Selfie 自拍
A selfie is a photographic self-portrait, particularly one taken with the intent of posting it to a social network.
Not since the days of Picasso has self-portraiture been so prevalent. Smartphones' high-quality built-in cameras and easy access to picture-enhancing apps are making "selfies" a ubiquitous form of self-expression among social-media users.
Budget wife/husband 经济适用女/男
"Budget wife" is the female counterpart of "budget husband," a concept introduced at least four years ago. The 2009 publication of the book Me and My Budget Husband popularized the term, and its 2012 transformation into a TV drama series fueled the term's further spread.
经济适用女(budget wife)是经济适用男(budget husband)的对照版,经济适用男这一概念至少出现在四年前。2009年,一本名为《我和我的经济适用男》的书让这个说法得到普及,而2012年这本书改编的电视剧让这个词被更多人熟知。
The word "budget husband" originates from the word "budget housing", government subsidized public housing for low-income households. As the name implies, budget husbands' economic power trails that of "diamond husbands" -- intelligent, educated, rich, and well-mannered men from respectable families. Nonetheless, a budget husband is the new ideal among Chinese female white-collar workers.

One of the main characteristics of a budget husband is that he be "normal." Not ugly but not too handsome; neither poor nor rich. In short: mediocre.
But this mediocrity promises stability. Budget husbands are reliable, both financially and emotionally. They will loyally stay at home and take care of the house; they will not go out to bars or have extramarital affairs. (Source: .theatlantic.com)
Phubber 低头族
Phubbing refers to the activity of being impolite in a social situation by looking at your phone instead of paying attention to the person you are with.
Have you ever been chatting to a friend and succumbed to the temptation, mid-conversation, of checking your mobile and apologetically interrupting the flow because you just can't resist replying to a text message? If so, then you're guilty of a 21st century impropriety now known as phubbing. People who can’t help checking their phones during a conversation are known as phubbers.
The word phubbing and its related derivations first appeared in 2012, formed from a blend of the noun phone and verb snub meaning 'to insult someone by ignoring them'.
Opinion polls indicate that a one-to-one conversation is the most frustrating situation in which to be phubbed, causing the victim to feel as if the other person is disinterested in them or the conversation in general. Travelling with someone in a car or on public transport, however, is deemed to be the most 'acceptable' situation in which phubbing could take place. (Source: macmillandictionary.com)
男闺蜜 Bromeo
The guy who your girlfriend is jealous of because you spend more time with him than you do with her. He is one of your most loyal friends and will not hesitate to back you up in any situation.
This is somewhat like platonic cross-sex friendships. For singles, platonic friendships can both be more valuable and more fraught with stress. It may exist, but they require both parties making their intentions clear from the get go. Women should be able to recognize when a male friend wants to be more than friends. Below are examples of when a male is showing that he wants to be more than friends.
Your male friend asks what you cooked for dinner and then asks when you will cook for him.
Your male friend calls you every night and talks about nothing much.
Your male friend suddenly becomes critical of your looks.
Fangirl/fanboy 脑残粉
Fangirl refers to a female fan, obsessed with something or someone to a frightening or sickening degree. They may have obsession over anime and video game characters, or over real people like the Orlando Bloom.
Similar to fangirl, fanboy is an extreme fan or follower of a particular medium or concept, whether it be sports, television, film directors, video games, etc.
Gayriage 同性婚姻
Gayriage refers to marriage to a person of the same sex. When two men get 'married', it is a gayriage, while marriage between a woman and a woman is a lesriage.
In a moral society "marriage" is the union of a male and a female, therefore someone creates another word for the un-natural union of a male to a male or a female to a female.
Mompetition 拼孩
Mompetition is the one-up rivalry that moms play making their child seem better, smarter, and/or more advanced than yours. It may involve two or more moms and any number of children, even full-grown.
These days the mompetition is much more overt. Moms make snide comments about snacks brought to the play date, outfits worn to the school sing along, or educational choices. They compete to prove their worth. They compete in an effort to prove that they are making the best choices every single day.
Social bubble 人际泡沫
Social bubble(orinterpersonal bubble) describes the situation in which people seem to have a wide range of social connections, but when it comes to real friendship, few remain in the circle. Following the wave of financial bubble and real estate bubble, social bubble is showing up among office workers in recent years.
Your office drawer is filled with name cards whose owners might be total strangers to you. There are many contacts in your instant messenger that you may never start a conversation with or whose name has slipped from your memory. You may have many “friends” in your cell phone contact list, but there is no one you can talk to when you are upset.
Showrooming 先逛店后网购
Showrooming is the practice of going to a conventional store to look at a product and then buying it online for a cheaper price.
There are certain things we may want to see before we buy, because any written description or image on the web, no matter how detailed, is just no substitute for looking at the real thing. This is where showrooming kicks in. We pop down to our local bricks-and-mortar retailer who has spent precious time and money displaying products in an appealing way, and check the thing out. If satisfied, we then go home and buy said item from an online retailer, who can give us a much better deal because it doesn't have the costly overheads associated with displaying products for consumers to examine.
Showrooming, it seems, is particularly prevalent in the purchase of electronic products, where consumers may like to test before they buy. People who engage in the practice, dubbed showroomers, often use mobile phones to check out the online prices whilst physically holding the product in a conventional store.
(Source: macmillandictionary.com)
Abenomics 安倍经济学
Abenomics refers to the new economic policy platform being rolled out by Shinzo Abe, the current Japanese Prime Minister. Abe assumed office on December 26 2012. Abenomics is a set of policy measures meant to resolve Japan's macroeconomic problems. It consists of monetary policy, fiscal policy, and economic growth strategies to encourage private investment. Specific policies include inflation targeting at a 2% annual rate, correction of the excessive yen appreciation, setting negative interest rates, radical quantitative easing, expansion of public investment, buying operations of construction bonds by Bank of Japan (BOJ), and revision of the Bank of Japan Act.
In terms of results, the yen has become about 25% lower against the U.S. dollar in the second quarter of 2013 compared to the same period in 2012, with a highly loose monetary policy being followed. In addition, the unemployment rate of Japan has lowered from 4.0% in the final quarter of 2012 to 3.7% in the first quarter of 2013, continuing a past trend.