A 2011 report: The incidence of earlypuberty in inland China, from ten years ago 0.5% has increased toat present 5%, appearing a rapid growth trend. 2004 study: In girls with precociouspuberty, bone development accelerated, matures in advance, andillness is more serious and accelerate with the more serious degreeof puberty advance. China Football Association in 2011 examinedbone age of 3306 youth players: Bone age of 690 players accountingabout 20% exceeded their actual age, maximum exceeding 3.8 years ofage. “Bone age with greatest difference toactual age was 3.8 years”, is similar to the age advancementof early puberty girls, does this reveal the actual prevalence ofearly mature boys is higher than determined only by judgment fromother aspects of sex characteristics? International authoritativejournal 2011 publish Chinese scholars study: For the first timereport gut flora participate the illnesscourse of precocious puberty. Shanghai Chinese traditional medicinespecialists early puberty prevention notes and Chinese traditionalmedicine prescription. EU considers that feeding-bottlescontaining bisphenol A (BPA) induceprecocious puberty, from March 1, 2011forbid production of feeding-bottles containing BPA.To blindly increase milk production,some farms will use hormones drugs to the cows.It is obvious, what kinds of “food”cause potential disruption harm to the natural conditionsof gut flora, or mightcontain estrogen or similar effect substance, for thehealth of children, at home as well as at school, should keep awayfrom such kinds of “food”!
Why Does Precocious puberty Rapidly Increase in ChineseYoung Girls Ten Years Increase Ten Fold, And Bone Age of ChildrenExceed Their Actual Age?
-- 禁止抗草甘膦转基因作物原料进口、开发、种植、销售理由之220
Translated & Edited by ChenI-wan
“GMTechnology & Mankind Safety”researcher
Chinese Specialists: Three major harms of early puberty togirls: [1]
女孩性早熟危害一, Early puberty harm No.1, 卵巢发育有一定规律性,女性一生几个卵子是定的,生育能力只有三四十年,卵巢这么早就开始发育、排卵,以后卵巢会有早衰的问题。 Ovarian growth have certain regularity, the total number of ovumfor women over her life is definite, she also only has thirty tofourty years capable of fertility, if the ovarian develops andbegins ovulation so early, her ovarian will also prematureearlier. 女孩性早熟危害二, Early puberty harmNo.2, 性征提早出现的同时,往往伴随有骨骼生长的加速,暂时看起来比同年龄的儿童长得快、长得高,但由于其骨骺提前融合,所以最终身高往往比正常人矮小,这对孩子的正常发育并不利。 When sex characteristics appears early, it at the same time isoften associated with bone growth acceleration, such childrentemporarily looks better than those of the same age, grow fasterand taller during their childhood, but because ofearly fusion ofepiphysis, such children at older ages often are shorterthan normal, causing negative effects to normaldevelopment. 女孩性早熟危害三, Early puberty harmNo.3, 对孩子整个人生的成长道路都会产生非常大的影响。如会让孩子感到很自卑等。性早熟严重影响孩子的身心健康。由于其青春期提前,性征提早出现,在女孩往往还在上小学的年龄就出现乳房发育,甚至月经来潮,此时孩子的智力和性心理尚未成熟,生活上还不会完全自理,容易引发多种问题。而且性早熟的孩子,可能因自己在体型上与周围小伙伴不同,而产生恐惧和不安,影响其正常的生活与学习,因此也给家长造成精神上和照料上的负担。 Early puberty has great impact on the growth and life of suchchildren. Such as making them feel very inferiority, etc. Neotenyseriously influences the health of body and mind of such children.Because adolescence advance, sex characteristics, breastdevelopment, and even periods begin toappear with such girls at elementary school agewhen the child's intelligence and psychological are not mature andstill can not completely take care of themselves, can lead to avariety of problems. Precocious puberty children, because findingthemselves different to their friends around, in size and otheraspects, tends to produce fear and upset among them, which affectstheir normal life and study, and causes burden to their parentsmentally and additional care. |
