第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.How long does it take bus 3 to get toLos Angeles?
A.Fivehours.B.Fourhours.C.Three hours.
2.What does the woman think ofMary?
A.She is always friendly.
B.She misunderstood the man.
C.She does not like the man.
3.Why was the man late?
A.His car was broken.
B.He met with a traffic jam,
C.He lost his way.
4.Where does the conversation mostprobably take place?
A.In anoffice.B.Inalibrary.C.Ina bookstore.
5.What is the probable relationshipbetween the two speakers?
A.Husband andwife.B.Fatheranddaughter.C.Doctor and patient.
第二节 (共12小题;每题1.5分,满分18分)
6.What did the man do yesterdayevening?
A.He wentshopping.B.He watchedTV.C.He made a film.
7.Why didn't the woman do what she hadhoped to do?
A.Because she completely forgot it.
B.Because she went shopping withMeg.
C.Because she read the preview.
8.What does the man think of themovie?
A.Great.B.Terrible.C.Just so so.
9.Why do you think they are happy?
A.They have booked the tickets.
B.They have been to the NBA game.
C.They have watched the warm-up.
10.Why should they get there a littleearlier?
A.Because they can get a betterseat.
B.Because they can avoid the trafficjam.
C.Because they can watch thewarm-up.
11.When will they get there?
12.What is the probable relationshipbetween the two speakers?
A.Shopkeeper and salesman.
B.Interviewer and job hunter.
C.Hotel staff and guest.
13.What does the man phone the womanfor?
A.He wants to find a watch to know thetime.
B.He asks her to wake him up in themorning.
C.He doesn't know how to make acall.
14.What number should the man dial ifhe wants to be woken up at 7:00 am?
15.What is the woman doing?
A.Asking about her holiday plan.
B.Asking about some places ofinterest.
C.Offering some information about amuseum.
16.How much does the woman have to payif she and her child visit the museum?
17.What season are the woman and herchild touring these places?
第三节 (共3小题;每小题1.5分,满分4.5分)
Announcement about thekeep fit program
What to do | Hold a18 meter race. |
Time | On the afternoon of1921st; Start at 2 o'clock. |
Demands | ·At least ten students from each class are asked to join in therace. ·Students who want to take part in the race should enter theirnames before Tuesday at the school office. ·All runners must20the playground three times in total. |
21.In the last eight months, Facebook has attracted four millionextra UK users, ____ the UK total to 30 million.
22.—Have you heard about Mary? She is going to get married toTom.
C.AllrightD.You're kidding
23.One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he wastoo busy helping himself to diamonds____
any pain.
24.Health Minister Chen Zu said China was ready to send____medical aid was needed in Japan at a moment’s notice.
25.Don't try too hard.The best things come when you____expectthem to.
26.Don't cry because it is over, and smile becauseit____.
A.happensB.happenedC.ishappeningD.will happen
27.Something is out of our control, so we have tocommand____.
28.It is unfair that such a nice person likeJane____ lose her job.She works so hard!
29.—Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink?
A.It's mypleasureB.You are too nice to me
C.It's very kind ofyouD.Youspend money again
30.If you miss the cultural references ____ a word, you are verylikely to miss its meaning.
31.—Um,I____for men's wear.
—Men's clothing department is on the second floor.
A.amlookingB.havelookedC.lookD.was looking
32.—What? Have you really finished writing your term paper?
—Of course.Nothing makes____ man more productive than___ lastminute.
A.the;theB.a;a C.a;theD.the;a
33.____ a graduate is talented and practical, physical appearance willnot play an important role in job hunting.
A.UnlessB.ThoughC.EvenifD.As long as
34.Baidu's latest troubles began on March 15, ____ 50 Chinesewriters published a declaration.
35.Oh, I think it is the driver that____.He drove too fast andtoo carelessly.
A.is toblameB.is going toblame
C.is to beblamedD.isblamed
第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Graduation day arrived.Kyle was one of those guys thatreally 36 himself duringhigh school.I saw him and he looked good in glasses.He hadmore 37 than me and allthe girls loved him!
