签订日期The date of signature
买方: Buyer:
地址: Address:
卖方: Seller:
地址: Address:
目录:Table ofClauses:
第一章定 义Clause 1Definitions
第二章合同范围Clause 2Scopes of Contract
第三章价 格Clause 3Contract Prices
第四章支 付Clause 4Terms of Payment
第五章交货与保险Clause5Delivery and Insurance
第六章包装与标记Clause6Packing and Labels
第七章技术文件Clause 7Technical Documents
第八章设计与设计联络Clause8Design and exchange
第九章标准与检验Clause9Standards and Inspections
Clause10Installation, Test Operation, Commissioning Test Run, PerformanceTest and
Operational Acceptance
第十一章保证与担保Clause11Assurances and Guarantees
第十二章索赔Clause 12Claim
第十三章不可抗力Clause13Force Majeure
第十四章税费Clause 14Taxes and Duties
第十五章仲裁Clause 15Arbitration
第十六章合同的生效及其他Clause16 Thevalidity of contract and other matters
附 件Appendix:
附件一: 卖方供应范围内的合同设备清单
Annex.1 The List ofContracted Equipments Within The scope of Contract.
附件二: 有关的技术资料清单及交付时间表
Annex.2 The Delivery TimeSchedule of Patent, Know-How and Technical Documents in Relation toContracted Equipments.
附件三: 合同标的物和合同产品的技术参数、保证指标。
Annex.3 The Specifications,Quantities and Assured Values of Contracted Equipments, ContractedItems and Contracted Products.
Annex.4 The Time Schedule forInstallation, Commissioning Test Run.
THISCONTRACT AGREEMENT is made on 30 of December, 2004 with No.YTWF041230 at place of Jakarta.
印度尼西亚Pt WorldpointPrestasi Jaya(以下简称买方)为一方,依法经营地址为:Rukan Nirwana Sunter Asri TahapⅢ Blok J 2A NO.9,Jakarta 14350。
PtWorldpoint Prestasi Jaya, a corporation incorporated under the lawsof Indonesia and having its principal place of business at: RukanNirwana Sunter Asri Tahap Ⅲ Blok J 2A NO.9,Jakarta 14350 (hereinafter called the Buyer).
HubeiIntepower Wufeng Food Processing Machine Co., Ltd., a corporationincorporated under the laws of China and having its principal placeof business at: No.121 Shundao Street Wuhan, Hubei Province 430022,China (hereinafter called the Seller).
The Buyerand the Seller, through friendly negotiation, have agreed to suchengagement upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafterappearing.
第一章 定 义 Clause 1:Definitions:
Unless thespecific written promise between Buyer/representative and theSeller, the hereinafter definitions have meanings hereby assignedto them.
1.1 买方:Buyer: Pt WorldpointPrestasi Jaya.
1.2 卖方:粮食机械有限公司。
Seller: Food ProcessingMachine Co., Ltd.
1.4 合同标的物:卖方将本合同附件一所列设备经安装、调试用以生产合同产品的成套碾米设备。
ContractedItems: All technology and equipments and coordinative auxiliaryfacility, used for produce contracted products, supplied by theSeller stipulated in Annex 3.
ContractedProducts: Produced by contracted item, have the specifications,quantities and assured values stipulated in Annex 3. All items aresubjected to Buyer consultant approval.
1.6 合同价格:买方因卖方提供本合同标的物而支付的本合同规定的总价。
ContractedPrice: The aggregate Buyer should pay to the Seller inconsideration of performance by the contractor of its allobligations.
ContractedCurrency: Used to pay the contracted price, i.e. USD.
1.8买卖双方银行:买方银行为 ;卖方银行为。
Two side'sBanks: Buyer's bank is ,Seller’s bank is .
Installation: The fittings, locations, connections,assemble work for all contracted equipments of contracted Itemsstipulated in Annex 4.
