Chelsea: Donny is driving us until I get my new ride.Isn"t thatsweet?
Carter: That's sweet. There's no room for me.
Donny: Sure there is. Come on, climb in.
Chelsea: No, she's right. Brookie's already wrinkling myafter-lunch outfit.
Brookie: No, I'm not!
Carter: Chelsea, this is high school, not Vegas. you don't needa costume chang.
Chelsea: Right.But you might wanna think about it.
Donny: I'm sorry,Carter. Hey, thanks for the bait.
Chelsea: See you!
Carter: I can't stand them, they are such princesses.
Mason: You said that like it's a bad thing. Carter, they'reteenager girls. They are probably just jealous.
Carter: Yeah.I'm pretty sure they are not.
Mason: It's Mason. yes. sir. No,sir. Right away.
Carter: You're leaving again?
Mason: Two days, max. It’s no big deal. It’s just a routingop.
Carter: That’s what you always say. Just be careful, OK?
Mason: Always.
You and me, pal!
Carter: you and me, Dad.
Dimitri: Her royal Highness, Rosalinda Marie Montoya Fiore,Princess de Costa Luna. And you are walking, and walking as youradoring subjects welcome you.
Linda: Dimitri, my coronation is one month away. Why do we haveto practice now?
Dimitri The rehearsal is so that everything will be perfect.
Elegante: Princess, what a beautiful coronation dress you arewearing. Who, may I ask, designed it?
Linda: you did, Mr. Elegante.
Elegante: So I did, I am brilliant, no?
Linda : yes.
Sophia: Thank you for coming to help Rosalinda. Now that myhusband has passed away, only he can become queenof Costa Luna. But it is so much for someone soyoung. And I am afraid that General Kane will take advantage ofthat.
Mason : No, I’ll be here. And I’ll protect her as she is myown.
Sophia : I know you will, Major Mason . I know you will.
Mason : Sounds like you music.
Sophia (Smiling)
Dimitri: Turn to face your subjects, Rosalinda. Honored guests,family, friends, I present to you Princess Rosalinda Marie MontoyaFiore, heir to the throne of Costa Luna. She is willing to be youqueen. If any person has a reason to object, let them come forwardand be heard!
Kane : I object. The princess is too young to be queen. CostaLuna and Costa Estrella two tiny countries who must stand togetheragainst the world. Therefore, for the good of both our countries, I, General Magnus Kane , declare myself EI President De La Republicde has Costa. Seize them.
Mason : Time to is now.
Sophia : Go now with Major Mason. Go now.
Mason : Hurry, my queen, we must go now.
Linda : who are you ? where are you taking me?
Mason : I am here to protect you. You need to trust me.
Linda : but what about my mother?
Mason : she is going to meet us, but we need to hurry.
Linda : Are you all right, Mama?
Sophia : Yes, yes, darling, yes. I knew General Kane would trysomething like this. So I made a plan to protect you. You must doeverything he says. Do you promise you will do that?
Linda : yes , I promise that.
Mason : we need to move.
Linda : Mam, where we’re going?
Sophia : No, not we, you . The General will say you abandonedthe country, but I must stay, so the people know that you willreturn when it is safe.
Linda : No, not without you.
Sophia : Hear . So, no matter what happens, you never forget youare a princess. Don’t worry, Mi Raina Bonita. We will be togethervery soon.
Mason: we gotta go now. Let us go.
Sophia : you will never find her. And as long as she remainsfree, there will be hope in Costa Luna.
Kane : I could not agree more. But the princess is only a girl ,she will contact her mother. And when she does, I’ll bring her toCosta Luna, where she will rot with her mother in a tiny dirt cell.You will both become a tragic symbol of futility to those who woulddefy me. Take her away.
Linda : what is this place?
Mason : you’ll see.
Director: Door opening. ---Door closing.
Linda: What… where am I ? Is this some a kind of a prison?
Director : Not prison, protection. Princess Rosalinda MorieMontoya Fiore, you’re now in the safe custody of the InternationalPrincess Protection Program, the PPP.
Rosielinda: I’ve never heard of it.
Director: Nobody ever hears about us until we’re needed. Goodwork, Major.
Mason : Thank you, Director.
Director: Level three, security.
Mason : You’ll be safe now, Princess.
Linda : How long am I staying here?

Director: Until you’re ready for stage four.
Linda : Stage four? What is stage one?
Director: Extraction. That is what brought you here.
Linda : Stage two?
Director: Transition.
Linda : Transition to what?
Director: Stage three.
Come inside, why don’t you? And I will explain everything. Welcome,Rosalinda, to the operational heart of the Princess ProtectionProgram, a top secret agency funded by the world’s royal families.We’re actively providing protection to 29 princesses, all of whomhave been threatened in one way or another.
Chloe, may I ?
Chloe: Of course , Director.
Director: This is princess Chandra. Last January, Major Masonrescued her from a potically-motivated coup. We have placed herwhere no one will find her. Let’s just say she’s a little farthernorth than she’s used to.
Linda : She’s freezing!
Director: Probably. But she’s safe. Let’s take a walk, shall we?Please! Chloe, report!
Chloe: Princess 383 has had a successful extraction. She arrivesat 01:00 hours. Princess 299 is still rejecting all attempts attransformation. And princess 107 is in need of our services.
Rosalinda: What about me? Where are you sending me?
Director: No where. First, you must go through stage three,transformation. First, we start with hair and then the wardrobe,until you are unrecognizable as princesses.
Linda : No! stop! I do not know any of you people. I want tospeak with Major Mason . I only trust Major Mason .
Mason: Is everything all right?
Linda : Take me bake to my country.
Mason : Princess, I’m sorry. But General Kane has taken controlof your country and assumed. Command of its government.
Linda : But what about my mother? Who’s protecting mymother?
Mason : You are. As long as you are in Princess Protection, yourmother will be safe, please. General Kane is hoping you willcontact her, so he will know where to find you.
Linda : what if he does find me?
Mason : He’ll make an example of you by sending you to prison ora work farm. And Costa Luna will become part of his own personalkingdom with its true royal family nothing but a memory. Bottomline, if you care about your country , and your mother’s safety,nobody can know who you really are.
Linda : You may proceed.
Director: Good work. From now on, you’re no longer princess, youare now Rosie Gonzalez, an average American girl.
Rosie : What happens now?
Director: Stage four, Relocation.
Linda : Where?
Director: Somewhere where General Kane will never think oflooking for the princess of Costa Luna.