The 4th risk of "Early puberty" forgirls: They have an increased risk of breast cancer and uterinecancer, … because these girls have more time to be exposed to theestrogen hormone. [2]
Pubertystarting earlier for many girls: study, 许多女孩子们青春期到来的较早:研究 Jennifer Ashton, CBS News, April 12,2011 詹妮弗·阿什顿,美国CBS新闻,2011-04-11 Girlsare reaching puberty in life earlier than ever, researchshows. 一项研究表明,女孩子们比过去早的多进入青春期。 About15 percent of American girls now begin puberty by age 7, accordingto a study of 1,239 girls published last year in the journalPediatrics. One in 10 white girls begin developing breasts by thatage - twice the rate seen in a 1997 study. Among black girls, 23percent hit puberty by age 7. 根据2010年《小儿科》杂志发表的对1,239位女孩子进行的一项研究,美国女孩子们大约15%于7岁开始进入青春期。白人女孩子每10位就有一位7岁开始乳房发育– 这是1997年进行的一项研究的两倍。在黑人女孩子中,23%在7岁开始进入青春期。 On "TheEarly Show" CBS News Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton, anOB-GYN who specializes in adolescent care, said "early puberty,"also known as "precocious puberty," has risks forgirls. CBS新闻医学记者、青春期专家詹妮弗·阿什顿说,“青春期提前”,也称之为“早熟青春期”,对女孩子们有风险。 "Youhave to remember, this is occurring at a time of childhooddevelopment where all girls and children want to do is fit in andlook like the person sitting next to them," Ashton said. "It cangenerate a lot of fear. It's not cute. Adults can look at it andsay, 'Oh, how cute.' It's really an adult body, a developing adultbody in a child's age.'" Ashtonsaid the effects on girls can be emotional as well asphysical. “你必须记得,这发生在童年发育期间,所有的女孩与孩子都想合群,长的像旁边的人一样”,阿什顿说。早熟“能够造成很多恐惧。不是乖巧的事。有的成年人见到后说,‘奥,真乖巧’。她真的有一个成年人的身体,在童年发育了成年人的身体’”。阿什顿说,早熟对女孩子们的影响既是情绪上的,也是身体上的。 "Weknow that girls of that age can suffer from low self-esteem," shesaid. "They can be subjected to more peer pressure, increased risksof eating disorder, even depression. They are known to participatein sexual activity in an earlier age because of this. Also, theycan be shorter because we know that estrogen is one of the keyhormones in puberty closes off the growth plates and girls will notbe as tall as if they went to puberty in a laterage." “我们知道这个年龄的女孩能够遭受低自尊的折磨”,她说。“她们受到被更多凝视的压力,饮食失调的风险更大,甚至因此感到沮丧。人们了解这样的女孩因此而更低年龄涉入性活动。而且,我们知道雌激素是青春期关闭生长面的关键激素之一,导致这些女孩成年后较矮,她们的身高不如迟些进入青春期那样高。” So whyis this happening? 为什么发生这样的情况? It'snot clearly understood why this occurs, Ashton said, but some pointto the rise in obesity. 女孩子早熟为什么发生的原因不清楚,阿什顿说,但是有些人指向肥胖。 "Bodyfat generates the hormone estrogen, partially," Ashton said."Estrogen is part of the hormones that triggers puberty. A lot morechildren are overweight and obese. Environmental exposures, thingslike BPA (Bisphenol A) that are ubiquitous in our environment canhave hormone-like activity and research is ongoing as to whetherthat plays a role. And your family history - if your mother wentthrough early puberty, you have a greater chance of going throughearly puberty, as well." “体脂肪产生部分雌激素”,阿什顿说。“雌激素是触发青春期的激素。许多孩子过重与过度肥胖。环境暴露,例如BPA(双酚A)在我们的环境中无处不有,可以发挥激素样的获得,有关的研究正在了解它是否发挥这方面作用。还有你的家庭史– 例如你的母亲是否早熟,如果是的话,那么你早熟的机会也较大。” Early puberty could affect girls asthey get older, Ashton said. They have an increased risk ofbreast cancer and uterine cancer, she said, because these girlshave more time to be exposed to the estrogenhormone. 青春期提前可能在这些女孩年纪更大些时影响她们,阿什顿说。她们患乳房癌与子宫癌的风险提高,她说,因为这些女孩子更长世界暴露于雌激素。 "It'snot a trivial thing by any means," Ashton said. “无论从哪方面讲,这不是可以忽略的琐事”,阿什顿说。 Sherecommends talking to a pediatrician if parents notice signs ofpuberty at a young age. 如果父母注意到幼年进入青春期的迹象,她建议应当找小儿科医生咨询。 "Thiscould be a very frightening process for a child as well as aparent," Ashton said. “对于孩子以及父母来讲,这都可能是一个令人可怕的过程”,阿什顿说。 Ashton is the author of"The Body Scoop for Girls." 詹妮弗·阿什顿是《身体早熟的女孩子们》的作者。 |