1.10 试车:安装之后设备的单独或联动的试运转以检测设备的机械性能。
OperationTest: The operation test of all equipments or part after theinstallation, to ascertain whether the mechanical performance ofthe contracted equipment is able to attain the values of design.The detail is referring to the stipulations in Annex 4.
1.11 投料试生产:将本合同标的物连接公用设施和投入原料以试制合同产品。
Commissioning Test Run: The contracted items described inAnnex 4 connect with public facilities and be put into raw materialand operate, to trial produce the contracted products.
1.12 性能测试:检测本合同附件三所规定的各项技术参数,包括设备的各项性能和产品的
Performance Test: To inspect all assured values asstipulated in Annex 3, including all performances of contractedequipments and technical index of all products.
1.13 验收:如果考核结果表明,合同标的物能够全部达到本合同附件所规定的各项技术参数,则视为买方所验收。
Operational Acceptation: If after the examination andperformance test, the contracted items can attain the all assuredvalue stipulated in Annexes, is regarded as being operationalacceptation by the Buyer.
1.14 装卸港口:装运港为上海港;卸货港为雅加达港。
Load and Unload Port: Load port is Shanghai China. Unload port isJakarta Indonesia.
1.15 工作现场:生产合同产品的场所,即_印度尼西亚Indrumayu。
Work Site:The places to execute the contract upon, i.e. IndrumayuIndonesia.
1.16 现场代表:合同双方各自任命的在工作现场代表己方全权处理与合同义务有关的一
Work SiteRepresentatives: Any person nominated by Buyer and Sellerseparately to perform the duties delegated by the Buyer and theSeller separately at work site.
1.17 技术文件:本合同附件二、三中所列的与合同标的物有关的设计、检验、安装、试车、
TechnicalDocuments: All technical data, specifications, drawings anddocuments relevant to contracted item’s design, inspections,installation, commissioning, commissioning test run, performancetest, operation, maintenance, just stipulated in Annex 2, Annex 3and Annex 4.
1.18 技术服务:就本合同标的物的设计、安装、试车、投料试生产、性能测试、操作、维修等工作,向买方提供的技术指导、协助。
TechnicalServices: The technical instruction, assistance and supervisionprovided by the General Contractor in design, inspection,installation, operation test, commissioning test run, performancetest, operation of contracted items pursuant to stipulation onAnnex 4.
1.19 技术培训:卖方根据合同标的物的设计、安装、试车、投料试生产、性能测试、操作、
TechnicalTraining: The Seller supplied training in technology, based theexecution of design, installation, test operation, commissioningtest run, performance Test, operation and reparation of contracteditems.
1.20 检验机构:中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局设立在装货港和/或工作现场的或邻近
Inspectioninstitution: the branch established in loading port and/or workingsite or neighbor by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau ofthe P.R.C.
1.21 保证期:保证期3个月,始于合同标的物验收通过之日,在此期间,卖方保证合同标的物的正常、稳定运行。详见本合同附件三规定。
GuaranteePeriod: commencement with the date of operational acceptation,during the period, the Seller guarantee the proper and steadyoperation of Contracted Items, and eliminate any defect ofcontracted items. 详见本合同附件三规定The detail isreferring to the stipulations in Annex 3.
1.22 合同生效日:本合同经双方当事人盖章、授权代表签字日起正式生效。
The dateof effect: The contract is into validity from the date the contractis signed by the Buyer and the Seller.
第二章 合同范围Clause 2: Scopes of Contract
2.1 买方同意从卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售合同标的物,其中包括本合同附件一、本合同附件二所列的所有设备和技术文件。卖方在保证期内免费提供技术服务和技术培训。
The Buyeragrees to buy and Seller agrees to sell the contracted items,including contracted
equipments, permitted patents/know-how, the designdocuments, technical documents, technical service and technicaltraining which needed by contracted Item.
2.2 卖方所供应的合同设备清单见附件一,合同标的物及合同产品的技术参数和保证指标见附件三。
TheContracted Equipment supplied by Seller see Annex 1. Thespecifications, quantities and assured values of contractedequipments see Annex 3.
