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The term microlecture is NOT used here to refer to microcontent for microlearning, but to actual instructionalcontent that is formatted for online and mobile learning using aconstructivist approach. More specifically, as described in theChronicle ofHigher Education,[1]these are approximately 60 second presentations with a specificstructure. They are not just brief (one minute) presentations:although Dr. McGrew had success with "one minute lectures"[2]at the University of Northern Iowa asdid Dr. Kee [3]at the University of Leeds.
David M. Penrose (aka the One Minute Professor), an independentinstructional designer and eLearning consultant, has articulatedthe process for creating these microlectures. As stated(Shea, 2009), these specific lecturesare combined with specific activities designed to promote theepistemic engagement[4]of the learner. The response of the Higher Education community wasmixed, with some positive[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]and some negative.[16]
The interest surrounding the use of microlectures hascontinued to grow, even outside of the United States, to placeslike Hong Kong University.[17]In the United States, the use of microlectures are evenconsidered a vital part of the Pandemic Response Plans.[18]Additionally, even scholars at schools like Princeton University(Humanities Resource Center),[19]UNC's School of Government,[20]Humbolt State University,[21]University of West Florida,[22]and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign[23]support the importance of an innovative teaching-learning approachfor learners in the 21st century.
The popularity of the microlectures has been the focus ofa recent (November 1, 2012) EDUCAUSE resource, the EducauseLearning Initiative "7 Things You Should Know About"series.[24]The EDUCAUSE series is published monthly and dates back to May 1,2005. In each issue, the focus addresses seven basic questions...
What is it?
How does it work?
Who's doing it?
Why is it signficant?
What are the downsides?
Where is it going?
What are the implications for higher education?
How to create a One MinuteLecture
Professors spend a lot of time crafting hourlong lectures. Theprospect of boiling them down to 60 seconds — or even five minutes— may seem daunting. David Penrose, a independent course designerwho developed San Juan College's microlectures, suggests that itcan be done in five steps:
- ^Shieh, David. (2009). These lecturesare gone in 60 seconds. Chronicle of Higher Education,55(26), A1,A13.
- ^McGrew,L. A. (1993). "A 60-second course in Organic Chemistry". Journalof Chemistry Education 70 (7): 543–544. doi:10.1021/ed070p543.
- ^Kee,T.P. (1995). "The one minute lecture". Education inChemistry 32: 100–101.
- ^Shea,P.; Bidjerano, T. (2009). "Community of inquiry as a theoreticalframework to foster "epistemic engagement" and "cognitive presence"in online education". Computers and Education 52 (3):543–553. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2008.10.007.
- ^Loginquitas, E. (2009, March 7).One-Minute Lectures?! Instructional Design Open Studio.Retrieved March 8, 2009, from http://id.ome.ksu.edu/blog/2009/mar/7/one-minute-lectures/
- ^Lipowski, J. (2009, March 17).Microlectures turn lessons into interactive snippets. The StateNews, Retrieved on March 26, 2009 from http://statenews.com/index.php/article/2009/03/microlectures_turn_lessons_into_interactive_snippets
- ^Robledo, L. (2009, March 18). Smallschool expands use of 'one-minute lectures'. Brown DailyHerald, 144(38), 5-6. Retrieved on March 26, 2009 from http://media.collegepublisher.com/media/paper472/documents/4758x8h8.pdf
- ^Baltzer, J. (2009). "Online degrees evolve tomeet new demands". Trustee Quarterly 32 (4):34–35.
- ^Demski, J. (2009). Micro & MacroVideo. Campus Technology, 23(3), 14,16
- ^Crosslin, M. (2009, March 4).Microlectures: A constructivist's dream come true. EduGeekJournal. Retrieved on January 21, 2010 from http://www.edugeekjournal.com/2009/03/04/microlectures-a-constructivists-dream-come-true/
- ^Humboldt State University. (2009,October 8). Micro-lectures: Just-in-time teaching for criticaltopics and skills. Retrieved on January 21, 2010 from http://www3.humboldt.edu/celt/tips/micro-lectures_just-in-time_teaching_for_critical_topics_and_skills/
- ^Henninger, P. (2009). The JournalEditorial Report, March 7, 2009. Fox News. Retrieved onJanuary 21, 2010 from http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,507165,00.html
- ^Morris,L.V. (2009). "Little Lectures?". Innovative Higher Education34 (2): 67–68. doi:10.1007/s10755-009-9108-1.
- ^DeCastro, S. (2010, April 22).Commentary: Using technology to improve access, success.Community College Times. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 fromhttp://www.communitycollegetimes.com/Pages/Campus-Issues/Using-technology-to-improve-access-success.aspx
- ^OIT. (2009, June 8). Microlectures.TechOIT. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from http://blogs.umass.edu/teachoit/2009/06/09/microlectures/
- ^Krajewski, B. (2009, March 3).Lilliputians of Higher Education Invent Microlectures. TheFourth Policeman. Retrieved March 4, from http://brucekrajewski.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/lilliputians-of-higher-education/
- ^University of Hong Kong. (2009).Knowledge Team Meeting Minutes, April 24, 2009. Retrieved onJanuary 21, 2010 from http://lib.hku.hk/kt/kt-meeting-minutes-24_April_2009.doc
- ^University of St. Thomas. (2009).Faculty Guide for Pandemic Planning. Retrieved on January 21, 2010from http://www.stthomas.edu/irt/forfaculty/pandemicplan/default.html
- ^Brady, A. (2009, March 9).Microlectures in distance and online learning. Retrieved on January21, 2010 from https://blogs.princeton.edu/hrc/2009/03/microlectures_in_distance_and_online_learning.html
- ^Cunningham, C. (2009, March 8).Micro-lectures: A cure for content bloat. Teaching and LearningSupport. Retrieved on January 21, 2010 from http://sogweb.sog.unc.edu/blogs/tls/?p=483
- ^HSU. (2011, October 13). Microlecturesby Joan Van Duzer: Just-in-time teaching for critical topics andskills. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from http://www.humboldt.edu/celt/tips/micro-lectures_just-in-time_teaching_for_critical_topics_and_skills/
- ^Center for Academic Technologies.(2009, April 7). Microlectures. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 fromhttp://uwf.edu/cutla/micro-lectures.cfm
- ^CITES Academic Technology Services.(2012, July 19). A microlectures workshop. Retrieved on November 5,2012 from http://www.library.uiuc.edu/blog/infolit/2012/07/microlecture_workshop.html
- ^EDUCAUSE. (2012). 7 Things You ShouldKnow About MICROLECTURES. Retrieved on November 2, 2012 fromhttp://www-cdn.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7090.pdf
See also
Online Learning