I could see that Kyle was38about his speech.So I said, "Hey, big guy, you'll be great! " Helooked at me with one of those39 (the really grateful one) andsmiled." 40", he said.As he started his speech, he41his throat, and began."Graduation is a time tothank those who helped you make it throughthose 42 years. Yourparents, your teachers, maybe a coach… but43 your friends. Being afriend to someone is the best44 you can give them. I am going to tell; youa story.”
I45at my friend in disbelief as he told the story ofthe first day we met.He had 46to kill himself over the weekend. He talkedof how he had 47out his locker (衣物柜) so his Mom wouldn't have todo it later and was carrying all his things48 .He looked hard at me and gave me alittle smile."Thankfully, I was saved.My friend saved me from doingthe 49 ."
I heard the gasp(倒抽一口气)go50 thecrowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all abouthis 51 moment.I saw hisMom and Dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile.Notuntil that moment did I52 its depth.
Never underestimate (低估) the53 of your actions.With one small gesture youcan change a person's54.For better or for worse."Friends are angels wholift us to our feet when our55have trouble remembering how to fly."
He lost his arms in an accident that cost his father'slife.Since then, he's had to depend on the arms of his youngerbrother.To take care of him, his younger brother became his shadow,never leaving him alone for years.Except for writing with his toes,he was completely unable to do anything in his life.
One late night, he suffered from diarrhea(腹泻) and had to wake uphis younger brother.His younger brother accompanied him into thetoilet and then went back to the dorm to wait.But being so tired,his younger brother fell asleep, leaving him three hours till theteacher on duty discovered him.As they grew up, they would havetheir share of problems.Then one day, his younger brother wanted tolive separate from him, living his own life, which made himheart-broken.
A similar misfortune befell a girl.One night her mother,who suffered from mental illness, disappeared.Her father went outlooking for her mother, leaving her alone at home.She tried toprepare meals for them, only to overturn the lamp on the stove,resulting in a fire which took her hands away.
Though her elder sister, who was studying in another city,showed her willingness to take care of her, she was determined tobe completely independent.At school, she always studied hard andlearned to be
One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on atelevision interview program.They were both asked to writesomething on a piece of paper with their toes.The boy wrote: Myyounger brother's arms are my arms; while the girl wrote: Brokenwings, flying heart.
56.From the passage we know that____.
A.the elder brother lost his arms in a family fire when cooking
B.in an accident the elder brother lost his arms, but his fatherlost his life
C.the younger brother shouldn’t have left his brother alone
D.the boy and the girl were both completely independent
57.The passage wants to tell us the biggest difference betweenthe boy and the girl is that____.
A.the girl didn't live with her sister while the boy was helped byhis brother
B.the girl had a devoted sister while the boy had a selfishbrother
C.the girl chose to be challenged while the boy chose to givein
D.the boy lost his father while the girl lost her mother
58.The underlined word "befell" in the third paragraphmeans.
A.fellB.passedC.pulleddownD.happened to
59.Which can be the best title of this passage?
A.Do Well and HaveWell.B.BrokenWings, Flying Heart
C.No Pains, NoGains.D.Grasp All, Lose All.
If you have ever camped, you most probably know the annoyingfeeling of ants crawling(爬行) up and down your arms and legs.
For elephants in Kenya's central highlands, the annoying feelingis disturbing enough to keep them far away from a variety of treethat they would otherwise enjoy eating.
The tree, which is known as the Acacia drepanolobium, is agenerous home to ants that live in its bulbous swellings and feedmainly on a sugary liquid it produces.In return, the ants serve astheir guardians, instantly making attacks on any creature thatapproaches the tree.In the case of elephants, ants crawl up theinside of their trunks and disturb their sensitive nerveendings.
An elephant's trunk(象鼻) is a truly remarkable organ, but alsoappears to be their Achilles' heel when it comes topreparing to fight with an angry ant colony.When branches from oneof their favorite trees are populated with ants, the elephantsimmediately detect the ant smell and therefore will stay away.Butconversely, if the tree does not show any sign of ants, theelephants will hungrily eat the tree branches.