2.3 卖方应承担本合同标的物的设计工作。
The Selleris responsible for the whole design of contracted items.
2.4 卖方应依据本合同附件二的规定向买方提交技术文件。
The Sellershall submit the technical documents to Buyer accordance with thecontract.
2.5 卖方应派遣有经验的、健康的和称职的技术人员到工作现场提供技术服务。
The Sellershall send veteran, healthy technicians to Work Site to providetechnical service.
2.6 卖方应向买方的技术人员提供技术培训。
The Sellershall provide technical training to Buyer's technicians.
第三章 价 格 Clause 3: The Price ofContract:
The Sellershall provide contracted equipments, authorized patents/Know-how,design and technical documents, technical service and training etc.demo project equivalent to total the price of contract USD 46,499(forty six thousand four hundred ninety nine US dollarsonly).
第四章 支 付 Clause4: Terms of Payment
Anypayment under the contract between Buyer and Seller should beeffected
throughthe two side's bank stipulated in the contract.
Theprocedure of payments between two sides should be carried throughas hereby:
The contracted priceshould be paid by irrevocable Letter of credit. The Buyer shouldissue the irrevocable L/C in favor of Seller amount to contractedprice described as above. The validity period of the L/C should bebefore the date of June 30th, 2005.
The Sellershould supply following business documents as delivery.
A. 签署的商业发票一式四份;(发票注明支付金额和价格单);
Signed commercialInvoice in quadruplicate. (Notice the amount pay for and PriceList);
B. 详细的装箱单正本一式四份(注明包装重量、数量和对应的发票日期);
Detailedpacking List in quadruplicate, noting the packing weight, No. andrelevant date of Invoice;
Full setof Insurance Policy, covering all risk, amount 110% of value ofcommercial Invoice, notice that all insurance claim are payable inIndonesia in contracted currency;
D. 由生产厂家签发的品质证明书正本一份,副本三份;
Qualitycertificate issued by manufacturers in one original and threecopies;
Certificate of the Original issued by Hubei provincialCITPC in one original and three copies;
Certificate of Heat Treatment issued by Hubei provincialCCIQB in one original and three copies.
All theexpenses occurred in the Buyer's bank is on the account of Buyer;all the expenses occurred out of the Buyer's bank is on the accountof Seller.
第五章 交货和保险 Clause 5:Deliveryand Insurance
The Sellershould finish the delivery of whole of equipments of contracteditems within 45 days from the date of acceptance of L/C.
The totalgross weight of the contracted equipments is inTons, the total net weight of the contracted equipments isinTons, the total volume of the contracted equipments iscubic meter.
5.3本合同设备的起运港为上海港 ;卸货港为雅加达港。
Thedelivery port of the contracted equipments is Shanghai China. Theunload port is Jakarta Indonesia.
If thereare specific requirements in storage for contracted equipments,Seller should provide demonstrative documents in English insixtuplicate, giving the specific protective procedure required forin inland transportation and storage.
Theshipping for contracted equipment should be whole set for everysingle equipment if it is possible. The specific tools, materialsand vulnerable parts should be delivery with main equipments. Ifthere are equipments shipped in dock in usual, the Seller pack themin proper and in specific protective procedure.
Not lessthan 3 days before the shipping date of equipment, the Sellershould advise Buyer below information:
A.合同号;Contract No.
B.合同备妥待运日;The date of equipment ready forshipping.
C.货物总体积;Total volume of every batch ofequipment for shipping.
D.货物总毛重/总包装件数;Total gross weight/Total piece ofpacking.
E.装船港口名称:上海;The name of load port:Shanghai, China.
The name and international Nos. of danger and flammable.
5.7 卖方负责预订船位,应由卖方支付费用对此予以保险。
The Seller is responsible for booking ship and burden the freightand premium.