China situation:
Areport in 2004: China early puberty average incidence was 1%;Guangzhou's children "precocious puberty" rates was 0.5% 10 yearsago which has now increased to 1.3%; Guangzhou children commonlyenter the age of adolescence when they reach 11 years old, comparedwith the original average 13 years; [6]
Astudy published in 2004: “Conclusion: (1) Girls with precocious puberty, bonedevelopment accelerates, matures in advance, and illness is moreserious and accelerate with the more serious degree of pubertyadvance. (2) Traditional Chinese medicine has obvious slowingeffect on children skeleton growth, and delays bone maturedevelopment.” [7]
China Football Association in 2011 examined bone age of3306 youth players: Bone age of 690 players accounting about 20%exceeded their actual age, maximum exceeding 3.8 years ofage [8-9]
The football association has held a national youth league bid andbone age testing conferences, according to the latest data, amongthe 3306 players accepting the bone age test, those of which boneage exceeds actual age players accounted to 690 people. Tang Feng,vice minister of competition of the football association, saidyesterday, most of the 690 players experiences earlier bodydevelopment, with only a few false age cases. According to the boneage examination data, the bone age with greatest difference toactual age was 3.8 years.
【Advisor Chencomments: “Bone age with greatest difference toactual age was 3.8 years”, is similar to the age advancementof early puberty girls, does this reveal the actual prevalence ofearly mature boys is higher than determined only by judgment fromother aspects of sex characteristics? Does this reveal that shouldalso consider advance extent of bone age as one of the importantcriterions for determining early mature boys? Is the mechanism andcourse of advance bone age for early mature boys the same as themechanism and course of advance puberty ofgirls?】
Result of 2001 – 2005 survey alongcoastal area of Zhejiang province: [10]
In survey of 23,000 children (kindergarten to the primary schoolgrade three), task group found 84 cases of precocious puberty, themale 9 cases, female 75 cases. Result: Zhejiang coastal areachildren precocious puberty incidence to 0.38%.
Investigation shows, town early puberty rate was 0.45%, higher thanthe 0.32% of the rural areas. The economic developed area incidence0.50%, higher than 0.32% of the less developed regions; areas alonghighways and factory pollution area incidence 0.52% compared withless pollution areas 0.28%, respectively.This shows that precocious puberty is influenced by environmentalfactors, and influenced by mother early menarche, take nourishingmedicine and diet and so on.
Shanghai 2005 report:[11]
2005年复旦大学公共卫生学院儿童少年卫生学教研室与复旦大学儿科医院联合进行的临床流行病学调查显示,目前上海地区儿童性早熟的患病率为 1%左右,仅次于肥胖症 ,占小儿内分泌疾病的第二位。此次调查是我国第一个最大宗性早熟的发病统计:3万余名被调查者,1%的发病率,与国外报告的性早熟平均发病率0.7%-1.5%比较接近。
A epidemiology investigation jointly carried out by the Children& Youth Health Staff Room, Public Health College ofShanghai Fudan University, and Pediatric Hospital of FudanUniversity shows, the prevalence of early puberty in Shanghai isaround 1%,ranking the second illness only to obesity, accounting for thesecond pediatric endocrine diseases. The investigation is China'sfirst precocious puberty survey statistics: from over 30,000respondents, incidence is 1%, which is rather close to overseasreported precocious puberty average rates 0.7% -1.5%.
