Interface Protocol) 压缩的串行线路IP
72. SLIP (Serial Line IP)串行线路IP
73. L2F (Layer 2 ForwardingProtocol) 第二层转发协议
74. L2TP (Layer 2 TunnelingProtocol) 第二层隧道协议
75. PPTP (Point-to-PointTunneling Protocol) 点对点隧道协议
76. ATMP (Ascend TunnelingManagement Protocol) Ascend公司隧道管理协议
77. STUN-SDLC (SerialTunneling-Synchronous Data Link Control)