In orderto facilitate the receipt and inland transportation, The Sellershould inform Buyer in fax within 24 hour upon the finishing ofshipping with information: contract Nos., the name of contractedequipments, actual quantity of delivery, total gross, the namevessel, the date of shipped and set sail, estimated arrival date atunload port. If there are deviation between actual the piece ofcontracted equipments and Seller’s previous notice, these deviationshould be given respectively Within 5 days after shipped, theSeller should airmail below documents each one to Buyer andconsignee respectively: Bill of Lading, signed commercial invoice,manufacturer's the certificate of quality, the certificate oforigin, insurance policy/insurance certificate, packing List,etc.
Withinfive days after loading, the Seller shall send B/L, commercialinvoice with signature, certificate of quality from manufacturer,certificate of the original, insurance or evidence of insurance andpacking list, etc. in one to Buyer and consigneeseparatively.
The Sellershould make insurance with good-reputed insurance company in favorof Buyer, covering all risks, against 110% value of commercialinvoice. The insurance should cover the value of contracted price,the insurance claim must be available in Indonesia in contractcurrency. No free clause for claim can't be included.
第六章 包装与标记Clause 6: Packingand Labels
Providedother stipulated, the Seller is responsible for packing. Allequipments supplied by Seller should packed with new, solid woodencase suitable for ocean and inland transportation , repeatedlytransmit , load and unload. According to the characteristic andrequirement of these equipments, the Seller should take necessaryprotective measures of damp proof, rain-proof, rusty proof,shockproof, corrosion-proof and other measures, in order to convoythe all equipments into work sites without any damage.
The Sellermakes label on every bulk part inside of packing case and bundle,indicating the contract Nos., the name of main machine, the name ofpart, the position Nos. and Part Nos. in bulk diagram. Besidesabove label, the words of spare part or tools should be made onthem in addition for spare parts and tools.
The Sellershould print in evident English below marks, on the adjoining fourside face of every packing case with fadeless paint:
A.合同号;Contract No.
C.目的港;Destination Port.
D.收货人;. Consignee.
E.合同设备名称及项号;The name and Item Nos. ofcontracted equipments
F.箱号/件号;Nos. of case/ Nos. ofpiece.
G.毛重/净重;Gross weight/netweight
H.尺码(长x宽x高,以毫米表示)。Dimension ( Length × Width ×Height , in MM )
第七章 技术文件Clause 7: TechnicalDocuments:
Thecontent of technical documents is as described in Annex 2, Annex 3and Annex 4. Unless other stipulated, technical documents should becompiled in metric system. The note and description should be inEnglish.
Alltechnical documents supplied by Seller should be packed in capableof line-haul, repeatedly transmit, rain-proof, damp proof. Theunseen surface of every packing parcel should be noted withfollowing information:
Everyparcel of technical documents should attach with detail list induplicate, noting the serial Nos. code, name and quantity inpage.
Within 7days from the dated of valid of the contract, the Seller shoulddelivery the technical documents in the batch to theBuyer.
Within 24hours upon the delivery of technical documents, Seller shall noticeBuyer by fax the date of delivery, quantity of piece, flight No.and approximate gross weight. Following documents shall besubmitted at same time.
Airway bill in duplicate , noting the contract Nos. andConsignee.
Detailed List of technical documents in duplicate.
If thereare shortage, lose, and attaint for technical documents, Sellershall replace the documents mentioned above freely after receivenotice from Buyer.
第八章 设计和设计联络Clause 8: Designand exchange:
In orderto execute the contract item successfully, two sides shouldnominate the special person responsible for the design and designexchange.
TheBuyer’s Consultant (Mr. Karta) is the representative, and in chargeto revise design, equipment whether, approve site works, approveoperation test, commissioning test, performance test and issue theoperational acceptation.
The scopeof design and supplied technical documents undertake by every sideshould provide to count-partner advance. The landform diagram andgeological survey information provided from Buyer should regardedas the design evidence for factory.
第九章 标准和检验Clause 9: Standards and Inspections:
Alldesign, selecting material, production and inspection aboutcontracted equipment made by Seller should be according to theprevail standard and norm of Buyer's state, however, end product ofrice processed should be according to the prevail standard and normof seller’s state.
