1:SAIC公司为美空军研究开发高能微波http://www.cetin.net.cn/cetin2/s... 108&docno=71288
[美国《国防工业日报》2008年11月17日报道] SAIC公司收到美国科特兰德(Kirtland)空军基地空军研究实验室(AFRL)一份价值1600万美元的IDIQ研究开发合同,并发布了一份名为《电磁效应研究开发》的广泛机构公告。
$16M for SAIC to Research HPM Effects
http://www.defenseindustrydaily. ...-HPM-Effects-05161/
$16M for SAIC to Research HPM Effects
Nov 17, 2008 15:18 UTC by Defense Industry Daily staff
F-22: HPM emitter?
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Nov 5/08: SAIC Technology Services Co., of San Diego, CA receivedan indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract for $16million for R&D under a Broad Agency Announcement entitled“Electro Magnetic Effects Research and Development.” This researchwill examine aspects of high power EM lethality, with missions thatinclude survivability of military equipment high power microwave(HPM) environments, the development of HPM weapons, and therefinement of HPM-predictive modeling for inclusion into engagementand campaign-level models. The military woul like SAIC to makeoptimum use of available AFRL/RDH capital assets and to augment orcomplement AFRL/RDH capabilities, rather than pursuing its researchalone. The Air Force Research Laboratory/RDKP, Det 8 Directorate ofContracting at Kirtland AFB, NM manages this contract(FA9451-06-D-0222, P00009).
EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) is a side-effect of intense radiationbursts, usually from a nuclear weapon. Its effect is to fry mostsemiconductor-based electronics within its effective range, whichis to say most electronics these days. This gives EMP a potentialoffensive use via strategically placed nuclear airbursts. RepRoscoe Bartlett [R-MD] has led the charge on this issue inCongress, working to establish an EMP Commission that has reportedon the USA’s general vulnerability to such attacks, and furtherresearch continues. HPM includes EMP, but it can also be much lessdramatic.As one example, thereare claims that some modern AESA radars might be able to focustheir arrays, in order to produce a very localized HPM effect thatcould impair or even disable enemyradars.With AESA radars set to deploy inRussian and European fighters over the next decade, a betterunderstanding of the applied physics involved makes sense for bothdefensive and offensive reasons.

波音公司为美空军开发机载高能微波武器http://www.cetin.net.cn/cetin2/s... 108&docno=78608
[波音公司2009年5月15日报道] 4月27日,波音公司获得了一份价值3800万美元的合同,将为美国空军研究实验室(AFRL)的反电子高能微波先进导弹计划(Counter-electronicsHigh Power microwave Advanced MissileProject,CHAMP)开发一种非致命高能微波(HPM)机载演示器。
这项CHAMP联合性能技术演示(JointCapability TechnologyDemonstration,JCTD)计划将是第一个演示反电子HPM航空演示器的项目。
该项目为期3年,包括地面和飞行演示,将专注于技术集成和军事应用。波音公司作为主承包商将提供机载平台和系统集成。新墨西哥州阿布奎恩(Albuquerque)市的Ktech公司作为主要分包商将提供HPM发射源。桑迪亚国家实验室(SandiaNational Laboratories)将提供脉冲电源系统。
其实要了解AESA和EMP的关系很简单,用bing 搜索这两个关键词,第一个就是这个
Electronic Weapons: The EMP Beast From The Easthttp://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htecm/articles/20110725.aspx
While AESA makes fighters much more effective, it's the many otheruses of AESA that make this technology so attractive to warplanedesigners, and the Chinese. For example, the U.S. Air Force hasbeen equipping some of its fighters with electronic ray typeweapons. Not quite the “death ray” of science fiction fame, but anelectronic ray type weapon none the less. In this case, the weaponuses the high-powered microwave (HPM) effects found in AESA radartechnology. AESA is able to focus a concentrated beam of radioenergy that could scramble electronic components of a distanttarget. Sort of like the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) put out bynuclear weapons. The air force won’t, for obvious reasons, discussthe exact “kill range” of the of the various models of AESA radarson American warplanes (the F-35 and F-22 have them). However, it isknown that “range” in this case is an elastic thing. Depending onhow well the target electronics are hardened against EMP, moreelectrical power will be required to do damage. Moreover, theelectrical power of the various AESA radars in service varies aswell. The air force has said that the larger AESA radars it isdeveloping would be able to zap cruise missile guidance systems upto 180 kilometers away.