A 2009 Survey: Chinese girl’s mean puberty age on average is 9.2 years,3.3 years earlier than 12.5 years 30 years ago[12]
In 2009, the Pediatrics Endocrinology & GeneticMetabolism Branch of Chinese Medical Society published a surveyshowed that Chinese girl’s mean puberty age on average is 9.2years, 3.3 years earlier than 12.5 years 30 yearsago.
Theeffect of hormone-like contaminants in the environment, intake offood or medicine containing sex hormones, are the main reasonspromoting early adolescence.
2010 Chongqing Pediatric Hospital Report [13]
Prof. Lei Pei-yunstudied children early puberty and treatment for a long time at theChongqing Pediatric Hospital. Prof. Lei confirmed, when theEndocrinology Dept. Early Puberty Clinic was established in 1990,every year it only received around 30 patients with early puberty,but received 300 such patients by 1998. By 2004, this increased toover 1000 patients. During recent years, they received about 2000patients each year. Calculation accordingly, the incidence of earlypuberty increases at a rate over 20% each year.
International authoritative journal2011 publish Chinese scholars study: For the first timereport gut flora participate the illnesscourse of precocious puberty [14]
Prof. Zhang Yongyu, Jia Wei, Chinese Traditional MedicinePrescription Examination & Systems Biology ResearchCenter of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,jointly with science research members of the Children’sHospital affiliated to Shanghai JiaotongUniversity, found obvious difference metabolic patterns betweenprecocious puberty girls to normal girls, the former tend to haveheavier bodies, and through further study found that the course ofprecocious puberty disease is directly related to alterationof three major perturbed metabolic pathways,catecholamine, serotonin metabolism and tricarboxylic acidcycle.
实验中还检测到6种与性早熟发病相关的激素,尤其是催乳素(prolactin)、促黄体生成素(luteotropic hormone,LH)、卵泡刺激素(follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH)、雌二醇(Estradiol, E2)与健康女童相比分别增高了0.7、1.5、1.6和11.5倍。并首次报道了肠道菌群参与性早熟的发病过程,以及代谢组学方法在疾病诊断方面的应用前景。这些研究结果还为剖析中医药治疗性早熟提供了潜靶点。
The study identified 6 kinds of hormones related to development ofprecocious puberty disease, especially prolactin, luteotropichormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol(E2)increases 0.7, 1.5, 1.6 and 11.5respectively compared tohealthy control groups. Thestudy was also the first to report that an alteration in symbioticgut microbial (gut flora)composition is involved in the development of CPP(Central Precocious Puberty)condition, and the application prospect ofmetabonomics in disease diagnosis method, these results of theresearch analyzed potential targets for precocious pubertytreatment by traditional Chinese medicine.
该研究得到国家自然科学基金和上海市教委“085”学科内涵建设经费资助,研究成果于2011年10月25日在国际权威期刊《Molecular and CellularProteomics》杂志上在线刊出,受到业内高度关注和评价。[15]
This study was supported by the National Nature Science Foundationand the Shanghai Education Committee “085” subject connotationconstruction supporting fund. The study was published on Oct. 25,2011 by the international authoritative journal “Molecular andCellular Proteomics”, and received strong attention and appraisewithin the concerned academic field. [15]
上海中医药专家提出预防早熟注意事项与中药治疗药方 [16]
Shanghai Chinese traditional medicinespecialists early puberty prevention notes and Chinese traditionalmedicine prescription [16]
Regarding treatment of precocious puberty with Chinese traditionalmedicine, specialists consider the clinicalsymptom of precocious puberty is “syndrome of hyperactivity of fire due todeficiency of kidney Yin”, propose treatment principle of “Moistkidney Yin, effuse hyperactivity of fire”, propose a prescriptionbased on Shengdi, Zhimu, Huangbo etc. have rather idealeffects.
Regarding daily diets, Prof. Zhang Yong-yu,Shanghai University of TraditionalChinese Medicine, and others suggest, should eat less necks ofpoultry, silkworm pupae, chicken embryo etc., eat less againstseason vegetables, Western fast-food, oil fried food; eat lessHealthcare products, like animal foremilk, royal jelly, proteinpowder, all kinds of “grow high, grow strong” oral administrationliquids, and avoid healthcare supplementary Chinese medicine,like Chinese caterpillar fungus, Ginseng,Longan, Flower powder, Toad oil etc.