The Sellerand manufacturers should inspect the contracted equipments, andprovide Buyer with manufacturer's certificate of quality andpre-delivery record. All cost and expense is at Seller'saccount.
If Sellerand manufacturer would find there are incomplete on inspectionstipulated in the prevail standard and norm of Buyer's state, canimplement according to the existing of supplier’s state or otherappropriate standard.
第十章 安装、试车、投料试生产、性能测试和验收
Clause 10:Installation, test operation, commissioning test run, performancetest and operation acceptance:
Installation, test operation, commissioning test run,performance test and operation acceptance should be executed byBuyer / representative under the technical instruction from Sellerand according to forms mutually agreed upon. The scope of technicalservice is as Annex4.
Three daysbefore the installation, two sides should designate one siterepresentative respectively. The both side should carry outinstallation, test operation, commissioning test run, performancetest and operational acceptation pursuant to Annex 4. The resultsshould be recorded and signed by two side'srepresentative.
The installations should be conducted and finished within 5 monthsfrom the date of valid of the contract. When this installation isup to the requirements of technical documents, two sides shouldsign the Certificate of Equipment Installation within 5 days. Thedate of these sign should be regarded as the date of finishing ofinstallation of equipments.
Testoperation should be conducted and finished within 6 months from thedate of valid of the contract. When these test operation issuccessful and up to the requirements of technical documents, therepresentative from both side should sign the Test OperationCertificate within 3 days from the date of finishing of testoperation.
Commissioning test run and performance test shouldn'texceed 10 times and should finish within one month from the date offinishing of test operation. The detail proceedings ofcommissioning test run and performance test should be provided inadvance by Seller, and co-ordinate and decide by two sides. Inorder to conduct the commissioning test run and performance test,Buyer should supply sufficient installation and repair tools, laband inspection device/ apparatus, skilled technicians, all rawmaterials in stipulated quality and quantity, useful publicfacilities. The Seller should send skilled technicians, sufficientaccessories and other items pursuant to Annex 4.
If thecontracted items perform successfully in the commissioning testrun, two parties shall confirm the begin date of performance test.The period of performance test is 3 days. The conduction ofperformance test shall be pursuant to Annex 4. The details ofperformance test shall be recorded on the work log and signed bytwo parties' representative thereof within three (3) days after thefinishing of performance Test. If all index of contracted itemsattain the assured value stipulated in Annexes, the representativefrom two parties shall sign contracted items acceptationcertificate in double, two copies for each party within threedays.
第十一章 保证与担保 Clause 11:Assurances and Guarantees:
The Sellerassures that the contracted item perform safely and steadily, andproduce the certified contacted products pursuant toAnnex3.
The Sellerassures that he is legal possessor/Buyer of suppliedKnow-how/Patent, and is entitled to authorized Buyer thesetechnologies.
The Sellerassures that the supplied know-how/Patent is complying with therequirement of advanced, industrialization and developed pursuantto Annex 2.
The Sellerassures that the supplied contracted equipments is brand-new, thetechnology is advanced, the quality is good, no any defect indesign, the raw material and techniques can perform steadily andfulfill the requirements of the contract and complying with Annex3.
Sellerassures that the delivered technical documents is perfect,clarified, nicety.
Sellerassures to send timely skilled technicians and provide specific,proper, sufficient technical service and technicaltraining.
Theguarantee period is twelve(12) months commencement with the date ofoperational acceptation. The detail stipulation is as described inAnnex 3.
第十二章 索 赔Clause 12:Claim:
12.1 如果卖方在设计、生产、检验、安装、试车、投料试生产、性能测试和保证期等过程中,未能履行本合同规定的任何义务,买方有权采取下列补救措施向卖方提出索赔:
If Sellerfails to perform any of its obligations under the Contract duringdesign, production, inspection, installation, test operation,commissioning test run, performance test, guarantee period, etc,the Buyer have the right of remedy to claim Seller.
