精装虚构类 Hardcover Fiction Bestsellers
Gone Girl: A Novel
The Racketeer
Merry Christmas, AlexCross
The Casual Vacancy
Threat Vector(Jack RyanNovels)
Cross Roads
The Forgotten
Notorious Nineteen: A StephaniePlum Novel
The Twelve Tribes ofHattie
The Black Box (A Harry BoschNovel)
The Last Man: ANovel
The Time Keeper
Flight Behavior: ANovel
Winter of the World: Book Twoof the Century Trilogy
The Round House
Two Graves(Pendergast)
Agenda 21
Cold Day: A Novel of theDresden Files
A Dance withDragons
Bring Up the Bodies
精装非虚构类 Hardcover NonfictionBestsellers
Killing Kennedy: The End ofCamelot
Thomas Jefferson: The Art ofPower
Killing Lincoln: TheShocking Assassination That Changed America Forever (ThorndikePress Large Print Nonfiction Series)
No Easy Day: The FirsthandAccount of the Mission That Killed Osama BinLaden
America Again: Re-becoming theGreatness We Never Weren't
Unbroken: A World War II Storyof Survival, Resilience, andRedemption
The Signal and the Noise: WhySo Many Predictions Fail — but Some Don't
Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When IDie: Musings from the Road
Behind the Beautiful Forevers:Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity
Wild: From Lost to Found on thePacific Crest Trail
A Higher Call: An IncredibleTrue Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of WorldWar II
Waging Heavy Peace

The Last Lion: Winston SpencerChurchill: Defender of the Realm, 1940-1965
The Patriarch: The RemarkableLife and Turbulent Times of Joseph P. Kennedy
Quiet: The Power of Introvertsin a World That Can't Stop Talking
Underwater Dogs
The Onion Book of KnownKnowledge: A Definitive Encyclopaedia Of ExistingInformation
Far From the Tree: Parents,Children and the Search for Identity
Antifragile: Things That Gainfrom Disorder