Edward·Cullen, born on June 3, 1901,he with natural handsomeappearance, confused eyes, and cold heart. Since 1918, won theSpanish flu and died, was rescued Carlisle, then 17 years old. Hehas compared to other vampires faster, but also see throughpeople's minds. Numerous times on the high school, he met Bella, hewas moved by Bella purity of heart, so deeply in love with her.
Isabella·Vance, born on September 13, 1987, in she 17 yearsold,her parents divorced and moved to Fox town living. High school,she saw Edward·Cullen, she was dazed eyes captivated him, and thusfell in love with him. After marriage with Edward, because childrendying bleeding rib fracture the spine, was Edward venom from avampire into the heart,To become a vampire,then 18 years old.
Carlisle·Cullen is the founder of Cullen family, Around 1640,his father was pursuing the course of vampires and vampire bitesfound, always maintain the 23-year-old youth.
Esme·Cullen, Edward's mother, because her son died in accidentsin 1892, she tried to commit suicide jumping was rescued Carlisle,then 26 years.

Rosalie·Cullen, Edward's sister, was betrothed in 1933 Rossiterpostmortem gold and his friends in the streets, Carlisle found andrescued, a vampire,then 18 years old.