12.2 卖方负担费用修理有缺陷的合同设备或消除合同设备的缺陷或与合同规定不符之处,如果卖方不能派遣技术人员到工作现场,买方有权自行消除该缺陷或与合同规定不符之处,费用由卖方负担。
The Sellershall repair the contracted equipments in defect or eliminate thedefect in contracted equipments or eliminate the deviation incontracted equipments with contract. If Seller fails to sendtechnicians to work site, Buyer has the right to eliminate thedefect or the deviation in contracted equipments with contract, thecosts and expenses will be on Seller's account.
第十三章 不可抗力Clause 13: ForceMajeure:
If eitherparty is prevented, hindered or delayed from or in performing anyof its obligations under the contract by fire, typhoon or cyclone,earthquake, flood or inundation and other event of unforeseen,unavoidable and beyond the reasonable control, then it shall notifythe other in fax of the occurrence of such event and thecircumstances. And send the other party the certified evidenceissued by entitled institute in express airmail thereof withinfourteen (14) days after the occurrence of such event.
The partyshall not be responsible for prevented, hindered or delayed from orin performing any of its obligations under the Contract by an eventof Force Majeure. Nevertheless, the party or parties affected shallpromptly notify the other in fax under the event of force majerehave ended or eliminated.
The twoparties shall promptly resume to perform any of its obligationsunder the contract until the force majeure have ended oreliminated, the conditions of contract shall be extendedcorrespondlyIf the performance of the Contract is substantiallyprevented, hindered or delayed for a continuance period of morethree hundred and sixty (360) days, any party may terminate thecontract via giving a written notice to the other.
第十四章 税 费 Clause 14: Taxes andDuties:
The Buyershall bear and promptly pay all taxes, duties, levies and chargesassessed on by all municipal, state or national governmentauthorities in connection with the contract or the execution of thecontract in of Indonesia.
The Sellershall bear and promptly pay all taxes, duties, etc. in connectionwith the contract or the execution of the contract outside of theIndonesia.
第十五章 仲 裁 Clause15:Arbitration:
Anydispute arising out of or in connection with the contract, whichcould not be settled amicably between the Buyer and the Sellershall be finally settled under UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules andprocedures under the auspices of the HONG KONG REGIONAL CENTER FORINTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION by an arbitration committee ofthree arbitrators. The Buyer and the Seller shall each appoint anarbitrator, and the two arbitrators shall appoint the third. If thetwo arbitrators fail to appoint a third within 30 days, theChairman of the CENTER shall appoint him.
Thearbitration committee(s) shall meet in Hong Kong and the languageof the arbitration shall be in Chinese and English.
The arbitrationaward(s) shall be final and subject to no appeal, and shall dealwith the question of the cost of the arbitration and all mattersrelating thereto.
Notwithstanding anyreference to the adjudicator or arbitration herein, the partiesshall continue to perform their respective obligations under thecontract unless they otherwise agree.
第十六章其它Clause 16: Thevalidity of contract and other matter:
The periodof validity for the contract is one years. Any unsettled debt andcreditor's rights shall not be disturbed by the expiration of theperiod of validity. The debtor shall clear the debt to creditorcontinuously after the expiration of the period of validity of thecontract.
Thecontract is compile with English and Chinese simultaneously. Twoedition with each language have same effectiveness in law. Thecontract is two, one for each party.
Theappendixes comprise the indivisible part of the contract, have sameeffectiveness in law with the text. If there are any conflictbetween text and appendix, the text is prior.
Any amendation,adding/reduction and change about the contract shall be reach atthe format of mutual agree and signed in written.
Without the approvalfrom the other part, each part shall not to transfer any right orobligation under the contract to third part.
16.6 双方之间的联系应以书面形式进行,涉及重要事项的传真应随后立即以航空挂号信件或特快专递确认。
Theconnection between two parts shall be in the manner of written. Anyimportant matter shall send by registered airmail or expressairmail for confirmation, after fax.
买方: Buyer:
授权代表签字:________Signature :(Authorized Representative)
授权代表签字:________Signature :(Authorized Representative)