anembarrassingexperience quite an experience

Haveyouhad an embarrassing experience? Last week weasked readers about embarrassing experience. we received thousandsof letters. here is a selection.

anembarrassingexperience quite an experience

Tony: My mostembarrassing experience happened when i had just left university. ihad just started teaching in a Livepool secondary school. onemorning my alarm clock didn't ring. i woke up at half past eightand school began at nine. i quickly washed, dressed, jumped into mycar and rushed to school. when i arrived, the students had goneinto class. i didn't go to the office. but went straight intoclass.After two or three minutes the students began laughing. and icouldn't understand why! suddenly i looked down and understood. ihad put on one black shoe and one brown shoe.

Henry: The mostembarrassing experience i have ever had, happened two years ago.after seeing a film, my wife and i had lunch in our favoriterestaurant in town. then we decided to take a walk along thestreet. the street was busy and we started holding hands. suddenlymy wife saw a dress that she liked in a shop window, and stopped. istarted looking at some watches in the next window. after a minuteor two i reached for my wife's hand. there was a loud scream, and awoman slapped my face. i hadn't taken my wife's hand. i had takenthe hand of a complete hand.

James: my wife andi had decided to buy a new house. and i had made an appointment tosee our bank manager. i'd never met him before. i went into town inmy car and i was lucky enough to find a parking space outside thebank. i'd just started reversing into the space when another carmade us way into it. i was irritated. i opened my window andshouted at the man in the car. i ignored me and walked away. ittook me twenty minutes to find another space. as soon as i hadparked the car. i rushed back to the bank. i was ten minutes latefor my appointment. i went to the manager's office. knocked andwalked in. the manager was sitting behind his desk. he was the manwho had taken my parking space.


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谢谢朋友!很不错的资料。原文地址:fairly,quite,rather,very与pretty的用法区别作者:一路花香这几个词都可表示程度,用法区别如下:1. 含义上的区别:(1) fairly 语气最轻,尽管经常与褒义词连用,但由于语气较弱,往往不带明显的恭维或赞赏,通常

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中国国歌大全_Hey,man! U can do better than this, an... better than ever

中国国歌大全2007-01-31 21:33一、中国历史上的几首国歌(一)大清帝国国歌1.胎死腹中的《普天乐》光绪四年(1878年),曾纪泽出使英、法,两年后又兼任驻俄公使,谱写了名叫《普天乐》的歌曲,并作为“国乐”的草案上呈朝廷,但没有得到朝廷的批准,不

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