Should also pay special attention to environment pollution,like detergent agents, pesticides, plasticproducts and excessive sunshine etc.
郑州儿科专家:避免不当食物导致性早熟 [17]
Zhengzhou pediatrics specialist: Avoid notappropriate food causing precocious puberty[17]
Is precocious puberty generated byfood?
But much precocious puberty are generated by "eating". According toLiu Jin-quan, Director, Children Healthcare Center ofZhengzhou Pediatric Hospital,many food contain hormones,especially fried foods such as fried chicken wings, fried potatochips and other Western fast food favored in the market, are likelyto cause the child adipose accumulation and abnormal earlydevelopment.
Zhejiang pediatrics specialist: Before childdevelopment is completed, children should not eat large amounts ofsoybean processed products [18]
WuMei-zhen, vice director, pediatrics dept. of Zhejiang People'shospital, explained, eating large amounts of soy products causeschild precocious puberty, mainly is because soybean and itsproducts contains soybean isoflavone, a kind of plant estrogen. Thechemical composition of isoflavone is very similar to estrogen,which can act as a estrogen substitute to promote bone cellgrowth.
According to the special function of the soybean products, doctorsat first applied it in the treatment of osteoporosis of menopausalwomen. Due to ovarian function decline of menopausal women, bodyestrogen level falls sharply; stimulation to osteoblast issignificantly reduced, easy to cause osteoporosis. Research foundthat soybean isoflavone can be used by post-menopausal women as anestrogen substitute to prevent osteoporosis. Therefore, doctorswill encourage in menopausal women eat more soybeanproducts.
However, the plant estrogen of soybean products acts like a doubleedged sword, has certain benefits to adults, but for children islike a dose of the "catalyst": if children eat a lot of soybeanproducts, the plant estrogen would disrupt the normal growth anddevelopment of the child, with the most direct consequences beingprecocious puberty, which if not found in time, and if timelyintervention is not adopted, could advance the child’s bone age,cause early healing of bone agewhich is one of the main reasons for shortstature. Therefore experts remind, it is necessary not tocontinuously eat a lot of soybean products for a long period oftime before full development of children, according to the child'sactual situation doctors will propose specific how much soybeanproducts are appropriate.
EU considers that feeding-bottlescontaining bisphenol A (or BPA for short) induce precocious puberty, from March 1, 2011forbid production of feeding-bottles containing BPA.[19]
Some time ago, EU considers that when heated BPA could separate outinto food and drinks, might disrupt metabolic process of humans, have negativeeffect on infant development and immunity, and even cause cancer.EU has from March 1 forbid production of feeding bottles containingBPA, and from June forbid import of any feeding bottles containingBPA into members of EU.
专家称奶源有含雌激素可能 [20]
Specialists says there is possibilityof source of milk containing estrogens [20]
The shadow of Melamine has not been completely cleared, mediastarts reporting about suspects that a brand of baby milk powdermight cause precocious puberty and breast development of infants.The Ministry of Health on August 10, 2010 responded that they cannot conclude connection between the precocious baby and particularfood or the environment. The reporter interviewed concerned expertwho expressed their opinions to concerned issues.
Wang Shuhuai, Researchers, China Veterinary Drug MonitoringStation
Jinghua Times: TheMinistry of Health spokesman said powdered milk does not allowdetection of estrogen, but you in the conference stated that "therules set the standard limit of detection", excuse me, is milkpowder allowed or not allowed to containestrogen?
Wang Shuhuai: Thespokesman said milk powder is not permitted detect syntheticestrogen material add to the product. The estrogen I mentionedrefers to natural estrogen hormones existing within the cow’s body,these hormones also exist within human body. This includes twotypes of hormone, the follicle-stimulating hormone and promoteprogestin. If milk powder contains these two types of hormones, andtheir content level conforms to international organizationstandards, this is allowed by the Ministry of Agriculture, is anormal phenomenon.
DingZongyi, Committee member, Children Health Special Committee toChina Medical Doctor Association
Jinghua Times: In whichlink of milk powder manufacturing is more likely occur the problemof adding hormone or hormone residues?
