Dear judges, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.My name is WangXun, and I’m from school of economics andmanagement.
As we know, it has been a hot topic for a longtime whether we should learn English well. Some individuals believethat English learning is a sheer waste of time .On their part, infew circumstances will they use English .And college Englishlessons waste not just time but money. However, I hold theabsolutely opposite ideas that English learning is of greatsignificance. Here I have several reasons to support myviews.
First of all, we have to learn English because itis the most widely used language in the world. After all, it is nowthe 21st century,a century with the acceleration ofglobalization step. With the accelerating process of globalization,English has become the world's most useful language. It is easilyfind that English is the official language of 45 countries. Onethird of the world's populations speak English, 75% of televisionprograms are in English and three quarters of the messages arewritten in English. Even all the computer keyboards use Englishletters. Any conferences that dare to claim an international onewill have to use English. With the ability to speak English, we cannot only communicate with people from English speaking countriesbut also almost people all over the world because applicability ofEnglish is really board. As we can see, almost every university hasattached great importance to English learning, regardless of whatmajor you select. English is becoming a more and more importanttool for college students, especially for businessstudents.
Secondly, I have to point out that college Englishlearning is completely different from traditional learning. I thinkeveryone has the same feeling after taking college English coursesfor a whole year. When we were in high school, the main target wasto achieve high grades, so we usually spent much time learninggrammars and doing a large number of exercises to enhance what welearned. However, college English learning is quite different.Since we usually have a good fundamental, college English aims atimproving our abilities of using the language. So we are requiredto answer more questions in class. At the same time, we do moreoral English practice in groups. In these ways, we can improve ourEnglish to a large extent.
Apart from that, either a wonderful Englishwriting or fluent oral English will make you stand out to get anideal job after you have graduated from university.
All in all, I have every reason to believe collegeEnglish learning is quite useful .It's worth the efforts we pay onit.