Lest和For fear that等同义结构的用法
1. Please remind me of it again tomorrow lest I (should)forget.明天请再提醒我一下,免得我忘记。
2. He runs fast lest he (should)miss the train. 他快跑,免得赶不上火车。
二、可用for fear that 和in case等来代替lest:
1. He locked up the document for fear that it (should) bestolen. (也可用lest代之。)他把文件锁好了,免得被窃。
2. I don’t make a noise in case I (should) wake them.我不出声,免得惊醒他们。

3. Take care so as not to fall. 当心不要跌到。(也可用Take care in ordernot to fall和Take care lest you fall代之。)
注意lest多用于书面语中,文体较古些。for fear that比较通俗。口语中常用incase代替lest。它们各自带的目的状语从句一般都用should表示虚拟语气,并且这个should往往还可省略。
1. I am afraid lest (=that) he should get here too late.我怕他到达这里太晚。
2. By the end of 1956 she had waited for you ten years in sorefear lest you had died. 到1956年底,她已经等了你十年之久。生怕你已死去。