The little ants end up playing a critical regulatory role in thesavanna's(热带稀树大草原的) ecosystem, ensuring the presence of tree coverand helping to control wildfires, since fire spreads faster acrossgrass than through trees.
60.What is the text mainly about?
A.The annoying feeling of ants whencamping.
B.The fight between ants and elephants.
C.The tree that provides a home forants.
D.Ants that serve as guardians for the tree.
61.Elephants are kept away from the tree because____.
A.ants on the tree give off a smell theydislike
B.they have sensitive nerve endings in their trunk
C.ants will make attacks on theirtrunks
D.they want the ant population to grow in the tree
62.What do the underlined words "Achilles'heel" in Para.4mean?
63.The last paragraph wants to tell usthat____.
A.planting more trees helps to reducewildfires
B.ants keep more wildfires from breaking out
C.grass creates more danger thantrees
D.ants can make wildfires less disastrous
Hi, Carolyn!
I'm taking a six-month trip to India to study and to work.Yes,this is completely my choice and I will miss my life here in theStates.However, I believe e-mail and Skype will make it easy for meto stay in touch.
My girlfriend says I am choosing my own freadom over ourrelationship and that it is unreasonable to expect our relationshipto stay the same way while I'm gone.
She doesn't seem unhappy about it, but she did say that if Ileave, we will have to break up because she doesn't want to be in arelationship with her inbox.I think that is closed-minded.What doyou think?
D.C.I think you made your choice and she made hers, and itdoesn't appear as if either of you tried hard to understand theother's feelings.
If she developed her case-closed response simply as a reactionto yours, then it may be that she feels more strongly for you thanshe's showing.But it also means she isn't mature enough to admither feelings or act on them, which means yourSkype-will-keep-us-together plan may not work out.
While her accusation(指责) that you're choosing "freedom" soundsnot well-considered, she has a point about expecting things to staythe same.If that's what you hope, then why bother with thetrip?
I hope both of you see you're both closing your minds topossibilities, good and bad.And I hope you tell each other how youreally feel, what you really think is reasonable to expect, and whyyou do or don't want to break up before you go.You might not agree—it just takes one to break up —but, if you're brave and honest,you give each other a chance to understand.
64.Why did D.C.write to Carolyn?
A.He can't dedde whether to go to India or not.
B.He may have to break up with his girlfriend.
C.He is not sure whether Skype will help him keep in touch.
D.His girlfriend is becoming closed-minded.
65.We can infer from Carolyn's reply that_____.
A.D.C.should end his relationship with his girlfriend before takingthe trip
B.freedom has always been a cause ofbreakup
C.both D.C.and his girlfriend should realize it's hard but possibleto keep the relationship
D.D.C.has no choice but to stay
66.Carolyn advisedD.C.to____.
A.be open-minded and talk to hisgirlfriendB.persuadeher to go with him
C.tell her Skype is easy touseD.giveup his trip to India
67.Carolyn's reply is developed mainly by____.
A.givingexamplesB.analyzing causes and possibilities
In 2008, a study was published suggesting that eating a big,high-calorie breakfast was a more effective way of losing weight inthe long term than eating a modest, lower calorie breakfast.Thestudy used two groups of people on two different diets —a smallbreakfast group and a big breakfast group.After 8 months, the bigbreakfast group lost more than 21% of their body weight, while thesmall breakfast group only lost 4.5%.The study' s authors suggestedthat eating a higher calorie breakfast caused people to eat lesscalories throughout the day by controlling appetite forcarbohydrates.
This caused a stir(轰动) in the diet and nutritionindustries.However, as often happens in the medical research world,a few years later another study is published claiming somethingdifferent.This is what happened Monday with a new German studypublished in Nutrition Journal.
The new study looks at self-reports from 300 people who wereasked to keep a journal of what they ate.The participants ateeither a big or small breakfast, and sometimes skipped breakfastall together.