Ding Zongyi: It is not necessary to add hormones during the milkpowder process, because it won't improve the taste, will notincrease the production, will not reduce cost, and insteadsignificantly increase cost of production. From the perspective ofno benefit, no motivation, it is not possible. But, in cases of sick cows, and toblindly increase milk production, some farms will use antibioticsand hormones drugs. Therefore, can not eliminate such problemsexist at milk cow farms.
[2] Jennifer Ashton, Puberty starting earlier for manygirls: study, CBS News, April 12, 2011
[6] 广州孩子青春期提前二年 性早熟发病率也较高,信息时报,2004-09-12
Guangzhou children enter puberty two years earlier, early pubertyincidence is also rather high, Information Times,2004-09-12
[7] 李嫔at el.,性早熟女童骨骼发育异常的规律及滋阴泻火中药治疗的作用,中国中西医结合杂志,2004年11期
LiBin at el., Girls precocious puberty abnormal skeletal developmentlaw and treatment effect by traditional Chinese medicine whichmoisture Yin and purges heat within the body, Combine TraditionalChinese and Western Medicine Journal, 2004(11)
[8] 孙永军,足协称多数骨龄超标青少年球员系身体发育较早,京华时报,2012-02-25
SunYong-jun, China Football Association claimed that most youthplayers with exceeding bone age are due to body early development,Jinghua Times, 2012-02-25
[9] 北京体育大学,中国足协全国青少年足球联赛骨龄检测结果公示,2011-07-16
Beijing Sports University, China Football Association nationalyouth football league bone age examination results is announced,2011-07-16
[10] 金立鹏,浙江沿海地区性早熟调查出炉女童多于男童7.3倍,杭州网-都市快报,2005-05-30
JinLi-peng, Zhejiang coastline area precocious puberty survey, girls 7.3 timescompared with boys, Hangzhou website – City Express, 2005-05-30
[11] 近年我国儿童性早熟发病状况,医学教育网,2006-10-08
Recent year China’s children precociouspuberty situation, Medical Education Website, 2006-10-08
[12] 许晓青 姬少亭,新华调查:“性早熟”时代,我们怎样教育孩子?,新华网,2011-10-24
Xu Xiao-qing, Ji Shao-ting, Xinhua Survey:“Neoteny”era, how should we educate children?,Xinhua website, 2011-10-24
[13] 不良饮食致儿童性早熟直线上升 6成为女孩,重庆晚报,2010-12-20
Poor food causes rapid increase in children early puberty, 60% aregirls, Chongqing Evening News, 2010-12-20
[14] 金恒,我国内地女童性早熟发病率上升至5%,新民晚报,2011-11-22
Jin Heng, China’s inland girls early puberty prevalence increasedto 5%, Xinmin Evening News, 2011-11-22
[15] YingQi et al., Urinary metabolite markers of precociouspuberty, Molecular and CellularProteomics, Epub 2011 Oct 25.
YingQi et al.,早熟青春期的尿代谢标记,分子与细胞蛋白质组学杂志,在线出版,2011-10-25
[16] 徐瑞哲,治性早熟,上海专家开中药方,解放日报,2011年11月30日
Xu Ruizhe, Treatment of early puberty, Shanghai specialistprescription, Jiefang Daily, 2011-11-30
Isprecocious puberty generated by food?,Oriental Todays Daily, 2009-06-30
[18] 吃太多豆制品,6岁女孩性早熟,浙江在线健康网,2009-10-26
Eat to much soybean processed food, 6 years old girl reachespuberty early, Zhejiang On-line Health Website,2009-10-26
[19] BPA塑料奶瓶诱发性早熟欧盟今起封杀 京超市仍有售,新京报,2011年03月01日
BPA plastic feeding-bottles induce precocious puberty,EU from today forbids, supermarket inChina are still selling, Xinjingbao Daily, 2011-03-01
[20] 京华时报,专家会诊女婴性早熟原因暂不能断定与奶粉有关,2010-08-11
Jinghua Times, Experts consultation on causes of baby girlsprecocious puberty, at present can't judge if related or not withthe milk powder, 2010-08-11