The results of the study showed that people ate the samecalories at lunch and dinner, regardless of what they had forbreakfast", said lead researcher Dr.Volker Schusdziarra from theUniversity of Munich in a statement.This means that a big breakfast(on average 400 calories greater than a small breakfast) resultedin a total increase in calories eaten over the day of about 400calories.The only difference seen was by skipping a mid morningsnack when someone ate a big breakfast, however this was not enoughto offset(抵消) the extra calories they had already eaten.
68.What does this text mainly discuss?
A.A more effective way of losing weight. B.Abetter understanding of breakfast.
C.The benefit of a high-calorie breakfast.D.The new findings aboutthe effect of breakfast.
69.Which of the following statements is true about bothstudies?
A.They shared part of theresults.B.Differentresearch approaches were adopted.
C.The subjects remainunchanged.D.Theydrew little attention.
70.According toDr.Schusdziarra,____.
A.a big breakfast helps you eat fewer calories for lunch anddinner
B.skipping a mid morning snack makes a great difference
C.the extra calories from a big breakfast can't be balanced
D.breakfast, big or small, has little effect on your weight
71.We can infer from the passagethat____.
A.self-reports are more reliable in scientific research
B.researchers in the new study enjoy more authority
C.a more effective way to lose weight has been found
D.the new study may also turn out to be false one day
The Book of Eli
Yes, this book follows an end of the world theme quite nicelyand that is why I have ranked it as the movie I most look forwardto seeing in 2012.The Book of Eli is set in a post-apocalypticworld and involves a man's journey across America to protect a veryimportant book.This book he holds has the secrets to the survivalof mankind.The release date for The Book of Eli is scheduled for 15Jan 2012.
The Lovely Bones
This was a remarkable book so I know the movie will beamazing.The Lovely Bones centers on a teenage girl named SusieSalmon who is murdered by her neighbor.The movie follows fromSusie's viewpoint in Heaven as she adjusts to seeing her familycope with life without her (even though she is in her idea ofparadise) and finally realizes that they will be fine.The releasedate for The Lovely Bones is scheduled for 3 November 2011.
Shutter Island
The name of this movie made me think of cameras due to the word"shutter" but what would shutter island be then—an island with alot of cameras? Isn't that the Survivor television series? Anyway,I clicked on the description to learn more.Shutter Island is set in1954.A patient escapes Boston's Shutter Island AshecliffeHospital.Teddy Daniels looks into the case and uncovers somehorrible physician treatments and a seeming cover-up to thisparticular case.I love psychology and that is what my degree is inso this movie is definitely for me.Shutter Island is planned to bereleased on 19 February 2012.
72.The Book of Eli is about____.
A.a sightseeingtripB.aviolent war
C.an importanthandbookD.aheroic figure
73.Why does the writer think highly of the movie The LovelyBones?
A.It is about a lovely teenagegirl.B.Themovie is a thriller.
C.It is adapted from a goodbook.D.It'stouching and inspiring
74.Why was the movie named Shutter Island?
A.Because it made people think of cameras.
B.Because there was an island with lots of cameras.
C.Because Shutter Island is where the story happened.
D.Because it's a new television series.
75.The text is mainlyabout____.
A.the writer's favoritebooksB.themovies the writer is expecting
C.the best movies in2012D.threemovies to be released in 2012
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown,
I'm writing to you from my home in China.I returned
home safe and sound.When thinking of the wonderfulday76.______
I spent in New Orleans, I just can't help think of bothof77.______
you.It was very kind for you to have providedeverything78._______
to make my stay there such happyexperience.I've 79.______
learned so many, not only English but also culture.AndI80.______
really enjoy a great deal, the fun and laughter weshared81.______
them with each other.Thank you very much.I'llalways82.______
remember this trip as well as yourkind.83.______
Welcome to China when that's convenient for you.I'll bevery84.______
glad to show you around.And you'll surely have apleased85.______
visit here.
I'll keep in touch and write to you later.Please take care!
Yours faithfully,
1.参考词汇:漫画cartoon;火锅hotpot;化学添加剂chemical addictives;食品安全foodsafety
Dear Jack,
I’m glad to hear from youagain..
It is a great pity that I may not be able to treat you to adelicious hotpot when you come to visit me in China one day, isn'tit?